out of cage

Chapter 702 Chapter 16.22 The Swan City Uprising

Chapter 702 Chapter 16.22 The Swan City Uprising
How to save the current uprising in Swan City, Enma's mind turned upside down.

Now I can indeed send a military force to intercept the main force of the empire.

In the 3231 year of the fire pattern, that is, the second year after taking down the city of Mirsu, Enma gradually had a mobile armored force on hand.

Originally, in the northern wasteland of the empire, there were originally a batch of [-] heavy infantry-level "chariots" parked. These equipment were "scrapped" equipment by the empire on the front line.

When the Youth Youth Association was still a rural organization, the imperial generals in the north of the empire certainly did not dare to leave "scrapped armaments" to the Youth Association, an organization with a "partisan" background.But when Mirsu City took out the funds to buy it, the northern garrison of the empire, who had long been short of supplies, quickly handed over this thing to Michal City for "disassembly". As for the real "disassembly" It's still tinkering. For the imperial army guarding the scrap factory, it has nothing to do with them

Now these "scrap" large-scale machinery has been obtained by the Nongqing Army and has been meticulously restored.

The "heavy infantry" level, its tonnage belongs to the minimum standard that "heroic units" are willing to control, 320 tons.The caliber is a single-shot 200mm heavy gun barrel, and the rate of fire is three shots per minute.The driving speed is between 1 kilometers and 25 kilometers per hour.In theory, it is a defense-breaking attack on all units.

Due to economic and international pressure, Sky Empire had to disarm, and the equipment was sent to packaging warehouses.

Frontier generals generally reserved larger tonnage (35 tons), faster speed, 55 kilometers to [-] kilometers per hour, and "heavy knight" level tanks.These heavy infantry classes were generally left unused.

You must know that the thickness of the steel and concrete fortress at the front is generally five meters, and the caliber of the artillery reaches [-] mm.Due to the more abnormal defense, everyone's offensive vehicles have to be bigger, with thicker armor stacks and thicker root replacements.

Enma's military analysis: The reason why the "heavy infantry class" chariot was eliminated was actually the lack of anti-aircraft, and it was positioned as a "anti-line" unit, but because of its speed, it could not play the role of anti-line, so it could only be used as supplementary firepower.

Now Osima's "crossbow-level" chariot on the border, the lighter (120 tons) rocket launcher can provide the same firepower as the "heavy infantry" level, and it is more mobile.

The [-]-ton chariot uses subcritical steam turbines with limited power, so it is difficult to evade the pursuit of airships in air combat.

The fastest speed of a combat airship is 100 kilometers per hour, but the speed in the troposphere is about 50 kilometers, which is just enough to "chase and kill" heavy infantry-level land armed forces
Relatively speaking, although the "heavy knight class" tank has a larger tonnage, it uses a supercritical steam turbine with a speed of 10 kilometers per hour.That's more than the speed of this [-]+ is very important.

The "Heavy Cavalry Class" combat vehicle can quickly retreat back to its own line of defense after completing an armored raid, before the attack of the enemy's combat airship arrives
The [-]-ton land cruiser cannot be built here in Enma, and the supercritical steam turbine and the required "nuclear reactor" must be assembled in a larger and stronger "industrial main city".

Enma has made up for the shortcomings of the heavy infantry level by strengthening cooperation in the system.For example, adding early warning anti-aircraft vehicles, releasing warning balloons in the air, strengthening optical camouflage to interfere with aerial judgment, or spraying aluminum foil to increase dodge.

These are currently in training.

…Wei Keng is a conservative person who doesn’t like gambling…

In the process of thinking over and over again, Enma still gave up taking the family property he had just accumulated and sent it to the revolutionary positions of the Sky Empire.

En Ma felt like a "gamble" because he led a young army into a battle where the odds of winning were less than [-]%, and the Nongqing army would benefit less than [-]% after success.

Wei Keng: "All gambling, in the end, let the fate be handed over to the gods."

And in the empire, such a great revolution, Enma is sure, there must be the power of the gods intervening, and if I don't intervene now, it is the power of the gods to check and balance each other, but I am a big fish biting the bait, so there is no guarantee that the gods will Come to collect the net.

As for the matter of helping the revolutionary party in Sky Empire, it is like thin ice on a lake in late autumn. If you stretch out your hand and press it, it looks very solid.But if you are going to step on it, then you will lose.

Ever since, Enma gave such a "suggestion" when facing Willy asking for help.

In the telegram, Enma talked about his bottom-line price to the city faction: You must grasp the train station, and if the uprising fails, prepare to evacuate.Evacuate to the eastern metropolitan area to preserve the strength of the armed uprising.

En Ma: "The biggest support I can give is to assemble an armored train that approaches the imperial capital to provide you with cover.

Please note that once exposed, our neutral status will be completely ended. Under the strict investigation of the empire, the support for your revolution in the imperial capital will come to an end. "

Willie: "That's it, I'll report the situation to the instructor when I go back."

Enma looked at his disappointed attitude and the appearance of "never coming back", and finally made a concession: "The road is not safe, I will go to the imperial capital with you. Some interests, you have to tell Greif in person a bit."

...In the supervisor space, Bai Linglu once again took over the supervisory authority on this timeline...

Wei Keng's Gou Zi Jue to preserve his strength was practiced to a high degree of proficiency.And Bai Linglu, who is partnered with Wei Keng, is no less than those colleagues from the pastoral era in terms of overall flower work.

Bai Linglu interface: "There is good news and bad news."

Wei Keng: "Let's talk together."

Bai Linglu: "The official mysterious power of the Anglo Empire on Wanlun Continent has begun to investigate the ominous gold coins. Well, they are carrying holy objects and are investigating, and they may eventually find you. You may not pay attention to such "small tricks", but , in our prediction, this method may indeed have a bad influence on you."

After looking at the information, Wei Keng said silently: "Holy object? The gods have intervened behind this."

Bai Linglu: "I can't be sure, but it's very possible."

Wei Keng: "Introduce the holy object."

Bai Linglu opened the information: this is a golden holy grail, and a set of cards, which are divided into seven factions including knights, swordsmen, archers, magicians, assassins, berserkers, and spearmen. hero.Then by taking the "holy thing" and putting it in the Holy Grail, a large-scale prayer is made.

Bai Linglu said to Wei Keng: "Your heart is a sacred object!"

Master Wei was slightly taken aback, then nodded with a smirk. (Under the simple and honest smile, is the rising cruelty)
Enma himself is a demigod in the world, and a high god.It's okay to have started the Greater Grail Ritual in a way.

It's just that Wei Keng felt: "This thing is too young."

Bai Linglu hinted slightly: "Metal tempering is the god of "machinery"." "Mechanical" is the obsessive person called "Shanzhen" back then.

Wei Keng whispered: "My heart is not so delicious."

...Wei Keng was waiting for someone to go out of the way, and the pits were already dug around him. …

Under the Anglo big bronze bell on the other side of the Wanlun continent, under the repeated exchanges of the temple.

In the magnificent church, "Metal Tempering" sent some unclear revelations during the prayers of the priests.

Narrator: If the most explicit instructions were delivered.Then after the "concept review", Bai Linglu will completely confirm that "metal tempering" will participate in the battle of gods.But now the gods only dare to do some small tricks in a subtle way.

On the Holy Seat composed of gears and bearings, the supreme metal mage, Your Excellency Anthony, came to the divination table. This divination table is a huge steel furnace. The molten iron in the furnace will form special lines after being poured into the smelting pool and cooled. The interpretation of this "pattern after smelting" is to obtain the message of God.

Anthony watched the liquid iron in front of him gradually cool down but the red veins entangled on the iron block, he whispered "saint's blood".

When he said "God's will", the gears of the big clock seemed to be stuck, making a clicking sound.

...God will not admit that the meaning understood by mortals is His own meaning...

On the other side, Zhang Ke and the others finally overcame numerous disasters and arrived near the capital of Sky Empire.The pocket watches in their hands rang, and the pocket watches turned to the east like a compass.

Zhang Ke drew out his sword and said, "It's in the east, where we will start the ceremony."

The plan of these Aurors is to try to use the "big prayer" to smooth out the evil on the gold coins in the world.That is to suppress the influence of mental pollution.Save the whole continent.

…In the mysterious world, there are always people who think that the survival of the world is determined by a few people and certain things. …

Enma and Willie got on the train to the imperial capital together.At this time, Enma was wearing a flashing "Iron Star" on his chest

Enma (Wei Keng) keeps in touch with Bai Linglu.

With the growth of the northern industry, Enma has become a hero, with a supply of fiery morale, twisting thousands of concepts, and now there is still an "unpredictable ceremony" against him, Enma feels very strange.

But Bai Linglu reminded Enma: "This ceremony was actually initiated by you yourself."

Enma wanted to say "Why me again", but finally restrained the desire to refute, and asked Bai Linglu what was going on.

In the monitor space, Bai Linglu poured himself a cup of tea, and signaled Yan Beixiang to turn on the screen.

Bai Linglu: The reason is very simple.

She snapped her fingers, and some "cause and effect lines" appeared on the interface

In the process of promoting "social health and simplification" in the Agricultural Youth Association, Enma directly banned the complicated noble cards!

This is a game that has been popular in the aristocratic circles of the mainland for thousands of years. The evolution of cards has recorded the characteristics of tens of thousands of heroes since ancient times.A huge concept has already been formed in the ether world, but Enma, as the existence of "the rising sun", wants to sweep it away and carry out reforms.This act is the enemy of this concept.

Even if Enma doesn't have "unpredictable rituals" to target him now, he will definitely be hedged by the heroes circulated on the card in the future.

To some extent, the "Holy Grail Ceremony" is to extract the cause and effect of Enma's disturbance and detonate it.

Determined to be the reason, Enma couldn't laugh or cry, and carried out serious reforms by himself, and the king's way came out of the barrel of a gun, and there were "monsters and monsters" who came to serve as chariots.

Bai Linglu: "This world is like this. The long history has left behind big and small concepts, and any change will collide with these concepts. Your resistance to 'formatting' is far greater than other planes."

Enma nodded: "The biggest resistance is the immortal mode of 'God'."

Bai Linglu looked at Wei Keng in this timeline, his expression was still calm, but Bai Linglu knew that Wei Keng's hostility was accumulated in peace.

... Wei Keng's purpose in coming to the multidimensional plane is to settle the cause and effect. The original plan was to sort out the problem by "making up the work". …

On January 3231, 1 of the Fire Emblem Calendar, the reforms in the city were confronting each other at this time. The Revolutionary Army defended many buildings in the inner city to resist stubbornly. Only knights can be dispatched for difficult battles.

On the outskirts of the city, these knights riding heavy motorcycles and wearing heavy mechanical armor, using cavalry guns that can eject 20 meters, stabbed and killed the insurgents in the streets and alleys.

Enma and Willy were mixed up from the factory drain.After going through many blockades, he met Greve and Ludis, the leader of the uprising at this time.

There are barriers everywhere in the city, and the sound of guns echoes in the city like cuckoo singing.

In the original Governor's Mansion, now the headquarters of the revolution, under the unstable incandescent light, Greve was obviously very happy when he saw Enma, but when he learned that Enma could not bring much supplies, Obviously disappointed.

Enma, silently, unfolded the projection sand table, which showed all aspects of the warring city, which is quite useful for the rebel army now.

At this time, Enma has its own powerful aura.The accuracy of all troops has been improved, and it can even bring self-aiming to one's own side on this battlefield.At this time, when the rebel army was being abused one-sidedly by the armored knights, it was a huge morale boost.

Only then did Ludis let this "Enma" join the decision-making core of the rebel army at this time, but he still disagreed with Enma's so-called "transition plan for evacuating from the train station"

After the meeting, Greve patted Enma and said, "Postman, your idea is good, but our revolutionary morale does not allow us to retreat."

【Contemporary use of orthodox spiritual power is to perfect the "concept of truth" and at the same time boost "morale". 】

Now the insurgents in Swan City are creating concepts, and in the process of creating, they cannot retreat. Once they retreat, the "resolute" and "brave" will be scattered now, and without continuous "morale", there will be no future in the future. Possibility to create "heroes" on the part of the revolutionary army.So Ludis opposed the retreat.

Enma confirmed the current situation of the uprising scene and admitted that he lacked consideration.

…Wei Keng: We have to think differently. The problems faced by their route are different from those faced by our route. …

The "Nongqingjun" route set by the urban faction and Enma is different.The source of morale needed by the organization of the urban faction "is to seize large cities." If this purpose is abandoned, the belief in future struggle actions will not be maintained.

Relatively speaking, the source of morale of the peasant and youth army is "persist in the vast rural and rural areas, and defeat the empire's rural expropriation time and time again." As long as you gain a foothold in the rural and rural areas and encounter setbacks in attacking big cities, you can still continue to resist the empire in the countryside

Therefore, the Nongqing Army is not a big city, but its weakness also exists, that is, it cannot inherit industrialized production materials.Now the Agricultural Youth Association has to operate at high cost to maintain the integrity of the initial "industrialization".With the technology and production organization of cities, the cost of maintaining industrialization will be greatly reduced.

In the newly built industrial city base of the Nongqing Army in the north, the cost of all steel weapons and fuel production is now twice that of big cities.But "father has it, mother has it, it's better to have it yourself", and industrialization has begun to advance with difficulty.

Now that Enma sees the enthusiasm of the city faction, he suddenly feels that he has to stay and let go of the route dispute first, at least to let the "blood" here not be let down.

(End of this chapter)

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