out of cage

Chapter 683 Chapter 16.11 The Way of "Supporting" the Imperial Army

Chapter 683 Chapter 16.11 The Way of "Supporting" the Imperial Army

Enma was even forced to get involved with the imperial army.

In 3227, in Fangling City, there is the largest munitions factory in the empire.Enma, who runs farms and breeding farms in the surrounding area, did not plan to expand his business there in the past few years because he did not have military channels.

Enma worried: "I have already contacted the rebels in the city, this, and contacted the military, then wouldn't it be from a coercion to a mastermind, the risk is too great, too great."

But in August, the military here took the initiative to find it.

In the agricultural cooperation zone fifteen kilometers away from Fangling City, an imperial colonel walked directly into the red brick house.

The old man slammed his hat on the desk of the Youth Workers' Association (organized by Enma), and then asked the person in charge to come out to meet him with extraordinary momentum.

When the person in charge arrived, the colonel put a green leather wooden box on the table and said, "That's all. Do you want it?!"

Open it inside and see, good guy, three forward trench submachine guns in the style of box guns, and a box of two-ring bullets and three-ring armor-piercing bullets.

Of course, the person in charge didn't dare to neglect the thing that was delivered suddenly to the door.So Enma rushed over and called himself a "squire" (as the saying goes, the landlord is rich).

Enma looked at this, full of imperial contraband, it was very big.Naturally, I dare not accept it directly.

Enma thought to himself: What if this is imperial fishing?Immediately pushed it back, and then delivered a case of wine and three boxes of bagged instant noodles to this hero.

The imperial officer gets his stuff and is about to leave, but Eun-ma holds him back.

Enma: "As for these things" (Enma pointed to these supplies) "The store doesn't dare to accept them, so why don't you take them back?"

The imperial officer glanced at En Ma, his beard trembled and said: "You are so scared, this thing is here with you, you have to ask for it or not, and I will send someone tomorrow to let you ship it out. Pay and deliver."

That night, Enma took a few reliable people and buried the things overnight.

Wei Keng: I'm not ready to rebel yet, and I haven't trained my combat power yet. If this thing stays here, the upper echelons won't allow it. If it stays here, it's the "hard evidence" of the accusation.

..."Want to", but have to make sure if it's "hot"...

Two days later, Enma personally drove a pickup truck and led a convoy of fifteen pickup trucks through the city's blockade checkpoints.
Directly and unimpeded all the way to deliver "food, dried fruit" and other materials to Fangling City (military fortress), and met the colonel at the same time.

After inspecting Enma's goods, the colonel patted Enma's shoulder and said, "Very good!"

However, this cart of supplies has inspired the morale in Fangling City, a military fortress!

There is no shortage of various military products in this city, but there is a lack of food supplies.

When the bold colonel who gave Enma weapons and ammunition in exchange for supplies came back, he was immediately blocked by several other officers. The brothers in the fortress were not left behind because they were so popular and hot.There is an opening here.

When the Youth Association finished the first business, Enma began to wait quietly for the situation.

A week later, another imperial colonel drove a crawler transport vehicle to the wall of Enma's transportation line on land, and helped Enma to deliver it "for free".

After the escort was over, Enma was brought to Fangling City to do a lot of business.

Ever since, Enma collected a lot of scrap iron with a wry smile.There are a large number of bullets, as well as firearms.

When the military side here was still about to stuff things, Enma waved his hand directly.

At this time, the colonel of the empire asked in surprise: "Why, didn't you finish the delivery last time I gave you the goods?" Enma finally realized that he regarded himself as the leader of the empire's underworld.

Enma: "I'm just in the agricultural product business. Why do I need so many guns? I buried all the guns you gave me last time, and I dare not release them. Besides, you are not afraid of the chaos of the empire when you leak so many weapons. "

The Imperial Colonel frowned at Wei Keng, but said, "Can't you find a way?"

Obviously he doesn't care if there is a rebellion in the empire, these imperial soldiers now want to exchange their surplus military supplies for living supplies.

On the other side, the imperial soldiers in the fortress did not stop, they even pulled a towed artillery over.Of course, Enma hadn't lied to such an extent.Guns are easy to talk about, but when guns appear on the shelves, it must be a naked temptation.Enma rejected it with righteous words.

Let's talk about this artillery!Enma is greedy, self-propelled artillery with metal tracks, caliber 120 mm, tsk tsk.

But Enma held back, because from a practical point of view, if his side is really limited by accidents in the future and conducts an uprising, it will be a guerrilla warfare in the countryside. The heavy firepower only needs homemade rockets.As for the artillery, even if you have a few of them, you can't fight against the regular army that is encircling and suppressing. The artillery also needs big cities as logistics.

In the future, there will be a great revolution in the sky empire, and the seizure of the big cities will still have to be determined by the defection of the regular army of the empire.

…10 [-] minutes later…

En Ma was led into the military officer's office in Fangling City. This was a major general named Nulat. His face was full of red, his eyes were like light bulbs, and he looked like a tiger.

As a businessman, Enma greeted the general neither humble nor overbearing. The general looked at Enma with a smile and began to do business.

Business can only be done for a long time if there are back and forth.

In the end, Enma asked for three "scrap" vehicle-mounted reactors, which can be used as energy furnaces in the workshop.

Nulat: "Squire (Enma's pseudonym), you are a very nice young man." He still pushed the list of guns, ammunition and artillery to Wei Keng.

Enma kept silent, annoyed Rat, and said in a tone of educating the younger generation, "you, you have to look far when doing business. I can buy your goods, and others can buy them. Think about it." Look, aren't you being too passive in doing business?"

Enma swallowed, and cursed inwardly, "Are the imperial soldiers poor and crazy!".

The meaning of Nurat's words is a reminder: You must be well armed and let yourself carry a sword to do business, so as to prevent robbing with the empire.

But that's just the first level!Wei Keng: "To understand a person's words, you have to stand in the position of others!"

Nurat reminded Enma to be an armed trader. He proposed that Enma had this demand, and he could meet this demand.But all this has a price.

Why did Nulat meet Enma's "armed needs"?Enma had to promise in turn.

Therefore, the second meaning is to remind Enma to stand in line!

When the business is big, when you come into contact with big people, you must have political principles!You have to invest your life.

When Nurat was about to see off the guests, Enma asked Enma to think about it, and at this moment Enma began to say with a shy face: "Your Excellency General, how can I fill out the application for enlistment?"

Nurat put down his teacup, with a smile on his face, he was very satisfied with the intelligence of the young man in front of him.

Nurat nodded and said, "Go to the Military Affairs Department on the right and submit the application on the third floor." Then he added: "We are short of talents here."

Note: Enma showed an attitude of standing in line, but Nulat, as the general of the empire, wanted to keep the city, so he couldn't accept it directly.Due to the high level of secrecy surrounding Enma, Nurat did not know what status Enma had in this agricultural business association.So Enma had to show his own strength. If he was strong enough, even if he was only the second in command, he would be able to give Enma the leadership of the chamber of commerce through support.But if Enma is just a small cadre, then he is not qualified. At that time, he should beat the chamber of commerce or beat him.

So the added sentence "I am short of talents here" means to ask Enma to bring more people to join the army.Show your strength.


Three days later, En Malian enlisted in the Fangling City Fortress with 343 people. These people obviously did not know how to carry guns, but came to do business.

This is the person selected by the Youth Labor Association to be responsible for commercial cooperation with the Imperial Army.

Nurat smiled happily, and gave Enma a captain who was in charge of logistics. Of course, he also allocated [-] people to Enma to mix the sand.

Of course, it doesn't matter who mixes who. The people sent by Nunat are fully arranged by the working group of the Agricultural Youth Association.

The economic connectivity of the entire urban and rural areas, industrial training, Enma is also short of people here.

And on the front of "spirit" and "ideal".When these people sent by Nurat saw that the disabled soldiers were still actively living here in the Youth Labor Association.The soldiers, the widows, and the Empire don't care, they can only rely on the current mutual assistance, and they will face a wave of spiritual shock.

(End of this chapter)

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