out of cage

Chapter 504 Chapter 12.18

Chapter 504 Chapter 12.18

Just half an hour after the private meeting of the conspirators on Planet Wentie ended, a turning surface appeared in the basement of the Star Chief Mansion.

And here, it is fifteen kilometers away from the warping star gate.

In most cases, the interstellar warp is carried out in the core of the asteroid.The centers of gravity of large celestial bodies are all in the center of celestial bodies.

However, under special circumstances, it is possible to deviate from the center of the warp.

Although the dark energy of human beings is not the traditional matter in most of the time, it has quality.And having mass will make the center of gravity of the celestial body shift.

Level [-] and level [-] dark energy have a limited deviation from the transition point of the center of the asteroid celestial body, even if it is level [-] or level [-], it can only deviate from tens of meters or hundreds of meters.

If the local factions who engage in "family wine" in Wentie Star know that there are people in Wentie Star who are maintaining the interstellar transition point fifteen kilometers away from the transition gate, then they will definitely be extremely terrified.

Level [-] dark energy and level [-] or [-] dark energy are the comparison between a whole Mount Tai and a truck.

If Chang Hengxi had revealed her real body earlier, the native faction here would have surrendered immediately.But Chang Hengxi feels that these short-sighted leaders in the country are not worthy of being loyal to him.

After the star gate leap, a group of teams in black uniforms arrived. Their bodies did not have the full-covering metal ceramic painting style in the interstellar, but rather ordinary.The female players wear skirts, while the male players wear thick suits in the style of military coats.

This may not seem technological enough, and in the dark plane, it represents the way of fully mastering energy to maintain life, which represents 'flesh body crossing the universe'.

This interstellar knight-level team saluted Chang Hengxi, and the captain Wang Jian said: "The messenger bird team has arrived."

Chang Hengxi nodded to this batch of teams that were all above level five, and said slowly: "It's just in time, well, the mice here are also ready."

Wang Jian: "There was a delay on the way, because we discovered that several local forces on the asteroid had colluded with the officers of the No. 9093 Fleet and smuggled some of the arms." Afterwards, he handed over the list of the major fleet smuggling cases to Chang Hengxi.

Chang Hengxi frowned, clicked on the system, and found Wen Tiexing in the smuggling list, and sighed, when she was flipping through the information, she ticked some weapons to make sure she already knew the deployment of these weapons, but after looking at When reaching one of the columns, the nib stops slightly.This batch of equipment is Zhekong Sword.

Chang Hengxi's control over all photosensitive substances can monitor the range of activities of all personnel in the inner layer of the asteroid.

She determined the deployment positions of a series of dangerous weapons such as melta jets and collapse guns, but the zhekong sword on the list was not at the top of the list, but this armament was marked in red, but it was very eye-catching.These weapons disappeared when they came to Wen Tiexing, and they have not been found so far, nor are they within Chang Hengxi's sight.

Chang Hengxi has been paying attention to the inner layer, and the outer layer is very chaotic and helpless. This high-level dark energy user doesn't need to be distracted to pay attention to the complexity there.Chang Hengxi is naked now, and the energy state intelligence (similar to the chip assistance of the traverser) that should have been equipped for her has not appeared.

The gang formed by a guy with a lot of adrenaline, who has gained a great reputation in the outer layer of the asteroid, is not "simple in the emperor's heart" here in Chang Hengxi.

Chang Hengxi lightly raised the wine glass, which was filled with the "quantum information" water of life, and gave it to the Star Knight squad, wishing them immediate success.

Under the refraction of the crystal cup, the light inside the asteroid is still bright.Chang Hengxi, who has absolute strength, does not want to solve the problem by himself, but still arranges chips to solve it.


At the same time, Wei Keng has already quietly reached the outer layer, carrying out a new round of crimes, no no no, it should be called "armed confiscation" now.This is the road that a comrade nicknamed "Suo Suo" traveled on Emperor Russia in the early 20th century in the main world.

In the outer layer, before planning the latest military operation, Wei Keng is making such a speech in the space communication.

Standing on the outer layer of the asteroid, the dark energy field deployed by Wei Keng flickered on the surface of the asteroid.The [-] space transition points unfolded, and the frequency band began to carry out information connection with all the "wealth rebalancing" organizations in the outer area.

Under the shining starlight, Wei Keng began to lash out at Fang Qiu.

Wei Keng: "We need to establish order on the outer layer. From the perspective of seeking truth from facts, even if the resources cannot be equal to the inner layer, we must have equality in dignity, and walk a path of hope that belongs to us step by step.

That's right, people in the inner circle say that we are poor, that we are chaotic, that we are causing damage here, and that we have problems.OK, we all admit it!
But when we want to be better, they arrogantly declare that we don't deserve it - what the hell is that.

We can achieve the education, medical care, and development we need without material scarcity.

Without inner jerks telling us 'no'.We want to think, we want to be civilized, we want to grow up, instead of being defined by bastards as 'we are behind' and 'we are not born to be up', we are only worthy of being dogs begging towards them!Comrades, fight, you must fight, the weak does not mean you have to live, you can also choose to defend a greater reason at the risk of death.

What is the core of our struggle?It will not require the same resources as the inner circle, but it will require our children to grow up hard and be able to enter outer space.

We don't covet the life of being touted at the center stage, we want a growth environment where we don't have to look at other people's faces, and we can see the sky when we look up, not the ceiling. "


Wei Keng spent half an hour describing the program with dancing and dancing.For saying this, the people on earth may have been passionate about it for a long time.

Master Wei let out a sigh of relief: "As a human being, while enjoying material things, sometimes you must believe in something. Otherwise, you will be like a walking dead."

Wei Keng observed the humans in the asteroid.Wei Keng's program speech did not have much effect on most people.From their eager eyes, they just want to grab something quickly.Human beings who have bred in the asteroid environment for 1000 years here are not earthlings after all.In this kind of environmental evolution, if you don't materialize, you will go crazy.

But there are some people in the organization who clearly resonate strongly with Wei Keng's program.

These adrenaline-burst fighters, when facing the world, have the idea of ​​wanting to change what they see, which has always been regarded as "crazy, madman" in the past.When people know that their madness will bring destruction, they must find a goal and direction to move forward steadily.

Therefore, Wei Keng gave these children who were led on the "crazy" road by him a direction in which they could condense themselves.

In short, Wei Keng is now giving them a reasonable persuasion for their crazy behavior-snatching those bastards, can it be called a crime?This is called justice.

Wei Keng: The teams that plunder for money and material things look scary.Purely to satisfy superficial desires, it is no different from a beast.A little temptation of interests will fall apart.

But in order to establish the goal of "people didn't dare to think in the past, history didn't exist, and the future can exist", and the rotten obstacles were cleared away, and the rebellion was justified, the organization became stable and cohesive.

The real purpose of Wei Keng's speech was not to flood the fanaticism of all the people under his command, but to understand which people were reliable through communication.

In the history of the earth, there have been struggles for lofty goals.The inner circle must be people who think deeply enough.Wei Keng paid attention to those thoughtful people, and decided to pull them into a more careful decision-making hierarchy.

Wei Keng: The nature of the team is about to change.After all, simple things that only want to make money are useless, and only those with faith in their hearts can be pillars.


At the time of the chaos of the change of dynasty in the inner layer of Iron Star, the "outlaw lunatics" who had been peaceful for half a year suddenly started to act in multiple locations on the asteroid.

Although there was no direct impact on the public security department on the outskirts of the asteroid, within three months, 67 red zone leaders were beheaded, the arenas in these areas were leveled, and new agents were then supported.

And the job task of these agents is to distribute food to the residents here, and after a food is distributed, they can swipe their fingerprints once for confirmation.

If in a certain area, after the food has been given to these agents, people still starve to death because of the work problems of the agents. "Outlaw lunatics" will directly find the agents in this area to execute them with violence.

Judging by the ancient values ​​of the earth: this is an almost terrifying act to maintain the governance of the system.But here are asteroids.To maintain fairness, some "warmth" must be sacrificed.

Wei Keng checked the information: "In this asteroid-sealed society, management will eventually deteriorate into a feudal-level society, which is the system of great navigation in the Middle Ages. When the captain has the power of life and death, he will complete absolute rule.

In Wei Keng's view, feudalization is a solution to the priority of spaceship materials, but this solution is not the only solution, at most it is the method with the least pressure on the central ruler.

Ignore those outside the ruling circle.Rely on the powerful suppression force from the inside to the outside to maintain the stability of the spaceship.

Wei Keng tends to another spaceship method: the absolutely violent democratic system and the exile of Greek pottery are also a kind of precedent.That is to say, outside the management system, rational groups exert high pressure on the management group to force it to be fair.

Note: The premise of democracy is that the group is extensive and rational.To maintain this kind of rationality requires huge investment in long-term education and publicity.Democracy in the rice circle of foolish people is a disaster.

The current situation that Wei Keng is facing in the outer layer of the asteroid is that it is impossible to establish a management team from the basics, and only local teams can be used.But I don't want to compromise with local forces!
Simply this is the interstellar era. After taking down these gangsters, they are declared guilty, and they go directly to the personal surveillance system. Everyone wears a camera and forces them to work.

And the transformational organization in the outer layer of Wentiexing determines the strategic direction through the grassroots data collected by them.

Objectively evaluating this way of establishing order is crude.Like the feudal system, it is a very primitive, single-cell social system, and only in the environment of asteroids, it has to be simple.

The implementation of any social system cannot be brought into emotion, but to see whether it is effective, let alone judge it based on the present, but to see its future development.

In modern times, after entering the information age, violent gangs all over the world have a super ability to imitate.

They reproduced the organization and ideological control of the armed uprising in Africa decades ago.

So the Orientals found that whether it was Mexican drug gangs or warlords, they had read "guerrilla warfare" and "red books" and the like.Of course, these are all 'techniques' in learning, not Tao.

Sometimes the same "Tao" can be walked in a different posture. .

Today, what Wei Keng is doing on the iron-pattern asteroid has some similarities with the "Pan-Arab religious organization" in ancient times.

Because objectively, the current asteroid situation is the same as that faced by the people in the Pan-Albanian region in ancient times.

In modern times, with the intervention of superpowers, the "Pan-Arab religious organization" and the UAV aerospace system also had a small living space and a large gap in the backbone. In order to maintain order, the means had to be ruthless!
Now the resistance organizations in the asteroid have also encountered a powerful opponent in the center.The same bad situation will naturally converge.


From the perspective of the 21st century, we will immediately associate Wei Keng's actions with the label of extreme teachings, and then look down on Wei Keng's crazy actions.

However, Wei Keng is from the 26th century.According to the post-26th century worldview, Wei Keng is just in line with seeking truth from facts!

History must take into account the circumstances faced by those involved.

To give a historical example that everyone knows in the 21st century: "Li D, Bogu" has a wrong line.But why did you stubbornly take this wrong path at that time?

The 'surrounding the cities from the countryside' known to the world in the 21st century is a truth tested by practice after the success of history.

Before the success, what was the most "label impression" evoked by the rural route at that time?

The answer is "Shenquan helps, destroys foreign demons".At that time, the West's impression of Eastern peasants fighting against imperialism was equivalent to the 21st century Easterners watching the people of Xi'an fighting against imperialism.

Developed regions can easily fall into a vicious cycle of arrogance when observing the struggles of backward regions, and find fault with anything that is not in line with their own habits.

Due to the extreme lack of advanced guiding ideology, the West labels "Fist Chaos" as barbaric and ignorant.And this inherent labeling concept is still affecting intellectuals in the Republic of China even 40 years later.

These old intellectuals think: that is a group of 'mud legs turned into jokes by foreign guns and cannons', why should they win against 'civilization'?

Because they couldn't understand it, they finally believed that the country had completely fallen into the low point of disrespecting "modern civilization and morality", which ran counter to the development of the world.This kind of thinking has been reformed for decades, and it turned out to be popular in the minds of the group of people at the end of the [-]th century.

Looking back at the confused era of the East in the twentieth century, Li, Bo and the two wanted to engage in the Russian-style road, that is, "take the big cities and radiate the whole country".Resolutely disagree with the other faction's "local line", and even admit that they have made huge sacrifices.

Because the two intellectuals "Li and Bo" were overemphasized by them in order to "avoid suspicion", the world public opinion defines "Fist Chaos".

These two high-level intellectuals, in order to separate the Eastern Revolution from their cognition and backwardness, are ignorant.Even if they were beaten to death in a big city, they would not want the uprising to be labeled as "Fist Chaos", because this would insult the standards of overseas intellectuals and would be looked down upon by those in the circle.

In fact, to build an advanced civilization, one must put aside arrogance and prejudice!Put your feet down and walk the dirt roads that the middle-aged guys have walked.

What is advanced?It is not a matter of choosing which type of system, but a down-to-earth practice based on a humanistic foundation.

When it comes to dirt leg struggles, it must be acknowledged that there are multiple basic routes to achieve this standard.When you are weak, you must use the means of struggle that suit the situation.

'Anti-Pride, Anti-Prejudice, Anti-Insult' beliefs are at the core,
Then seek truth from facts to understand the particularity of the "asteroid human environment".Although the operation of the system is "harsh on the administrators", the most important priority for the people in the outer region of the asteroid at this time is the stability and development of the system.

Being able to achieve this kind of standard is what many people need, and this is the general trend and trend!
At present, Wei Keng and the Doctrine School of modern times look very similar in the beginning, but they are fundamentally different.

The dogmatists are like drug dealers in Latin America, holding up "skills" and actually treating people as a one-off resource. ——Their purpose of fighting is still only to serve the interests of a few leaders.

Therefore, through the appearance, determine the essential goal. When the goal is to develop for the majority of people and expand the possibilities of all people, you can follow along, otherwise just lie down and watch the show.

Wei Keng, the big troublemaker, is now carrying the flag by himself: finally forcing the ruling class in the inner layer who controls the star gate to agree to two basic conditions-to ensure the survival and development of the residents in the outer layer, and the right to step into the starry sky.

After the speech, Wei Keng pulled fifteen people to take the first wave of oaths. Now it is not Wei Keng alone who is making decisions, but a whole team is making decisions.

Now the Wentie Outer Reform Team has built a whole system of "education and awakening of members who join the organization".

Wei Keng is now quietly smuggling out some of the scrapped facilities in the school and assembling them into deep-dive consciousness machines.

The plan for this year: Give at least one chance to awaken the dark energy to the school-age teenagers who have won the red zone so far. ——This kind of awakening is voluntary registration.Because Outer Awakening is a "dying throes" quality relative to Awakening training in the Center.

(End of this chapter)

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