out of cage

Chapter 687 Chapter 16.13 Abuse of Vegetables

Chapter 687 Chapter 16.13 Abuse of Vegetables
In the second half of 3228, due to the "banditry" in the northern part of the empire, it suddenly became a powerful organization.

The middle-level bureaucratic group of the empire in the north gradually learned that there was a wave of escaped slaves in the land of local farmers.Of course, because the bureaucrats had a bird's-eye view of the bumpkins, they didn't immediately realize the seriousness of the matter. "

Of course, the landowners in the northern part of the empire did not immediately think of suing.After all, when the bureaucrats of the empire started to do things, it was impatient.Ever since, the landlords of these northern provinces began to send troops jointly.

9 month 23 day.

In the base areas in the north, a new sanitation culture movement is being held, that is, washing hands frequently, drinking boiled water, killing mosquitoes in cesspit stagnant water, spraying medicine on the head, wearing masks, keeping clothes clean, and so on.This is because the serfs who escaped from the farmers were not in good hygiene, 30.00% had lice, and their intestines were even more diseased.

In the past, farmers used to throw away sick serfs and freeze them to death in the snow, but now people live in large-scale base dormitories, so this kind of life sanitation work is particularly important.

The northern base area, as a healthier system, is always preparing for the counterattack of the old local forces.

On the 20th, the intelligence personnel who monitored the telegrams in the base area had already learned that those Southern Empire farmers were going to connect in series.

The next day, scouts from the northern region rushed back overnight to report that the enemy had almost 100 modified steam tractors and a large number of heavy machine guns.

The staff of the newly-born Nongqing Army was also very panicked when they knew that there were six to seven thousand local farm owners who were about to attack.

In the five camps of the Nongqing Army, the young soldiers in blue cloth clothes generally looked worried, because the weapons issued to them were only light weapons, and only a few heavy weapons were mortars. wheel tractor.

Oh, the characteristics of single-cylinder tractors are large torque and high traction at low speeds. The cases of "really able to pull" and "really dare to install" on rural dirt roads in modern times were all created by this thing.

...The nascent strength ushered in the first severe military test...

Many members of the base area, because they had just escaped from the whip, and most of them escaped conscription, so when they heard that the army came under the banner of "Imperial Jing'an Army", some of them imagined that they were dispatched by the empire. The army came to catch them and go back.For a while, people were panicked.

Enma ran to the northern line and held the battle!
Wei Keng understood the emotions of these people.These young men have never faced large-scale military force.It's normal to be afraid.

[You can refer to the panic when primary and middle school students ran to Internet cafes in ancient times, and their parents and teachers came to catch them]

What's more, these manor owners are now attacking under the banner of the empire,
The "tiger skin" of the empire psychologically oppresses members who have not yet fought.At this time, a hero must stand up and lead everyone to break this psychological shackle.

Enma stood on the tractor and raised the tongs: "So, at this time, who can but me?"

…After getting off the tractor, Enma began to quickly visit various departments and start a layout meeting. …

When Enma rushed to the northern base area, everyone was finally at peace of mind. Of course, this kind of stability probably came from behind.

This is like when you were caught in an Internet cafe and you came with the squad leader, so the focus is on the squad leader.I feel a little "accomplice" comfort in my heart.

As for how to turn this accomplice mentality into a real fighter and warrior?Then we have to completely break down the "paper tiger" nature of these oppressors.

Standing in front of the northern base square, everyone stood in line, with mortars and machine guns in front, and three-wheeled tractors parked behind.

Enma ordered everyone to put on earphones and started speaking on the walkie-talkie.

Note: The electric horn will inevitably make people in the rear row unclear, so Wei Keng still directly communicates by radio if technical conditions permit.This is also indirectly the concept of allowing artillery and other troops to establish a "digital information chain".

Now the walkie-talkie has a total of [-] frequency bands. A combat battalion is divided into these [-] frequency bands for communication. If there is no electromagnetic suppression on the opposite side.This information is sufficient.

Now that they are all tuned to the first frequency band, Enma started his speech: "The enemy is coming, um, a little later than I expected, but you all seem to hope that it will never come?

If you think so, then you are really too young.You hold a gold coin, can you expect the robber to be kind and turn a blind eye and not rob you?Only by holding a gun and stabbing the robber blind, disabled, or dead will he be afraid and not come.

Back to the present, are we weak?Oh, because there are fewer guns, fewer soldiers, and more enemies.No, no, it's because you haven't believed in yourself and your comrades-in-arms, and haven't regarded you as someone who can entrust your funeral.

But is the enemy really strong?Stronger than us with more guns, more guns?No no no, they are weak, most of them are under the yoke of the old regime.Just like the evil dragons tied by iron chains, they look like claws and claws, but if you take a closer look, you will find that they are paper dragons.

Now, all actions are under the command of the Supreme Military Construction Department. Next, you will follow me to see "what is a pseudo-strong, and at the same time understand why we were weak in the past." "

…Compared to the establishment of various communication mechanisms by the Rural and Rural Army at all levels before the war, the enemies coming here are clumsy and clumsy influxes maintaining a “level shelf”…

Feigute, who is currently leading the rebels in the northern countryside of the empire, in the town of law and order,
At this time, the team stretched for a full ten kilometers, and hundreds of harvester chariots with external wooden boards as armor advanced along the road that had been crushed over and over again.But the scene doesn't deserve the Big Bad March.

Because the convoy couldn't see the slightest orderliness at all, the vehicles blocked people in piles after piles.It looks like toads lay eggs on the banks of the river in spring, one after another.

Surrounding the armored vehicles converted from mechanical harvesters, the sons of the landowners rode motorcycles and held guns, and started a village-killing performance.In fact, it is no different from the children in the yard chasing me and chasing you.And this kind of motorcycle team randomly interspersed, the riders pretended to be handsome in the big team, showing that they were different from others, and automatically divided their own team into more chaos.

Fat Gute is so fat that he can't ride a motorcycle and fight like a mechanical knight, so he has to sit in a tank.

"Master, look, the northern jungle will be across the Mikat River ahead, and those gangsters are already afraid." A skinny standard dog leg offered a cigarette to Fat Gu, and began to flatter him.

Unexpectedly, he slapped the horse's ass on the horse's leg, and Feigut scolded: "Fei Mo, your brain has been maggoted by "dung flies"! As I said, this is a military operation, a military operation! You have to call me , Master seat!"

Fei Mo quickly slapped himself: "Hey, what the teacher taught me is that you should be hit."

Feigute was satisfied with his pipe, and said, "Okay, okay, is there any news?"

Fei Mo: "Master, the knight master in front of us said that there is a gravel road ahead, allowing our chariots to drive across."

Fei Mo called those agricultural locomotives with nails and planks "chariots". He was not at all ashamed, and they were invisible sycophants.

Fat Gute nodded, and ordered imposingly: "Map?" The people on the side hurriedly unfolded the map for him first.Fei Gute put on a show and nodded, as if he had a strategy in mind.

Fei Mo rolled his eyes, flattered him and said, "Old man, um, Master, what plan do you have to wipe out this group of mud legs?"

Fat Gut patted his face and said, "You kid, do you want to ask for military information? Haha!" Laughing, he drew out his pistol and aimed it at Fei Mo's temple.

Fei Mo stood up straight as if he had been acupunctured, and his knees softened: "Master, master, how dare the villain betray you, the villain is your slave."

Fat Gute, laughing, poked him with the muzzle of his gun.

"Get up, no~ I didn't open the insurance haha, you kid has only this little guts, haha!" He laughed, and the fat on his face was wrinkled.

Feigu Te said with a map: "Our army, drive here, and then here, here, light the fire. Our army uses the fire to cover and launch an attack, and burn these muddy legs and buttocks."

Fei Mo, observing his words this time, when he saw that Feigu Te's expression was "I'm going to start pretending to be aggressive", he gave a thumbs up and said: "Tall, tall, old, uh, the master has a high plan."

...on the side of the Nongqing Army, on the mobile outpost at the front of the battlefield, uh, that is, on a tractor platform...

Enma is observing the opponent's army through the perspective of the battlefield.

Enma is very "hesitant" now. It's really a bit of a pity not to blow up the cesspit parade squeezed out by the alliance of big landlords~ I'm sorry.

However, Enma also knew deeply that he should not blow up this shit by himself now, but a novice from the Nongxiang Army should do this.The first task of the rural and rural army should be to understand how to fight.

Enma: As a commander, now I want to link up the thinking and action capabilities of this unit, and create the most favorable conditions for comrades to attack!Instead of using my personal wisdom to create a special big victory.

In short, although the "surprise attack" can be successful now, what the rural and rural army needs now is how to learn how to cooperate and fight.

Wei Keng sighed: "It's like a table of raw seafood placed in front of you, but you can't eat because of your stomach upset."

...The first battle of the new army requires the extensive participation of all departments in the operation to test the status of each department...

Enma ordered the troops to act according to the plan, separated a regiment, and began to dispatch artillery vehicles to shell the enemy.

Just when Feigut felt good about his huge team,

On the side of the Nongqing Army, a small unit wearing tactical camouflage cloth has been quietly deployed on its flank.

The team of the Nongqing Army uses a single-cylinder agricultural tractor as a vehicle, and the flatbed trailer at the rear of the vehicle has been weaponized.

After the vehicle came to a complete stop, the operator erected the gun barrel with a height of one person, and then opened the two thigh-thick brackets and inserted them into the soil for stability. Then the operator shook the metal steering wheel, and the barrel base rotated. At the same time, the observer commanded Next, the gun barrel is adjusted to an angle, and the 120mm mortar shell is sent into the top of the mortar with an iron clip under the combined force of two people, and falls along the gravity.

With a loud bang, the tricycle shook, and the warhead flew up from the barrel.Then it landed three kilometers away, where it happened to be the enemy's armored formation.

Flames appeared on the battlefield.One second there was a mighty armed parade, the next second it was like being frightened by thunder, and the mouse began to bury its head, wishing there was a crack in the ground to get in.

...Enma is also debugging his initial hero skills...

Enma has the bonus skill "Strike Aura".

In all the gunner's perspectives covered by this skill, those enemy vehicles are framed by red circles one by one. After the red circle stabilizes, it shrinks the same, and these enemy targets will be highlighted.

Moreover, on the side of the Nongqing Army, the ballistics of their own mortars are also clearly displayed in their own perspective.

In the headset, Enma also reminded them to fine-tune the barrel up and down or left and right.

In this adjustment, if it is accurate, the ballistic trajectory will change from red to green, and then to blue. If the deviation is not accurate, it will still be red (Master Wei really gave a full range of fool tips for these rookies.)
These gunners, who were still a little unfamiliar at the beginning, immediately started shelling at half a base.

Under constant fine-tuning, one shell after another was thrown at the enemy. With the flames emerging from the top of the tractor, the Nongqing Army was sure that it had successfully let four "agricultural harvester transformation vehicles" lie down.

The explosion caused the wooden armor on the agricultural harvester to disperse at once, just like the "dancing girl undressing", the "knight" with black paint changed back to the appearance of a "village girl"
Fat Gute was lucky. When he was bombarded just now, his fat body rolled down extremely sensitively, and immediately found a dry ditch and lay down until the shelling was over. He looked up at his chariot, and immediately died like a rich man. The same thing, shouted: "My chariot, chariot~!" This scream is really sad, like a primary school student accidentally blowing up his mobile phone when he lit a firecracker.

A few minutes later, he identified the enemy from his nephew who was riding a motorcycle, and he had already fled in an agricultural locomotive.
Holding a binoculars, Feigute looked at the smoke and dust of the agricultural vehicles carrying mortars fleeing a few kilometers away, and cursed: "You orphans, don't let me catch you!"

The chaotic team after being bombarded was only sorted out after three hours. After observing the quality of the farmer's army, Enma was more than half relieved.
Enma: "That's it?" His gaze was like looking at a group of hopping grasshoppers.

Unbeknownst to Fagute, this was just a small disturbance to slow his troops.

The soldiers are extremely fast, Master Wei's 1000 people have already penetrated directly from the direction [-] kilometers away from him, and rushed directly towards the logistics supply points of the Landlords Alliance.

Wei Keng's monitor system judged: The 1000 people in Enma's training level is completely capable of blocking warfare.

The initial lack of proficiency can be quickly made up in combat training.However, Master Wei's military character is very cautious, and if he can take a while to let novices adapt, then try to extend this adaptation period as much as possible.

Wei Keng admits that it takes courage to fight a war, but if you can increase the probability of victory with perseverance and patience, you will never be reckless.Can sweat, never bleed.

…The sun is slowly setting, and under the stars in the sky, the night battle cold gun team begins to take position…

In the northern part of the Sky Empire, a peasant uprising has begun.

Between September 9 and October 25, the troops of the "Lord" (Enmadai) captured four small towns in a row within a week.After breaking through the town, they blindfolded the members of the farmer’s family, pressed them on the ground, and let all the tenants step on them. Then they sorted all the food and destroyed all the weapons. As for the fuel, they can be taken away, but not Walking is also divided, destroying the core parts of all the machinery of the farmer.

After completing the initial blocking mission, the next step is to lead the enemy by the nose and find an opportunity to eliminate the opponent.

In this regard, the system: "You are abusing food."

Enma pointed to his soldiers and said: "I'm teaching them how to fight more with less. In the future, they will fight with the regular suppression of the empire. Mushrooms are the last word."

 Sleep, sleep, the task is completed, resume on Monday
(End of this chapter)

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