out of cage

Chapter 623 Chapter 15.06 Plane of Mind Field

Chapter 623 Chapter 15.06 Plane of Mind Field
On the subspace film, in the hall of the Plane Synthesis System.As for Haotu, a team of thousands of people is studying part of the information sent back from the plane of Pandora.

For the contemporary planar travel project, there is already a complete set of support system for the formally compiled traveler, which provides group assistance according to biology, landform, climate, astronomy, culture and other disciplines.At the same time, according to the fixed system to deal with various situations there.

After the Third Plane War, the supervisor system of dimension logistics became very large.

Although this generation of supervisors is no longer as creative and romantic as they were earlier.But the system has been extremely good and efficient for hundreds of years.

After Wei Keng arrived at the subspace film, he was in the space field and was being scanned, and groups of space nodes were entering into Wei Keng's information body.

According to the latest operation, the traversers should "hold" these scans as much as possible to enter their own nodes.

Then, Wei Keng held one, two, four, eight...

When Wei Keng held 2 to the 29th power, the entire space hall stopped.The entire information space, filled with fiery fluctuations, has become unstable.

Once the information field collapses after being observed, everyone here will be impacted.

...Wei Keng, who just returned from the dark plane, is currently in a period of prosperity. …

In the entire space hall, Su Yue'e looked at this brilliant pillar of spiritual light in surprise and was speechless.Although there is an information barrier, the soul is in awe of the greatness of consciousness, and trembles instinctively.

Human beings are separated from the carbon-based body, and the gap in consciousness in this era is no longer limited by the "earth's carbon-based physical boundary".

When Wei Keng's transmigration consciousness formed a huge "star body" in the dimension, the mysterious Pandora plane node also naturally formed a "collapse" at this time, as if he was actively sinking in to welcome Wei Keng's arrival.

In the entire hall, all the participants were whispering. Under such a spectacle, their entire team could not escape their insignificance.Like ants looking up at towering buildings.

There are only 1 nodes at the non-commissioned officer level, and less than 100 million at the Shangqing level, but Wei Keng seems to be able to capture infinite nodes.

Wei Keng continues to grasp, and there is no information to grasp, and the larger the scale of loading, the slower the time to pass through the dimension. For example, if Wei Keng's consciousness is to pass now, he needs [-] large hourglasses, which means that the main world will last for a year or two. Therefore, the inspector department temporarily stopped Wei Keng.

Bai Linglu walked in. He had expected to see such a scene in the lobby. After glancing at Su Yuee, he directly turned on the communication system.

Su Yue'e paused, Bai Linglu did not comply with the rules, she was obviously the person in charge of the delivery task.The exploration process of the contemporary plane is strictly divided to ensure the balance of rights.

Bai Linglu: "Are you ready?"

Dimensionally, Wei Keng was simulating the development of human embryos under the physical rules of Pandora, and heard the pair of Bai Linglus reply: "It has been possible to shuttle, do you need to add nodes?"

Bai Linglu: "It will be enough to load the first-order traceability in the future, and I can't afford it here." The first-order traceability is 100 million.

Afterwards, Bai Linglu chatted with Wei Keng about other things, gestured an "ok" gesture, and cut off his communication.

...In the hall, following Bai Linglu's gesture of acquiescence, the operation continued...

Su Yue'e watched this scene, and she heard various terms such as "first-order traceability" and "primary industrial-scale polyploidy".

The current space-time administration is of course a professional system, but Wei Keng's is an independent system with corresponding technical standards.

When Wei Keng entered the plane shuttle, Bai Linglu also walked towards his supervisor area.

Obviously, Bai Linglu came here to explain: she has always been solely responsible for everything related to Wei Keng, and she is irreplaceable.

Bai Linglu: "Director Su, I went in too. Is there anything else you want to talk about?"

Su Yue'e: "Of course I need you to worry about it. By the way, you are a senior. When you are always traveling between planes, I hope you can actively judge the situation in the plane."

Bai Linglu used a seasoned official tone: "Safety is the most important thing in everything." Speaking of this, Bai Linglu smiled at her and said, "Are you interested in doing plane missions? I will take you along."

Su Yue'e's face was stiff, and she could only force a smile to express: "Thank you..." But it was unclear what she was cursing in her heart.

…After Bai Hengqian's rebirth, Bai Linglu had no care, no friends in Haotu, and of course she didn't need friends when she was working. …

Wei Keng's consciousness began to shrink from the perspective of the supervisors of the main world, and began to condense into a singularity.

But on the target plane this time, the quantum flickering of related particles appears, and when the viewing angle is enlarged, it is a carbon-based molecule, and further enlarged, it is on the dna gene chain in a cell, the quantum fluctuation jumps, and the transmission has already begun up.

Wei Keng arrived at the carbon-based cell and began to grow. The cell began to divide by diploid, then became a blastocyst, then differentiated, and gradually became an embryo.

Ordinary babies in the main world do not have the ability to think, but here, Wei Keng, who is still in the dimension, perceives that his neuron consciousness jumps very early.

The gestator on that plane has already started to emit carbon-based frequency band information to the conceived child.

Wei Keng once completed the spiritual umbilical cord on the plane of Pandora.Under the strengthening of the years, this rudiment quickly evolved into a complete and complex structure, just like the "finned limbs" of a whale after entering the sea.

One million years ago on this plane, the spiritual language left by Wei Keng is a singularity. This useful ability, after countless years of evolution, has become a physiological function of human beings.

When human beings are in cells, they start to enter information just like robots are entered into the operating system.

that is it?Wei Keng didn't know whether it was good or bad.

...It's been too long, Wei Keng dare not comment too much...

From an ancient point of view, this violates the theory of "human pedestal", but it has been 100 million years since then, and a new pedestal has also been born.

Just like, after humans use fire for a period of time, the digestive tract is no longer suitable for digesting raw meat, and human life is basically inseparable from fire.

After the embryo developed about fifteen lunar tidal changes, Wei Keng understood a lot of current information on this plane through the carbon-based information injected into the "spiritual umbilical cord".Name it the Mind Plane.

One million years is enough to wash everything away. After the development and prosperity of civilization lasted for thousands of years, it suddenly expanded in the starry sky, and civilization continued to develop on a broader scale.

Today: Human civilization has begun to break through physics, relying on stars to extract the Pandora field for life evolution and civilization development (Pandora field has become an industrial product of the star production system).

After gradually progressing, tens of thousands of light years into the starry sky, it is discovered that the information field that creates the global life exchange comes from a super civilization called the Yi field.

This super civilization disappeared, and the technological pollution left behind viciously spread in the sea of ​​stars, turning a large number of primary civilizations into human swarms. (Until arriving on Earth that year, encountering Wei Keng's Human Emperor's activation.)
What is the situation of this once prosperous Yichang civilization?It can only be roughly described as very large, very large, and the Pandora Earth civilization a million years ago described this civilization with only a few words.

Before the Pandora field arrived on the earth, the main body of the mind field civilization was not based on a single race.It is a transcendent existence based on a diversified carbon-based ecology.

As a racial civilization, human beings have not yet figured out what was the origin of the meaning field civilization, and how big is the territory of influence?The mood has disappeared.

The novelty of human civilization is like the newborn sun, and the night stars of Yichang civilization are missed in the cycle of day and night.

…At this time, in the supervisor space of the dimension…

As for the supervision team of the Earth Master World Time and Space Project, after learning about this series of information through Wei Keng.

Su Yue'e immediately sent a mission to find out what super-advanced technologies are there besides the Xinghai consciousness transmission technology?

Of course, the task they assigned was a task, whether Wei Keng would do it or not was another matter.

Bai Linglu is analyzing the information Wei Keng obtained through his spiritual umbilical cord on his own platform: the life field that entered the earth and created the Pandora era of human beings is actually just a detector for the civilization of the mind field to spread to the sea of ​​stars.

Bai Linglu's remarks: Please be careful not to use human social thinking to speculate on the Xinghai civilization. Human beings almost react to things like scouts, and think that if the scouts come, then the invasion warships will come next——then It is the logic of human "I see, I conquer".The logic of Yichang civilization is: "I pass it on, you change it, and we connect."

Higher alien civilizations have even more peculiar ways of influencing low-level civilizations.

In 100 million years, Yichang civilization may have reached the evolution level of energy-based life, and it may not pay any more attention to the inheritance of carbon-based genes.

And because of this, the civilized races affected by the "art field" all became castles in the air where the genetic evolution was interrupted, until they encountered the earth!Human beings maintain a strong inertia and continue to evolve as a species.

The development possibilities that Wei Keng left for earth civilization were extremely huge.

After Wei Keng passed away as the ancestor of the first generation of Hui people, human beings began to evolve greatly.

Human beings in the main world are born ignorant, but now on the mind plane, they are born with reason and common sense.

Bailing deer judges with the most cautious attitude: it is like the difference between lower vertebrates and humans.

...100 million years have already passed the era of the rise of the year, and now it is another era...

After Wei Keng left that year, the humans on Earth spread into the sea of ​​stars in just a few tens of thousands of years, and wiped out the large swarm of insects in the sea of ​​stars left by the spread of the relics of the mind field.

Looking at it today 100 million years later, when Wei Keng left Pandora, the "wisdom state" was still very primitive, similar to how modern Homo sapiens see early Homo sapiens.And according to the given year in the gene, it still belongs to premature death.

Of course, at that time, a lot of foundations had been identified.For example, human clusters on the plane of mind, the predetermined generation of carbon-based lifespan is 600 years (the total lifespan is 5000 years), which is the chain left on the genes in the era of Huiren.

After the wise people step on the stars, the spiritual people fly into the universe.In this process, human beings are extremely powerful,
Human beings have killed all the major relic planets in the meaning field civilization.Oh, it used to be a terrifying swarm of star sea insects that kept chasing organic matter, and was found by spirits on the main planet.

In these planets, human beings began to proliferate in the original form of aggregation (the Pandora state when Wei Keng was first born), and the high-energy life bubbles in the Pandora field replicated.

In just 100 years, within 100 years, a new swarm of wise people will emerge from the main planet, the core of the swarm.As for the bug swarm star sea fleet across the planet, there is no support, yes, they are also inexplicably captured and melted by the light group in the star sea.Half a million years ago, the last swarm of bugs in the galaxy also disappeared.

Perhaps, it perishes, or it escapes when the Milky Way and the Andromeda cantilever are interacting with each other.

All in all, from 90 years ago to 50 years ago, the shale fossils of various organic planets faithfully recorded the alternation process of the insect swarm disaster and the fourth natural disaster.

...Bai Linglu was studying silently by herself. Although the supervisor's space was lively at this time, it did not belong to her...

Wei Keng cares about the plane of the scene, and is still in prenatal education, inheriting the information obtained from memory.It has already caused an uproar among the team members of the "Great Land" in the main world.

There are advanced human civilizations beyond the main world in the mind plane.

Various contemporary time and space organizations are offering rewards for methods to deal with the "Bug Swarm".On those planes where carbon-based chitin shells and metal materials confront each other, many traversers try to end the swarm in terms of communication and spiritual energy.However, either the effect was not good, or he was assimilated into a swarm instead.

Wei Keng hastily ended the Pandora plane mission back then, causing the researchers who observed Pandora in the main world to "broke the chapter". The "broken chapter" was uncomfortable and he needed someone to "continue writing"

Bai Hengqian was confirming that Wei Keng would not be able to return in the dark plane for a short time, and they hurriedly found other traversers to replace them, trying to copy them.But all failed.

Now that Wei Keng has crossed the plane of Pandora again, the follow-up of the development is even more exaggerated than the most optimistic guess of relevant experts in the main world. Humans have actually eliminated the swarm of insects.Maintained the inherent human social form and crushed the insect swarm.

Although the information sent back by Wei Keng is not clear, the memory of "the existence of a single swarm of insects" in the genes is not fear, but a delicacy similar to "seafood abalone".Oh, just like the feeling brought by human beings when they see the big lobster that has been broken apart, the shiny meat.

…This is a period of human strength, but in such a period of human strength, is it easy to be a human being? …

However, Bai Linglu is thinking that the Pandora plane civilization has obviously found a mode of consciousness transmission to travel the star sea in the past 100 million years. According to the tunneling situation of the main world, this super civilization is very likely to rise dimension.

Perhaps it can be said that after the dimension has been raised, it was not tunneled by the main world until 100 million years later.

According to the information that Wei Keng has obtained from prenatal education, in the 100 million years of human evolution, there are several huge blank periods, this blank period!In the end what happened.

Also, an important piece of information, one million years later, the race that Wei Keng projected into is not the only human being, but only a branch of human beings!After the development of human beings to 100 million years ago, they are already a "superorder of humans" in the "phylum order, family, genera and species".

In other words, in this sea of ​​stars, there are no little green men, no octopuses, and all kinds of strange aliens, some of which are different human families and genus, killing each other on various planets.

Contemporary human beings still retain, during the evolution of basic human thinking, the idea of ​​independent wisdom and consciousness thinking of youth and teenagers, combined with the social thinking of middle-aged and later generations, constitutes a cluster of earth-specific wisdom, and each cluster has inherited memory.

The "fear" in Wei Keng's inheritance memory now comes from other humans of the same genus.

Wei Keng: Such concepts of human social civilization may be different.Perhaps the internal individual relationship may be like a fairy tale, or even more perfect. There is no oppression, no resistance, and everything is as docile as the coordination of life and matter.

Wei Keng: "However, civilization is moving forward. If there is no problem, it means that it has stopped. How can it be called civilization?"

The civilization of the mind field left the remains of the swarm of insects, and after the human civilization, the remains of the humanoid society will also be left behind. The earth after 100 million years is still the earth.

...In this Overseer Space, we faced a struggle for dominance from the very beginning...

On the time-space film of the Earth in the main world, as Wei Keng's prenatal education thinking input ended, in the information coordination hall, the information chain transmitted by Wei Keng suddenly shrank, and the information transmission ended.

Because, Wei Keng's consciousness node has completely passed,
The space film of that plane is very tight, and only when the consciousness shuttles, it can bring part of the information (before the plane travels through the era, the dreams of human consciousness also bring information in this way).

After both Bai Linglu and Wei Keng had entered the target plane, Su Yuee looked at the only information coordinates left in the space, was silent for a long time, let out a breath, and said in a low voice: "Isn't it just 100 years earlier than me! What are you pretending to do?" Senior." (100 years is really not considered a generation gap, she held Qin Xiaohan's daughter with her own hands a few years ago.)
Su Yue'e bit her lips lightly, and then recalled the impact and sense of tolerance brought about by looking at that "spiritual beam of light" just now.

This is a completely different feeling when she guides other "non-standard shuttles".Although it is indescribable, in terms of information order and possible evolutionary diversity, this is like comparing bright gem residues with mixed soil residues.

Su Yue'e: The existence of "flickering" is all wanted.But the 'gems' have long since been carved up.

 Out of the Cage ends in chapter 32.16.

  Now the nuclear-powered battleship extinguishes the main boiler, and only relies on the side oars to follow the waves. (meaning not rushing to draft, playing games, watching videos,)
(End of this chapter)

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