out of cage

Chapter 244 Chapter 7.26 Give Miss Lan Long an Arrest Notice

Chapter 244 Chapter 7.26 Give Miss Lan Long an Arrest Notice
In the peninsula area where the fine snow collar is located.

As the ironclad warships from the north docked one after another, it aroused the novelty of the city residents,

Many small commodities that have never been seen before have flowed into the gathering place of citizens. These are common commodities of small commodities on the earth, but the design is slightly different, because the possible harm of mental residues must be considered.

For example, a clear glass mirror—er, such a clear mirror must be equipped with a closing structure and a latch.Because this is to ensure that there is a one in a hundred thousand chance that something weird will appear, and this small lock can be blocked.Of course, the back is also engraved with sacred patterns.

Insulated water bottle - water will pass through a large amount of heat energy after 83 degrees, but if the outer shell is rose fiery red, the temperature will flow much more slowly.

Industrialization has brought unprecedented material abundance, but at the same time it has also created complex reflections in the spiritual world (ether physical level).And some reflections are much weirder to mortals than in the past, so precautions must be taken.

Of course, for the nobles of the Peninsula Territory, the most noteworthy is the envoy sent by the Northern Territory, Knight Grace.

As the special envoy sent by His Royal Highness Carret, Grace is simply a model of nobility.

Tall figure, broad shoulders, handsome appearance and outstanding conversation, soon attracted Yingge Yanyu of many famous ladies.

Wei Keng was quite satisfied with his vision: "Sure enough, the dragon knight has an inexplicable attraction to dragon treasures and dragons."

An unknown inspector from the system inserted a sentence on the interface: "His charisma value is already high, so there's no need for you to choose it."

Grace's intervention naturally attracted the attention of the owner here.

The female lord in the blue dress held a lot of banquets for Grace, and as for the invitation to enter the scene, there were no less than three hints.

Half a month has passed, and the bureaus of both sides are being arranged.

in the castle,

There are two Hetherines sitting here, one sitting on the seat and the other leaning against the bed.The one leaning against the bed, his pupils are filled with flame blue, obviously this is the blue dragon.

The authentic Hetherine stared straight at the blue dragon lady.

Hetherine: "Now that you have controlled all the families on the Starlight Peninsula, you should realize that the empire is not infinitely tolerant of your behavior. The empire's northern fleet (Carret's fleet) has arrived, and they have noticed your actions Behavior."

Ms. Blue Dragon yawned, and when she covered her mouth with her hand, electric current jumped between her fingers (this is the breath of the Blue Dragon).

Seeing such an electric current, Hetherine couldn't help but take two steps back in fear——she has been trained by this dragon all these years.

The blue dragon lazily stretched his waist, and gently warned the "caged bird": "Your tone is getting tougher now, do you think I don't know, is that little knight you saw recently?"

Hetherine's complexion changed drastically, and she couldn't help asking the blue dragon, "What do you want to do to him?"

The blue dragon looked at Hetherine, and jokingly said: "It's nothing, I like this young knight very much."

On the other side, in the command cabin of an ironclad ship [-] kilometers away from the coastline of Thin Snow,
Robin is wearing armor and talking with his classmates around a hexagonal tabletop map with a fine grid of hexagons.As for him, he truthfully confessed that the gardener who repaired the garden had already seen the real Catherine—the two sides communicated with the language of flowers and the organ through the 20-meter-high outer wall of the castle.

According to his description, the Knights under the Industrial Party are clearly discussing "how to rescue the lady countess".

Robin carefully took out the map of the castle given by Hetherine.Although he saw that the room where Hetherine was held was only 20 meters high from the perspective of looking up, there were complex air restrictions on this straight line.People can't jump on it, and taking a ladder will also trigger magical counterattacks such as electric current or disintegration.

The corridor passage inside the castle is full of magic portals, so it is an extremely complicated maze, and it may be necessary to break through the walls many times to find the way.Of course, this will also alarm the magic guards in the maze.

The breakthrough must be fast,
Robin hopes to use the time of the banquet tonight to make a breakthrough.

The other brothers of the Knights could see that Robin was very concerned about Hetherine, so they couldn't help reminding him that he should maintain a normal state of mind.

After all, in the eyes of these orthodox knights, after Hatherine was found out, she should also marry their lord "Carret".As a guardian knight, there may be ambiguity with his wife, but it is absolutely not allowed to covet the lord's woman.

Robin had to calm down and understood his position, but he still did not change his determination to save Hetherine.

Oh, it might be true love.

After the other three captains of the Knights submitted the information, to their surprise, they agreed to let Robin go to the hero to save the beauty, and the rest would assist.

Several knights in the same class as Robin looked at each other, and they couldn't help guessing: "Robin may have become a pawn thrown by His Highness to explore the way."

Out of knight loyalty principles, they acquiesced to this result.Arrange the best equipment for Robin.

But then, to their surprise, when Robin went to prepare—the Northern Territory mobilized a regular military force, a force that could turn Longtan Tiger's Den upside down.

Tonight, the airborne regiment is about to arrive at the city of the peninsula territory. The knights will put magic marks on multiple landing points in the city to guide the airborne troops to key areas.

Carret's knight commander untied the scroll, opened the general military plan, and solemnly said to everyone: "This is the real plan, and everyone must resolutely complete this task."

The young knight commander now wants to offset the impact of Robin's departure from the team by emphasizing the importance of the mission.As for Robin, these young knights could only sigh to themselves: "My brother, wish yourself good luck, and don't fall in love with a woman you shouldn't love."

Although the group of knights was discussing the plan, Carret was not there.But on the ironclad ship where they were discussing, there were runes carved by Wei Keng inside every steel mortise and tenon joint, so Wei Keng knew the situation in the conference room. They let it go.

Especially that Robin, Carret took care of him carefully.

As a straight man, Carret, seeing this guy playing the piano and arranging flowers, couldn't help sighing: "This kid, doesn't he really like Hetherine here?"

The reason why he is now taken out of the plan and arranged separately is actually to prevent him from affecting the rest of the team.

Oh - in Master Carret's opinion, as the first knight to be "married", this, will this arouse the jealousy of a group of bachelors?
Wei Keng: "People don't worry about being few, but about injustice. But with me, there will be bread, milk, and every fool can put flowers. Don't be in a hurry, and don't be in a hurry. "

Robin is a knight that Wei Keng especially admires, brave and upright.Master Wei is ready to reuse.

In Master Wei's opinion, the peninsula territory is too small, and he thinks it may have delayed Robin's development.

This Hetherine?Carret felt that he had to take a good look at it. If he was "virtuous and virtuous", then he would make room for Robin and let him take root here and become the governor of the province.

Oh, by the way, Carret is quietly cracking the magic imprint that the blue dragon imposed on Robin.

Carret treats these knights like a big brother treats his younger brother. (Although they are actually two or three years older than Carret.) How dare this dragon attack Master Wei's cub?Well, under the principle of not hindering the fairness and justice of human society, Wei Keng is very defensive.

25 knights move in the night to save the princess and lead the army.Carret tacitly allowed these young knights to make their own decisions, which is to cultivate their ability to be independent in this era. (In short, it is to help these novices earn achievements so that they have higher growth potential in the future.)
And behind the whole plan, Carret also arranged enough margin.

Robin was on the first floor, and the proud and conceited blue dragon was on the second floor, thinking that Carret, like the king of the Aiger Empire, was also looking up at her wisdom on the first floor.As everyone knows, all planning and arrangements are on the third floor.Master Wei also deployed a net on the fourth layer and the atmosphere.

Carret contacted Grace and gave an order in an unquestionable tone: "Tonight, you go to the banquet, and at the same time order the teams to prepare for the attack. I want this dragon, and sing conquest for me on its stomach."

At this time, Grace at the noble banquet was dealing with some minor conflicts of the nobles.

He is too handsome, it is inevitable that he will attract others, and some nobles will challenge him because of this.

After Grace heard Carret's order, he immediately stopped his flamboyant detours on the martial arts arena, and directly threw away the long sword of the noble knight who challenged him.

The fourteen-kilogram knight's sword was as light as a pointer in Grace's hand.With such absolute strength, the young nobles around who admired Hetherine collectively suppressed the restlessness in their jealous hearts.

Grace glanced at these nobles who had been "enchanted".These nobles are pawns that the blue dragon used to test.

Grace responded to Wei Keng: "Your Highness, this is the wisest decision you have made this month."

Wei Keng then contacted another group: "Lian Na~"

The elf queen restrained her long hair with a force field, completely stuffed it into the helmet, and reported to Wei Keng: "Yes."

Wei Keng: "Tonight, please lead the team to control the field. My younger brothers (25 knights) come out with me for the first time. They must not have enough experience. You can help them control the field."

The elf queen, who was completely in the shape of an interstellar sniper, nodded and wiped her electromagnetic gun: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Three months ago, after she was summoned by Wei Keng, she had been arranged in the eastern forest to mediate the conflict between the industry and the druids.

As for now, when she needs to be used, she is called back as the sniper captain.

Wei Keng equipped her with a holographic invisibility suit comparable to the interstellar era. It not only hides light, but also hides smell and airflow.

As for her bow and arrows?Well, she didn't give her a bow and arrow, but a two-meter-long individual electromagnetic gun.The projectile of the electromagnetic gun is exactly ten centimeters long, an arrow-shaped depleted uranium armor-piercing arrow, engraved with densely packed energy-guiding runes.

With this thing, the basic attack can break through the sixth ring energy level, and the initial speed can reach 800 meters per second!

If she stores the energy for a long enough time, all the runes will be activated, and then the industrial reactor will be connected to the etheric world to guide the energy supply.Of course, the life of the barrel must be used up at one time, which can directly break through the energy level of the nine rings, and the initial speed can directly reach 3300 meters per second!
As for what can such an attack penetrate?At present, there are only fifteen experiments. In all the experiments, no matter whether it is a mountain top or a steel ingot with a thickness of two or three meters, it passes through it at once, and there is no suitable target to verify it.

After making all the arrangements properly,
Wei Keng, who was selling snacks in the urban area, took out a sign saying "Insufficient raw materials, closed from the evening of the 21st, waiting for reopening" and hung it at the door.

This made the travelers who came to buy it feel stunned, and couldn't help asking: "Sponge (the stage name of Chef Wei)! What raw materials are missing?"

Master Wei said with a helpless wry smile: "Everyone, please forgive me, the Dragon Blood Chili Sauce is not enough, I have to go back and make a new batch."

Evening time is coming soon.

All the groups set off quietly, and of course the one who played the leading role on the bright side tonight was Robin.

When he set off, he firmly held the sword in his hand.This sword was specially handed to him by His Royal Highness half an hour ago. It is a light blade specially designed to cut through the maze barrier.

Robin took a deep breath and set off, beginning to penetrate the maze.Of course, all of this fell into the calculations of that wicked blue dragon.

The dragon dragged Catherine together, watching the show from the crystal ball.

Her Majesty the Countess pretended not to be interested, but held her hand unconsciously.Obviously, he was very concerned about this knight, and he kept shouting in his heart, "Go!"

On the other side, Grace also entered the castle with the official negotiating documents from the industrial leader.

The blue dragon saw this scene in another observation mirror, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She felt that she had seen the tricks of humans.

She snapped her fingers.The finger-snapping message quickly spread to hundreds of kilometers outside the peninsula.

Five kilometers away, on the periphery of the iron-clad ship in the port, ripples appeared in the night-filled waves, covered in algae, and muscular half-human half-whale monsters floated out of the water, and they quietly approached these moored ships with huge iron anchors. Ironclad ships on the coast, awaiting the orders of their queen.

Twelve years ago, the Kraken attack on the peninsula territory was caused by this group of marine creatures.

And this group of marine creatures had already been controlled by the blue dragon before that. ——So this is actually a long-planned conspiracy.

First, it sparked a big war and consumed the energy of the Aiger Empire.Then silently cursed the lord of the area, causing all male heirs to suffer misfortune.Then, it seemed that they both took a step back from the Aiger Empire and stopped the Kraken from marching, but they quietly infiltrated into the upper layer of the fine snow collar.

With such a step-by-step conspiracy, it is no wonder that Grace defaulted the black hand behind the scenes as the green dragon at the beginning!
However, such an ingenious conspiracy, after encountering the great success of farming, has a big axis, and urgently needs some kind of "industry" that can crush something dignifiedly.

On the lighthouse at night, Carret looked at the guy who was on standby by the sea and was about to attack his ironclad ship, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "This kind of conspiracy, after knowing what kind of existence you (Blue Dragon) is, actually Take precautions."

Carret raised the pen, the tip of the pen turned into handwriting in the air, wrote a letter with his own hand, and swung it towards the southeast direction, which is the direction of King Aiger's capital.

The magic letter turned into a thousand paper cranes and flew south, before disappearing from view after a while.

In the letter, Carret "sincerely" explained how the fine snow collar was infiltrated by the blue dragon.

Well, Carret knows that his uncle actually knows, but after he says "honestly" as an "honest person", it will be convenient for him to do "honest things" next.

Throughout the letter, Carret said one thing behind his sincere words, "The blue dragon here is too deceptive, so I must take care of my nephew."

As for Carret, who is a nephew, what exactly do you want to do?Uncle King's orders are now too late.

On the castle side, there is a drama between the righteous dragon knight and the evil dragon.

In a brightly lit living room lit by dozens of candle sconces.

Grace, the dragon knight, faced the "Countess" with her breasts exposed, and preached in the most sincere tone: "The Mokai family (Catherine) family is for the empire and for mankind to resist the invasion of sea monsters, which leads to inheritance cut off.

My Highness believes that such a heroic family should not be extinct, and its fief should not be merged into any family because of marriage. "

The blue dragon looked at the knight with a smile: "So, that's why His Highness Carret didn't want to come."

She slowly approached Grace, blew on his side, and said, "So, he gave you to me?"

Grace turned to her and said, "Miss Catherine will be all right."

After the blue dragon was hit, he covered his mouth and smiled "giggling", but while covering his mouth, the dragon's face and fangs protruded from behind his fingers, and then returned to the face of a beautiful woman.

She didn't hide it anymore, turned on the mirror, and played Robin who had broken into the core of the maze.The knight has now driven his motorcycle all the way to the real Catherine's boudoir.

With a slight movement of her fingers, a huge cage fell down on the interface.Blocked Robin and Catherine.

She looked at Grace with a look in control of everything.However, she found that Grace was quite calm, she paused, and was about to open the mirror to show her other bargaining chips, such as the sea soldiers on the coast,
She was suddenly taken aback by the situation.Suddenly, she noticed something.

Grace stood up slowly, and said to her: "Your Majesty, our Highness has just notified me to declare war on you."—Actually, the original words of Carret, who was sitting on the angular aircraft a few kilometers away, were: "Issue an arrest notice to Miss Blue Dragon."

 Carret's attitude towards those 25 knights is: Stupid Odoudou
(End of this chapter)

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