out of cage

Chapter 641 Chapter 15.15

Chapter 641 Chapter 15.15 (Fan) Repeatedly taught
On the sun, Wei Keng silently looked at the colorful communication light belt of the "carbon-based frequency band" that appeared again between the two stars.

The intersection of complex emotional collisions in the carbon-based frequency bands of the two stars of the double star is mostly difficult for Wei Keng to understand.After all, in terms of emotional communication, Wei Keng lacked a million years of evolution.

In the ancient industrial era, when two social groups crossed cultures, it was sometimes difficult to understand.

And now it's even more difficult to figure out if it crosses species.Wei Keng admits that he lacks emotional development.

However, in terms of rational benefit analysis, Wei Keng believes that the civilization wreckage formed by human super-eyes in the star sea at this time is far less sober than himself.

From Wei Keng's point of view: a war has already been fought, and it is time to set a rule of thumb.

But the "Zaihui" faction, as an expatriate on the second planet, sent a good life, such as "a green grass plant for one dollar" and "you can lie on the river and think about life in your spare time" and so on.Once again the laborers who made Planet One battle lava begin to falter
...the great migration of the double stars has begun, and this time there is no tyrant spirit to hinder it...

Five years later, Planet One began accepting immigrants.In the sunny and celebratory publicity, the spacecraft of the second planet transferred the spacecraft to the orbit of the first planet, and photographed a large number of beautiful scenes of the recovery of all things on the first planet.Once again gave "lyrical praise".

[This lyrical praise is very complicated in the language of the soul. Master Wei himself can't understand it. Naturally, he can't express it in words, let alone record it in the system file and transfer it to the main world. 】

The new leaders of Zaihui did not stick to the principle, but accepted the immigrants assigned by the second planet.

This time, the resurgent society of Planet [-] once again gave up ideological resistance.

Once again, they chose another path that was better in their imagination: through emotional tolerance, they tried to let the people of Planet [-] understand the culture of Planet [-].

The revivalists led by Lingyun once again became naive again. They are now promoting the slogan: "Let's tell the story of Planet No. [-] with our hearts."

At this time, Wei Keng had the helplessness of "stop here" (forget it).

In the space bubble near the sun, Wei Keng took out brewed beer and grilled takoyaki. After the material can be distributed at will, the desire to eat and drink will gradually degenerate.

In the Space Energy Space Station, Wei Keng built the stove, put on a scarf, and held an iron pan and spatula.

This re-made a one-pot meal, which can be said to be a physiological return to the ancestors.Re-examined the living conditions of ancient humans who "focused on appetite" instead of "communicating with God".

One reality, one informationization.The enjoyment of reality must go up, and it is a waste for human beings.

But human beings who "only focus on spiritual enjoyment" are absolutely going to be extinct in reality.

...Wei Keng's historical notes on this...

In modern times, human beings were worried about money worship and materialism, and finally evolved into "end-producers". Wei Keng has always opposed "excessive desires".

However, in the evolution of human beings after 100 million years, there is no preference for "terminals", but instead "final thinkers".

Final thinkers: Only a very small number of people in the exchange center think about the meaning of life on their own.Everyone else is content with the joy of communicating.

Wei Keng held a small ball, took a bite, and the juice splashed into his mouth, flowed to his stomach, and then turned into a part of the carbon-based cycle.Inform human beings of an objective truth, human beings are based on reality.

Only when consciousness is linked to reality can it change reality.

Wei Keng: "Where did those super intelligences go in the past 100 million years? Can you give me the answer, I can't wake up these "sleepers" left today."

...History is in this repeated mistakes, constantly pitching...

When the double stars went up, Wei Keng went down again. If one time is not enough, then come twice, and if two times is not enough, then come three times.

Although the dawn of victory cannot be seen, as life, it is about to collide.This is not for others, but for yourself.Life is born and dies, everything is objective, but the process between birth and death is subjective.

The blow Wei Keng encountered at this time was not only on the twin stars, but also on other planets that Wei Keng had come into contact with simultaneously.

Without exception, almost all of them have the same virtue as double stars, and Wei Keng's control of stars has reached [-].With no successors in the vast sea of ​​stars, Wei Keng began to suspect that he seemed to be the last shining light.

 It's over for today.The heat test of the nuclear power boiler is over, and a change will be resumed tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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