out of cage

Chapter 709 Chapter 16.27 Industrial War

On March 3th, Loudis launched military-grade "concept manufacturing" from the Swan City Industrial Furnace.The city's steel yards and chemical plants have suddenly turned into military factories.

The large military parts in the warehouse were dragged out by the steel wheel train and sent to the steel paperback factory full of iron smell. This factory usually only assembles locomotives, but under the control of the army's "heroic concept", it is now quickly assembling and manufacturing two Armored airship, and 7 "heavy knights".

The factory chimney sprays black smoke in the sky of the city. In the tent made up of the black airflow, when the combat airship with a length of 300 meters is lifted by the gaseous solidification energy on the chassis, it slowly reaches the sky vertically. Arranged, under the protection of the force field, like a sky fortress.

On the steel rails of the street on the ground, groups of train pallets with steel wheels carry groups of fuel, ammunition and supplies, ready to leave Swan City.Finally, as these six-hundred-ton ground vehicles roared down the main street, Loudis's team smashed champagne and sprayed streamers in the street, declaring the victory of the revolution.

When the party members had the giant military arms for the first time, Enma could feel the majestic mechanical gear levers and pipe steam in the etheric world, operating in the conceptual field.

The existence of this concept field makes the mechanical loss zero, and can even reach a negative value, that is, the more the gear power box is used, the stronger it becomes.

These machines, which can only be moved by normal people with difficulty, are now activated like giant insects and giant beasts that have been magnified countless times in the ecological world in the movie.

The power of this hero can provide mechanical "durability" for such super-large units, which is why Ludis decided to go out recklessly.

As the source of national morale, he has obtained the "source of spiritual concepts" that can only be possessed by orthodox heroic units after decades of training.

The person who simultaneously obtains the huge "spiritual concept source" is Enma.It's just that Wei Keng's character of "carefully budgeting", "thrifty" and "not wasting a drop of rice" has nothing to do with himself, so he won't show it all at once.

Ludis's personality is completely different from that of Enma. He wants to master this power as soon as possible, so the strategies of the two sides are also different. His leadership power is pinned on greater victory.

As a "hero", it has a huge "concept factory" in the etheric world.This "concept factory" is running all the time.

The "concept factory" of each "hero" has differences in type and size.

A hero who wants to strengthen his "concept factory" can manage his local "industry" well and keep piling up to become more and more complex.

Of course, in addition to the steady accumulation of hero upgrades, there is another way to plunder by war.When defeating the opponent, get the available "concept" parts from the fallen unit of the enemy hero, so as to make the concept combination more perfect.

In short, Ludis needs "experience points".

...Under the light of justice crowned, selfishness is covered...

When Ludis left Swan City, he made a final confession: "En Ma, now we need to focus on the overall situation."

Staying in Swan City, Wei Keng looked at the industrial furnace that was still automatically activated, and whispered: "Yes, the overall situation is the most important thing. The road is long. We must be unswerving in the long-term struggle. We are new things. New things are still vigorous despite repeated setbacks. This is our advantage. The disadvantage of new things is that they are vulnerable to reactionary counterattacks at the initial stage.”

Enma turned his head and looked at the direction where Ludis' super giant airship with steam clouds was leaving.Whispered: "It seems that you have the help of the gods."

...Those blessed by the gods will be successful, and Wei Keng feels that the "little shoe" given to him by fate has arrived...

What Swan City is facing is that the empire can mobilize at least six legions. If they stick to it, it will be very easy for the accumulated strength to be wiped out.Unless it is the blessing of the gods!

Well, Ludis was indeed blessed by a miracle.

When his armored group vehicles launched an assault on March 3, the temperature in the north dropped sharply. With the three groups of the empire standing still, he directly attacked the positions on the western front. Due to the overnight blizzard, the circuit There was a breakdown, and the diesel engine was unable to reach the ignition point inside the engine due to the continuous infiltration of ice elements, so it could not be started.

Ludis' legion deliberately released the water in the imperial army, pierced through the several kilometers thick fortress cluster, and broke out.

In the real world, the gunfire hits the concrete defense towers, shooting a lot of flames.In the etheric realm, these fire lights are more magnificent, which means that the fire element has a stronger tunneling ability in reality.

While Enma was in the ether world, he also saw a golden light flashing into the sky on the main chariot where Ludis was. He got new concept parts, and the concept cluster of national morale behind him was upgraded.

...For the urban faction, things are going great right now...

On March 3, the entire empire, one after another, declared uprisings in eight major cities.During the uprisings one after another, there was even a situation where the revolutionary army directly took out the governor, which made the reform forces very excited.For decades, the activities have been suppressed, and the sudden success, this kind of success that seems real and illusory, really makes people dizzy.

However, at this time, how many people understand revolution?In the major uprising cities, there are such scenes.

Following the uprising, the martyrs rushed into the governor's mansion, and came out with their things to swagger on the street.

In the tall mansion compound, some people hid behind the house, shivering.

Child: "What is a revolution?"

Adult: "That's right, I want to steal the rich man's house."

Child: "Our family is rich."

Adult: "Bah, our family has no money. It's none of our business."

Boom, boom, door-to-door, census.

The adults immediately came to the door of the room, smiled against their will, and began to deal with the "impermanence" of this world

The revolutionary investigator said: "household registration, population, property,"

In the end, I sent him a private note, "—take this thing and go to the third district to collect rice."

Adult: "Master Jun, what do you mean?"

Investigator of the Agricultural Youth Association: "This is a rice food ticket. Remember, this thing can be exchanged for relief food in the city. If there are changes and chaos in the city, don't throw it away. Go out of the city and find our platform to exchange for the ticket. "

The children looked at the surprised expressions of the adults, and the smiles on their faces when they came back with bread after going out a few hours later.

At night, the child had a dream and told the person about the feelings in the dream.Of course the next morning, I forgot everything in my dream in a haze.

That night, the adults exchanged information about the night
The third uncle of the child: "Do you know? As long as you go to the No. [-] street food station and get fried noodles with a ticket, you can get sixty dozen dollars a day. By the way, you can also get money if you go to sew clothes."

...spring is here, but the cold spring will happen anytime...

After the uprisings in these big cities, the Agricultural Youth Association immediately entered the cities under the banner of revolution with food and weapon supplies. As for seizing power?The insurgents in some cities didn't know what "rights" were at all, and the Agricultural Youth Association almost easily collected the censuses and archives in these big cities.By the way, prepare to trade military equipment with the leaders of the rebel army,

Compared with Ludis's overly optimistic situation under the blessing of God.

Enma is not impulsive at all.Even those who are still ready to give up the big cities at any time.

Not only the urban revolutionaries did not understand this kind of thinking, but even the members of the Youth Youth Association did not understand it.After all, suddenly grasping the power of a big and fancy city is enough to make some young people who have only studied for two years and are actually still dicks forget about it.
In this regard, En Ma made a new speech in the newspaper in the name of a postman: "The empire may fall at once, but the reactionary group will definitely carry it to the end. And they changed various names very cunningly."

Moreover, Enma stood on his own line and believed: "Even if we abandon the big cities, the enemy may not have power. The imperial capital system, financial system, and even the military bureaucracy are rotten. Their corrupt groups resell materials and transfer wealth during the crisis. .It is impossible to solve the actual problems at this stage. The city under their control is bound to collapse, and even they themselves understand that the collapse is inevitable, so they started dog-eat-dog, wanting to be the only survivor before the collapse."

But the problem is that abandoning the big cities now will make the rural and rural routes belittled. When those urban factions are victorious, their arrogance towards the rural and rural beetles rises again.

In Swan City, as the siege slowed down and the revolutionary situation became more and more clear, the big war was going to be fought on Swan City!In this battle, the empire will exert all its strength, and fate will also help the empire to recover to a certain extent.

Wei Keng will always look at the Wanlun Continent, and judge from the perspective of the gods: Enma, who controlled all the morale sources of the rural and rural areas during the Great Uprising, also controlled one-third of the morale sources of the urban faction during the Swan City First Uprising .So no matter what, you have to "cut" it, otherwise the protagonist of the arrangement (Ludis) will not be able to suppress Enma, the "veteran" of the rebel army.

Wei Keng said sarcastically: "So, Swan City is going to be lost, and there will be a defeat for the peasants."

...As a "source tracer", using oneself to leverage changes in the world has never been predestined...

Enma simply sent the armored trains from the east, and sent a large number of skilled workers. Combined with the reliable worker teams identified in Swan City, they restored the hot industrial furnaces in each industrial zone.

A new batch of armored units is being assembled.These are eight [-]-ton "energy destruction tanks", and a total of twelve vehicles, but they are divided into two categories, male and female missile vehicles with a tonnage of [-] tons.

Among them, the missile vehicle of the "Xiong" category has two missiles with a tonnage of one ton.After the two missiles are shot out, they can be reloaded with the built-in mechanical boom.

Of course, the effect of "male" tanks is mainly to provide battlefield maintenance. The 15-meter-long mechanical arm has multiple mechanical forms, which can expand the maintenance force field and repair damaged machinery.Hence the code name "Priest".

As for the "female" missile vehicle, it is mounted on the "launching nest" like a honeycomb, and launches twenty [-]mm caliber rockets all at once.It also takes half an hour to fill the warhead, but the special effect is battlefield hysteresis. By launching "electromagnetic pulse" tunneling interference warheads, inexplicable tunneling interference occurs in the enemy's machinery, so that the mechanical efficiency is reduced and the speed is slowed down.

When Enma became the only military commander in Swan City, he took over here and began to resume industrial production, that is, the violent soldiers.

Due to his immature grasp of some production lines of industrial furnaces, Wei Keng was still unable to build a "[-]-ton" knight chariot.

[The heavy knight chariot is half a meter thick pure steel armor.And has a reasonable compartment.Even high-speed armor-piercing projectiles only penetrated into a metal jet, filling the compartment with heat, and then disappeared.With such a thick armor, it only eats real high-explosive damage. 】

In short, Wei Keng's current army also looks objective in terms of tonnage, and it can be called a fully exhausted formation led by a heroic unit.But in fact, if it is confronted with the outside, the shell will be knocked apart by a large number of large-caliber artillery. Most of the time, other commanders can only rely on architecture to deal with such units.

Of course, Enmate's special configuration, three chariots with different functions can produce different tactics.At the same time, the outside world and various forces in the empire are dealing with each other, causing new changes in the situation.

...59 days of the Swan City Uprising, on March 3th, a thunderstorm is coming...

The emperor abolished the original cabinet on March 3 and promoted a new cabinet to power, which met the requirements of some reformers in the empire.But it also issued a death order, and the opposition must be severely suppressed.

And the imperial military also felt that among the current revolutionary factions, the radical faction was gaining the upper hand and must be suppressed to a certain extent.Let the moderate wing of the revolution take over.Of course, the way to suppress is to fight a war to force the revolutionaries to recognize reality.

So the focus was again on Swan City, the first city that jumped out and dared to fight back against the empire.

On the 14th, outside Swan City, the imperial generals communicated in a salon meeting.Talking about the current state of the empire.They toasted and drank together, and confirmed the chariot cannon icon on the map.

Almost, just a few hours later, Wei Keng looked at the industrial airship mobilized in front of him, and the original plan for a large-scale industrial evacuation at the train station was temporarily stranded.

Wei Keng whispered: "If you want to leave, you still have to fight a war." Then Wei Keng raised his eyebrows: "Then fight a war!"——What this world can and cannot do, ultimately depends on Strength speaks for itself.

On March 3231, 3 in the Fire Emblem Calendar, the largest war of suppression in Swan City began.The imperial military officially joined in the suppression of the revolution.An army of 16 people was dispatched to press it up, ready to make a final decision, and to establish the right to speak in this incident in the Sky Empire.

However, at the same time, it was confirmed that the Northern Agricultural Youth Group also mobilized a large amount of manpower to collide with the Imperial Army under the label of a revolutionary party.

At eight o'clock in the morning, with frost still on the ground, the Imperial offensive began.

Lilot, the general of the empire, frowned as he looked at the dusty position ahead after the bombardment of cannons.He believed that after such a bombing, the rebels had already collapsed, and there should have been chaos in the buildings behind the position, and white flags were hung.But the front position is still quiet.

But in the end he ordered the charge. Sure enough, when the black infantry arrived at the front line, they immediately encountered machine gun fire in front of the trenches, as well as heavy damage caused by cable mines, which made him have to look at the battle of the rebel army that appeared suddenly up.

Ever since, after the front-line imperial army broke away from the battle, he carried out shelling again, and then charged.

However, the second bombardment, another charge, surprised him. There was still a strong counterattack on the position, and the two covering bombardments could not eliminate the position. Lilot felt that he was definitely an opponent in front of him.

Just as he was trying to send fighter planes to observe the position, clusters of guided rockets flew into the sky, and all three planes were hit.

Behind the tall building, an "Energy Destroyer" chariot belonging to the Swan City Rebel Army was parked here, and the radar was spinning to detect the shelling situation on the battlefield.

...In the tunnel command headquarters where the rebel army kept dropping debris during the bombing, rows of telephone lines were constantly dialing to convey information...

Since the scale of the artillery of the rebel army is much lower than that of the opponent, when the opponent's ballistic is detected, they are not willing to expose the counterattack.Just a tip for the forward soldiers to get into the bunker quickly.

Before the war, the professional engineers brought by Enma dug out the position in a zigzag shape, and the slope on the back side of the trench was very high to prevent the shrapnel from bouncing, and in every other area, there was a blast hole that could be directly hidden. Unless a frontal hit is basically no kill.

And such an excellent trench warfare, of course, requires an excellent organizational structure.Our own fighters have proactive combat flexibility, which is more agile than the cattle soldiers driven by nobles.

Whenever a new round of artillery shelling from the empire came, the defenders of the Swan City uprising army quickly hid in according to the instructions of the grassroots instructors.

Relatively speaking, after the bombardment, the imperial officers wearing medals led the ordinary soldiers to attack the Swan City position, facing the counterattack covered by rockets, these imperial soldiers who lacked grassroots instructors were like expendable animals, and the imperial officers emphasized that they could not Get down, keep charging, the tactics are very rigid.

...Things that support human beliefs are regarded as consumables that can be overdrawn at will, and when the time comes, they will definitely backfire, and God will be helpless...

In the empire's combat organization, ordinary infantry are the cannon fodder for meat reconnaissance, and only those elite heavy armored tanks are the empire's valuable assets.Eunma, on the contrary, believes that the soldiers are the main ones.

Enma: "The most important thing for an army is the soul of the army. It has the courage and wisdom to cooperate to complete complex tasks",

Therefore, in this defense of Swan City, Enma did not rush out his own "Land Cruiser Fleet" like Ludis did, but according to the needs of urban combat, he created some very "earthy" and "informal" City counter attack weapons.

In the city of Swan City, from excavators to rail laying, the strength of the rebel soldiers is extremely important.

On the side of the imperial army, they didn't know themselves, and the city they were driving towards was a dark trap. "

In the south of Swan City, on Zixi Street, there are road signs on the streets of the country that are armored like a hill. Lilot, the imperial general who is in charge of attacking Swan City, is sitting in his Land Cruiser. At this time, he has not closed his eyes for 72 hours.

He originally thought that with heavy firepower, he would be able to defeat the city's rebels, but after successive artillery bombardments and then driving the infantry to charge, he still couldn't take down the layers of outer positions.

Before the battle, he was a little anxious about "success in no time", so he almost started to activate the heavy armor unit.

Be a heavy tank of the five knight level.When the ground was crushed like a hill, no matter how tenacious the rebel soldiers in the forward position had to endure a huge spiritual test, they began to retreat.Of course, some brave men reported their observation coordinates after retreating.

In the city, Enma, a huge combat vehicle that also completed the armor assembly, poured out from the emptied streets.Under the cover of the buildings on both sides, the "female" rocket launched the chariot and began to release the first wave of "electromagnetic interference warheads".

The leading knight-level heavy tank stopped.Turning slowly, aiming the [-]mm heavy artillery at the direction where the "missile vehicle" of the rebel army has been found.As the 'bang' fired, groups of shells fell, and the one-ton steel-cased warhead abruptly smashed through the armor layer of a "Energy Destroyer", and then [-] kilograms of explosives tore apart the metal shell, At the same time, it also broke the front armor layer of the metal heavy armor unit of the rebel army.

As for the rebel army, a [-]-ton tank lost its combat capability in this way.

However, the next scene will be remembered by the Imperial Army for a lifetime.The strong light emitted by dozens of mirror beam emitters around caused the imperial tank to overheat and slow down. At this time, curved shells shot out from the surrounding world.

The rebel army's mortars with a caliber exceeding [-] mm relied on urban railways to maneuver.Its quasi-head can only attack tough battles.But accompanied by the "remote control self-explosive vehicle" passing through the trench ahead, and the deceleration of the "female" missile vehicle.The Empire invaded the city's heavy mechanical units slower than walking.

Ever since, the heavy armor of the empire is like a hammer hitting a steel shell.

The upper steel shells inside the heavy knights were smashed in by the mortar shells, and then the shells ignited and shot out thermite combustion agent. After the five heavy knights were hit by the first round of heavy artillery, the blunt steel structure collapsed. It started to smoke.Then there was a boiler explosion leak.Had to stop.

How arrogant these imperial land cruisers were when they came, but when they retreated, their tracks fell off and their steel wheels fell off their axles.Just how embarrassing.

A large number of imperial cannon fodder who originally followed the land cruiser, now saw that the "pillar" of the imperial war could not move, and began to charge in the opposite direction.He bypassed his chariot and started to escape.Oh, and the ideal picture of "valiant enough to defend the Empire's land ace weapon" that Imperial commanders hoped for did not emerge at all.

Lilot, who was commanding from the rear, changed his face drastically, and he suffered a great loss in this wave of battles.

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