out of cage

Chapter 272 Chapter 7.54 is over, the fruit is endless

Chapter 272 Chapter 7.54 is over, the fruit is endless

In Fengfuli 3612, the economic area of ​​the Kingdom of Aiger has seen a huge improvement, and when some positive things grow stronger, its problems are further deepened.

When Wei Keng first arrived, he discovered the disadvantages in the factory: the Austrian world can only maintain a factory area with a scale of thousands of people.

If the scale of the enterprise organization expands to more than [-], the social environment between people is too large, and indifference will easily arise.And in the gap of indifference, when a few people are forgotten, bound by the industrial system to do repetitive work, it is easy to produce spiritual pollution.

In terms of heavy industry, take the direction of technology-intensive industries.The number of people is still manageable

In steel, chemical, and heavy machinery processing, high-level rune masters are responsible for operating thousands of rune structures in automated workshops. Occasionally, a group of intermediate-level rune students will try to operate the process with the acquiescence of the person in charge.
However, light industry is a labor-intensive structure, and the scale of the industry is often in the competition, reaching tens of thousands of people unconsciously.The impact of such a drastic change in the social environment on ordinary people is unprecedented.

Wei Keng has personally experienced the difference in rules in this world.

In this world, as a "mortal", his spiritual power seems to be soaked in water.

In the main world, when you don't want to think independently, you can choose to be numb.

[Wei Keng's hometown has a saying that "time will dilute everything".In the arcane world, you will find that emotions are more likely to remain and accumulate.In this world: "Time strengthens everything". 】

Wei Keng: Objectively speaking, young arcane apprentices can use the tunneling information remaining in the phenomenon to project their own spiritual power during meditation to form a spiritual imprint for manipulating spells.On the other hand, if ordinary people accumulate negative emotions, they are more likely to suffer from depression.

Generally speaking, in this world of "information storage on quantum phenomena", many negative emotions are difficult to dispel, unless you believe in gods and let gods open a gap in your soul for you.

Ethnic groups such as dwarves have the highest proportion of workers, and their beliefs are also the highest!After praising the casting supreme, drink a glass of wine, sleep soundly, and all troubles are eliminated.

Whether it is the main world or the arcane world, the larger the human team, the more difficult it is to maintain absolute order.

The negative pollution called "chaos" in the arcane world did not dissipate as fast as in the main world.

In such an era, the Kingdom of Egg is shaking.Bear the brunt of the year or the South.

With the rapid development of light industry in the south of Eiger, the scale of various small commodity economies continues to expand, but it is at the lowest end of the industry.

This land, where the peasant uprising was born decades ago, still has many contradictions, so that it is the most backward area of ​​Eiger at all levels.Violent gangs of the new era are born here, as well as vicious crimes,

Although this piece of land caught the last train in the industrial age, it didn't get enough dividends, and even got a little bit introverted.

If the Industrial Party does not handle it well, the attribute of "industry" here will be biased towards "order and evil".

Under Carrett's leadership, the Industrial Party invested a lot of subsidies in the region.

For example, food subsidies, you can eat cheap food in public welfare stores (provided that waste is not allowed).

The Austrian law learning subsidy for young people directly subsidizes the apprentices who have reached the age to study the Austrian law every year, and a considerable number of places are given to enter the Northern University for further study.

The two-pronged approach of basic survival at the most grassroots level and the provision of upward channels barely prevents major governance problems from appearing here.

But is that the case? In this area, unlike the social environment in the north where the middle and upper reaches of technology are mastered, extreme individual incidents occur frequently here!
In short, the perversion mentality of revenge society is also high.

The northern concept of community sharing doesn't work here.

Typical case: In the vending machine, someone will deliberately poison the beverages sealed with glass bottles and iron caps.And the reason for poisoning is outrageous.

Afterwards, it was found that these criminals were often middle-aged: there was no reason, because they thought they would not be discovered, and at the same time, life was too boring, and they wanted to watch a few people die to make the atmosphere tense.

In the case of being able to eat relief food and without the constraints of livelihood, the whispers of the devil will make idle people think more strangely than before. ——This is a pathological transition from the Middle Ages to modern productivity too quickly.Social immaturity.

Master Wei: When I was a brat myself, I did similar things, such as standing on the wall and spitting at people, thinking that I would not be beaten, and wanted to see the appearance of others in a state of dismay.

Cases that can also be used for reference include: on the bridge of the highway, the mentality of "uneducated children" who threw stones at the bus!

Doing it recklessly and not being willing to be responsible for it is childish!As an adult, you must be aware of the consequences of your actions.

If you let others suffer great harm, you can't bear it yourself.And when there is no way to deal with the aftermath.

In my heart, I should strictly restrain this kind of behavior with a red line!
Oh, the mortals of this world are diodes.Often as long as you think about it, you can't stop it.Unless there are clear guidelines from the gods of faith.

Wei Keng's idea is to talk about "order" and "freedom" based on consequences: if the consequences are small, you can be as free as you like.But if the consequences are unbearable to others with the same 'human' attribute as oneself, there must be "order".

But mortals in the arcane world find it difficult to understand this truth.Or maybe they couldn't accept it if the divine tome was too complicated.

Either it is absolute order, and even the slightest thing should be bound to death by precepts.Either it's absolute "chaos", messing around with no regard for consequences.

Bai Linglu reminded: Gods manage the mortals in this world (one size fits all) because the mortals themselves do not have "weights and measures".

And Wei Keng's industrialization needs to leave a line. So far, all the "lines" are left by Wei Keng.Mortals in this world do not have the ability to effectively discuss how much "line" is left, and to control the direction of discussion.

Therefore, in the large number of undrawn places in the south, in the Internet world dominated by the "Alliance of Truth", what has evolved is called chaos!
When the "female troupe" minstrel team became popular in the mainland,

Affected by this, [-]% of the idiot fans are in the south.It was affected, and even ignored the bottom line to attack "public security personnel" and "organizations that sacrificed to maintain order".

On August 8th, at the performance in the south of Eiger, the local government mobilized reserve forces to maintain order and prevent stampedes on the scene. Fans of individual groups could not squeeze in, so they could directly smash the personnel maintaining the scene with bricks.

Oh, this kind of confusion in individual cases will be judged the next day.

Then a few months later, he was dispatched to the northern continent to grow vegetables.And that girl group was directly and completely banned by the industrial management department.

The Alliance of Truth attacked through the Internet, and the Industrial Party also has corresponding counter-attack methods.

The "Paper War" spread directly along the Internet, and became popular in the south, and it was directly spread to the arcane apprentices on the side of the Alliance of Truth.

Compared with the fanatical chaos of the "female bard team" brought in by the Alliance of Truth,

The p club discussion forum of "Paper Wars" is absolutely orderly and evil.

In each competition, it attracted millions of fans to watch.

In 3609, a female bard made a statement that "it is a bad habit for boys to play games", and was quickly counterattacked like a tsunami.

This female troubadour, who was used by the "League of Truth" to find the way, was immediately pointed out of countless shortcomings, and the mental power formed by the huge vicious words directly projected a very strong negative effect in reality.

[Have you seen the scene where crows specifically shit on their concerts?Yes, it was cursed by the p club discussion forum.And that's a relatively light curse. 】

This scene once caused the mainland's information center to shut down for three full days.The Alliance for Truth wants to cut off the "Paper Wars" campaign.

Of course, this is useless, North Industries Group has the infrastructure to provide Internet communication.The center is broken, and it will be held directly internally, bound to the information frequency band of the energy network, and broadcast live towards the entire network.

In this field of using new technologies to gather belief power to create "divine-like power".

The arcane masters of the "science" camp found that the "industrial" camp had been following closely, and it was even more ruthless.

In the ranking list of men's hearts, chasing "excellent looks of the opposite sex" is lagging behind "games".When you are the only one chasing the opposite sex, if you think you can catch up, you can be crazy.But when many people of the "opposite sex" are chasing after them, chasing them by themselves is just following the trend.

But "games" are different. The more people play, the more popular they become. Once they get caught up in it, they will become more united.

This is the layout countermeasure Carret carried out when he discovered that the succubus had come to Fengfu Continent.

[A certain young supervisor under Bai Linglu asked Wei Keng: The female succubus is restrained to death, what if the male succubus is suppressed?Master Wei: Don't ask me, I'm not a woman, it's enough for a man to take care of himself.I can't control whether the other gods of order teach female virtue or what. 】

Alliance of Truth.

Under the blue and black robe, Sainz's body, looking at the current situation, has been thinking on his face.

As the spokesperson of "science", he has the peak intelligence and is "unthinking" about almost everything.But now he is hesitating.

Last year's Internet crash,
He has determined the layout of "industry" on the Internet.For such a grand game banquet, the frenzy of the people of Iger broke out, no less than the "World Cup" in the 20th century.

And this year, the play rate continued to increase.

At this time, Sainz saw that this year's opening ceremony was like this,

The first is the huge subtitles.

"W": Select all framed unit types.

"A": Designate the target to attack forcibly, even if the target is a "tree", the most violent artillery fire must be given, and the "tree" may be a phantom.

"H": mobile attack, aggressive stance.

The "G" interface switches back to the construction sequence and continues to storm.

This is the most frequently used combination shortcut key in Paper Wars.

On the Internet, the Kirov airship built with the six-ring paper arcane flew over the ice sculpture building in the northern continent.

And the Apocalypse Tank of the same level debuts in the snow racing.

In the melody of "give it to him in Jinkela", rows of templars holding shining blades appeared on the stage.Oh, on the ridge, there appeared a "stalker" mecha that flickered in space.

The Internet is full of orgies.

The slogan "Waaagh" was chanted by millions of people watching the battle.

The host also shouted: "All fighters, let's start a Waaagh!"

And got the response,

Naturally, cheers: "Waaagh!"

And at the network terminal, Sainz, who was watching the event, looked very solemn, and he felt the continuous power of faith in the Internet converging towards the event.

In high-level competitions, the high-level structure behind all the arms of "Paper War" has been completely formed by controlling energy with divine power.

In an era of peace, the needs of mortals on the other side of ordinary life are perfectly collected by such events!

Sainz was thinking: If he continues to shoot, what kind of counterattack will he encounter?

However, Sainz was wrong. This time, Carret didn't wait for him to make the first move! ——Of course, it can also be said that Sainz stretched out his hand too long in the past, and now it is too late to retract it.

Wei Keng's split bodies were all dispatched today.

Although the souls of "non-static stasis clones" are scattered in various bodies, all of them are damaged and all of them are prosperous, which is extremely risky.

But in fact, it is quite difficult to kill Wei Keng's body!
The souls of others are split, and once they become independent consciousness, there will be repulsive power.But Wei Keng, as the emperor of the Pandora plane, has a higher awareness of cooperation between the splits than imagined.

When any one of the fragments encounters a crisis, the magic circle will send out a large number of combat puppets in an instant—and then Wei Keng will start to analyze all the targets in the form of legion cooperation.escape?No, he can fight back.

Finally, Wei Keng's split body can also use other split bodies as coordinates to flash past!
Wei Keng uses the dimension computer to check the calculations, and the gods can also deduce Wei Keng's situation on multiple time and space!

Ms. Lucky is not even willing to calculate, which shows how impeccable Mr. Wei is.

(The main battlefield of the Second Plane War, with millions of timelines, and a large number of traversers tried a lot. As a result, during the battle, I didn't even get a full view of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.)
However, now Wei Keng seems to have given him a chance.

"Golden House"

"Xianxun City"

"Wanxiang Building"


In the cities built on the mainland, at the gates of these dozens of high-end places, with the emergence of the space teleportation array, several Wei Keng appeared in each place.

Wei Keng boarded these luxurious clubs with his suitcase and exclusive banknotes.

Industry creates wealth and concentrates wealth upwards.

Just as the high-ranking priests in the temple can't restrain their desires, the same is true for industrial managers.

Wei Keng had locked them up for a long time, and he closed the net today.

Using the "enchantment" spell to clear the way, Wei Keng arrived at various buildings at various locations at the same time.

In these mansions, the depraved bureaucrats in the industrial areas are still enjoying the tenderness to the fullest.

Next, at all locations, a plot similar to the following will occur simultaneously.

With a bang, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open.

"Who are you, who let you in, come on!" The naked bureaucrats panicked.

On the other hand, the girl possessed by the succubus was very pitiful.

Wei Keng ignored the rhetoric of these "Iger bureaucrats" such as "learning foreign languages" and "discussing arcane truths".

The succubus "bard troupe" of the Alliance of Truth came to the north, and the essence of being able to mess with them is that ordinary people tend to lose themselves in the rise of power and money.

Wei Keng and the others directly took a bucket of water and sprinkled it on, and then used a forced dispersal ritual to force out the succubus breath, and then flickered away on the spot.

In the north, in the former site of Snow Fort.

Carret sat here. This was the old place where he was born, and it was also the place where "Gillis Xingche" summoned the succubus and finally cursed the family.

There was no one else around, and Carret didn't let any followers follow him this time.Only Danny was there.

Carret asked him to put on his armor and stand aside without saying anything.

Danny looked at Carret, who was sitting in the center, and there were space doors flickering around him, and the same person came out, realizing that this was a big deal.

However, when these "clones" arrived with the breath of chains,
A pink magic circle gradually flickered in the center of Carret, who was sitting at the table drinking. From the point of view of the magic energy circuit, it was forcibly activated.

And around this pink magic circle, a large number of metallic silver magic circles flickered correspondingly, opposing the pink magic circle.

In the end, as the auras of succubus converged, a hot woman appeared in the center of the magic circle, oh, succubus projection.

When the succubus appeared, Danny couldn't help being drawn to her.

However, as a beam of light flew over from a magic circle, he woke up.

Carret glanced at the succubus present, as if he glanced at the props present, and didn't say anything to her,
This succubus obviously fell into a state of frenzy after saying "cute person, call me, do you want love" and was ignored.

Carret looked up at the sky, took out a pen and ink, and drew his own divine emblem.Immediately afterwards, the divine emblems of "science" and "machinery" were drawn.

The will of the two god-agents was also pulled to the scene.

On Sainz's side, he was still watching the "Paper Wars" competition just now, and after being forcibly pulled to the scene, he obviously realized something.

What does he want to say.

Wei Keng glanced at him indifferently: "You are not as good as me!" - this is a very rare statement by Wei Keng who has always emphasized that he is a middle-aged man.

Sainz's face changed suddenly, he was looking at the scene.Trying to judge what the hell Carret is doing.

360 Among the five clones, none of them focused their attention on him.Instead, they all silently unfolded their own interface, which played back their experience of working in this world.

[In the supervisor space, thousands of supervisors also paid close attention to this scene at this time, and directly compared the situation at the end of the empty twisting plane.The two are highly similar, and Wei Keng is sifting through the real memories reverberating in his consciousness. 】

Wei Keng is not a villain with a lot of nonsense, nor is he a protagonist with a lot of words and a strong ability to talk.

Finishing everything in silence is Wei Keng's most distinctive feature.

Wei Keng opened the space door, and a gigantic cone of light pointed at the succubus. When the succubus projected a frightened denial of "what do you want to do, no, no, you can't, you can't do this", the light cone turned the big succubus The demon inserted the curse circle back into the abyss together.

The scene where the magic circle is inserted back into the abyss is like a piece of cloth laid flat on a deep hole. As the stick is inserted into the hole, the cloth is brought into the cave.

At the same time, at the "Paper Wars" campaign meeting,
The fighting world opens up.

Moderator: "The battlefield carrying high-level combat modules has been opened, and the holy waaagh has begun!" - The initial arms and battle bases are opened.

And on this day, the great demons of the "Abyss" started a new involution.

Different from Tadari's "humanoid demon", the form of the new demon is often mechanical, with tracks, propellers, and jet engines.

They will always reflect into the abyss on certain industrial planets, and then carry out seemingly useless destruction.It comes once a year, continuously, like a "natural disaster", and everywhere it goes, there will be a cannonball.

As for who brought this kind of thing, no one knows. ——It’s just that a big succubus imprisoned in a cage seems to have received more punishment for it.

After returning to the scene and solving the succubus,
Wei Keng clapped his hands and said to Danny: "The matter of the Xingche family has been settled, and there is nothing owed now."

Danny didn't realize anything when he heard Uncle Carret say this, but then saw Carret and many clones gradually turned into illusions.

Danny froze for a moment, and asked, "Uncle, are you going to the Kingdom of God?"

Wei Keng smiled: "The Kingdom of God, huh? Haha, I don't have that divinity!" Then he turned to Sainz and asked, "If I'm like this, you should be able to develop independently."

Sainz, on the other hand, gritted his teeth and looked at Wei Keng.After a long time, he said: "If you do this, the 'industry' will have no owner."

Wei Keng smiled at him, which made Sainz feel a warning.

The two sides have been fighting for so many years, Sainz, but they have never taken advantage of this Eastern traveler. A large number of advanced planning of 'industry' suppresses the space led by 'science'.Especially just now, Carret personally declared the words "I am better than you".

Wei Keng disappeared, and the self-folding on this plane has been completed—the so-called soul, not a single bit of it was left out, it was all suppressed into the beginning!
As the most powerful mortal in this world, if he wants to become a god, he must have a high degree of order and sculpt his own consciousness.And the confusion in the consciousness that carves away. ——That's what the big succubus wants to get.

But Wei Keng did not sculpt, but compressed infinitely, and his nature was compressed to a point.

Concrete thinking has been compressed into the information space of "closed cause and effect", completely isolated from the world of arcane law, and what remains in the world of arcane law is the simplest information, such as some "inclinations".

For example, the disposition towards fairness and justice in industrial society.This remains in the human body.

And the "inclination to be free and wanton in vain" was smashed into the game world, and through the complicated operation just now, it opened up the abyss plane and was guided to release on the abyss plane.

It can be said that in the abyss, every mechanical demon "Deceptor" grows based on this "primitive chaotic tendency".

Narrator: Mechanical demons will also be summoned to the mortal world by those who are proficient in relevant occult knowledge.This will be dealt with by the clergy of the deities "Industry", "Science", and "Mechanics".

Of course, the mechanical demon is "waaagh", very aggressive, and not easy to hide.Most of the time, it is not a good choice for low-key mystic scholars to summon, but to stay in the abyss to accept the faith infused by the game and launch the "fourth natural disaster".

Wei Keng still exists in this world, but it is greater than zero, but infinitely close to zero.

Wei Keng, who compressed himself into a "cause" in this way, participated in the creation of the industrial godhead, but did not take up this godhead.

And the godhead of industry cannot be picked up by others, it can only be linked together with the rotation of "science" and "machinery" like linked gears ("industry" starts to lie flat)
And because when creating the industrial godhead, it also participated in the casting of some scientific concepts, so it cooperates perfectly with science.

only!In the next series of futures,
After science is completely flattened by "industry" and drives science to operate, if there are some small dislocations, then such dislocations are not in "industry", but in "science".

Because the spokesperson of "science" did not like the creators of "industry" to take the scientific route in the early days, so now, the original cause has caused an irreparable effect!
After checking back with the space-time computer, many things became clear.

On the other side of the main world, it is time to clarify the responsibilities of all parties.

(End of this chapter)

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