out of cage

Chapter 450 Chapter 11.06 Words and Deeds

Chapter 450 Chapter 11.06 Words and Deeds

April 11th at four in the morning.

On the carbon-based monitoring station in Luobo, it was accurately detected that there were errors in the 780 and three protein frequency bands in the north.These are proteins involved in the critical core of the human being.

This technology of sequencing frequency bands to test the core of ethnic group genes can refer to the paternity test in ancient times, which is a very mature effect.

And does such a measurement make sense? ——For some people in the Five Colors Alliance, isn't it just a genetic change?

However, for the unified logging area that provides material support to the north every year and provides technical guidance to cadres.All zeal is not illusory, it is all based on being human.Just like in the 21st century, most fatherly love is based on parent-child.Genes are not a category, so there is no need to be obligated.

What?External reporter mediator: "The relationship that has been going on for many years cannot be interrupted directly, and we must continue to be responsible." The gene exporter: "Go to you xx"

The unified logging area has been determined, and Tianzhulong has broken the balance, replacing human genes on this green prairie.

Even in communication, the on-screen representation of the Five Colors League still looks human!

Some leaders of the unified logging area are still unwilling to believe the alienated information in the five-color alliance, but "science is science", this kind of heterogeneous genetic radiation data changes, so the unified logging area must take the last step.

The underground organization immediately mobilized, gave Bao Lita the news, and asked him to move quickly to leave the north.

However, on the Baoli Pagoda side of the northern site, through the harsh biological radiation field of Sudden Change City, they got the news from the unified logging area first.

Before the biochemical experiment station was captured by Qiu Mengfei, the team members under Bao Lita sent a key message: "Go quickly".Of course, after sending out, this person died.

However, Baolita's team, which was preparing to migrate westward, started to move ahead of time without greeting the unified cutting area, bringing less than one-tenth of the original plan to start moving.

Xinzheng, in the headquarters of the unified cutting area.

After eight o'clock in the morning, after Huang Yuhua got the news, he slapped the table directly: "Wori tm!" million people.

I had previously agreed with the unified logging area to take away a large number of people from the northern branch as much as possible. Even if he is in trouble now, it is good to say hello.Now go directly ahead of time.

The cadres in the unified cutting area could only praise him sarcastically: "You are really smart and decisive." - If this is in the unified cutting area, such behavior of disobedience to command will be brought to a military court.

But the logging area must stop complaining.In this ecological disaster, the logging area must have an obligation to help those who are left behind.

Huang Yuhua immediately took stock of the power at hand.But at this time it is very embarrassing, the manpower in the north is very scarce.

Especially now, it just happened to be stuck at a time point of population expansion.A new wave of baby boomers has emerged.Now which one is not a father or a mother.

It is very against human ethics to activate the mobilization order at this time!Although there is such authority in the unified logging area, it is wrong to abuse it without considering the response of the grassroots.

Those people from the Five Colors Alliance belonged to distant relatives. Is it worthwhile to send people north to risk their lives to help. ——Don't let you give up your home, abandon your baby, break your leg, and help him. He said afterwards: "Didn't you ask for help?"

The logistics department immediately figured out that in the dry season, at least 10 people would have to be mobilized to respond to the north with 3 people.And among the dispatched military teams, the logistics supplies consumed by each vehicle entering the plateau area are three times that of internal operations.

After so many years, Huang Yuhua is no longer the outspoken young man he was back then.In this position, various accounts must be calculated.In the end, he ordered: "Keep observing from the outside world, and in addition, arrange for the evacuation of our personnel as soon as possible."

Two minutes later, the safe in the basement archives was opened, and the tinfoil documents were opened one by one. The lists and resumes of some important personnel deployed in the north began to be reviewed, and Huang Yuhua began to check the personnel.

Among them, the person code-named "Houyi", Huang Yuhua paused, and decided to let him come back.He said to Fan Tangwen: "These people must survive, you go to meet them, can you complete the task?"

Fan Tangwen: "Resolutely complete the task."

After all the personnel left, Huang Yuhua paced back and forth twice, put on the communication helmet again, and contacted Wei Keng.

Huang Yuhua sighed and said, "According to the assignment, you are in charge of the outer ring."

Wei Keng: "Yes, it is imperative."

Huang Yuhua: "So, I have to rely on you again." After a pause, he said helplessly: "I can't draw enough strength here."

Over the years, Wei Keng has maintained a delicate relationship with the unified logging area, that is, decision-making and work, and the unified logging area should try to maintain independence as much as possible.Especially to assume the responsibility of defending the people, and Wei Keng wants to completely attack the carbon-based world.Huang Yuhua contacted Wei Keng again because he felt that he had broken his promise and could not protect all the people.

Wei Keng: "Just prepare a backup plan."

A backup plan, that is, to arrange evacuation channels as far as possible on the boundary line!Can't rush in, but do a good job at the periphery.

Wei Keng comforted: "Sometimes, it's just such a pity that we can't help everyone. We can only guard the road and give reminders to other deviant people."

Huang Yuhua sighed, but he also agreed a little in his heart.

Now the people in Jianye are firmly heading north. Although they have been warned that there is a risk in the north, Feishui City has also set up a sign on the old national road to remind that "there is now unknown pollution on the frequency band in the northern plateau of the Yellow River."

These Jianye schoolboys bypassed the national highway and continued to send them north.These schoolboys don't believe any kind words of persuasion to the unified cutting area.

Wei Keng: "I will dispatch personnel to the north, and when the situation is confirmed, I will kill them."

Huang Yuhua paused, thought for a while, and said, "The situation in the north may have some risks. You may have an individual risk of death."

Huang Yuhua knew about Wei Keng's personal injury incident on the Central South Subcontinent, so he understood that Wei Keng was not invulnerable, full-level lucky blessing.It is still a bit troublesome for the Tianzhulong in the north to fight to the death.

Wei Keng: "When I have the ability, people always have to be saved! The common destiny of mankind in the world is my vision in that old era! If I propose, then I will naturally be responsible, even if it is martyrdom. —— Then I I will hand over my perfect 'concept' to you to inherit completely and flawlessly."

Huang Yuhua paused, wanting to say something.

Wei Keng added: "You are making the right decision now, and you are very sensible! An empty concept that is only a verbal statement cannot make our masses sacrifice themselves and devote themselves to burning. ——Only when it is said and done, Wade yourself through it before others can talk. I had to do it because 'I've spoken!'”

Huang Yuhua: "Actually, I said it too."

Wei Keng: "You listened to me! If you say the same thing as me, I will be responsible for you. Heh, when I am gone, you will be responsible for what you say. In the future, be prepared to use your strength .Oh, by the way, from now on, you have to think twice about everything you say."

small theater.

On November 169, 11, Jianye scholars made progress day and night towards the holy land in the north. After re-counting the convoy, Mr. Jiang took a deep breath and found that three vehicles were missing. — That is, desertion in the team.

Of course, in the eyes of these Jianye professors, this pot is going to be thrown to the control area.

Jiang reported the situation to the principal of the school. The principal straightened up in the bus and sighed, "I thought there would be a new beginning after leaving Jianye. But unexpectedly, they (Tongfa District) are still unwilling to let us go. .”

In fact, after they left Jianye City, the commanding area didn't take care of them anymore, mainly because they ran too hastily.Many students thought about it after leaving the bustling city and felt that the future of going to the north was uncertain, so they might as well slip away.

While these people were discussing, a student union president ran over: "Mentor, come out and have a look at the railway!"

Five minutes later, Jiang climbed to the top of the mountain and watched the roaring sound from far to near on the railway with flashing lights a few kilometers away.After careful inspection, rows of battle mechas were bound to the train all the way north. Jiang saw this scene, and his heart was filled with surprise.

Jiang put on his helmet and shared the information with his principal.

The principal also 'suddenly realized': "No wonder they are blocking us in every possible way. They want to attack the north."

The principal thought for a while, and gave Mentor Jiang a priority to arrange the task "Qiu Mengfei is your student, you have to go north quickly, and tell him to be careful in the south!" - this is carefully planned, just arrived in the north, the place of life Those who are not familiar with each other, but if they find a relationship and sell their favor, then it will be a good 'release'.

When this kind of person is in a stable world, they can get along better than honest people like Wei Keng.

Ever since, after the train left in line, a flying mechanical beast flew northward first.

In this world, some people seek profit and fame, while others seek righteousness.

The morning of February 11th.

In the No. [-] Fort area of ​​Hetao, Zhang Qiang silently drove his mechanical armor and took the transfer order to garrison the No. [-] pool. This transfer order was faked by him.

Fifteen hours ago, Zhang Qiang received the order to retreat from the unified cutting area.But he refused the order—he had endured humiliation for so many years, he was regarded as a villain, and he followed suit just for revenge.

Now his friends in the south asked him to quickly withdraw, although he agreed, but——

Zhang Qiang stared at the biological tower with strong heterogeneous radiation in the distance, his eyes were deep, it was a place where Su Lingshuang was completely unhuman.

Zhang Qiang used sarcasm and determination: "Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir, and Bihai Qingtian is heartbroken every night!"

Su Lingshuang has been in the five-color alliance and disappeared for a long time.But only a handful of people in the Five Colors Alliance know that Su Lingshuang went to a special place, and she is already inhuman.

Su Lingshuang's body is connected to a huge biological meat ball in the No. [-] tower, and an information helmet is connected to her head, and the helmet is connected to the carbon base tower above.

If you look closely, her lower body is connected to the part that was originally used for reproduction.

Su Lingshuang and Qiu Mengfei, in order to get rid of the consciousness of the original celestial dragon, decided to use their own genes to mix into the next generation celestial dragon creature, and she is pregnant with a child at this time!

These children are Su Lingshuang's after all.Qiu Mengfei himself understands that as long as these node creatures start to replace the old Tianzhulong node, even if he has been controlled by Tianzhulong's consciousness, it will be useless.Su Lingshuang will become the true queen mother of the Tianzhulong community in the north.

【Wei Renlu didn't even expect this. After all, who would have thought that Qiu Mengfei, who licks dogs, wants to sacrifice herself as a goddess.Oh, you can't say licking a dog, it's called 'love species'. 】

Su Lingshuang felt a little bad when she saw the mechanical team appearing outside the training tower.

She sent a signal to Zhang Qiang outside: "What are you doing here?"

Zhang Qiang felt the spiritual language and said, "Replace the vitamin stock solution."

Zhang Qiang had already taken out everything he had prepared.

However, Su Lingshuang's doubts would not be dispelled so easily. She stared at the cans carried by these mechas. The material of the cans did not seem to contain vitamin stock solution, because the outer shell seemed to be a corrosion-resistant structure.

Su Lingshuang: "Put down the original solution, I will send someone to get it later."

Zhang Qiang said: "General Su, this needs to be delivered face to face. How about you give me a receipt and I'll leave?" This was obviously a gesture to wait for Su Lingshuang to enlighten him.

Su Lingshuang stared at Zhang Qiang outside through the biological compound eyes on the tower, and Zhang Qiang also raised his head at this time.

Su Lingshuang: "Zhang Qiang, I don't look suitable for meeting now. Do you want to wait for Qiu Mengfei to come here before handing over the supplies?"

Zhang Qiang nodded: "Well, um, can General Qiu arrive in half an hour? I have other things on my side."——It seems that I can wait, but in fact it is a test time.

Su Lingshuang saw the weapons on the mechas of Zhang Qiang's team, and vaguely felt that all this could not be helped.She glanced at Zhang Qiang's team, oh, these are all the old people from her father back then, suddenly, she understood something.Also thought about the cause and effect of coming and going.

After Su Lingshuang didn't answer, Zhang Qiang confirmed that she was guilty, and immediately shouted: "Do it!"

With a bang.

Dynamite blasted open the gate.

Countless tentacles were distorted and fell down by the flamethrower, and then broke into the biological tower, and there were fleshy wriggling everywhere, as if they had entered the cavity.

Without further ado, Zhang Qiang blasted away the so-called biological pipeline with the shotgun.

When seeing Su Lingshuang whose lower body was distorted, Zhang Qiang stared at Su Lingshuang's face and said, "Hehe, Su, what you look like today, go see your father."

Su Lingshuang sighed: "It was my fault back then, for not being responsible for that team. When I became like this, I knew that someone would question me. But you can't kill me..."

With a bang of the shotgun, Su Lingshuang answered.

Su Lingshuang's lower body was directly blasted by the ammunition, and Zhang Qiang's team directly sprinkled the compound medicine in the carbon base tower, and a large amount of flesh began to fester.

Su Lingshuang struggled to get up with two arms, but was kicked over by Zhang Qiang.

Zhang Qiang pressed the gun against her forehead.

Su Lingshuang didn't panic, but was calm: "After doing all this, go west. My main consciousness is not here, you destroyed my body, just let me sleep. But let Qiu Mengfei find you, cough Cough, you're going to die."

Once the hatred in his heart erupted, Zhang Qiang said in a trembling tone: "Don't be hypocritical, I will find the rest of you and kill you!" After saying that, Su Lingshuang's head rotted away.

(End of this chapter)

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