out of cage

Chapter 483 Chapter 11.39 Punish the 4 big demons

Chapter 483 Chapter 11.39 Punish the Quartet Demon

In April 182 of the Pandora calendar, Wei Keng solved the entire North American continent.

May 182, 5.Entering Central America and coming into contact with the Tallinn hive masters in South America is the closest thing to a swarm. In April 3, the Nest Master's core lair fell in a nuclear explosion and was devoured by the "Kirby" among the standard beasts.

Wei Keng attacked on multiple fronts, and entered the Latin American continent by land and water.

July 181, 7.In the process of opening up the Atlantic Ocean, it comes into contact with the devil's horsetail of the Atlantic warm current originating in the Caribbean Sea, which is a large sea algae.

February 182, 2.Wei Keng mobilized the "organic tide" under the humanitarian frequency band in Europe, and also forced the activation of "carbon-based immunity".After the devil algae whose root system penetrated into the deep sea was devoured by the fungus, it transformed into a new community similar to chordates and rooted in the Atlantic Ocean.The colony was then wiped out by the immune system within seven months.

May 182, 5.Wei Keng entered the central plateau of South America, and encountered the World Tree in the process. This super giant tree was the overlord of the first generation of global radiation genes.

October 183, 10.Wei Keng mobilized the seeds of the big radish to spread in the area after the nuclear operation eliminated the largest nodes.The remaining giant trees were decomposed by a large number of "mushrooms", and a large number of "mushrooms" turned into various "dynamic creatures" in a cycle, and finally they were no better than standard beasts.

Turn the eyes of the new world to the old world!After the Wei Keng group solved the dead salt king in the Mediterranean, they immediately headed south.

October 182, 10.Wei Keng encountered the "sun beetle" creature tide in the North African desert, a beetle creature that has built countless tunnels with a depth of 2 meters in the sand.These tunnels are connected to the groundwater, and climb out in turn to photosynthesize under the sunlight.

In April 183, the sun beetle was preyed to death by the standard herds of "Pruning Mountain Rat" and "Pearing Mountain King".After eating all the desert beetles, the total number of armadillos reached 4 billion. Except for a few that remained genetically stable, the rest were transformed into four species of cats and eight species of birds under the action of the life field.

November 182, 11.Wei Keng encountered a group of "Ancestral Beasts" in the Congo River Basin. The group had a large number of mammalian monsters of different shapes, but they all absorbed the characteristics of the primates in the area.On the huge semi-upright skeleton, other configurations are too miscellaneous.

There are multiple heads, and the extra heads can grow on the shoulders or on the back.The arm is not necessarily a long arm, it may also be the tentacles of an elephant's trunk.

These weird giant monkeys have human bad roots such as "mutual war" and "cannibalism".

Such mutual battles can give the winner of them an advantage in size and strength.Its largest individual is more than 50 meters in size and has three pairs of arms. It is a veritable King Kong monster.By adjusting the frequency band, Wei Keng emits provocative messages that make all the primates of the same kind in the area hostile.

Wei Keng: Humans and primates have always had a more basic communication. For example, when you see a gorilla, stare at him and punch his chest, you can clearly express the meaning of pk.

Wei Keng "successfully" communicated with these primates, and they agreed to fight Wei Keng to the death.

In March 183, under the mecha and aerial bombardment, all the large individuals here were eliminated, and finally all became extinct in the ecological replacement.


In this way, from 181 to 184, there was one line from East Asia to North America and South America, and the second line along the Silk Road to Europe and Africa.

The 40th month of Wei Keng's expedition.In two years, Wei Keng impacted 37 types of stars, large and small, all over the world (far more than the 100 that were counted by human city-states 27 years ago), giving them permanent extinction.

The definition of permanent extinction in the Pandora era is that the central core habitat is destroyed, the main life group is eliminated, and is replaced by the species of other ecological circles, and the main gene group cannot be recorded and stored, so it has no decisive force in the carbon-based cycle.

Almost all organic matter on the earth comes from the carbon cycle driven by solar energy, and when all the vegetation controlled by the human carbon base is replaced, the super life with a unified genetic community will not be able to rise in this area.

Of course, some biomes have no defined habitat and exist rather hidden.

For example, the blood worm in southern Africa!This product is hiding in the body of various organisms.The original core ecological zone was in the Great Rift Valley, but then it spread throughout Africa along the river, and was even once infected with the Weikeng cluster.

Wei Keng didn't even know the existence of this parasitic community before he entered the hyperoxidized state, but after a little inspection, good guy, this thing replaced the white blood cells and symbiosis with himself.

This kind of schistosome is harmless most of the time, but every year at the turn of spring and summer, it will burn the life energy of the host to reproduce, which means that the parasitized person enters the "aunt period" state.Feeling drowsy and irritable.

After Wei Keng weakened the entire African continent, a large number of ethnic groups migrated freely on the plate, exchanging biological genes on a large scale.A lot of "burning blood" phenomena appeared in the standard beast, and Master Wei realized that this guy had to be exterminated.So I used the carbon-based frequency band backhand and started to repel insects regularly.


In the process of sweeping all these, Wei Keng has never forgotten to look for the seeds left by the previous generation of civilization.

Australia, where Wei Keng met the last batch of human survivors camp during the process of exploring the world.

And this contact time was in May 183.At this time, all the first-class and powerful apostles in the world have been cleaned up by Wei Keng, and the remaining second-rate apostles are already grasshoppers after autumn.

But Australia is a lonely continent, and its heterogeneous radiation is still so strong that it is out of tune with its surroundings.The former human city on the east coast is still dancing wildly with demons, all kinds of canvas-like "plants" spread out from the building, and it is a illusion from a distance.

The reason why Wei Keng landed late on the Australian mainland was to give priority to the shallow sea life community in the direction of the Great Barrier Reef, so as to prevent it from destroying its own supply chain. "Immune to attack."

Wei Keng and soldiers from the Nanyang Command Area landed on the mainland.

Three divisions were landed, with 3000 people (3000 of whom were used by Nanyang youth cadres for exchanges).

As a fully mechanized force, with the luxury configuration of at least three sets of armor for each person and four chariots for each person, it is an unprecedented torrent of steel for the biological behemoths and humans here.

At this time, Wei Keng's military establishment has moved closer to the situation in the Shenzhou plane.After a large number of mechanical arms are installed, they can be operated unmanned, so a semi-unmanned configuration is carried out.That is to say, there are people in low-risk battles, and in high-risk assault operations, the procedures are adjusted, and no one is charged directly through link communication.

Each combat vehicle is connected to the Wei Keng cluster due to the frequency band installed inside, and the neural information network is becoming more and more perfect, which can be used like an arm.

Entering Australia this time, Wei Keng is once again leading the young people from the commanding area.In order to cope with emergencies, Wei Keng applied for 74 tactical nuclear warheads (with an equivalent of about [-] tons to [-] tons) as insurance.

Suppose you encounter a tactical accident in Australia and you have to evacuate, and you need to use nuclear bombs as a cover.

Under normal circumstances, Wei Keng is accustomed to using alkane cloud blast weapons in global battles.This is cheap, effective, and with the completion of a series of facilities such as biochemical power plants, it is almost unlimited.As long as the air force has enough capacity, the cleaning effect is better than nuclear weapons.

After Wei Keng landed, he crossed directly towards the central desert area. ——Because the satellite found that after the current rainy season is over, a biological tide is forming and is attacking the human settlements in the desert.Giving assistance at this time will be helpful for later civilization contact.

The 183rd year of the Pandora calendar is the 190th year of the torch calendar for the survivors and residents of Australia.

Because at the time of the Great Destruction, the torch was lit here.

This was the promised land chosen by another group of elites in the world at that time.

Note: At the time of the Great Destruction, the global capital groups did not have a joint force, because they were originally united because of the cooperation of interests, and they would disperse if the interests were gone.

On the other side of Tianzhu is the 'last base of mankind' jointly built by emerging Internet giants and technology giants.Australia is led by some Jewish chaebols on Wall Street to complete the "promised land" here.

The nano-protection network built by Yucheng back then was so large that it had to cover the entire mountain, coupled with the lack of strict control, it eventually collapsed.But in sub-Australia, the elites were very ruthless back then and exercised absolute control over the shelters.

At that time, the Australian elite built 67 energy umbrellas!Each energy umbrella has a range of one kilometer.Within this kilometer, reinforced concrete is used to build layers of buildings, which are divided into ecological planting layer, breeding layer, residential area, warehouse area, and backup area.

In the design of each energy umbrella back then, the target was "can accommodate 1000 people".

At the end of the period, those who can get the places to enter the refuge are the excellent genetic residents who have been carefully recruited.However, the leader who built the shelter at that time did not tell everyone the real news.

Instead, they lied that each shelter can accommodate 10 people. 67 shelters can protect 670 million people.In this calculation, it is enough to shelter a quarter of Australia's population.Good boy, the whole of Australia has run out of ideas to compete for the quarter. —they started to work like hell.

The builders of the 'Energy Umbrella' plan also commanded 600 million people because of the "bubble" blown up in this way, and are willing to act for the entire plan.And as expected, a pre-sale was carried out.

The leader of 'Energy Umbrella' undoubtedly has excellent business operation capabilities, and is also the most efficient non-government organization in Australia before the end of the world. Before the disaster came, he rushed to complete a series of tasks.

For example, the large-scale mining of Australian uranium mines has been purified, and the storage of eight energy warehouses has been completed-these energy warehouses are still providing resources for the consumption of the umbrella.At the same time, the canned storage of sugar organic matter was also completed, which were stored in the dry desert, leaving the search team of the shelter in the end to search for the supplies left before the Great Destruction!
Before the end of the world in Australia, 600 million people were led to fight against anarchism. In 20 years, a full 7000 million tons of materials were produced and stored in [-] storage points.

Otherwise, how could the residents of this energy umbrella survive by relying on search when the efficiency of the organic circulation circle is insufficient!
Back then, when these 600 million people produced these materials, they also helped the elites suppress the unrest of other people who could not get asylum quotas.During this process, the violent machine supported by 600 million people mercilessly suppressed and even massacred a large number of opponents.

But it is ironic that only 7 people entered the energy umbrella in the end!The rest of the people failed to enter the energy umbrella due to "irreversible" reasons.

"I blow up the bubble, and I use the bubble to make a big cake, but it's up to me whether to cash it out for you." This is the wisdom of Jewish businessmen! (Yi Lin style)
Survivors in various regions of the world always have various reasons that make Master Wei want to let them go and be wiped out.

However, Wei Keng finally decided to fulfill human morality.

As for the black history of these forces, Master Wei has recorded it in the history books after the investigation, so that these "666 operations" can be "admired" by future generations.

At the same time, it clearly reminds what kind of social atmosphere, what kind of thoughts and values ​​will appear in this situation.So that future generations of one's own civilization can be vigilant when communicating.

Master Wei is a standard great river system civilization, and what he pursues is a long history, that is: things that violate the righteousness and take small profits cannot be done.When everyone else is doing it, as a small citizen, I have to do it for the sake of living, and I shouldn't be proud of it.And as myself standing in the perspective of everyone, I can't even do something out of morals, if I do it, it will set a precedent for future generations!

In the 190th year of the torch calendar, the consul of the energy umbrella looked at the fifth energy wall outside the No. [-] energy umbrella, which was attacked by the herd of beasts.

After the Great Destruction, under the yellow sand in the Australian region, all kinds of creatures turned into lizard-like water-retaining structures.This kind of creature can eject flowing nematodes, which can be used to remotely control humans into the nano-protection net.In the past 190 years, fifteen energy umbrellas have been breached in this way.

And the voters are now wearing the torch armor, stepping on the grille floor of the building that looks like an offshore drilling platform, and strafing the tide of creatures coming up from below.Due to the lack of ammunition system, their weapons are heavier shotguns.

When the fire was fired, there was a bang, and the climbing battle lizard weighing more than 300 kilograms was blasted down.Of course, if you can, it's best to stab these guys with the power knife of the mech.

The consul said to the operator on the side: "We have found the wisdom core of the beast swarm." The operator wearing a European military uniform quickly opened the floating electronic interface and said, "There are at least six beast swarm nodes on the opposite side."

The consul looked at the first line of defense under his feet, those polluted citizens who were carrying shovels or carrying boxes, and said slowly: "Tell Walker, if it fails, take the voters to retreat."

In frontier battles at this time, the most active soldiers wear more sophisticated armor and mechanized equipment, while the filthy people do not.

Energy Umbrella has an extremely strict human breeding policy - even if the genes are slightly polluted, even if they are recessive, they cannot reproduce.According to this standard, before the establishment of the unified cutting area, the entire Jianye and Five-color Alliance system can be called a standard human being, probably only one percent.

If the polluted people give birth to a different species, they will be executed!This is to maintain the purity of human blood with extremely strict scientific standards.

In the current entire energy umbrella, the actual number of voters is 3, and the number of genetically pure humans is decreasing, while there are a full 37 polluters.It is necessary to discard the polluted people when necessary to withdraw the voters who are precious to human forces.

[And the religion that is currently prevailing in the energy umbrella explains it this way: All disasters in the world are trials of the Lord.Those who survived were all because of the gift of the Lord. As for those who did not survive, it was because they did not listen to the gift of the Lord.So they recorded that those who did not enter the shelter before the Great Destruction had all kinds of "stains" and were eliminated. 】

Back to the point of view, the front line of the confrontation between humans and creatures in the sanctuary.

Walker, who fought at the front, was a muscular man.On the most dangerous battlefield, after he stabbed a lizard blind with a sharp steel thorn, his teammates opened fire to cover it, while shouting: "Captain, the consul asked us to give up the front if appropriate."

Walker: "Give up, Falk! There are 2000 people in Umbrella Seven, and a lot of water."

Another teammate pushed away the monster lying on the mecha: "But I really can't stand it anymore."

Walker: "Let the filthy people retreat to the second floor first, and we will hold the top for another 10 minutes."

At this time, the female player on the side pointed to the sky and said, what is that?
At this time, a turboprop bomber floated in the sky.The roaring fixed-wing fighters flew by, and the herd of beasts that had gathered on the ground seemed to realize something, and raised their heads to look up at all this.Throughout the wilderness, countless pairs of eyes stared at the uninvited guest from the sky, and then there was a strange roar from the distant skyline, and a flying dragon with three heads and a wingspan of 50 meters came from the distant sky.

Wei Keng, who was sitting in the cockpit of the farming outfit, half-jokingly said to Lu Min who was beside him: "The local community, it seems that they still don't know us!" Communication is far less efficient than other communities on World Island.

Lu Min manipulated the Rogia in the cabin with the language of his mind, and at the same time replied: "The next thing is, I recognize it."

(End of this chapter)

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