out of cage

Chapter 387 Chapter 9.77 Control group reference

Chapter 387 Chapter 9.77 Control group reference

According to the current indications of Shenzhou Dongbin and Edenia, super large-scale battles in the Arctic Circle area are unavoidable.

As the military dispatch plans of the Shenzhou side and Edenia in Alaska become more and more clear, other world powers have now restrained conflicts in other regions.

Because, whether it is Europa League or Sunrise, they all know the current situation in the world.Their battles in Africa and the Caribbean were all small fights, and only the external collision on the Chinese side was the final big battle.

On January 1th, in the underground military base of the European Union Rome, the European upper-level groups were discussing global security issues.

Jason pointed to the map of the Arctic Circle and said: "If China wins, the Arctic Circle region will be reshuffled, and the Orthodox Federation will lose foreign aid, which will benefit the development of the alliance in the European battlefield.

And if China's battle in the Arctic Circle fails, more forces will be invested in the northern direction, and the possibility of intervening in Africa and other directions will be reduced. "

The old political foxes of the Europa League highly agree with this opinion.The war has been fought for seven years, and all parties in the universe, except Shenzhou, are continuing their lives with a sigh of relief.

This last breath is very precious.Maybe it's about surviving the big fight.

From February to March, the President of the European Union had several phone calls with Situ of the (East) Shenzhou Political Assembly. The two sides discussed topics such as "Arctic Ocean Exploitation Pipeline" and made important progress.

Now that the European Union has lost the Nordic part, the development of the Arctic Ocean minerals here is based on the double foundation of China's victory, and the European Union will increase its forces to regain the Nordic territory.

The European Union's calculations are subtle, and Eastern China is also trying to reach Europa directly through the Arctic route, not subject to the Tianzhu Ocean route.

The high-level leaders of Eastern China are full of confidence in the battle of the Arctic Circle, and have accelerated the deployment of fleets and military forces.

On February 2th, at 5:9 am, in the court hall of Shenzhou, the lights of the coiled dragon pattern shone in the hall.

The ministers sat on both sides and held a court meeting on state affairs.

Hu Chongfu, who served as Situ: "Beiling Province has a special strategic position, and our court must treat it with caution. This time we use troops to deter Xiaoxiao and ensure the tranquility of the frontier."

At the e-chamber meeting, Master Situ's speech was highly voted by all the beasts in clothes.

Now within China, the wave of anti-imperialism and anti-business interests is getting worse, and the eastern court must do something.After Dafeng, it was Dazheng Sifang who held a sigh of relief for Shenzhou.

On February 2th, Lianyundu, the "Zixiao Palace" floating ship floated on the huge port. His Majesty the Son of Heaven came here, watching the busy fleet below and batches of warships.

Eight battleships, one Xuanwu-class strategic submarine, 23 amphibious assault ships, and a large number of auxiliary fleets. The huge number of sea fleets cast white waves on the gray-blue sea.The planes lined up in the sky made the orderly beauty of the phalanx on the sea three-dimensional.

In this way, the lions on the water and all countries gave the evaluation of "mighty and majestic" after watching the martial arts, but Guan Zhuyao, as the emperor, understands that his own scriptures are difficult to read. ——Shenzhou has a rich family background, so it should be the industrial area of ​​Western China and the Tianzhuyang Economic Belt.


Is there a gap in the quality of steel?

Western China does produce a large amount of steel for construction, but these marine anti-corrosion steels are low-tech, and the cost of producing marine steel in Eastern China's steelmaking furnaces is four times that of Western China.

As for industries other than steel, both Eastern China and Western China have them, and they are extremely competitive.What Eastern China does not have, such as large-scale steel structures for underground geothermal energy collection, Western China has everything that one expects to find.

The gap is so huge, but the economic aggregate is 3:2. It can only be said that there is a problem with the economic statistics, and Eastern China is calculated according to market transactions.

A lot of wealth production in Western Shenzhou is not listed, but after being counted by the Economic Management Center, fixed supply chain tasks are carried out.

In this way, the cost calculation in the supply chain is checked and adjusted once a year, half a year, a quarter, or even a month.

As for the technological application progress in these supply chains, they are also directly rewarded by data records to relevant personnel, and this part of the funds is only counted once.It does not become a collateral, and it will be traded after the transaction.

As a result, wealth is fixed as shared and collective, reducing a large number of invalid transactions.Eliminate the possibility of going public to create a large number of billionaires.

But according to the statistical model of business and private, it seems to be less.

It can be said that the gdp of Western China is: 1. Home appliance industry such as virtual projection electronic warehouse, 2. Game peripheral industry such as hand-made, 3. Outdoor camping (fishing), 4. Single electric station wagon, etc. supported by the industry.

This kind of gdp, which seems to have no technical content, is against Dongbin's total chicken farts including heavy industries such as "electronic manufacturing", "shipping" and "aviation".

Is there no high-tech heavy industry in Western China?No, there are no statistics in it!

In modern times, there were often jokes on the Internet that the East is a gdp supported by the housing industry.It seems that gdp is lower in technical content than the gdp on the other side of the ocean.Then some scholars extended the conclusion: the quality of the Eastern economy is not good?

Then you have to be clear about gdp statistics "market transactions".

In modern times, the residential housing industry was listed.Railways, medicines, and telecommunications are not sold at the top of the market. If they are all marketized and cut off by commercial and private giants, forming the so-called US stock and European debt models, such high-quality "chicken farts" will be better than those on the other side of the ocean. Not much to give up.

Before the real estate listing, the biggest consumer in the East was tobacco!Before the second millennium, Luzhou, the capital of Anhui Province, one-third of the fiscal revenue of such third-tier cities came from tobacco factories.

Only the trade gdp supported by tobacco, but it cannot be said that the economy is tobacco. It can only be said that when the underpants are not sold out, gdp, the coat that is displayed to the outside world, looks not so glamorous like an underdeveloped country with no industry.

At that time, it was very easy to double the number overnight. It was enough to sell core assets without a bottom line in Latin America at that time.But in that case, first-class technologies such as large aircraft, chips, and satellite detection will not be available in a few decades.

Nowadays, the personal consumption of Western Shenzhou people is not the same as that of Dongbin.

Personal consumption in Western China is the economy excluding food, clothing, housing and transportation.The consumption level of Eastern China has been "upgraded" from generation to generation, and the food, clothing, housing and transportation have been changed to cut leeks, which is twice that of Western China. All kinds of social activities such as education and training adapted to various circles are completely unnecessary for the people of Western China. Consumption.

Residents of Western China generally eat in the canteen where all employees (including leaders) eat together.

Housing is semi-market-oriented. The trade union chooses the site, chooses the design, and finally checks and accepts the residence.

Education is an overall arrangement.

Medical care is an reimbursement system that sets "daily work and rest in proportion to risk".As long as your daily routine is healthy, you don’t smoke or drink, and you don’t go out late at night to spend money, you will be fully reported if you have a serious illness.

And Western China has weakened marketization to this extent, and the total market economy of Eastern China is still two-thirds of that of Western China!
In Western China, the steamed stuffed bun has no meat on the pleats, while in Eastern China, it is a hollow hemp ball.

[As for the reason why Western Shenzhou can lower the GDP at this time, GDP is the capital in the transaction, and this kind of capital can be exchanged for resources, provided that there is a beneficial "transaction".When the outside world became poor in the world war, and they were overdrawn for decades, the so-called bond transactions with them at this time were nothing more than receiving a lot of bad debts.And Shenzhou Dongbin pushed up the gdp, which can be said to turn all the underpants on the shelves, raise capital to buy strategic materials from West China, and acquire capital missed by those social governance factions in the world, so as to compete with the upcoming universal social governance in the future Faction confrontation. 】

Now China's key supply chains such as non-ferrous metal materials, energy, machine manufacturing, and batteries are all in Western China.

The total population of Western China is twice that of the coastal state capital of Eastern China.

Western China is not only absorbing population by manufacturing, but also by agriculture.

Developed in the desert of the Western Regions, one hectare is a small square agricultural building, which attracts redundant investment layer by layer, which has increased the grain production by a full sixteen times.
Shenzhou people can only consume [-]% if they are full.A large amount of meat, eggs and milk have been stored in liquid nitrogen and become ready for war decades later.Oh, at present, materials such as World War II have become a hard currency, and various merchants in Eastern China will buy the "physical wealth management" that the people have hoarded for several years at a skyrocketing price, and then process them and sell them overseas.

Eastern China seems to still have the economic scale of this shelf, but in fact the manufacturing industry has been hollowed out.

At present, the economic gap between the internal circulation in the western part of China and the economic gap in Dongbin is even greater than when Wei Keng hiccupped, and the advantage of Western Economic Union over Eastern China is even greater!

Back then, Eastern China was in a recession, and Master Wei even forced him to sell core patents, but the industrial chain could still be maintained.In today's Eastern China, the most popular economically is the garden industry and gold and stone industry.

And the direct consequence is that when the Eastern and Western China are confronting each other, and when the Eastern China is trying to prepare for war, the emperor and the princes of the court are shocked to find that there are no workers in the shipyard.

The spare consumable parts in all warship warehouses at this stage were reserved in peacetime 30 years ago.At that time, the navy was only responsible for cruising.

Now that the war is going on and more supplies are needed, Shenzhou finds that the factories that produce these consumable parts have either closed down or stopped production of these consumable parts according to market demand.

It was only when the generals in the eastern part of Shenzhou were furious and reported this situation that the emperor knew that the craftsmen and makers had been abandoned to such an extent.

But after the investigation, he had to swallow the bitter pill himself.The shipbuilding system in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean was largely abandoned, which originated from the Ocean Act of the East Coast.

When the seabed mining industry in the entire Pacific Ocean was blocked, a series of industries entered the deep winter, and then moved to the Tianzhu Ocean.

In 2293, a war was about to start suddenly. Only then did Dongbin know the need to increase the fleet, and had to temporarily unseat the Coastal Cruiser that had been sealed off 20 years ago.After a simple electronic system upgrade, the UAV combat command system was loaded and incorporated into the new fleet.Barely frame it.

As for whether such a fleet can win, the emperor on the Zixiao dragon boat looked at the phalanx under his feet, which seemed to be neatly arranged on the sea, presenting a mighty parade-style phalanx. Answer.

Last time, Master Wei used second-rate equipment in the Siamese subcontinent, and after a hundred years, Eastern Shenzhou also had to activate second-rate equipment~ Heaven is a good reincarnation, God forgive who.

Guanyue, as the naval admiral appointed by China for the expedition, returned to her post after participating in the projected ship review.

The flagship of Guanyue is the main battleship in active service.This battleship is responsible for the combat power of the Eastern Pacific Ocean Fleet.The large-caliber electromagnetic launcher arranged on the central axis is the turret launching device of the new era.

After the 32-year-old man entered the cabin, he saw the luxurious captain's room, and more than 20 subordinates had already arrived in the projection.

Guan Yue looked at these old military officers who were generally in their 70s and 35.4s, and some of them wore reading glasses on their chests.He thought about the average age of [-] years old among Tian Zhuyang's successful classmates, and he couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Guanyue sat in the command cabin of the fleet and began to let each group report information.

"Sea breeze level 6, wave height five meters"

"No major enemy situation was found underwater within 45 nautical miles"


Without the popular digital spherical information screen and the latest artificial intelligence adjutant, the Dongbin battleship is full of a sense of history.

As an officer of the young men's faction, in terms of knowledge, he is connected with the front-line military commanders in Western Shenzhou. (There is no benchmarking in industrial economy.)
He established a security circle in the vast airspace and underwater areas.In the professional planning of the chain of command, each relay signal base station has been arranged in advance.

The high-altitude unmanned airship carries electronic reconnaissance equipment and sets sail on the fleet tower.Of course, when encountering a red alert, the survival rate of the airship is worrying. At this time, it is necessary to take off a reconnaissance plane.

Sitting in the command cabin, Guan Yue watched the newcomer's voice tremble (for fear of making mistakes) and reported the situation of his department.

Guan Yue knew that the young military officers he had placed below were also very nervous, taking on all the work of new military reforms, and if they made mistakes, they would be squeezed out by those veteran officers who were not working but were always watching.

Yes, the navy in the eastern part of China has serious mountainism at present, and those conservatives also know that the newcomers inserted are to replace themselves.So no harmony will be given.

"Why not myself?" Guan Yue sensed that the old naval officers in the cockpit are now stubbornly using the "military drills that have been changed before the war" to perform ring-like operations, "the generals are not in harmony, it is an ominous omen" .

In the command room, the sound of putting down the teacup with a "click" attracted everyone's inadvertent attention. It can be seen that everyone's thoughts are on the actions of the leader, not on the work at hand

When a new round of fleets in the East Pacific Ocean moved northward.In the plateau's earth evil monitoring network, the new directions of these multiple fleets are clearly marked.

There are four groups of sea fleets in total.

The problems exposed by such groupings have pierced the mighty prestige of the ship review style, and exposed the shortcomings of the Dongbin Shenzhou Navy's incompatibility with the old and new forces.

The speed of the fleet is not uniform, and the indicators of the fleet designed in different periods are different, so they can only be divided into groups.

Otherwise, in a large group, all warships follow the slowest fleet in terms of speed.It is also thanks to the fact that the command of the sea in the Arctic Ocean has been barely won, otherwise such a dragging family will most likely be intercepted and killed midway.

Xu He moved his perspective away from the Disha map.

He asked Wei Zaiche, the commander of the Tianzhuyang Fleet in the communication, "Can this classmate of yours restore the mountains and rivers?" The tone was very serious, but it was hard not to feel "teasing" in terms of words. ".

Wei Zaozhe said: "It's not the fault of the war. Eastern China has done too badly in matters other than the military."

Xu He nodded his head.

A strong military force needs to be like a fish in water, the army is like a fish, and the people's livelihood and national strength are like water.

The national strength guarantees the affairs of the soldiers after death.There is a guardian behind the warrior,

Such a combat force has the most decisive will to fight and will actively seek victory.

When Wei Keng took over the military in Plateau, Sinhala, and Lizhou, the first thing he built was the "behind affairs of the soldiers", such as marriages, which were carefully arranged by military families.

Retiring from the army and changing jobs is not just a matter of severance pay, but is discussed as an important matter like demonstrating equipment.Give priority to providing professional and technical education so that they can enter the work through industry technical assessment, and regularly investigate the situation of social integration.

It is a very simple truth in the army of any era that the top and the bottom have the same desire.

The great affairs of the country lie in worship and Rong.Even in terms of economic construction in Western China, the only goal is to win battles at any time.This has given a strong backing to military reforms, and in the process of technological competition and updating of combat power, old people who cannot implement them will be eliminated.

On the other hand, the reason why Guanyue's naval fleet always has a conservative force sings against it!

Rather than saying that this is the conservative old army of Eastern China, it is better to say that these soldiers have no way out under any changes.

Once these sailors leave their fleet, they have to sleep on the street with severance pay.

Every year on the streets of cyberspace in Shanghai and Guangzhou, there are news of old veterans who froze to death.And in the abandoned sewers in Jianye, there are homeless men with military flags occupying the best territory.

The veterans on the fleet regard the ship as their home, and the new military reform is equivalent to driving them out of their homes.So these navy officers and soldiers can only make trouble with the old army leaders and the new army leader Guan Yue.

Guanyue now thinks that he is winning the national war and grasping the righteousness. If he has the opportunity, he will mercilessly sweep away the corruption of these old troops.

As everyone knows, Guan Yue and his faction won the old army this time. After 20 or 30 years, the next military reform, he and his people will also become the old army, and they will also obstruct the "righteousness" for their own livelihood. ".

"Those who are good at running an army have no great martial arts."

After continuous comparison with the control group in the contemporary era, these generals in Western China have increasingly discovered that "Wei Xin" has done inexplicable kung fu in many inconspicuous places, which is really right!
 One of the stupidest things to do is to lend money to scoundrels, hooligans.

(End of this chapter)

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