out of cage

Chapter 621 Chapter 15.05 Old Debt, Old Love

Chapter 621 Chapter 15.05 Old Debt, Old Love
When Wei Keng returned to the main world, Qin Tianfang's "Haotu" contacted Wei Keng immediately, but the current "Haotu" belongs to the "opposition party" and lacks in mobilizing resources, so Qin Xiaohan was released. Seek cooperation with Wei Keng emotionally.

And the current "ruling party" in the main world belongs to the group of liberals who won in the third plane war. When Wei Keng returned to China, they were re-evaluating the "unstable" elements.

...And the current Space-Time Management Bureau is a bit presumptuous in adhering to the rules. …

Part of Wei Keng's backup memory is being quietly read by the background.

Most of the traversers who have not won their own exclusive world, below Shangqing, often keep part of their memories in the main world, because the main world has a good reputation.

The purpose of backing up the memory is to make a living during time travel. For example, when the chemical research has reached its peak, if you refine medicine in some worlds, you will have a talent bonus.Another example is shooting memory, which is combat talent.

Generally speaking, these memories are heavily encrypted by the "source party".However, after the free faction came to power in the third plane war, super authority appeared, and the top traversers no longer have a little bit of thinking.

Wei Keng currently seals a considerable part of his thoughts in the main world, without any encryption, purely to guard against gentlemen but not against villains.

Well, Master Wei's most important technical system is controlled by Bai Linglu, Qin Xiaohan, and now Jing Guyu.It was not placed in the main world, but stored in Wei Keng's deep plowing alien plane.

This part of the "skill" memory placed in the main world, for some villains, it feels the same as not seeing it.

The latest memory of Wei Keng in the dark plane that exists in the main world is "earthworm breeding skills in low-gravity environment in space" and "human body consumption and algae symbiosis system" (that is, metabolites such as urea precipitated in the human body are re-transformed into Proteins and sugars return to the body, which can be called "self-sufficiency and self-support, immortality and bigu")
…Wei Keng’s skills should be as complex as possible, and what Bai Linglu releases are unsystematic skills…

Li Ximeng closed Wei Keng's backup memory, and whispered: "It really is a different kind!"

Because he wanted to know the current situation of the dark plane very much, Li Ximeng took some risks and unsealed Wei Keng's memory in the database for browsing.

She also knew that it was impossible for Wei Keng's memory to store the most critical information of the dark plane here, but according to the "ordinary person's theory", some thinking tendencies would remain in the exclusive abilities reserved in the memory.

However, she still underestimated the complexity of Wei Keng
There is no tendency to be seen in the uploaded memories, every thought is the most common and only half completed.

For example, Wei Keng wanted to rub the rocket with his hands, so he proposed the ratio of rocket fuel, specific impulse, and the stage of separation of the first and second stage rockets. What remained were the problems that should be paid attention to in the research and development, and did not go deep into it. "Perfect" answer

Another example is the desire to build ships, the proportion of steel materials, corrosion resistance and other issues. Wei Keng's thinking is all about the introduction of professional knowledge and the unfamiliarity of the experience system.


Li Ximeng has already seen that Wei Keng, who is "the figure of a middle-aged man", has a desire to complete these tasks in every strand of memory.In short, Wei Kengcun's memory is not "perfect", but his youthful interests.

Many complex and huge achievements of human beings originate from small ideas.

For example, experts who study rocket projects, their skills come from the study of related majors after the age of 20, but the reason for pushing themselves to study in depth may be the happy thought of "Wuhu takes off" when they saw rockets going to the sky when they were young.

Wei Keng uploaded hundreds of thousands of copies of carbon-based individuals' lifetime experience. None of these thoughts are "reaching the pinnacle", and they all belong to the "average level".

Although the second-rate technicians are not as good as the top and rare talents, they are all the kind who can get through the threshold as long as they have the opportunity and determination.

…When it comes to life and death, the top is not necessarily better than the second. …

On the tall buildings in the Puhai area, Li Ximeng looked at the map of Qinling Mountains at his feet, where Wei Keng was conducting "integration training of the main world".

Li Ximeng: "If there is a real war, it will be a disaster."

When Michael Lena has been investigating Wei Keng's return to the multidimensional plane,

Li Ximeng was naturally skeptical, and in the end "paper can't cover fire", she found out that it was her good daughter Li Yishuang who had done something that seriously violated "dimensional morality" to Jing Guyu and Wei Keng.

"Compensation" was planned by Li Ximeng.But facing the existence of "Wei Keng", she felt guilty.

When the strength is insufficient, "compensation" will become "unconditional surrender".

In his self-mockery, Li Ximeng has compared himself to the "Japan and South Korea" in the ancient times. After doing something wrong, facing the strong man who has the ability to ask for compensation, he behaves silently.Panic is building.

...Day [-] of Wei Keng's return to the main world...

On the Qinling base, Wei Keng and Qin Xiaohan continued to discuss the terms.

Wei Keng made a request that the premise of returning to the "Pandora plane" is to leave a part of consciousness in the main world and learn modern scientific knowledge, especially the physics of the earth's interior, as well as the brilliant Dyson ring on the sun.

Qin Xiaohan looked at Wei Keng and said with a smile, "At present, the plane's economy is booming. Others want to go to the other plane for research. It's good for you, you want to come back."

Wei Keng was noncommittal: "As an earthling from the earth, wouldn't it be ironic if I don't know anything about contemporary earth civilization? It's the 30th century, and I don't want to be an ancient person hundreds of years ago. Anyway, let me Live in this era."

Qin Xiaohan hugged his chest: "It seems that the star sea in the dark plane has motivated you. I remember that when you were studying on Earth, you were not so serious! You failed three subjects and begged the teacher to show mercy."

Wei Keng paused slightly: "How do you know?"

Qin Xiaohan raised his finger and shook: "I've read your college transcript and your tutor's comments."

Wei Keng said in a dissatisfied tone: "This is a personal privacy file."

Qin Xiaohan: "It's yours, but you haven't come back for hundreds of years, so you can't die. I'll accept it for you."

Wei Keng looked distressed.

Qin Xiaohan stretched out his leg from the cheongsam, and kicked Wei Keng's calf with the tip of his boot: "Why don't you take a look at mine?"

Wei Keng looked at the slit of the cheongsam and nodded.Of course, the head didn't finish nodding, but there was an "ahhh" pain.Qin Xiaohan kicked Wei Keng.

The girl was drunk, Wei Keng's brain suddenly opened, and he said eagerly, "Xiaohan, where are we?"

Qin Xiaohan's eyes froze for a moment, then Hongluan moved, and Momo said: "What did you say? I didn't listen."

Wei Keng: "Are you married?"

Qin Xiaohan paused slightly, turned even redder, but coughed: "Well, um, why are you asking this? Also, even if I don't have one, what do you want? (Expectation)"

Wei Keng: "I~" ready to muster up emotions.

Ding dong, the communication came at this time, and the figure of Bai Linglu appeared in the projection.

Bai Linglu didn't seem to notice Qin Xiaohan's foot stepping on Wei Keng's calf.

Bai Linglu who just arrived" opened the "new round of Pandora information" submitted by Haotu, and said very seriously: "At present, the drilling of a point in the Pandora plane has been completed.But the world there is different from what we imagined. "

Wei Keng raised his head: "Tell me in detail."

Bai Linglu glanced at Qin Xiaohan, and after a few seconds, said to Qin Xiaohan: "Now, Your Majesty Qin Xiaohan, you have no right to spy on our plane information."

Xiaohan stood up, walked to the projection, smiled slightly and said, "Sister Bai, you come at the right time every time."

Bai Linglu responded with a smile: "Indeed, every time I meet you, you are doing things other than work. It seems that becoming the king of the plane is really free."

Wei Keng: "Well, we were discussing work just now."

Bai Linglu: "Shut up!" Qin Xiaohan: "It's none of your business!" Both of them yelled at Wei Keng in unison.

Wei Keng looked left and right, really didn't know which one to persuade this time.

(End of this chapter)

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