out of cage

Chapter 467 Chapter 11.23 Flowing 'tears' to the stars

Chapter 467 Chapter 11.23 Flowing 'tears' to the stars

After Wei Keng started to carry out the "Wise People Stepping on the Stars", he swept across the southern subcontinent with an "easy" attitude, and continued to push towards the life areas occupied by other apostles on the earth. Variety.

Multiple timelines, but only one timeline Feng Wuyou, Pu Tufan, Peng Haitao, Ji Hechenhao, Song Zhengyu, Shi Qingyuan, all understand that the current mission line of "turning the world around" on this plane of earth is an extremely amazing one. plane action.

The Wei Keng consciousness of this plane has surpassed the traditional human beings in the main world in all aspects, and belongs to a super-concept life form. This is not the super civilization they understood before they crossed over. The concept of an organic world.The current Wei Keng is just the beginning. If it really enters space in the mode of continuation of civilized races, many shallow life systems are destined to be crushed.

In 174, a group of new carbon-based satellites from the Qinling Mountains were launched into space.The detection principle of this group of carbon-based satellites for deep space exploration is different from that of the traditional reflective lens.

This is the observation system for observing the "cosmic carbon base".

On the earth, the intersection of organic matter in the dominion range of each apostle is roughly uniform, but between the apostles, the intersection of organic matter will be affected, and become uneven.

Now, the scale is enlarged, and in the space coordinate, if the carbon-based radiation emitted by the earth to the space is not disturbed, then it is uniform.But if there is a slight disturbance, the data will be recorded.

Comparing the interference data received by the two satellites, they can lock on a similar alien life field in a certain direction in space.

Now, after the entire human life field has expanded to the size of more than half of the continent of Azania, and the influence noise from the life field of other apostles on this planet is removed, Wei Keng quickly discovered the past through the comparison of thousands of satellites. , radio telescopes, information that cannot be observed.In the whole universe, there are indeed other disturbances of Pandora's field.

And these directions are not just planets!But empty space.

Note: In the observations of human civilization before the Great Destruction, when a star has non-periodic optical changes, it is suspected to be a Dyson sphere, but in the current observations that humans can see the reaction of organic matter, when a large number of complex reactions of organic matter appear in the starry sky effect, what does that mean?Swarm Fleet!

Of course, these are already detected by other timelines.

Wei Keng launched these satellites by himself mainly because he wanted to know the connotation of these "cosmic biological fleets".

If there are only [-] types of compounds that emit fluctuations under high energy in the fluctuations of these organic matter frequency bands, then——it means that the concept of insect swarms is followed!
The type of organic matter determines the complexity of life.Evolution is becoming more and more complex, so the iron law of life is: the amount of organic matter in human beings must be greater than that of insects, crabs, and fish.

The unified cutting area now speculates: If there is such an organic fleet in space, the normal number of high-energy organic matter frequency bands emitted is hundreds of thousands!Then it is very likely to be a system of higher intelligence.Just as the human brain is complex enough to carry complex consciousness, it has evolved love, philosophy, trust, and various information expressions of lies, as well as the pursuit of ideals.

If the biological fleet in the outer space maintains the large-scale types of organic matter to operate normally, then they definitely have the emotions that human beings have, and what human beings ignore, they have a more complex understanding.

Wei Keng built a space fleet for Long Ximin, and the frequency band of organic matter in normal operation in the mechanical shell also exceeded [-].

The objective premise of the physical property of "Pandora field" exists in the universe.The threshold for life to enter space will become lower, but the threshold for life to evolve into wisdom still exists.

Human beings on the earth interact with insect swarms that "only have simple consciousness" and whose actions are dominated by "swallowing".It requires a different attitude from interacting with super civilizations.

Facing the swarms, the best way to deal with them in the Centennial Plan of Human Civilization is to dig pits and plunder those who should use means to plunder.Be strategically bold.

If the other party is super civilized, be more cautious and don't come into contact with it easily.

Master Wei has a grand vision for the planet under his feet!
When I finish destroying the superficial Pandora field on the entire planet, I will immediately enter the era of great technological development. With the successors in place, the next generation mission will be to open up Venus and Mars.

At the same time, Mercury was disassembled in space and carbon was extracted from the sun. ——Note: The technology in this area has already been demonstrated in Carbon Valley, and requires celestial-level facilities.

In the mode of constant life of the insect swarm system, the types of organic matter are different, and the development of perception is firstly limited!

The insect swarm cannot distinguish the tens of thousands of degrees of ion area in the sun, and the nanosecond-level existence process of carbon atom bonding, so the same phenomenon, the insect swarm cannot use the organic matter in the star, they can only extract the planet.

[It’s like a dog, if you let it learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within ten, it’s still possible, but if you let it program, even if you implant it with a higher smart chip, it doesn’t have the patience to create. 】

This is the reason why if the original intelligent race of Pandora Field evolves into a space bug swarm, it will inevitably go to plunder.

But if there are too many types of organic matter, and due to the promotion of wisdom consciousness, more types of organic matter will be evolved in one's own high-energy life body to supply more complex life thinking.So extracting stars is a feasible direction.

In the face of a super civilization, human beings must make careful preparations and quickly master the extraction technology of the solar system.Then take the data to the whole universe to settle down, to prevent civilization from being taken over by a pot.

But if it is a swarm, as long as the current earth develops for another 100 years and achieves technological advantages, it can completely lure the swarm over!

Wei Keng: "There are too few organic matter on the earth, and there are not many organic matter that can be developed with Jupiter and Saturn."

But if the human civilization emits a "fragrance" in a targeted manner (radiating frequency bands of organic matter in a specific direction of the universe), let the external swarms come.In that case, it can supplement nutrition for the human beings who have just entered the interstellar civilization.

Wei Keng: "This is called Xinghai Fishing."

What, the swarm is endless? !As a human being in the 21st century, if you see: "The prawns and crabs are endlessly rushing towards you, are there tears in the eyes or the corners of the mouth?"

These days, it is not certain who eats who, and the current human beings are still using the inorganic smelting system.Master Wei is now able to penetrate three kilometers underground to grab rich ore.

The output of several steel plants in the unified logging area has returned to an annual output of 3000 million tons.The production capacity of a more advanced 21 cubic meter blast furnace in the [-]st century has already been demonstrated.Now restricting the use of steel in the unified logging area is the population.As for the future?Now organic technology can go deep into the earth's crust and build smelters in the earth's crust.

So at least in the development direction of Long Ximin, when human beings merge with machines after the age of 60, the organism retains only [-]% of the nerve response, nutrient intake, and waste metabolism tissue.The rest are replaced with steel shells, bearings, gears, and memory metal muscles.

Sooner or later your organic matter will be exhausted, and the aluminum and iron crust of my planet is endless.

 A cook's dream is endless hairy crabs, lobsters, sea cucumbers, and scallops crawling towards him.All the foodies in the world are happy at the banquet.Woohoo, when will I suddenly see this banquet in front of my eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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