out of cage

Chapter 607 Chapter 14.33 The lotus pond is in full bloom.Firecrackers scare the chicken

Chapter 607 Chapter 14.33 The lotus pond is in full bloom.Firecrackers scare the chicken

In the battle planned for the territory radiated from Jiulan Star (including the surrounding [-] light-year range), Wei Keng was prepared to block an Ark-class and a Shanhe-class from the very beginning.

Currently on the star map, Wei Keng is blooming everywhere, but the focus is on these two battle nodes
At this time, Xinzheng's Ark class is 180 light-years away. He was led away by Jiulan Star's frontier military attack, and it is impossible to return, and there is no need to block it, so the focus of Wei Keng's plan now is to send it to the door." Shanhe class" battleship.

Attacking the invading army headed by Jumang is for everyone in Jiulan Star to see, and also for the mediators in Xinghai, so that they can weigh the consequences of issuing a "wanted warrant" in the future.

The so-called legal ruling!As a villain from the earth, by no means kneel down to worship his shadow and freeze his actions, but measure upwards with the knife in his hand.

Wei Keng, who was beside Qirui, opened the Xinghai chessboard, sprinkled a series of light spots in his hand as chess pieces, lit up the Xinghai chessboard, and whispered: "As long as it is defeated, any force in the battle zone within Jiulan Star will not exist." adjudication power."

In the supervisor's space, Bai Linglu's note: You are aiming like this, in fact, there is a little bit of personal grievance.At this time, Wei Keng responded somewhat emotionally: "Comrade Bai Linglu, please be more open-minded."

…With the Jiulan star as the center, Wei Keng's massive star facilities are starting up, communicating and interacting across light years, such as the awakening of cosmic consciousness. …

Su3454, su3434, ... the central cores of these fifteen red dwarfs.Quark Tinder is tuned out.

Hb843, hb978, ... 57 yellow dwarfs, carried by the third-order Wei Keng with quark sparks, rushed directly into the galaxy

The above-mentioned materials that Xingxing took out at this time were all completed by Wei Keng, who has participated in farming in an ordinary way over the years.

Crowds of "red" surround a "blue"

Right now, the sword array is not only in Jiulan Star, but is being cleaned in different time periods, in the star fields where the Keng Groups are based.It is similar to the support of battlefield artillery to areas.

This cleaning is to dismantle the "time torque" that Yuejiu Blue Star has stored for ten years, and turn it into "empty torque" when it reaches various star points hundreds of light years away. .

When the seventh-level arrester (Bi Yue) came to her door, Wei Keng followed her and dragged her to Jiulan Neixing to be dealt with.
As for the other sixth graders, Wei Qun is going to fight with these kids on the spot!
Looking at the uprising deployment of this large star field from the overall perspective, the Wei Keng star array is now divided into nine constellation areas.

These nine constellation areas began to interact after Jiulan's first shot was fired, and time and space flowed and fluctuated energy jumped in the sea of ​​stars.

...The future guerrilla zone set by Wei Keng is wider than anyone imagined...

Taking the "White Snake" as an example, the Arctic ejection zone invades into the strong alternation zone of Jiulan star.

Compared with the blue lotus on the Jiulan star, here is the yellow lotus (yellow dwarf), and the red lotus (red dwarf) are competing to open, but compared with the blue lotus on the Jiulan star, the "flowering period" is dozens of hours.

A255 star, code-named tassel star, a 37-second sword array unfolded on this yellow dwarf star,

This is like the thunder and fire fishing method appearing in the fish pond, the light of space is like electricity, and the light of matter transmutation is like explosion flames, and the big fish are the battleships brought by the sinking law enforcement faction of Jiulanxing.

In the past few tens of seconds, the sword light radiated across the sea of ​​stars.

At this moment, the sword array is fighting.Those who violently resist the law are now the output of electromagnetic communication in space: you are fierce!

When these returnees first came here more than ten hours ago, they were the first to clamor: "You guys continue to make trouble!" In the past ten years, their influence in the local area has been "coincidentally seized" by the traceability faction. Changes, the backers of the Traceability School collapsed, and they were somewhat insane.

Wei Keng: "It's good to be rampant, so that you can show the ugly face of the self-proclaimed upper class, and you can be merciless when you strike."


The warships and transport ships recruited by the Jiulanxing Law Enforcement Faction from the local aristocratic family are now being hacked into pieces.

Every asteroid has the possibility of bursting out space cutting lines.

The native families were dragged into this muddy water, tremblingly watching the impermanence of their own star.

When the explosion erupted, the star suddenly became dim, but then, a fiery section unfolded from their battleship, before the cliff-like battleship separated, followed by the second section, and the third section, this Cutting sharpness is like cutting fruit.

It seems to be to create an intimidating effect. When avoiding the people in the ship completely, it is at a distance of three to four meters visible to the naked eye. .

After this round of sword array emission, the planet controlled by the Tracing Army in the star area will take the transport ship that has been prepared long ago, and start to evacuate. Before Jiulanxing's revenge comes in the next few months, leave here and go to the Behemoth Nebula and so on. The fringe galaxies have grown and grown.

This also corresponds to the huge jump gate on the North Pole of Jiulan Star at this time.The power of the Xinghai ensemble is firing the first shot. After the prelude resounds, it will take a long journey to complete the follow-up score.And then it's not just Wei Keng, every possibility of a participant's burst is the musical note of the overall story.

…For Jiulanxing, Wei Keng is more or less sympathetic, but for the Arctic jet zone, then feel free to create it boldly...

On the constellation of Serpentis, on the original "Expectation Nebula", here is the occupied area of ​​"North Pole Jet Zone",

Except for Jiulanxing, Wei Keng's largest group gathered here, and served a big meal called Flying Daggers to the guests who came from afar.

In the empty starry sky, like a big drum roaring, an invisible distance swings towards the vastness, and it sweeps into another direction in an instant.

After a round of sword formations unfolded, the dark energy users in the North Pole jet area silently looked at the ruthless starry sky.

At this time, they were floating in space holding pieces of the standard cube warship wreckage that had been cut into pieces. (It's like the sunk side in a sea battle holding a plank and floating on the sea.)
One second, two seconds, the star is still shining steadily, but the wreckage of the hull is still cut squarely like tofu hitting a thin nanowire.

Looking forward to the largest man-made objects in the nebula are not the battleships, but the fortresses.

These fortresses are huge in size and mass, and they all have natural gravity, and when they are constructed, energy is used to balance gravity in the fortress.

But now, with the "time-space" sword light pouring in from space that directly ignores all kinds of energy shields, it is really "the collapse of the Tianzhu of Buzhou Mountain".

The main structure in the fortress is destroyed, all the electromagnetic force nodes against gravity are cut off, and the gravity of the star itself will converge inward.

Wei Keng: The collapse process is like the collapse of a vacuum implosion bomb.

Everyone in the fortress on the side of the Arctic Creation Zone collapsed and fled outside with a loud noise. After running, they saw a random door, and after walking out, they were in space. (Wei Keng also tried his best to help in the spirit of humanitarianism)

And these survivors encountered space, lost gravity, looked back suddenly, and saw the destruction of the developed interstellar fortress, oh, at this time, from this wide-angle perspective, such a magnificent collapse seems to be nothing.

Wei Keng's description: The expanded cake in the rice cooker shrinks after being cooled.

"What the hell is going on here?" These Promised Planet human beings, who have been domesticated by space constraints for dozens of generations in the starry sky age, are like a group of hens twittering and chirping when watching the chicken coop collapse for the rest of their lives. look like

Although the space is infinitely vast, after tens of thousands of years of evolution in the dark warehouse, human beings here have adapted to the darkness. When they encounter a little call from the upper layer, they will be like a phoenix, but on the other hand, they are like chickens in a chicken farm. The same, can not stand the fright, when the firecracker explodes, the group kicks their legs, and the group is sluggish.

(End of this chapter)

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