out of cage

Chapter 332 Chapter 9.22 Being caught in the risk

Chapter 332 Chapter 9.22 Being caught in the risk

If we carefully analyze from the lower reaches of history, in 2288 in the Qin Dynasty, the economic and social development of western China, as well as the development of countries in western Asia, is the last piece of stability in the world.

And compared with the western part of China.This is the case in other parts of the world: upper-level interest groups have lost room for incremental development economically, and have lost the ability to transform major structures in terms of social structure.

When the governors are unable to make a positive impact on the economy and society, they elect more and more flashy politicians, and the TV speeches can make pet cats and dogs steal the spotlight, and the policies they introduce are becoming more and more strange. Steal the limelight in eccentric directions.

It's like poor students like to achieve in other areas when they can't get good grades in the exam.For example, if you put your mind to it, you can turn your pen smoothly, and how many people can go home together after school.

Politicians in the lower regions of the world want to make a difference—at least let many people see that they have made a difference, so they can only promote internal and external conflicts.

And when most countries are abnormal and are pushing the contradictions outward, the basic cooperation framework of each region will be destroyed, and more regional interest groups will stop being human and start to actively create conflicts.

Now in the western part of China, it seems so clever and clumsy.

As for the Dashi area, it is dragged by the engine of the western part of China, and it can still carry out economic development and construction normally. This allows the establishment of the Tianzhuyang Economic Circle to still firmly hold the right to speak. (Once the cake cannot be made, the establishment will not be able to control the operation, and the power will have to give way to the populists who were born as warlords.)
According to the evaluation of later generations, the plateau region has made great contributions to world peace strategically at this time!
But even so, Wei Keng, the strategist on Tianzhuyang, was still very uneasy about the future.

In Wei Keng's view, too much balance has been broken by the Eastern and Western politicians, and sooner or later they will slide into the crisis of war.

For example, Wei Keng noticed that with the fierce battle between Europa, the Silk Party in his own camp had quietly intervened in the European region.

The Silk Party is a party leader of a commercial and private nature.

Forming a party is because of interests.The Western Region Party, which is linked by the Silk Road, takes trade as its interest.In times of peace, it is natural that all kinds of consumer goods are for the benefit, but now is the age of war, and war money is the best to earn.

Europa needs to mine raw materials on a large scale for war and produce them locally.A large number of industrial machines in western China are exported directly from the Bay of Bengal and sent to East Africa.

In the past, these machines were exported with a complete set of Eastern operating standards and data networking, which is equivalent to China's successful insertion of intubation tubes into Africa.This is a great opportunity that has never been seen in a century.

Having mastered the key handle of Europe's dominance in Africa, it is natural to be more relaxed in terms of loans.A lot of machinery is now delivered to EUNEX without payment.

In peacetime, it is the uncle who owes money, but in wartime, it is the uncle who borrows money.

But the businessmen and privateers in Shenzhou link the economy with the Europa League, which is tantamount to the "Three Kingdoms Killing" chain link.

If the scale of the European War is only the European War, then the Silk Party will wait to collect money after the war.

But the European War has dragged on for a long time and owes too much.Now that the European Union is an important asset for mortgage, will it not be coveted by other powers?
Master Wei let out a sigh of relief, if under the impetus of the Silk Party, other forces in the Tianzhuyang region (big food countries) have to end, the current stable situation will be unstable.

Wei Keng can't save the world, Tianzhuyang's strategy can only affect Tianzhuyang.

For example, the economic development of the plateau area brings natural gas, minerals, and construction industries. The incremental effect of the proliferation of low-end and mid-end manufacturing can only benefit the surrounding areas of Tianzhuyang.

Right now, the normality here is very glaring in the eyes of abnormal groups all over the world.

This is like some perverts in Japanese manga animations. Because of their tragic life, they feel irrational about the happiness and harmony in the world, and feel that the world is unfair to them.

In the entire global conflict, the Tianzhuyang region can still develop its economy leisurely. There are a large number of people commuting to and from get off work. Tragedy, feeling quite diaphragmatic.

That's right, when the whole world is crying, but you are laughing in a corner, that is a sin.

In the eyes of the tragedies, because the world is unfair, when I am crying and you are laughing, then the person who made the unfair rules must be favoring you.

In May of 2287 in the Qin Tongli calendar, the plateau area had closed its network connection with other continents on the Internet, and then the Indochina Peninsula, the Governor of the Western Regions, Gansu, Shaanxi, Bashu, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places also followed suit. the entire policy.As for the regional media in the eastern part of China who like to talk, they also downplayed the report at this time.

If you want to connect to the external network, you can only go over the wall.

Because at this time, the resentment and resentment all over the world need to find a place to vent.These uneducated blind streamers will not discuss the nature of oppression according to the theory of Zilue theory.

Living and working in peace and contentment in the western part of China is the best object of venting as a different kind.According to Master Wei's life logic, when a group of people is too negative, don't quarrel with them, just stay away. (In ancient times, if you want to be in a good mood every day, turn off V blog and stay away from Internet suppression.)
Although some mouthpieces in the eastern part of China may still sing the opposite tune eccentrically, they are not fools.Facing the outside world, we still share the same hatred.

Now that there is a world war, the east and west of China are still a family in the final analysis, and the culture, economy, and infrastructure are all "books and cars on the same track", breaking bones and connecting tendons.There is no need to help poor people from the outside world to cheat rich relatives of one's own.

90 years ago, the economic war between the east and the west of China was epic.

After fighting once, today, a hundred years later, no matter how deep or deep the same pit is, the gang of elites in the east dare not step into it.It will only force Lai Lai at the edge of the pit.

Now we can only help each other.In the case of being able to take advantage of the situation, one must first get the moon if you are close to the water, and the sunny flowers and trees are easy to be spring.

Western China, headed by Gao Yuan, has cut off the link with the outside world on the Internet, but cannot isolate the outside world from prying eyes.

With the European psykers already participating in the war and suffering a large number of casualties, they are extremely lacking in combat power.

Just in time, the European intelligence center found out that there was a kind of breeding equipment in China that could assist in the generation of psionic energy "(Tiance Lingjia)", so they sent psychics one after another to inquire about the news.

The intelligence networks of North America, Latin America, and Europe in Western China were completely exposed in this failed operation.

Because these European psykers are too free in the war zone, they will have various discomforts when entering a peaceful area, such as looting, and directly breaking into civilian houses to occupy their nests.Some psykers even feel that they lack the sense of the past, and it is normal to directly kidnap ordinary people for abuse.

The plateau area is a large city area, and the wide Himalayas isolate it from outside exploration. The only way to enter the plateau area is to take the subway tunnel. It is very easy to block and monitor at the gates, and it is often difficult to get in from the Tianzhuyang side.

On the contrary, the route from the eastern part of China to the western part of China was chosen by the extraterritorial superpowers.A large number of special security cases have caused the upper echelons of Eastern China to be annoyed.At the same time, he also realized that under the chaos of the world, his own side had been involved.

Just four months after being banned from the Internet in the plateau area.

The Supreme Council of the Shenzhou Chaotang decided to order the six gates to deploy the backbone of the Dragon Group to establish the No. [-] security department, which is specially used to deal with external infiltration incidents.

(End of this chapter)

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