out of cage

Chapter 389 Chapter 9.79

Chapter 389 Chapter 9.79
On February 2294, 2 in the Qin Dynasty, the main army of Eastern China entered the Arctic Circle from the Command Strait, and fought successively in two battles at Cape Barrow and Mount Michelson.

March 3.During the Battle of Barrow Point, the Kirin 19 tanks modified by China Electronics received abundant environmental redundancy performance design considerations from China's technicians. In the ice and snow, all of them were replaced with cold-resistant diesel power combination Tesla power packs. The crispy guardian of Edenia maintained the advantage of attendance.

The blown-up turret of the Guardian was glowing on one side, and the barrel fell on the other side, and within a few minutes, the wind and snow were covered with layers of ice edges.In the sky, there are arcs flying around, and particle anti-aircraft beams that go straight up and down.

The ballistic missiles that appear weak in front of the low-latitude dense air-space defense network, as the battlefield shifts to the extremely cold Arctic Circle, because Edenia's various interception facilities are not in place, Dongbin generals use tactical missiles to hammer Destroy these nodes one by one.Created good conditions for the concentration of troops.

In the various battles in the Arctic Circle, although the number of chariots invested by both sides was no more than a thousand, this was the limit of human mechanical technology and transportation in the Arctic Circle.

Larger-scale mechanized troops are difficult to maintain under various harassing firepower.

Ten years later, the Western China Construction Committee has a large-scale construction plan for the Arctic Circle, but it should be an era of peace at that time.

Technological progress is conducive to the regular army's offensive, and also conducive to the guerrilla's operations behind enemy lines.The smooth lines of communication are a blessing to both the offensive and defensive sides.

Unmanned automated armaments still have to play an offensive role through "soldiers are precious and fast", and in the endless interactive sports operations, the requirements for personnel quality are higher.

Commercialism will not mobilize large-scale manpower to build in places that should be blood-sucking.

Therefore, in the first half of 2294, the war between the private companies of China and the capital of Edenia within the Arctic Circle was a battle of nearly a thousand chariots and hundreds of aircraft under the command of tens of thousands of logistics construction.

After the Battle of Barrow Point, the land forces of China gained the right to maneuver on land in the ice and snow, and Edenia was furious about it.

For Edenia, the four-star general Torns is determined to cooperate with the navy in the Arctic Ocean and launch another attack.

General Edenya Torns first used a large number of ion beam weapons and prismatic tanks to take down Mount Michelson, and built a land-based particle cannon (15 An upgraded version of the proton collider from years ago).Then retaliated and bombed the occupied areas of China.

In Shenzhou, Bai Huanling (this time and space) and Guanyue naturally joined hands in the face of such a provocation.

They held a meeting and solemnly exchanged opinions on the joint operations of the air force, surface ships, and underwater formations.

The two commanders of the East Coast Sea and Land emulated the Western Shenzhou system in the military model. During the war, the mechanical watches on the hands of each leader were proofread (to prevent electronic intrusion).These two commanders have a very thorough understanding of the progress of modern warfare in China in Dashi, Lihai and other areas in recent years.

That is, under the premise of accurate intelligence, in a very short period of time, through the organization and coordination of all aspects, the offensive troops use other brother troops of their own to create short-term opportunities, quickly mobilize firepower to suppress, intersperse, encircle and severely injure others, in order to achieve strategic goals.

March 3 at 29:28 am.

When Edenya's fleet just smashed through the ice floes on the sea and was about to cooperate with the ground, the signal from the ground was directly interrupted.Even the central systems of Edenia were cut off by the Shenzhou Information Interference Force.

Then Edenia's sea fleet encountered the third company of the Shenzhou combat system:
1. The gliding warhead projected by the Shenzhou Suzaku sea attack aircraft;

2. The ramjet missile launched by the electromagnetic gun system of the heavy battleship;
3. The sea-skimming torpedo launched by the Xuanwu ballistic missile in the sky. (That is, flying over the sea for a while, then diving headlong into the sea as it gets closer to the target.)
In just half an hour, the sea was full of gunpowder and smoke, and Idenya's navy retreated from the battlefield in embarrassment, while the super-mysterious battleships in Shenzhou, as magnificent as a sea tower, began to support the land battle.

With the flickering of the naval guns, more than 100 kilometers away, the Edenya defenders in the Michelson Mountain area were under shelling and were overwhelmed by Bai Huanling's mechanized troops.

Any complex and sophisticated operation requires sincere cooperation.

Everyone on the team realizes that their work depends on the lives of others, and the work of others depends on their lives. - Only then will there be efficiency in solving problems.

This kind of consensus is tempered by modern nation-states in the flames of war, and it is also the core reason why several developed civilizations that have entered the industrial age can suppress underdeveloped regions.

Edenia had such a spirit.But with the rise of financial giants and the arrogance brought about by unmanned technology, this truth has been forgotten.Therefore, further "faster and denser" military development has always been at a disadvantage.

When Eastern China confronted Western China, it worked hard to gather such beliefs.Although it is wrong for them to condense the core now!It cannot be falsified, but it is more correct than the weak and crazy Edenia.

However, under the enthusiastic charm of the two young generals Guan and Bai.The core of its headquarters has such an atmosphere.

4 month 13 day.

In the Battle of Mount McColson, Bai Huanling troops defeated more than [-] enemy tanks and pulled out [-] airfields.

Guanyue sank fifteen warships, and the remaining 32 warships fled in panic.When the news spread to the capital, the new chief minister, Fu Yuji, shouted cheers, raised the battle report in his hand, and said to all the justices in the court: "Our court is invincible in the world!"


However, on April [-]th, at the frontier of the Arctic Circle, there was no sense of pride.

On the floating battleship Dongsheng in Shenzhou, the Alaska Legion of Bai Huanling (this time and space), and the legion of Guan Yue's command land corner area, held a military meeting again.

These two Shenzhou generals, who have supported the final appearance of the Shenzhou court, are watching the latest changes in the universe.

After Shenzhou's victory in the Arctic Circle, the Orthodox Federation and Edenia officially reached the third holy alliance!

In this time and space, the first Holy Alliance is the first time that the entire Europa countries deal with China's first expansion in the Red Sea region.

The second Holy Alliance is after the Second World War, to deal with Soviet Russia in Eastern Europe, and to deal with the expansion of China's influence in Africa.

The previous two holy alliances had a tendency to target China, so now that the holy alliance is being launched, the Chinese side is clear about what to do.

On the screen in front of Guanyue, the latest military intelligence was playing, ten hours ago——

Morikov of the Orthodox Federation successfully completed a breakthrough in the Black Sea region.MiG 57 fighter jets, in cooperation with Kirov heavy bombers, bombed the territory of the Sharon Bass Peninsula.Even the bombers desecrated the Holy City, which had a serious impact, and the entire Food Alliance collectively began to declare war.

A few years ago, dozens of villages were bombed, and the intellectuals of Dashi were not angry but declined, setting off an anti-war frenzy.

But when the Dongzheng people desecrated the holy land, they would really die forever.So much so that the native intellectuals of Dashi, who had uttered nonsense a few years ago, were picked out by the angry people and sentenced to death by stoning.

Guanyue and Bai Huanling, as the Shenzhou side, carried out a calm strategic analysis and understood that this was just a sleight of hand.The East is trying to shift China's strategic attention back to the Tianzhuyang region to share the pressure on the Arctic Circle.

The Dongzheng people didn't take the bombing of Dashi seriously at all, just like the great powers didn't really care about the people's livelihood in the colonies back then, anyway, it's enough to beautify it as "getting freedom" afterwards.

Now, the upper-level forces in the Dashi area are frequently moving, hoping to introduce the fleet of Shenzhou Tianzhuyang to re-station in key areas.

Regarding such a situation, Guan Yue slightly shook her head and made such a judgment:

The current decision makers of Dashi may no longer understand the current situation. (Shenzhou Dongbin did not study the current internal situation of Dashi, and the gang of strong people at the top is already facing a huge crisis.)
At this time, the situation in the Tianzhuyang area has changed a long time ago. Whether it is social governance or business and private affairs, Shenzhou has gradually picked itself out of the big food area in the past few years.

Regardless of energy or minerals, the geothermal network project in Shenzhou in the past few years, and the emerging nano-industrial manufacturing in Lizhou have made up for the operation of the Tianzhuyang Economic Belt in the absence of food.

Guanyue drew a big circle on the map of Tianzhuyang: For the Shenzhou Shezhi faction headed by Gao Yuan, the Dashi area is no longer important ten years ago.There is no need for Shenzhou to send troops to protect Dashi.

However, the high-level officials in the Dashi region did not realize this, and they may still think that the friendship between Shenzhou and Dashi can fight side by side.

Those are the clichés of the Silk faction when dealing with its upper echelons.If you really believe this, then you have watched too many movies.

Likewise, Dongzheng apparently did not realize this.In their understanding, in the past few hundred years, China has fought wars with the Double-headed Eagle Empire, Soviet Russia, and Dongzheng for hundreds of years in the area west of the Tianshan Mountains, and it has attached great importance to the Dashi area. Head south to divert attention.

Little do they know that the European Union has completely fallen in this war, the value of the Silk Road has dropped significantly, and China's strategy has shifted to two oceans.

In Guanyue's opinion, Bai Huanling added one more point: "Dongzheng's disregard for the Dashi area will also intensify the hatred for a century. In such a place with independent culture and development history, it is not good to be contaminated by karma. of."

Although they have different positions in the transformation of China, the perspectives of the young people in Eastern and Western China converge.When analyzing the Battle of the Arctic Circle, the two generals agreed that Western China would not shift its strategic attention to the southern region.

They can rest assured that their west side will not be detoured from the left by this so-called third holy alliance.

but!Even the two new generals explained the strategy so clearly and sent it to the top.

Half an hour later, the response from the Eastern Shenzhou court was still puzzling, which was to completely defeat all of Edenia's military forces in Northern Quebec.This strategic goal is too big to find the north.

Military operations are to serve specific strategic goals.

The court of Eastern Shenzhou did not give a clear strategic goal, but only gave general orders.

[This is similar to when you were a student, your parents told you to memorize all English words before going out to play.Instead of explicitly asking English words to be copied several times before going out to play.The former means that you don't even want to go out for a while, and you can just work abroad. 】

Bai Huanling frowned: "As a warrior, I hate the implicit wisdom of literati!"

Because according to the Shenzhou court's aimless thinking about what is where, it can only be a war of attrition.The two commanders have always hoped to quickly win the key and resolve the war as soon as possible.Just like the Battle of Talas 100 years ago, maximize strategic benefits.

The literati's "non-stick pan" routine just doesn't give clear orders, so they don't take responsibility.However, general urging can achieve the credit of "well-planned" in victory.

Seeing the anger of her colleagues, Guan Yue opened her mouth, then kept silent.

As a disciple of the royal family, I know the strategy that the Shenzhou court takes for granted now, that is to require the two of us to fight on the front line, and we are forced to fire on all civilian and strategic targets of Edenia within the Arctic Circle, so as to completely reduce the barbarian war here potential.

It's just such a heartless order, how could those Taoists personally issue it?So it must be the generals on the front line who make their own claims!

So it was Bai Qi who killed 40 soldiers, not King Qin Zhaoxiang.

On April 4th, two generals who had achieved great victories at the front line raised fifteen questions about the strategic layout of the court.This question brought the cool breeze of the Arctic Circle to the princes who were strategizing in the court.

Master Situ, who was born in Donglin, said with regret: "Hey, the general is domineering."

100 years ago, how mighty the majesty of the Shenzhou court was. Wei Keng in the Battle of Talas only had a little doubt about the strategy of the court, and he was transferred to idle positions after the war. The literati lamented that "the clouds in the sky are like white clothes, but the must change like a gray dog".

However, the newly appointed Da Sima Fu Yuji knocked on the cover of Zizhi Tongjian and replied angrily: "Some warriors are really stupid, and some are as wise as foolish. Great wisdom is as stupid as: Fan Kui and Xu Chu. Ji and Zhu Yougong."——When these words came out, it was daunting.

The Donglin faction that originally complained could only keep silent.

There is a saying: the lyricist swears at people without uttering dirty words, and the reader of history is full of words of condemnation.

Kunlun Mountains.

Tang Tianyou, as the highest order-bearer in the social governance of Western China, is the current sovereign representative.The top person in charge of the three modules of politics, economy, and military.The current success or failure of the entire Western Shenzhou is entirely borne by him.

Wei Keng has now found him.

After visiting all the plans that Wei Keng planned to carry out this year in the quantum information cloud, Tang Tianyou said firmly: "Almost all the dark germs that can sprout in this era have already arrived, and they should all be cut off."

Tang Tianyou: "Have you ever thought that the height of the Tao is one foot and the height of the devil is one foot, and all these things will come back to life in the future."

Master Wei: "Oh, it is certain that the spring breeze will give birth again, but the knife I left behind will be passed down, and someone will sharpen it every moment."

Tang Tianyou was silent for a while: "That's great."

Tang Tianyou signed the plan, and then Wei Keng left.

According to the planned deployment, Tang Tianyou brought back Xu He, Xi Bafang, Shen Zongyun, and many other chief executives in military, aviation, and energy, and arranged the plan.

In this project plan, Wei Keng himself is the core team of the aerospace warfare affiliated to Shen Zongyun's aerospace department.

4 month 23 number.

Tang Tianyou issued a notice on the situation in the Arctic Ocean: "In view of the current situation in the world, China and all parties should understand each other and eliminate differences. The Arctic should be protected as a pure land, and all parties should suspend military confrontation. Regional ceasefire."

This stylized speech is not convincing.

It just got a more aggressive response from Edenya's mouthpiece, and stirred up a tide like a sea wave.But over and over again are those few words:

1. "Edenia is peace-loving."

2. "Not afraid of the threat of war."

3. "If China wants to invade, there will be no return."

Edenya's reaction was predictable.The war has reached this point, and there is already hysteria over there.As for their crazy plan, the upper echelons of Western Shenzhou are already mentally prepared.

The notice sent by the Western Shenzhou side was actually an attempt to give Guan Yue and Bai Huan Ling, the two generals of the Dongbin Army, a reminder that they were in the Arctic Ocean strategic area.

(End of this chapter)

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