out of cage

Chapter 341 Chapter 9.31 Talk slowly, fight hard, stay behind!

Chapter 341 Chapter 9.31 Talk slowly, fight hard, stay behind!
Fighting has a fighting mission, and negotiation also has a negotiating mission.

In May, the battle in the south of Lizhou continued piecemeal, but the negotiating team from Shenzhou also arrived on the east coast of Lizhou.

Holding a scepter, the Chinese missionary looked at the dwarves of the rising sun with burning eyes across the desk.A strong man can not be bullied posture.

After the Shenzhou negotiation team arrived, they not only sat in the negotiation room, but also sent another group of people to observe in many cities on the west coast of Lizhou!The culture of Western China follows the Han system, and the mission not only decides on "war and peace", but also promotes its own will from various angles.

Talking is to find out the bottom line, not to avoid war.

If Shengyang did something that violated the bottom line in Lizhou, it still had to be resolved on the battlefield.

According to the investigation, Shengyang still can't control its own army.In the occupied area, there are a lot of things looking for and looting Hua Guliang.Outside the perspective of a large number of media, civilians were brutally murdered.

The same is plundering, and the gentlemen of the Shengyang Navy are wearing white gloves and asking for it in a civilized way with a table knife.Instead of robbing like horse manure, the navy's mech unit began to implement security protection for these wealthy areas who were willing to cooperate with Shengyang.

What Shengyang showed to the negotiating team was a few points of moderate occupation in the wealthy area, and the investigation team went deep to complete the "Lizhou Public Opinion Report".

After the negotiating team sent back the information, on May 5, a large number of personnel and materials were transported over again.

Originally, when there were obviously new personnel appearing in the airport, Xi Bafang frowned and thought: Did this come to be gilded, because the current regular army obviously does not need so many plateau personnel in combat.

But when he saw Wei Xin in this team, he suddenly switched back to a serious attitude.

Wei Xin came this time as the commander-in-chief, equal to Xi Bafang, but he arrived in secret.

Xi Bafang couldn't help thinking, this must be a big move.

Before the Battle of Changping, Qin Guo also quietly sent Lord Wu An to the front line.

In the military command center, against the background of the sand table of the large map of Australia, the participants communicated directly on the projection.

Wei Keng said to Xi Bafang and a few officers: "Judging from what the negotiating team has obtained, Shengyang wants to establish colonial rule here. Since they want to move to the right, we might as well march to the left."

Xi Bafang and several high-level military officers paused, muttering in their hearts: "Negotiations are active, and wars are more active."

Wei Keng understood their thinking: "Negotiation is a means, and war is also a means. The core purpose is to win. Some things can be discussed, but in some respects, they are not qualified to talk."

Wei Keng came here not to replace Xi Bafang's command, but to establish guerrilla warfare operations in enemy-occupied areas, forming a complementarity between the frontal battlefield and the movement behind the enemy.

Among the personnel brought by Wei Keng, there are those who are responsible for mobilizing behind enemy lines, weapons experts and medical personnel related to fighting behind enemy lines, and a complete set of organizational and management systems.

The organization and management of these side-to-back operations are too troublesome for the Chinese warriors on the frontal battlefield.And the staff can't get out.

However, this is not troublesome for the oppressed people behind the enemy line, as long as they find an organization, they will have great motivation.

The reserve force led by Wei Keng is to connect with the resisters in the area and organize them.Even though the results of destruction are relatively small compared to the frontal battlefield, it has miraculous effects.

After introducing all this, Wei Keng pointed to the Tang Group on the north side of the map: "Now you are not used to those people, so we might as well change a group of people here."

Having said that, Xi Bafang waited for the general to freeze his breath.They were surprised first!Then my heart couldn't help but rise!
Now the entire expedition team is not disgusted with the gang of disgraces huddled in the north of Lizhou.The gang of double-dealers are particularly unreliable.And the headquarters has to win over them abruptly to ensure peace talks.

But now it seems that Wei Xin is wooing the local forces in Lizhou on the surface, but he is actually preparing to draw his salary from the bottom of the pot.

Wei Keng's strategy seems to be to keep attacking Shengyang all the time, but he never forgets to implement a strategy that is beneficial to him.

After the entire mainland of Lizhou was invaded by the colonial system like Shengyang, because the elites tried to betray, social conflicts emerged.The meat-eaters tried to change the gates, leaving the people in the fire pit.

If the legion in the plateau area did nothing at this time, after the battle was won, the result would be to rescue those guys who had an affair with Shengyang.The fruits of victory fell into the hands of these "unreliable" people.

This was absolutely intolerable to Wei Keng.

Wei Keng said silently in his heart: "So, you, Shengyang, dare to divide Lizhou and rule the local people by the local people. Then we have to take the opportunity to "shine the red star" and join forces with the anti-foreign enemies here to destroy several mountains. Unplug it to complete a format."

During the last time travel, the Chinese Xialian was in full swing, but the Guan family mobilized these old-fashioned forces from overseas to restore it. Wei Keng took it very seriously.So the sparks that start a prairie fire have to spread a little wider.

In early May, Shenzhou's troops launched a key offensive, defeating a division of Shengyang on the east coast of Lizhou and liberating the people in the area.

After entering the area, the cheering of the people in the area was stopped, and the personnel level verification was carried out against time.Evacuate all women and children, and select reliable personnel from local personnel to send weapons and tools, leave the city and escape into the surrounding forests, and build a contact point base.

The instructors in Shenzhou gave tactical requirements for the battle behind the enemy: don't head-on against the main force of Shengyang.Obey orders when necessary, cut off Shengyang's railway and logistics supply lines, and investigate information about the transit of Shengyang's troops in various regions.

[The battle behind the enemy is not the main force, it seems that the support is not the output of the anti-line.As for those who commanded a thousand miles on the frontal battlefield and ended up cursing the enemy's rear for not fighting, they are really stinky people. 】

This trick was used on the Myanmar-Vietnam subcontinent 70 years ago.

At that time, the enemy's rear was responsible for the destruction of the rear line, and the standard equipment was only exoskeleton armor. In the middle and late stages of the battle, Xialian's main corps gradually transferred a large number of captured mechanized equipment to them.It is equivalent to the second-rate combat corps, and the tasks of the main force are divided, but the division of labor is not very obvious.

Decades later, countless military experts thought about and assumed countless new technology battles to eliminate local guerrilla warfare, but they ignored a premise.Guerrilla warfare is also advancing with the times with technology, and there is no need to fire at all during missions.

Now, technology has advanced to the point of full-body mechanical clothing.

The production capacity of China has been able to support batches of small information base stations. The factories in the plateau area are running at full capacity, and small drones can supply frontier personnel. Hundreds of them are consumed every day.The battle behind enemy lines can be organized in the same way as the regular army, and it can specialize in completing tasks that the regular army cannot do.

Now the plateau area has more production capacity, as long as we can open up an effective front, we can fight the war of attrition!

In May, just one month, a large number of ground organizations behind enemy lines appeared in the entire Sunshine occupied area on the east coast. The reason for the rapid development is that the present age is an information age.

On May 5th, in the night, a guerrilla unit carried fifteen base stations directly to the vicinity of the old Darwin port.After one hour of starting up, thousands of local people have received text message reminders and gained an hour of Internet access.

It took eight hours for Shengyang's security forces to destroy these base stations.When destroying these base stations, these puppet troops also sent more than 20 heads.

As for Shengyang, it is stretched in the frontal battle in South Australia.For this kind of resistance organization that is temporarily harmless and will not pose a threat to the regular army, the commander of Shengyang has no choice but to put it aside.Of course, I didn't dare to let the team place orders below.

After May, Wei Keng determined that the Battle of Lizhou had developed in a direction that was absolutely beneficial to his own side.

War will train a large number of talents, as long as they are given the right way, they will get started very quickly.After the docking work between the local resistance organization and the command of the main force was completed, Master Wei went back quietly.

Even outsiders, um, Marshal Tang from Lizhou didn't know that Wei Keng had been here.

No matter how conservative people in Lizhou were, they could see that Shengyang's life in Lizhou was like a rabbit's tail, which would not last long.

This moment is just like that moment (Xia Lian was in the Myanmar-Vietnam subcontinent decades ago).In terms of Shengyang, it is blocked everywhere, and when it is thrown into one place, many other places catch fire.As for China, it seems that there are insufficient troops everywhere, but they are tenacious everywhere.

Sun Yang has a source of troops in South America.According to the existing military theory, once the size of the occupying force is greater than one-twentieth of the local population, guerrilla warfare will lose its effect.

But in fact, the organization of guerrilla warfare is high enough!It is completely possible to break through the boundaries of modern military theory assumptions.

What makes the generals of the Sun Yang Army feel bad now is that the navy millipedes have completely gained command of the sea because they have not been able to defeat the Shenzhou Navy in the area.Transportation can't let go at all.

The [-]-ton submarine that Shengyang came across the sea was first unloaded in New Zealand, and then transported to Lizhou.With such a long supply chain, China has many intervention points to attack.Every port discharge requires a campaign level of protection.

However, Shengyang mobilized divisions and regiments just for "unloading", and its troops were seriously insufficient.

On June 6, the Shenzhou Army launched the largest battle in Nanli, investing a total of 12 armored vehicles and 2300 four heavy fighters.The entire division of the largest port in the south of Shengyang, with a total of 580 people (not including cannon fodder), was taken away.

After receiving the news, the Shenzhou negotiating team did not act aggressively, but gave Shengyang an even more uneasy attitude: "We can continue to wait and see."

(End of this chapter)

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