out of cage

Chapter 637 Chapter 15.13 Rebellious human beings.

Double star, Gregorian calendar, 34324, Wei Keng is 156 years old...

Wei Keng's thoughts were dim, because he was pissed off by the double star people.This tutoring children's homework, the more tutoring, the more angry.

Thinking back to Master Wei, now that the stars have begun to control almost [-], but there is no human group on a planet that can "re-lighten the system"!

Wei Keng finally understood that the "wreckage" here was described in Bolun's words.The aggressive and upward "opportunities and possible" astral civilizations that I have found are even rarer than the "controllable stars" that I have completed.

"The child's failure to live up to expectations" caused the conflict between Wei Keng and Dui Bolun's future to be shaken for the first time!
In the plane of dark energy, Wei Keng has the confidence to fight even if he faces the entire galaxy.Because the dark plane has the Shuoyuan Legion, they are growing stronger, and they will eventually become the masters of the new world.

...Master Wei: Double stars, you are so angry with me...

Wei Keng was possessed by a person who was starved to death. Wei Keng revived this person, implanted his consciousness, and began to think of ways to save his own group.

65 days later, as a reborn, Wei Keng rummaged through the last ocean and found some biological mechas that looked like Pai Daxing in action.

The neuron system of these biological mechs is as advanced as that of a human hand. Each tentacle has sixteen fingers with long bones, which can be embedded with more complex mechanical equipment for manipulation.

This is the instrument that Wei Keng gave to the survivors of Planet One.Wei Keng gave these mechas to them in the name of "Fire Thief".

Wei Keng: When declaring that these "instruments" were stolen from the "forbidden industrial area" of the Department of Deep Sea Biology, the human individuals waiting to die here were silent.Emotionally, these anti-mechanical people have to use machinery, which brings them a huge sense of guilt.

Because under the superorder of human beings, they, the human beings of the family of Lithophyte and the genus of Fungi, stayed voluntarily during the catastrophe of the planet.

That's right, this is equivalent to the spirit of the ancients, voluntarily buried with them, and when they were trapped in the underground palace and waiting to die, someone suddenly dug a robbery hole for them.The concept of honor and disgrace will have a huge impact.Emotions gave them new thinking, and they had to avoid this "demon".

…Wei Keng: To put it simply, it is hypocritical. …

In terms of the situation in the 21st century, the group of people who stayed on the No. [-] planet is like a group of Western environmentalists and vegetarians shouting slogans. They did not evacuate the No. [-] planet back then. Shouting slogans, he couldn't get off the stage, so he stayed in a fit of anger.

When western environmentalists finally waited for the transfer of industry and the collapse of the economy, they were starving and freezing.At this time, you have to hand them "industrial products" and "aid for the construction of energy stations". They accept it physically, but they are uncomfortable in their hearts. While holding your things, they scold you for destroying the earth.

This is to stand on the moral high ground and not want to get off.

The super-purpose spiritual language of human beings is one dimension stronger than the earth media in the ancient industrial age.

Therefore, after the moral high ground pleasure of "anti-realistic needs" is formed, it must be more stubborn.

Wei Keng hates iron and steel: "I used spiritual language to communicate in production activities, not for you to dig into the horns. I didn't expect the "superior" communication method to become a super-class 'labeling'."…

…Human beings are intelligent creatures, and only one-thousandth of the activities in daily life require wisdom. They are usually higher animals, and the emotions matched by human intelligence are superfluous when they are animals...

A group of guys who stayed on the No. [-] planet were trapped by "inner demons", and they planned to stay behind in a doomsday picture scroll and write magnificent emotions.

When their emotions are up, they can't bear it physically. They accept the "sigh to eat" physically, but they can't bear it psychologically.

Note: It is difficult for people on earth in the 21st century to understand this kind of emotion.

The 'emotional dysplasia' (heartless) Master Wei does not have this "inner demon".

Wei Keng: The price of my own life is very high, unless it is "killing my companions and stealing my life", then I will feel guilty.As for the others, there are no taboos.

Master Wei originally wanted to guide step by step as "Suiren" and "Shennong".But in the end, it was determined that I could not stand on that social and emotional height, the reflection of them.

Ever since, Master Wei began to be a "tyrant" and started a 100-year dark rule on the double star.

...Wei Keng: I'm so cute, I'll teach you how to cheat.Teach you to do whatever it takes to survive and hope for yourself...

"Stolen, what's the matter, stole something, didn't kill others, saved your life, I'm a sinner!" When Master Wei gave them things, he slapped those disobedient ones unceremoniously, Then put them on tech gear.

In the deep sea, the mechanical octopus began to break through the waves, gather all the men together, carry out ideological indoctrination and collectivization, separate all the women, let them disperse, supervise the life of the planet, and unify all the children Teaching, transportation facilities run back and forth from father and mother every day, accepting the alternating influence of the two sets of thinking of "one yin and one yang" in the traditional family.

The "Great Tyrant" Wei Keng united the last group of humans on this planet through spiritual slavery.

Then in the next ten years, after sequencing the underground hot lava flow, a number of "molten salt" injection wellheads were set up. These wellheads are as deep as [-] meters, and the pipes are thicker than the Empire State Building.

The year of the beginning of the calendar.Wei Keng descended into a double star and a planetary revolution period.

The tyrant "Lingxuan" started full-scale industrialization, pumped the entire ocean into the underground cavity to build a heat exchange tower, and completed geothermal regulation and stability.Let the lava cycle erupt into the thermal cycle tide of the underground ocean.

This system of adjusting the severe drop "negative entropy" on the planet to "peaceful negative entropy" is Wei Keng's application in the theoretical system of the dark energy plane.

Using Bai Linglu to summarize the archives, this belongs to the knowledge system that corresponds to "spiritual formation and birth formation" from "juezhen, killing formation".

As for whether it is possible to milk the half-dead "human super-eye civilization" of these two stars?That is to do your best to obey the destiny.

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