out of cage

Chapter 632 Chapter 15.11 The wave wheel, the wreckage of civilization, the artistic field.

In the mind plane, Wei Keng has gone through thirty earth years and came to the outer city of Vega.

Looking at this star twice the mass of the sun, still as bright as it was a million years ago, the time of human civilization is a moment for the universe.

Wei Keng flashed on Vega.And beyond Wei Keng's expectation, that ray of white light also flashed out with him, and a small man with silver hair stood in front of his shoulder.

Although this villain like a "flame" could be extinguished at will, Wei Keng didn't do it, perhaps because he needed an emotional interlocutor.

Wei Keng: "Porenkais, I want to build a control system on this star. It may take hundreds of years, will you accompany me?"

Bolun: "Oh, I'm fine anyway, by the way, what do you want to control the stars for?"

Wei Keng: "I don't know, I think it should be done, because I don't know how to do this."

Bolun nodded: "You rejected the transmission of your civilization consciousness experience, you just like to take a step by yourself. But in this way, you will take more detours. In the words of the people on earth, it is a pitfall~, um, a long-term loss memory."

Wei Keng: "Yes, if there is capital, the road is still the same, it is better to take a detour. Then life will be familiar with the sense of direction."

Bolun nodded and flashed: "I am also like this. I am not convinced if I don't bump into some things." After finishing speaking, he stretched out his fist and smashed the air in front of him.

Wei Keng couldn't help smiling, and then asked, "What is your purpose here?"

At this time, Bolun suddenly became serious: "To tell the truth, I am here to destroy the entire human evolution system of the mind field."

Wei Keng paused slightly.

Bolun: "I'm serious. Up to now, your evolution has produced some very 'resistance' things. As the existence of blocking variables, it should usher in an interstellar impact."

Wei Keng: "Then what do you mean you found me? Are you expecting me to lead the way~"

Bolun: "No, because you are a bit different. The ethnic group here is my target, but you are not."

Wei Keng: "If you want to exterminate human beings, I will resist." Then he added: "Resist on behalf of human beings here."

Bolun: "I understand, objectively, I also know that I want to fight you on the battlefield."

…man-made “destruction” needs justification.If the ashes of the burning are exhausted, a new sprout can sprout, and people will set fire to burn some weeds. …

The pulsator unfolds another area of ​​the time disk, which corresponds to the time disk of the earth.On this time frame area, many 'hot' areas are marked.

Bolun: "This is my starry sky camp. In the next 400 years, it will reach all areas of your human race and destroy it. If you want to resist, you have 400 years to grow. But if you choose to watch , I will launch an attack within 200 years. By the way, this time and space has been shielded by me. You are disconnected from outside information." (At this time, Bo Lun implicitly explained that Wei Keng is really fighting alone.)
Wei Keng paused for a moment, and checked his own system, and it really looked like "not in the service area"~
Wei Keng suddenly woke up from his sluggishness. It was a little fluke, but neither side talked about it, but it was suddenly revealed: "How did you find me?"...

The wave wheel clicked on the space-time disk, zoomed in and pulled it to the large position of the earth.

Bo Lun seriously narrated: "In the laminar flow of time and space, compared with multiple timelines, you are an accident, only appearing on a small number of timelines. During the collapse of the last civilization wreckage, there may be a flashback, perhaps An explorer who broke into an unknown dimension."

Master Wei looked at the little guy.In the eyes of this little guy, it was obvious that he wanted to tell himself the truth.

Wei Keng opened his mouth to admit that he was a time traveler.But when it came to his mouth, a stalk popped up in his heart, and he said casually: "I am indeed a civilized person, you can regard me as a reflection of the light."

[Millions of years ago, when civilization was first born, and today it died, Wei Keng came. 】

Bo Lun nodded, sighed and said: "Then, prepare for war, maybe this plane really has a reason for you to guard. But your reason, if no one draws a sword to fight for it, then what does it matter to me?" Dry?"

Wei Keng opened his mouth, wanting to do his best to eliminate this war.

The space gliding journey is about to reach the end, and Vega has already appeared in the perspective of the two of them, at this moment of arrival.

Bo Lun made further arrangements in a tone that could not be opposed: "The database in the star inspection technology, I think you should also need these physical data in the process of preparing for war."

Wei Keng clicked on the light spot, and saw the general outline of a series of physics such as stellar control, black hole wormhole tunneling, and time disk marking.And there are a large number of scientific and technological subjects behind this general outline, which Wei Keng himself cannot obtain for the time being in this era of the earth.

Bolun is now all handed over to Wei Keng.

For Bolun's "advancing the enemy" behavior?Wei Keng was puzzled again, and asked more questions.

Bolun replied: "What I destroy is the wreckage. For variables, meeting is an honor."

Wei Keng suddenly understood that this person was also chasing "possibility", and the two parties were actually the same kind of people.

It's just that in the process of "possibility", the two are currently walking on a path that conflicts.

Bolun chose to destroy the possibility of "wreckage", while Wei Keng tried to stick to the "wreckage" and create possibilities.

…What will the conflict between fire and earth create? …

After figuring this out, Wei Keng wanted to ask a few more questions.

Wei Keng: "Will there be a new civilization after the destruction of human beings on Earth?"

Bolun: "Three generations of civilization have been born on our planet. After the birth of the three generations of civilization, there are many possible times, which are divided into three time plates. I belong to the third generation of civilization. The first two generations of civilization have declined, but variables will sprout again. .”

Afterwards, the wave wheel opened the list of important elements of human supereye evolution, which he named as "sunken energy field" (Pandora area).

Bolun: "From the observation of time and space, your side (human civilization after the Pandora disaster) actually belongs to the second generation of civilization. The first generation (original civilization of the mind field) used the 'concave energy field' civilization to spread 150 million years ago. After arriving here, a large number of initial civilizations were destroyed, and only your planet (Earth) has risen again in the civilization disaster." Wei Keng was a little proud when he heard this.But then realized something.

Wei Keng: "He knows what happened here 100 million years ago?"...

Bolun smiled: "One million years ago, there was a civilization code-named 'Holy Gun', which had already engaged in a sweeping war against the remains of this civilization. When it arrived in your area, it noticed that the civilization was rekindled, and then bypassed it. Here. As for the wreckage of civilization that you (humanity) encountered~ use the name you are used to, um, you can call it 'Spirit Field Civilization'."

Wei Keng saw the "carbon-based radiation" insect swarms in the entire star sea during his last mission on the Pandora plane. In fact, they were "dead fish and rotten shrimps" in the eutrophic star sea after the pollution of the wreckage.If human civilization cannot progress and become a swarm of insects, it will be a dead fish and rotten shrimp.

On the big time plate, it is clearly seen that the primitive ancestor of the human supereye (the human race that Wei Keng left as the emperor) 100 million years ago emitted carbon-based ripples and fished in the sea of ​​stars.

The branches of civilization that Luo Hongxing evolved all disappeared inexplicably in the end.

Wei Keng looked again. On the timetable, he opened up the forks around the timeline. After thinking about it, the later stages of the timeline developed in the main world probably encountered the Holy Lance.

Bolun then sent out even more exciting news.

Bolun: "In fact, the civilization of the mind field has also come to your planet on a more remote parallel timeline."

In Wei Keng's eyes, the round ball of light, Bolun, seemed to be dancing.Really cute.

Bolun: "The evolution time of human beings on your side diverges, and it can be traced back to before the era of great oxidation. Yes, your planet is still in the era of anaerobic bacteria, and the civilization of Yichang has already killed your ancestors, and maintained the atmospheric restoration. After sex, the parallel connection of information transmission between microorganisms began, and then primitive consciousness was born in the stable offshore area. After millions of years, it learned to precipitate metals, and then used the power of the planet to enter space. Finally, after completing the expansion of the star sea .

To be clear, the interference encountered by your superpurpose ancestors 100 million years ago is the “pattern invasion” of your timeline after the carbon-based life has developed to a high-end stage in another time and space. "


In the small theater, in another timeline, a big silver-haired boy watched the various unbearable performances of the human super-eyes in the star sea, and whispered: "I will not accompany the unworthy descendants here, you are rotten here!" Bar."

Then he turned into a wave and entered the big black hole, leaving this timeline.

Because he found more 'variable' space-time.

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