out of cage

Chapter 501 Chapter 12.15 Cover Up

Chapter 501 Chapter 12.15 Cover Up
"Development" is a complete set of science.

In the eighth month of 1237, an abandoned void in the outer layer of the asteroid.There is no gravity facility here, the air is thin, and now it is short-lived.Everyone who comes here wears a helmet and induction clothing on their heads.

Take a closer look, these are the consciousness monitoring equipment equipped in the security station on the asteroid.Its production date is in 833, and it is obviously "scrapped". After being thrown into the warehouse, it is ready to "float" to the outer layer.Of course, there will be "oil" on the hands and mouth of some handlers

Of course, it has now been intercepted by Asteroid Daredevil, and it has been repaired and used here.

After repeated screening, Wei Keng determined that [-] people met the requirements in terms of cultural courses and personal mentality, and set trial tasks for these lower-level personnel.

These young people who passed the basic assessment were drawn by lots, and adopted the No. [-] trial plan, driving the rocket speed car to a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, passing through [-] terrain turns and returning successfully.

This is ultra-extreme sports.There are only a handful of people on Earth who do this.Roaring at [-] kilometers per hour, and still making [-] bends, what does it feel like?How many people bounced and walked on the glass path?

The promised star military combat team may also have this kind of high-speed trial, but it is achieved through drugs and neural chip implantation to expand perception.Most of them are mercenary guys who are about to retire after their 40s. Those white-bearded veterans are ready to mechanize part of their bodies to keep themselves brave.

And Wei Keng asked these young people under the age of 20 to take part in the trial, in order to know whether their pure carbon base, secreted adrenal hormones and physical coordination ability can meet the standards.

Two hours later, the buzzing flying cars ended, the three flying cars crashed into pieces, and the person landed smoothly in the protection of the balloon cockpit that opened in an instant, still in shock, and was dragged back to the hospital by Wei Keng.

But sixteen people have reached the standard, and before they have finished this high-speed movement, they started the deep dive of consciousness.This time the consciousness was deep dive, and finally the six people succeeded.

And Wei Keng used the "eternal heart" (life system) to directly adjust the organic state of the bodies of both the "successors" and "losers" who participated in the trial.The conditioning process is precise down to every cell.And the body tissue is supported by massive data.

The rest of the ten people who did not awaken successfully did not have a long adjustment period after the "near death" of the deep dive of consciousness ended.

Daily intake of digital food, supplemented by extreme exercise, the nervous system will return to its peak within four months, and the second deep dive of consciousness can be performed.

This is one more door opened than the 16-year-old boy in Wen Tiexing's inner circle who failed to "deep dive into consciousness" and missed his age.

Wei Keng: It just opened up a new path, and did not smooth the threshold. In the new path, the cultivation of logic in cultural courses is very important and some will be eliminated, and the coordination of extreme sports will also be screened.It was supposed to be one in ten.

And the deep dive of consciousness uses the burst of consciousness when dying.

Although this method seems to be able to quickly adjust the nervous system after each deep dive of consciousness, it is squeezing the potential of the body, and the root cause of the disease is to stay.

If you can't awaken the dark energy!To stabilize the carbon-based body, the price is to encounter various diseases at the age of 60, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's!Wei Keng has already told them about this side effect: "Young people dare to go crazy for a while, but they can't stand waste and overdraft."

In the environment of the outer layer of the asteroid, it is unknown whether it is possible to live to the age of 40 without awakening the dark energy.

Wei Keng promotes the dark energy awakening mode on the outer layer, which belongs to the front line of the great battle!
For the outer-layer youths who participated in the trial, after comprehensive preparations, they charged towards the dragon gate with all their strength.If the impact wins, then the organic matter in the whole body will start to enter into the process of harmonizing with the dark energy, transforming into the mortal in one step.Shock lost and died on the beach.

The group of lower-level awakened people on Wentie Planet are the first to eat crabs.On the road of attacking dark energy, there is Wei Keng escorting him.Wei Keng's dark energy of the life system tried to maintain their bodies to the most suitable state for breaking through the critical state.


In a space of eight cubic meters.

Ke Zixi looked at himself silently, and as his consciousness beat to perceive the "quality" of space, circles of halos spread from his head to his feet, and then echoed back to his head.

His dark energy mode is energy-based, a combination of [-] kinds of dark matter, and now the dark energy acts as electricity storage.That is to store more than half a kilogram of standard coal level of electric energy.

In Master Wei's opinion, this ability is very ordinary, and the upper limit in the future may be the fourth level of dark energy.Of course, in the heart of this lower class kid, he was extremely excited.After success, he muttered about something.

So much so that Wei Keng couldn't stand it anymore.

Wei Keng: "You can't forget your form when you are proud. There are still a lot of things that can crush you in Wen Tiexing. Put on a mask and be more vigilant. Be pragmatic."

So Ke Zixi restrained his emotions, came out quickly and explained to the other five equally lucky companions, and then hid in the house wiping tears and getting excited.

Now the information transmission work of the entire "Masked Madman" in the outer layer is still going on, the matter of robbing the rich and helping the poor has not been left behind, and there is no sudden adjustment of personnel because of the newly promoted six dark powers.

The awakening of dark energy by Ke Zixi and others is just to let these lower-level boys understand one thing, follow the boss, not to vent their madness of "eat one meal and not think about tomorrow", but have a future.

Do well next time.Do it boldly.


Perspective comes to the inner layer.Fifteen days later, NO.19 is in the ecological park.Wen Tiexing's Awakening Academy, the representative of the 984th General Student Union (graduated last year), came to have a preparatory meeting with the students who are about to graduate this year.

The two leading representatives, a man and a woman, are both extraordinary.These two are said to be third-level dark energy users, and they are indeed the current backbone.

The senior sister is tall and her hair is arranged like a wreath.Although the legs are long, the thighs are slightly thick and appear powerful.Although the two arms are covered under the sleeves of the clothes, there are obviously muscles between the hands.In other words, although this beautiful woman is very quiet and elegant at the moment, she has the ability to wield a big sword.

As for the senior, with his slender eyebrows and snow-white skin, he has all the conditions to be an idol on Earth.The heroic spirit in everyone's reputation is so full that it is like a sharp blade that cannot be held by a scabbard.

Tassie Qiduo's appearance is not bad, but his temperament is a bit weak, and he doesn't have the posture of a strong man.

Jing Guyu: "This guy is wearing sheep's clothing on purpose. When he planned his actions, his face was as evil as a devil, and he had a naked aggressive character in his bones. As for the timid eyes afterwards, it was because he was worried that something would happen to him, and he was hiding under his honesty What I want is the enjoyment of the stimulation of dancing on the tip of the knife."

The atmosphere of this meeting is like a graduation recruitment.And these two seniors obviously got the information in advance, and they were wooing those key personnel with potential in each group.

But behind this~?

Even if Wei Keng only stands on the edge and is constantly missed by others, he still understands that this is "politics"

Wei Keng said to Jing Guyu, "Do you have any information about these two? Call it up."

Jing Guyu immediately listed the two seniors: "Female, Qingyun Shouhang, a third-level ability user, good at combining matter, for the collapse of matter. Male, Wing Shouhang, good at rune combination, melting for photons .”

The surname Shouhang has proved everything, this is a matter of the local Cihai religion. ——As for this local religion, Wei Keng shied away from it.

Wei Keng complained in his heart: "It's the interstellar age, and religion is still indispensable. This thing is like the evolution of life along with viruses, does it accompany the growth of civilization?"

At the same time, the student union began to stratify.When a group forms a society, the core group of people always likes to separate the space for expressing their words from the peripheral space.

The freshmen, who are absolutely stress-free, are discussing with great interest what will happen after the final exam.As everyone knows, this is already the prelude to violent political fluctuations in Wen Tiexing.

Flying Wings and Keeping the Navigation guides the topic: "After the Inspiration Festival (two months later), a space battleship we ordered just arrived at the port. If you are trying to develop your ray-like abilities, then you might as well go to the stars together. Walk around the NO.18 track."

Remnant Xing immediately agreed: "I also booked a spaceship, go together?" Then she opened the three-dimensional map of a nearby super-Jupiter planet, and clicked on the landing platform, which was already planned.

In this way, freshmen and veterans talked intimately together in this small internal meeting's testing ground.It's like - like a family.

Oh, it's about to become a family.Last year's graduating class represented the asteroid old school, and this year's graduating class includes those who have not yet pledged their allegiance.

Once the upper-level duel is decided, the rules of Xu Xing will certainly not affect the next generation, but next, who will be the slave and who will be the master will soon be determined.

The history of the Promised Star is like this, with many coups and few real wars.

At this time, in the periphery, the students who are about to graduate come one by one to ask the seniors questions.People on the fringes are also scheduled for questioning.

"Student, do you want to ask something?" Unknowingly, Wei Keng arrived in line, and the group leader looked at Tassie Qiduo in front of him, and asked politely

Wei Keng: "Um, I want to know, what preparations are there for the direction of strengthening the human body's physique."

The senior stared at Wei Keng carefully, and called up the information of "Body Refining Technique General Catalog": "Go and see for yourself." Then he asked the next junior.

In this kind of discussion, it seems that every student is taken care of, and "not wasting time with useless people" is the natural feeling of people in Xu Xing.

But in any case, getting this "perfunctory" help is also help, and Wei Keng expressed his gratitude to the senior.

While other students were communicating, Wei Keng, wearing an information goggle, read a certain material called "Star Sense Body Refining Technique" that he had downloaded from the system alone in a corner.

Star Sense Body Refining Technique.This is the three-dimensional projection information of the human body under 640 kinds of movements. In this projection, the densely-packed strengthening veins in the human body.These veins are the moment lines of the muscle fibers when exerting force.

Among them, the dark energy system strengthens the strength of muscle fibers thousands of times in a short period of time through the function of specialized chemical bonds, which is comparable to graphene, and then endows energy on nodes to allow physical strength to develop.In the end, the human body can burst out with terrifying power.

This is not a simple dark energy system, but an encyclopedia for enhancing physical fitness.

The system here is very cumbersome and can be very basic or complex.

At the second level, the arm muscles burst out in an instant, reaching the level of two kilograms of black powder, and punching through a five-centimeter thick steel plate with one punch, which is the power of a smoothbore gun.As for the degree of skeleton strengthening, it can only be said to be better than many specific industrial materials.But if it's just power, it's just a low match.

The core lies in the fact that the sensitivity of the body does not decrease but increases. It can accelerate to [-] meters in one second, and precisely control its own pace to fall on the point of force the size of a teacup lid.If the nerves of the whole body are strengthened, it is a high-end equipment. The dark energy intensity of the second level is not bad, and the most advanced combat weapons are no worse than the fourth level.

However, it is definitely not a high-level match here, and ordinary first- and second-level dark energy users can complete it.

Jing Guyu: "After some dark energy users reach the fifth or sixth level, when they want to replenish their physical fitness, they will use this second-level dark energy standard to supplement their physical fitness. That's right, That is to use high-level dark energy to make up for it.

For example, organic matter in the whole body can devour elephants and blue whales in large quantities to make up for the loss of protein in the whole body.In this way, it is easy to complete these tedious body correction work by opening and hanging.

As for this point, these materials, the senior Wei Keng just contacted did not say the key point. If the newcomer really follows the best match in it to awaken the first-level dark energy, it will probably fail.

"So?" Wei Keng quietly glanced at the senior who was chatting enthusiastically with other students, and muttered, "Maybe it's because my profile is not pleasing to the eye, so just give me a hole."

Wei Keng complained to Jing Guyu: You know, I am a very unpleasant person, so I don't like dealing with upper-class people. ——The subtext is: It's not that I want to rebel, it's that they are sitting leisurely in a position of information advantage, and they want to suppress it with a backhand.

Jing Guyu didn't discuss this topic with Wei Keng, but helped Wei Keng call out the corresponding information on the star training technique.

Compared with the version Master Wei got from the senior, the information Jing Guyu gave only has more details and a lot more dynamic pictures.


Star Body Refining Technique is a secondary practice for fifth and sixth level dark energy users. Ordinary first and second level dark energy users can also try to practice it, and its popularity is quite high.After all, those who take the route of strengthening their physique are like the crucian carp crossing the river.

Of course, due to the high popularity of the "System Strengthening Department" and the numerous targeted systems, the "System Strengthening Department" is an ordinary minion in the truly fierce starry sky battlefield, and those shortcomings that are caught by people sweep a large area .

For example: when a person with pure system-enhanced dark energy encounters dark energy at the same level as life-absorbing dark energy at the fourth-level dark energy, as life-absorbing radiation high-energy molecules enter, the more explosive the system strengthening system is (luck), the dark energy network in the body The faster the heterogeneous molecules on the body proliferate, the more vitality is lost.

Because in various battle records, the number of appearances was beaten more.Therefore, there are not many awakened people with a little bit of qualifications and ambitions.

The "system strengthening department" is not so unbearable.It's just that few people have majored in it until they are proficient.

Except for a few systems such as the "time-space system" and "transmutation system", basically every system has flaws.There is no one trick, and it is eaten all over the world.

Although "system strengthening" has many flaws, none of them is fatal.You only need to add some auxiliary simple dark energy structures to remove it,

For example, the above-mentioned "Life Drain".The fourth level of "system strengthening" only needs to add a second level of "tissue inorganicization", that is, "the part of the passing of life, quickly filled with inorganic substances in the wound to form a shell structure" can quickly block the passage of life wounded.Then, using speed and strength, the "Life Absorption" was severely injured.

Relatively speaking, although the unpopular dark energy systems such as "life absorption" have few defects, they are all fatal!
Now in the dark energy structure constructed by Wei Keng, there are two major systems that are currently at the fourth level of dark energy, one is time and space, and the other is the heart of eternity.All of them can provide the foundation for the star body refining technique.

Among them, the eternal heart stores information from the information possible of each molecular combination of the carbon base, which supports the "system strengthening" beyond doubt.

As for the space-time system——Wei Keng can now increase the speed of his thinking nerves by more than [-] times.It can also support the explosion of body muscle tissue, and the bone tissue can strengthen the space-time force field.

Wei Keng weighed this and muttered, "Then let's practice it?"

Use the "generalized" dark energy system of body training to cover up your real situation after the big exam.

(End of this chapter)

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