out of cage

Chapter 497 Chapter 12.11 The big case of robbery and smuggling

Chapter 497 Chapter 12.11 The big case of robbery and smuggling
At the beginning of 1237, in the North 193 District, the security chase was going on in the corridor at this time.This is a major case that has alarmed many big figures in the inner circle.

Three high-speed speeding cars ran in front of the corridor, while security robots chased after them.The speeding car running in front threw out brilliant tracer bombs.And the alarm bell of the chasing robot was also loud and lively.

Since it is inside an asteroid, there are no helicopters in the sky.Security robots can only dispatch in multiple lines, but these dispatches have been blocked.

Wei Keng's deployment is careful, taking into account the possibility of being hunted before taking action.Therefore, smoke bombs were placed in advance on the tunnel path of the security forces to intercept the places where the security officers might dispatch.A large cloud of smoke blocked the response speed of the multi-line mobilization of public security.

When these security forces participated in the siege and interception, they met "love" at the corner.These robots couldn't dodge and were covered in faces, and then they didn't make a turn in time, and hit the straight steel rope directly at the corner.

So the current magistrate is like the "loser in the battle of Xubu", annoyed why the interception force has not been able to be in place for a long time.

As the chief dispatcher, Wei Keng, Le Lehe looked at these security forces, being hung up like monkeys.Now under the "new normal", I have solved my own problems through flexible entrepreneurship, but now, the problems belong to the asteroid governors.

The experience on Earth is that public security and defense cannot be prevented. It is necessary to increase the employment rate and give everyone enough space to settle down, so that there will be no rogues in the whole world.

Kong Jian: My kind of people who are king-like can pull up a team and set up another mountain. No matter how you think about it, the outsiders are not responsible.

Of course, Wen Tiexing's governance system has not encountered troublesome people like Kongjian for too long.The governor of Wen Tiexing wanted to find a middle way between "absolute management under the ship" and "freedom and openness". Yang Teng has the kind of guy who lays flat and explodes, and has a way to make the lower levels of the middle way feel better.


Before chasing Qigong away, the original brigade of Kongjian's team had escaped from the sheriff's perspective.When turning halfway, another brigade appeared and shot those security forces with lasers, leading the security forces to their side, and transferred the security pursuers in the form of a relay race, and divided the small groups of pursuers into large groups , and then through cross-regional and terrain preparations, the large group of chasing troops was directly thrown off.

Kong Jian explained: That is called "Plum Blossom Splitting".

Um, that is complicated to say, but it is a unified dispatch of hundreds of people, and the command scale belongs to the regiment-level combat system of the 71st century.Wentie Planet also admires the security forces that fight in large groups, whoever has encountered that kind.

What's more, in the upper-level areas of various regions, Kongjian has greeted the local civilian organizations, delayed the notification, and made some movement reminders. If the security pursuers damage anything, they will make up for it in advance.

Before the chase reached 22 minutes, all those who should be thrown away have been thrown away, and the security force chasing in the main tunnel is the last one left.The end at the back is a space crushing station, and everything over eight meters in size is a thing of the past.

The security captain in charge of the chase, with flames in his helmet eyes, immediately activated the "Infrasonic Bomber" because Gu's tunnel was too narrow to cause shock damage.

Terrible lethality, buzzing and shaking in the 8000-meter tunnel, all the rats in the floor tiles were shocked to death, and people ten kilometers away felt heart palpitations.

But when the fleeing brigade pursued by the security forces activated the infrasonic cannon in front and played the sound wave that was about to arrive, the space node in the ear sent a notification, so Delay put on the sound-proof helmet, and the chest protective equipment was also inflated for protection. The same density layer destroys the resonant vibration produced by infrasound.So during the attack, I just felt a slight tingle from the partially exposed part, and it didn't hurt.

Before that, the brigade retreated into the gap of the space destruction station and completely left the scene.

That was the 25th minor case recorded by the legal department within that year. ——In fact, Yang Teng committed 32 crimes, some of which were kidnappings of gangsters in the inner-level area. Those gangsters did not report the crime because of their reputation.

And that time, the reason why the disturbance was so small was that the smuggler that Kongjian robbed was a game in itself.Related to Wen Tiexing's current situation is treacherous, and the lower levels are fighting secretly.

The smuggler smuggled under the name of biological weakening agent under the big planet.But in fact it is a low-level weapon-Zhewei Keng.

To explain it with the physical theory of Xu Xuxing: it uses the unified definition to intervene in the seven small types of particles in the positive quadrant area, so that within the scope of the moving space, the internal force of matter disappears, and the material structure is united.

It is a low-level munition that can instantly cut an eight-meter incision within tens of kilometers as long as the space perception is wrong.

That kind of weapon is often in the hands of the captain of the military brigade under the command of the Starry Sky Council.

Among the marginal planets of Wen Tie, it is basically a hit.Even if people from the Iron Planet get it, there are still a few people who can master that weapon.

This type of weapon, without training, can only attack within a few hundred meters at least, and its abnormal range is more than ten times that!
It is necessary to establish accurate perception within a few kilometers, or tens of kilometers.Only low-level star sea knights (up to level seven dark energy users) can master it.

Apparently, those smugglers were arranged by some ungrateful people in Wentie Star.

The smuggler had just obtained the weapon from the temporary turning point in the inner circle, and was immediately watched by the forces in the inner area.All that is full of arranged coincidences.

The gang of palace fighters in the inner layer are planning to use the name of arresting the smuggler to covertly recruit him.Reduce chips for the next internal political wrangling.

But ah, when the little people in the inner circle were planning to have a perfect fit, it was expected that "Cheng Yaojin would be killed halfway".

Yang Tengyou, who was determined to become smaller and weaker in the inner circle, immediately set his eyes on the sneaky Lixiang people.

Kong Jian: Before the investigation of the smuggler was completed, I would report the crime if I was wrongly judged, so I was robbed directly.

Yes, in front of the local low-level inspector who was investigating smuggling, Yang Teng mobilized the commando to directly bomb the smuggler's building, and then in the mist, the robbery brigade ended the evacuation under the cover of optical stealth equipment.

A second after Yang Teng made the move, the low-level inspectors at the inner level thought that it was their own group who took the lead, so they lost their temper.But before asking around, the intelligence of the public security reminded: The one who did the thing in front of him has nothing to do with the new criminal organization "Fari Fanatic".

As a result, the group of sheriffs immediately changed their mission from breaking in the smugglers to chasing down the Fari fanatics.

In other words, when the public security systems in several areas united to encircle and suppress him, Yang Tengyou was also taken aback, and immediately understood that he had offended someone who deserved it.

But Kong Jian is a coward. It is wrong to say that 'seeing the coffin is crying'.Immediately, it appeared what it means to be extremely vicious, and all the backup teams were called out to attack all the security systems with all their strength.

During those seven or ten minutes, the masked superiors recruited by Yang Teng felt like they were in a difficult situation, and they didn't feel like kneeling and surrendering at all.But Kong Jian immediately gave up a group of vacillating people, cut off our communication in the communication group, and then disclosed all our information internally.

(Originally everyone in Xiaojia wore masks to prevent other members of my group from being confessed before being arrested. But now the protection of the vacillating group has been punctured.)
Such a deterrent to all large groups, followed by a calmer than the ground to reach the commander in chief.Within seven to 10 minutes, eight hundred young masters issued orders, activated eight filings, and forcibly reversed the deadlock.

At the very beginning, when all the groups without relays were out of danger, everyone immediately cheered!

At that moment, those young people in the upper district disobeyed the order of 'Gong Changba' just for money, but a kind of genuine heartfelt convincing.

Note: "In a small part, it seems that the answer is given", whoever can give the "answer" has no leadership now.That is definitely the personal charm that "noble education" can cultivate.

If you rely on your "personal identity" and your "seat" to command the heroes, and subconsciously regard it as your "core capital", there is no such sentence on earth that can describe such knowledge: "Born in the deep palace , Longer than a woman's hand, never know sorrow, never know worry, never know labor, never know fear, never know danger".

When all the big groups were cheering, Kong Jian interrupted us with an angry reprimand: "I'll give you some peace, the matter has yet to begin!"

The communication suddenly became quiet.Then Qian Kongjian said to everyone: "The matter you have caused is very small. The leadership team will hold a meeting to calculate all the benefits of that operation. All core participants will be distributed within half an hour. arrive.

Not yet, no one noticed, during that time I gave my father a high profile, something happened (such as being robbed, money was stolen, injured), and you gave a password, you will send someone to send the password and give them backup funds , have been a little more peaceful recently. "

Robbery planning is only the first step. Selling and distributing stolen goods are simple tasks.

The funds that the empty sword distributed were all processed.As for the money that has been laundered, what will happen?
Take the encyclopedia of weak robbers "Water Margin" as an example. Before the birthday gang took action, Bai Sheng took a gamble with this bag of gold and silver, and it was revealed.

Therefore, Kongjian will wash the funds for a few rounds every time. One-tenth of the small sum of money is directly exchanged for daily necessities, and the game consoles are handed over to the operators, so that those participants can play by themselves for a period of time. Participate in the purchase of social goods.As for the rest, they were all replaced with precious metals like gold and silver, and handed over to us for safekeeping.

That time, before Kongjian finished the meeting, he ordered the staff to disband slowly, preparing for a long-term hibernation.


Yang Tengyou directly handed over the funds to the necessary teams at eight places through space flickering, and recovered all the stolen goods from that operation, as well as all the important tools of crime under the hands of all the personnel.If the crime tool is collected, once the higher-ups want to use it, they will definitely be exposed.

During that series of processes, it seemed orderly and disorderly, but Kong Jian's heart was pounding.

'As an honest person, walking down such a path of law, um, sooner or later one will get wet shoes. 'Yang Teng warned himself in this way.

It's just that before finishing the routine "self-examination" link, I can't wait to open the box and rob the results.


The lower level was already in a state of chaos, and the phone call from the inner level scolded the inner level inspectors bloody, and issued a death order.However, in the violent storm, the inner layer was an eye-catching space, and a big "kayak" returned to its quiet port.

Kongjian Fly rubbed his hands, took a deep breath and looked at the eight compressed supply boxes in interstellar space.

There are eight first-type boxes: rows of precious element sticks compressed by space, shining brightly.

There are no two boxes in the seventh category: individual combat armor, and spiritual control flying swords (the kind of flying swords that can freely shuttle and move in narrow spaces. The space stabilization device in the flying sword needs to be corrected by slow speed and large planets. Align the starlight coordinates in the system, and the eighth level of dark energy in the non-energy system can be used.)
As for the first box.

It was a stack of large metal sticks that looked like pencils, with strange patterns shining, and stacks of energy crystals that could be called luminous gems.When he gripped it heavily and was about to pick up one, Kong Jian was stunned.That thing looks as small as a sword hilt, but it weighs a full seventy kilograms.

The big thing doesn't have such a weight, it must be the thing that got him into trouble that time.

Before the previous system spread out the information, Yang Teng instantly understood the cause and effect, the name of the eighteen metal-colored sticks: "Folding Yang Teng."

That ammunition is starting, for Wen Tiexing, it is the core combat armed equipment - equivalent to the 99 main tanks of a train in ancient times.

When Master Wei thought of his group of ground guerrillas, he snatched that thing: on the one hand, he has a small head, but in front of the small head, he is faintly proud!Because I have long been waiting to see the big planetary society, the inner layer has no way to say anything, but the inner layer is chaotic, and I have the final say.

Kong Jian studied Zhe Wei Keng sloppily.Very slowly, a hilt was activated.A space shadow penetrated the ceiling of the lower floor and disappeared into the endless starry sky of the big planet.

The original seventy-kilogram armament, before Kong Jian got the trick, held the heavy weight in his hand, as if it was a projection model that moved with his mind.

That's because before Zhewei Keng was fully activated, the quality of the sword was concentrated under the hilt, but diffused into the surrounding 100-meter space to form a field, and the twisting of the field would emit a space blade.

Then the empty sword activated the seventh handle, and then the eighth handle...

Ten seconds ago, all the space swords were floating beside Kongjian, and synchronized with Kongjian's thinking, they retreated and fluttered along the body.Before the empty sword is pried through the dark energy structure, its weight is distributed among hundreds of thousands of force points in the space around it (such as a heavy machine gun erected at a slow speed), which is convenient for direct swinging of the mind.

If that scene was seen by some people in the inner layer, it would definitely be a little surprised.

Now in a starry sky combat team that crosses the star gate, the highest level is the seventh-level dark energy user, but in fact the captain of the seventh-level dark energy user only masters Zhewei Keng.

And they all hold one handle, and no one has ever had less handles, because it is very difficult to convert the quality of Zhewei Keng into a field.

Now those eighteen Zhewei Keng hung around Yang Teng like a haze.

The reason is that the empty sword is tending to the space system under the dark energy structure.

That kind of weapon is precisely the space system that is most suitable.

As for Kong Jian's technique of controlling several Zhewei Keng at the same time, this comes from the system of the Kong Twisting plane.This is a well-trained control technique.

"It's worth it, it's really worth it!" Master Wei sighed before controlling the sword light to intersect 70 meters behind him, forming a light.

The so-called "holding a straight stick for many years, the rapeseed is to keep the head", Wei finally lost the feeling of being an earthling.


Eighteen kilometers away, in the tunnel, a security robot that was patrolling the station to search the upper-level residents was rampaging to force all the residents out, and then let them line up.In the torture information cabin on the side, rows of residents put on information helmets on the security ordnance threats. Anyone who is worried about safety and took money from certain forces will be tortured by the information helmets.

Someone's half-cutting has already slowed down the people below, and finally set off a storm.

The empty sword in the secret base over there aimed for a long time through the detection of fluctuations, and finally aimed at it. Zhewei Keng next to him shook slightly, and the space warping fluctuations were emitted.

On the other side, the sheriffs who were separated by hundreds of planetary barriers and a small number of open areas suddenly found that the robots around them seemed to have been tapped, one, two, eight, and very slowly connected into a piece of land. Get on your stomach.

That kind of weird phenomenon makes us whisper: "Be alert, be alert!"

We were on alert 7 minutes ago, when the low-level public security army colonel rushed to the scene, the eighth-level dark energy user took a serious look at the police robot that was shut down on the scene, and suddenly his face froze, and someone opened the inside of all the robots. .

Before opening it, I saw that all the chips had been shredded, although they could still be restored.But the guy who destroyed the robot chip was obviously concerned about hacking into the robot chip of the security department.

Seven hours ago, the police officer in charge of repairing and restoring the chip hurriedly called the Chief of Security over. The Chief was invited to the back of the camera, and the angle of view was [-] times smaller.

I saw a sentence engraved under the inner shell of the chip, "Ten steps to kill a person, thousands of miles is to stay."

With a snap, the sheriff's mechanical hand crushed the plastic cup to pieces.

That's rampant criminals making provocations against the security department of the planet.

(End of this chapter)

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