out of cage

Chapter 717 Chapter 16.33 1 Pot of Porridge, Rat Shit, Shit Stirring Stick

Chapter 717 Chapter 16.33 A pot of porridge, mouse shit, shit stirring stick

On August 3232, 8, at 12:6 in the morning, the sky was bright, and the Feather Whale Port occupied by the Southern Rebel Army of the Sky Empire was bombarded by the Thunderbolt Alliance. This was the first time that the external aggression group had Interfering with the situation in Sky Empire.

And just three hours after the bombardment, the imperial faction in the capital of the Sky Empire was also signing a post-war agreement with the mission of the Anglo Alliance. In the white jade patterned hall of the empire, the regent of the empire signed a "mercenary agreement" with 1000 million gold coins. "Participated in suppressing internal rebellion.

The golden pen nib signed the name of "Arcane Concept" on the parchment. This contract was determined on the concept field, representing the legitimacy granted by the Sky Empire to certain "mercenary groups" to enter the empire to conduct military operations.

And the "Moss Port", the southern base camp of the Revolutionaries of the Sky Empire, also met with a group of foreign businessmen who were said to be sympathetic to the Revolution. When the Revolutionaries were still thinking, the southern port was under shelling, and the Anglo forces might attack from the south. When considering the situation of joint suppression of Gecha with the imperial army, these businessmen who "sympathized with Gecha" recommended themselves and were willing to negotiate as middlemen.

Therefore, at 8:12 pm on August 4, Gruss, the leader of the Revolutionary faction, boarded the 03-ton Anglo battleship, and met with Anglo representatives under the huge gun barrel.The representatives of the Angles justly demanded that the revolutionaries protect their "legitimate" interests.This interest includes the acquisition of a large number of assets and materials, as well as agricultural products.

...a web that a spider weaves and moves on multiple legs...

So, at 8 o'clock in the evening, in the Downing Pavilion, on the desktop of the Prime Minister of the Anglo Empire, there was the overall situation of the Sky Empire at this time.

How comprehensive is it?At this time, the conservatives in the Sky Empire didn't know the trump card of the Revolutionary faction, but the Anglos knew it.The imperial revolutionaries don't know the family background of the conservatives, and so do the Anglos.

It seems that the balance of success or failure of the Sky Empire's revolution at this time is completely at the fingertips of Prime Minister John.

John stroked the bald yellow hair on his head, and flipped the planetary globe on his desk. Two thousand kilometers away, the power to determine the fate of such a huge empire made him a little intoxicated.

Of course, he seemed to feel that he was too unrestrained, so he settled down, picked up the "cube" (scientific name: tempering victory and defeat) on the table, and performed a prayer ceremony. The mood is forced to calm down.

Anglo politicians pray, unlike the fanaticism of believers in ancient times, they feel that "faith is useful to them", and as politicians, they need to use "metal texture" to solidify their judgment.This is not so much a belief in God, but rather, let the decision-making self have "God-given reason."

Narrator: So and so, when those in power give their reason to prayer, God is actually the driving force behind everything in this continent.

Prime Minister John re-examined the situation of the Sky Empire: After being good at calculation, he made a decision: "It doesn't matter that the Sky Empire is conservative, only the party that is in line with Anglo's interests has the same values ​​as the Anglo Intervention Force."

...the bustling people are all for profit, and one country has only utilitarianism towards the "chaos" of another country. …

On August 8th, the Imperial Legion in Swan City was carrying out a large-scale cleansing activity. This cleansing was half a year late. During this half year, the remaining residents of Swan City had the illusion that "everything is over".

But in fact, the governing officials of the Imperial Army were only afraid that they would encounter collective resistance again when they first entered the city. After half a year, they gathered the dogs in the city and successfully occupied the key parts of the city.

As "Enma" said during the retreat, the empire began a large-scale investigation of suspicious personnel, and groups of families who stayed behind were intruded by "imperial temporary gendarmes" with the total amount written.

And if they resisted a little, they were tied up on the street to show the public. These perpetrators are completely "dogs" temporarily called by the imperial sheriff to control the place.

Its management method is like "thugs, green skins".This group of people has no "public heart", and the hob meat that crawled out amidst the vegetables and abuse is naturally "ruthless".If you want to be "ruthless" than others, the logic is "If you dare to use a knife when others dare not do something, you are a ruthless person"

So, in just a few weeks, under the vicious competition of these "cruel officials", thousands of heads were cut off and hung on the city, which became the markers for these vicious dogs in official clothes to divide the territory.

This year in Swan City is particularly deserted, with mosquitoes and flies dancing in the blood.

Seagate, wearing a cylindrical hat, walked on the streets of Swan City after the liberation, looking at this city full of grievances, her expression was cold.At the same time, behind her, the imperial sheriff wearing a crooked hat, holding a wine bottle, and a chopper saw her, looked at this woman, as if he had discovered a treasure, and immediately said with the stick: "That traitor is suspicious!" Molecule, let's go back and investigate with me."

However, before his hand moved, it fell to the ground with a slap. When the blood splashed out, the woman in front of him disappeared in front of him like a ghost, and when he came to the back, Seagate faced the two people who were about to die. Said: "You guessed it, I am indeed a traitor."

The two villains immediately begged for mercy: "Hero, forgive me, we won't catch the revolutionaries." Before they could continue shouting, blood-red spikes emerged from their chests, and Seagate faced the two twitching rotten people who sprayed blood and foam: "I forgot to tell you, I used to be the captain of the Imperial Gendarmerie. But no matter what I am, you scumbags will die."

A few minutes later, Seagate, who left Swan City, looked back at the place where she had fought, and took out the Imperial Military Police badge in her hand. Once upon a time, she would bow her head and kiss this badge before performing dangerous missions, but now she Gently placed the badge on the main road of Swan City, never owed again.

Half an hour after she left in a hurry, the imperial military vehicles mercilessly crushed this emblem, which the empire once promised glory.

…The area under the rule of scum is full of filth, and the sky above the heads of comrades with ideals is blue when they are working. …

On August 8st, in Bingxi, a new type of industrial city in the north, Enma, representatives of the Agricultural Youth Association, and the three "elite level" captains selected by 21,

At present, the progress of the revolutionary situation has entered a stalemate. ——Judging from the staggered red and blue arrows on the map, the Agricultural Youth Association is now the largest group of "radicals" in the empire.

In the opening of the meeting, Enma: "We are the fattest now, I think the empire is now the top, and has started to put us in his "most pressing problem" sequence column."

The area of ​​the Agricultural Youth Association is getting stronger and stronger now, but it is not fat.

At this time, 70.00% of the agricultural areas of the empire were under control. The grain-producing areas that the empire can still firmly control are the farmlands and fields near the imperial capital.

Among the millions of peasant soldiers and guards in the whole place, the old firearms that jammed after two shots have now been replaced with brand-new firearms. The concept of forging in the barrel has generally reached the third ring. up to 800 meters per second.These militia sequences are still conducting howitzer firing training recently.

On the other hand, in other parts of the empire, a large number of soldiers in big cities did not have as much training as militiamen in rural areas. After they entered the rural and rural extermination battles, they often surrendered after being surrounded. Sesame pancakes sandwich fried eggs.After thinking and teaching, it was quickly transformed into agriculture and youth.

According to the current intelligence, the decision-makers of the Youth Youth Association show that the imperial aristocratic bureaucracy, whether it is the conservative faction with vested interests or the opportunistic faction that has usurped the leadership of the revolution, has rotted to the root.The belief in the god of steam at the upper level of the empire has been corrupted by the flood of "gold coinism".

The information provided by Bai Linglu: As the god of steam, he may have abandoned this empire in this world. Of course, as the god of steam playing chess on countless planes, it may not be a big deal to lose the chess game here, and Wanlun Continent, The God of Steam doesn't necessarily lose either.

Because at least in the process of growing the Agricultural Youth Association, there is obviously "flicker" in the related steam concept.

The god of steam may have placed chess pieces behind your back, of course he is not helping you, but taking the opportunity to play games with other gods.

...every mortal individual in Wei Keng is not arrogant enough to take advantage of the internal conflicts of the gods, but Wei Keng has not done any "unworthy" actions towards other mortal forces...

The current empire has very limited understanding of the Iron Star forces.

Except for the heavy mecha units led by the hero units, the military situation is unknown, which leads to these imperial generals not knowing about the industrial development of Northern Iron Star, and these imperial troops are obviously insufficiently prepared for the upcoming battle.

In the eyes of the upper echelons of the empire, cannon fodder at the bottom is only worthy of charging with a gun.

Those imperial officers: As long as the cannon fodder uses more snacks, they can still hit people, and the legion can still resist damage on the battlefield with additional means to boost morale.

The regent of the empire, as well as the leaders of the rehabilitated areas who smoked pipes, never had "little chores at the grassroots level" on their desks.

These small chores include: clothing, food, and a healthy water purification system that is actually related to the physical strength of soldiers.

The empire is now not the most chaotic, but even more chaotic. Military supplies have been resold by local forces. At least one-third of the black bread in the warehouse is filled with sawdust.Not to mention canned meat.

Now the Agricultural Youth Association has equipped all grassroots farmers and soldiers with "lightweight armored vehicles".

Oh, the "lightweight" here, the total tonnage is also about "[-] tons", the crew is three people, can load, the [-]mm caliber assault gun is the main weapon, and a layer of square guns is placed around the round head. grid packaging.It is powered by a heat turbine. (Nuclear energy in this world can be quite handy with "neutron tunneling")
Of course, more importantly, the supply of infantry has been improved.

It is useless for these lightweight tanks to fight against the world's mainstream super-heavy tanks, but!This comprehensive maneuver brings a qualitative improvement to the efficiency of infantry combat functions.

According to the current "mushroom" theory of the Agricultural Youth Association, the auxiliary force of farmers and soldiers does not need to fight those [-]-ton or [-]-ton heavy armored units, they just need to be able to run past them. Bandit, mostly unrealistic.

[Enma: Just relying on their land cruiser's 30km assault speed and 15km economic cruising speed, do you want to chase us?Just relying on the fact that the number of units in the legion does not exceed twenty, or even less than twelve, do you want to occupy the vast rural land? 】

This lightweight fuel tank of the Agricultural Youth Association is specially designed to deal with the following imperial defense infantry.

…After the transfer of Swan City, Iron Star seems to have stopped the big city battle, but the war has been maintained…

Four months later, the Swan City Iron Star was withdrawn, and in the anti-expropriation war, an anti-encirclement mode was carried out against all imperial cities in the north.

These defense infantry regiments, after learning that the heroic unit led the heavy armor to sweep a certain area, they will be thrown down by the Imperial Railway troop carrier, take a simple steam truck or lucky enough to find an agricultural locomotive and prepare to rush to the countryside to take over.

And these poor imperial defense infantry, at this time, will encounter these light armored chariots of the Agricultural Youth Association.

The 150mm steam vehicle heavy artillery carried by these imperial troops was often pierced by such agricultural "mechanized infantry" before they were deployed.

Oh, some imperial infantry captains still have combat motorcycles. The mechanical armor on their bodies is attached with advanced forged runes, which can withstand dozens of machine gun bullets, and the elite ejection "cavalry guns" in their ancestral hands "It has armor-piercing runes, and it also uses the force field energy on the gun to pierce the steel armor of the chariot (the force field energy of this rune gun will change the bond energy of steel through the concept to become the same as tofu)
However, the light armored tank units of the Agricultural Youth Association usually have five assaults together, and they are expected to encounter an assault from a small number of motorcycle riders. In terms of encounter tactics, a shotgun will be prepared in advance.

In this era, it is true that machine guns may not be able to penetrate "very sophisticated" individual armor, but it is not enough when faced with "chaotic attacks" within 100 meters of shotgun projectiles.

Imperial Master Chiefs in this era are still resistant to small-caliber weapons, so they still maintain a deterrent effect in urban street fighting.

But when encountering this kind of tracked vehicle with a speed of [-] kilometers per hour carrying a gun on the unavoidable plain, it will give a conceptual annotation to the word "tank".

The light tanks that are often used part-time to plow land and open up wasteland are the "shovels" and "dung forks" in contemporary rural and rural areas, and they are specially used to deal with those city officials who come to "tax" in the sky city.

...Enma believes that its core advantages are still "organizational power" and "executive power"...

When the empire launched a counter-offensive in Swan City, after Iron Star moved into small and medium-sized cities, it quickly integrated these cities and rural areas into the supply chain.

The city leaders in the big cities of the empire took it seriously, and it took a week to complete the grain requisition plan.

A city dispatches a "grain collection team" of [-] people at most once a month

Through the information network of the department stores in the city, the Youth Youth Association will immediately pass on the information of these nobles and lords to the cadres in the countryside, and then quickly transfer the population to hide food and mobilize the surrounding peasants and soldiers.

Therefore, after the imperial taxation troops leave the city, the peasants and soldiers often arrive later, and through the cooperation of light armored troops and rural transport teams, ambushes all the way.Finally encircled and wiped out.

From March to April of this year, large-scale coordination at the local level cleverly killed 15 township association troops temporarily recruited by the empire.

Since these township association troops were not registered in the empire, they were recruited privately by the cities below, so the empire itself did not know how many people it had lost in the countryside.

Although the Agricultural Youth Association knows the results of the battle, it does not record it as a regular battle.Just left the data in the "transformative education" job record.

After these Imperial Allied Forces were captured, the Youth Association first brought a bowl of broth, and then carried out 20 days of labor education for the captives.

In the end, after the redemption period for these officers from the cities, ordinary families could not afford the ransom, and when they were in a hurry to part with their families for a long time.After two months of labor punishment, Iron Star will also pardon him after a certain holiday.

As for whether these imperial defense troops who ran back later could enjoy the reunion in the end?It can only be said that the world is not so beautiful.

Except for some related and well-connected ones, the angry city nobles will severely punish these failed defenders and send them to the mining area for consumption.The so-called "draconian measures are used to deter betrayal".

… After the Battle of Swan City, Enma also began to precisely pry the hearts of the empire…

In four months, Iron Star's team can be said to have fought near Swan City again.Attacked many smaller strategic points such as "Truffle City" and "Mengxin City".

This time Iron Star gathered 24 troops.The towns and enemy control points controlled by the base are intertwined.

The imperial military finally understood what it means to "set fire into the forest".

The traffic line between Swan City and the Imperial Capital can be passed by the Imperial Army in the morning, but in the afternoon and night, the road is taken over by the Iron Star Base. Hot-ball steam tractors, dragging supplies, drive towards the junction of the rebel army.

In July, General Hunter (a seventh-level hero) sent by the Imperial Capital took seven knight chariots and five "Dragon Wing" airships to try to forcibly open the traffic line, but searched for a long time, except for blowing up Some villages built surface buildings, but they still failed to find the main force of the Iron Star Legion.

The "Storm Hammer" combat team (more than 300 people) carried on the Henry Land Cruiser, as well as [-] cannon fodder in trucks, are subjected to stalker rocket attacks every night. The imperial capital was elite, and their morale was seriously damaged.

Although so far, the spokesperson of the Imperial Army still replaces General Henry to declare that he and the rebels are incompatible.But "action is honest".

General Henry's troops are no longer running around.

In the words of the soldiers under General Hunter: "His grandma, went out to suppress the bandits, ran for a morning, and then ran for an afternoon, and was awakened by rockets in the middle of the night. She didn't have time to sleep, but she didn't have time to drink a sip of water. Worm's bacon, and black bread."

The First Legion of these proud empires came here to kill people excitedly, but in the end they came to "experience marching in the summer heat", and when the reality was not ideal, their strength was exhausted.

There are many educated heroes of the empire who recorded the combat experience of "feeling the irony of their own life" in their diaries.

However, Iron Star has the goal of annihilating the main force of the Empire.

Enma looked at the map of Sky Empire hanging on the wall, and whispered: "In this pot of porridge, there will be rat droppings and shit stirring sticks."

(End of this chapter)

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