out of cage

Chapter 721 Chapter 16.37 Broken Empire 1 Finger

Chapter 721 Chapter 16.37 Broken Empire One Finger

In the northern part of the empire, on the farmland of the meandering river, Seagate, the former captain of the Dragon Blood Gendarmerie, entered the war zone again. At this time, she was using the name of a royal private detective to help someone in the empire understand the current battlefield.

Now she is standing on a small hill. Behind her, the mechanical spider wields a shovel, digging open the ground, exposing the barn, and she picks up a handful of golden-yellow grains, which are covered with a layer of glass. very beautiful.

This kind of petrified shell (outer silicon-based) food is very difficult to find, and only Seagate, as a mystic scholar, discovered it here.

She squatted down, sank into her thoughts and released her mental power.Feel the exuberant vitality in the grain, and a spiritual wave that is the same as the sun, although this wave is very weak, so weak that it will hardly produce any effect.

But she was sure that it was the "breath" of that person, the breath of the sun.

Then she picked up a grain packaging bag with the same trademark as the solar cooker in the area controlled by Iron Star at this time.

…Enma has the scent of straw after sun exposure. …

At present, the Agricultural Youth Association has such an item in energy utilization, which will spread out a huge metal foil to form a large pot, and a huge solar cooker will be formed. This thing is good, and there is no smoke when boiling water.And every year when food is processed.Before petrification, after a ray of sunlight enters, it can effectively maintain the vitality of the embryo in the seed and increase the rate of seed breaking.

All the crops of the Youth Agricultural Association are enchanted with sunlight, which can prevent the negative mystical effects of necromancy from being polluted.

The processing and storage step of "roasting the valley" with the solar cooker is widely used at this time, and a concept has been formed.

The great changes of an industrial nature that have taken place in the rural and rural areas of the current empire all come from Wei Keng.

After Seagate met Enma, when he came across these grains, he naturally sensed the smell of "Enma" from the perspective of mysticism.

… Seagate sighed in his heart: Why are you an enemy of the empire? …

Seagate picked up the communication spar appliance in his hand, which was designed a bit like a mobile phone at the end of the twentieth century.On Wan Lun Continent, this small ultra-long-distance communicator is very precious.

Seagate, as a person who had been abandoned by the empire, was found by the court.

A clear voice came from the other end of the phone: "Seagate, the people of the empire here, do you need our help?"

Seagate turned his head and stared at the formation of airships in the air, his expression condensed with loyalty.

This airship formation is driven by the princess of the empire. This is the first time for Xuelis to travel in the past five years, and it may also be the last time to inspect her country as a princess.

This kind princess was instigated by the rebels to rebel because she heard that the people of the empire in the countryside were working very hard.So she wanted to represent the image of the empire and make some positive impacts during this trip.

After Seagate was found a few months ago, Her Royal Highness asked her to be her bodyguard.

It has to be said that Xuelisi's charm points are super high.Seagate, who was about to leave, was attracted by the princess's personality and decided to escort her.

The land in the north was desolate at this time, and Iron Star's tricycle ruts were clearly visible in and out of the empty village. These were to prevent the imperial army from looting, and the peasant youth cadres took them to work.

However, facing the innocent inquiry of the princess, Seagate was really a little difficult to answer the truth.

Seagate, who has been struggling in the dark for more than ten years, is clear: a few years ago, the people of the empire suffered greatly in the war, but now, after that person established himself in the countryside and started to rebel against the empire, the empire's farms and villages are no longer there. No more starvation.

The people of the empire in the countryside were not coerced and deceived to resist the empire, but voluntarily followed that person to fight against the empire.

Seagate can only deceive the princess in good faith: Your Highness, the people here, I am very happy to see you passing by them. They now have food and clothes. Thank you very much for the kindness of the empire, thank you for your concern.

On the other side of the telephone communication, there was silence for a few seconds. It was obvious that Her Royal Highness, the snow-smart princess, was locked in the deep palace and did not know the outside world, but she could still tell the truth from the lie.

At the same time, Her Royal Highness also knew that Seagate was telling lies at this time because the truth was not easy to tell.

…54 kilometers away, in an airship like a snow silkworm in the sky…

In the living room of the palace-like airship, Xue Lisi in a long dress looked down at the land below the clouds, and thanked Seagate in the communicator: "Thank you Seagate, send my greetings to the residents of the empire there." The princess's voice was very It was soft, but Seagate could hear the princess's depression.

After the communication was over, the etiquette officer at the side invited Her Highness the Princess to leave the airship observation deck. Following Her Highness the Princess's long skirt, she walked away from the seat with white stockings and crystal shoes, and the window behind her was closed.

With the airship of Her Royal Highness far away, the Imperial Ground Reconnaissance Force is still performing ground security tasks.

Seagate personally boarded the fifty-ton battle droid vehicle.

There are a total of 35 such vehicles on the ground. Some of these vehicles are mechanical spiders, and some are iron cans that walk upright.Carrying an ornate royal shield and holding a fifteen-millimeter rapid-fire gun.

The entire area is the combat area of ​​the peasant-soldier guerrillas, and there will be rocket raids from time to time.

Seagate's team is only responsible for "opening the field of vision" for the ground team. In order to prevent unscrupulous people from setting up large-caliber rockets at the corner of the knot and threatening the princess's travel, they kept searching on the ground.

The ground mechanical unit where Seagate is located cannot be too far away from the channel of its own airship unit.It is indeed to wrap up the little feet and open the way ahead.

In the report of the Imperial Army: Iron Star, a rebel force, is very bold in its combat style. Once the Imperial Army is alone, they dare to annihilate and destroy it.

Every night, as the escorting combat forces sailed safely in the air, there were often lasing rockets and sporadic shelling on both sides, attacking the escorting troops of the imperial princess.

And all of this, Seagate led his own team to bear silently.

Hot water was dripping from the steel spider's exhaust pipe, and it creaked and walked forward.Watch out for every hill, every wood.

In the afternoon, Seagate picked up the newspaper: the time now is 9:8 pm on September 5th.

At the same time, the strategic main force of the Youth Agricultural Association is concentrated in the north of the empire.

…Enma knows that the princess airship has passed under his nose, but he does not intend to waste his troops for this "little princess"...

The encirclement of the iron wall has been completed, and the heavy armored units of the Peasants and Workers Corps have exchanged fire with the Imperial Heavy Knights.

The Empire's dual-hero unit, equipped with level 7 and level 4 heroes, is undoubtedly powerful.As for Iron Star, Enma's template is level 6, and is not equipped with super skills.

But the strength of Iron Star is three times that of the Empire in local areas.

One minute after the start of the war, Enma sent an email to the revolutionaries of the entire empire as a postman: There are many main forces in the empire, but it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten fingers.At all costs, annihilating the imperial army on the spot can deal a heavy blow to the arrogance of the reactionary group and prevent its various ministries from rampaging in the area under my control.

After the postman's inexplicable "cry" energized the entire empire, the imperial reformers and radicals took it for granted that Iron Star was in a hurry to face the joint suppression of the Anglo-Imperial army.

...Enma: "When you serve food, you have to report the name of the dish first"...

The Blue Birch River Bend where Minlar and the Hunter Group were stationed was surrounded by rows of heavy armored firepower.

The first announcement was that rows of 150-caliber grenades fell from the sky.After these warheads fell from the sky and hit the Empire's heavy armor, Henry's chariot was hit by a bullet.The violent tremors made all the soldiers in the Land Cruiser's hull deaf in both ears for tens of seconds.

Although Iron Star's high-explosive bomb did not penetrate the half-meter-thick steel armor of the super-heavy tank, it still made Henry bend over involuntarily, and then he looked up at the flickering lights inside the tank.It was determined to be the Imperial Army, which was attacked by surprise.

Inside the chariot, a trace of surprise flashed in Henry's eyes.

However, under the obstruction of his entourage, he stepped out of the vehicle body, stood in front of the chariot, on the observation platform like the mast of a ship, leaned out half of his body, and watched the artillery falling from the sky.

Suddenly, the general suddenly drilled back, and at the same time the intensive shelling fell again, this time hitting the tank 500 meters behind.

The 150mm howitzer can't penetrate the Imperial tank, but it can cause problems with the sighting system in the outer area of ​​​​the tank.This reduces the accuracy of the fire counterattack of the Empire's land cruisers in the next step.

After retracting, Henry felt that the shelling was very strange. The trajectory of the five consecutive shells did not come from five units.

...Ironstar's cannons now use unique tech. …

Here at Iron Star, Orr looked at his sturdy [-]-ton self-propelled artillery, and couldn't help admiring that this thing is really awesome and a genius.Of course, after the fight, let the artillery evacuate immediately.

When his troops expanded into an artillery company, it turned out that there was only such a self-propelled artillery, which made him feel very frowning.Just this gun, how can it be called an artillery company.

However, after the "circulation facility" passed on some knowledge and practiced it, this gun was really worth an artillery company.

The traditional artillery company has five cannons, which are deployed in various positions, and focus on the opponent at the same time on the signal command of the artillery commander.This required the artillery commander to whistle and map and coordinate five points.

However, this highly automated self-propelled artillery has performed "ultra-high-tech operations". In a very short period of time, it fires at five elevation angles of 75 degrees, 65 degrees, 55 degrees, 45 degrees, and 35 degrees. It is a high ballistic trajectory, the flight time of the ballistic trajectory is long, and the flight speed of the small elevation angle trajectory section is fast, so that the muzzle can land from top to bottom, one by one, and can fire five consecutive shells, and then these five shells land on the enemy's position at the same time .Form an artillery battery strike.

And there is no artillery exposed outside, no need to build artillery positions, and evacuate immediately after the fight, without fear of counterattack.This level of convenience is comparable to "no need to wash the dishes after eating".

(Oh, this is the advancement of artillery hardware technology after the 21st century, and it is a classic milestone in the development of artillery, just like the automatic retreat technology of Miss 75 French shells in World War I.)
…Enma fights informatization and digital warfare. Even if the weapons are slightly insufficient, the thinking is advanced...

Before the war, the Iron Star Army had completed the surveying and mapping of the roads. As long as the artillery vehicle heard the order, it would drive the artillery to the predetermined position on the front line, and at the same time receive the shooting parameters sent by the information headquarters.
Of course, the technical content behind it is very high, which involves very information and system processing. For example, when a large number of artillery surveys and maps front-line targets, it is necessary to complete the calculation of all shooting elements in a very short period of time.The requirements for computer facilities are very high, oh, the difference machine cannot reach such computing power.

In the sky, there are shadow balloons one after another. These balloons expand their dark pupils and focus on the earth. The silicon carbon chip inside is connected to the Enma consciousness chain.

Enma has reduced the tunneling interference of particles in the chip by reflecting the summoning of the alien plane rules.I am building a supercomputer cabin in the air-cooled area of ​​the airship where I am, and the optical paths are leaping through the air in the airbag of the airship, forming a system similar to an integrated circuit.

In the airbag of the airship where Enma is located, it is now a "living creature" with a "nervous system"

Wei Keng, as Carret, came to the far plane for the first time, and calculated that the consciousness carrier of the tricky balloon is actually gases such as carbon monoxide, methane, and nitrogen dioxide.Just like human beings are composed of water, protein, and fat, the quantum phenomena of this world allow these gases to form life tissues.

The "sly balloon" is chaotic, but the aerial reconnaissance balloon constructed by Enma is orderly,
Hundreds of years later, when the same principle is known to the world, the students in the school will design an "optical brain" system based on "high-purity optical component materials".

…In the war of change in multiple planes, there will be various signs of future technology. …

Iron Star's lightweight (10-ton) artillery vehicles, on the curved road, were like whack-a-mole, launching shelling back and forth in all directions. After continuous bombing for [-] to [-] minutes, the heavy units began to charge.

The 10-ton energy destroyer chariot spread out its radar surface on the battlefield, emitting streaks of blue light on its own troops. The [-]-ton liquid nitrogen loaded on the vehicle body was released in just [-] minutes. With the white The energy shield (ice shield) is put on the mountain giant, as well as the front row "heavy infantry chariot" and "sky airship".

"Ice Shield" adds defense.

Enma's strong attack aura, that is, the perspective hanging of sight and aim, increases the attack power.

Iron Star's army is now equipped with the strongest buff, pressing in front of the imperial army.

...the tremor of dynamite on metal, the arrogance of the general who brought down the empire...

Minlar watched the main force of the rebel army that he had been looking for all along, four times larger than he imagined, appearing in front of him.Obviously being "surprised", and shouting "joyfully" to fight back,

Minlar's subordinates could hear their commander's voice becoming hoarse amidst the shelling tremors.

At this time, they were not facing guerrilla armed forces with small diesel-powered locomotives, but equipped with Yishui Imperial-style weapons. No one knew who delivered the elite weapons to the most radical enemy of the Empire.

In the eyes of the nobles of the empire, it is even unexpected that the bumpkins of the Agricultural Youth Association have already obtained the industrial furnace and can manufacture their own equipment.The arrogant imperial nobles still retain the impression of the rural rebels as "backward", "rabble" and "unable to stop a frontal battle".

But now under the night sky.

In the process of the streamer warheads shooting each other head-on, they had to face a reality!It is they who are vulnerable now.

In the blazing flames, the tank where Minlar was in was rained grenades from the air, destroying the observation window on the entire rivet armor belt, and the broken pieces of iron flew around.The surrounding imperial soldiers hurriedly fled this terrifying metal storm battlefield.

The Imperial Land Cruiser was not destroyed, but was pinned down in the artillery battle, and all its external observation forces were overwhelmed.

The imperial officers in the land cruiser were also aware of their own shortcomings, but their land was really not suitable for defense, and it was too open.

And Minlar rushed too hard before, without any friendly troops.

...Enma was also the first time to besiege the imperial army, and then saw the skills of the imperial heroes...

8:8pm on the 33th.

The four knight-level heavy tanks and armored vehicles of the empire were completely defeated, and the steel was sprayed with burning flames. Looking at this imperial totem in the ether world, it has also become decayed, and the refined steel that has lost its conceptual protection is like burning. Medium wax.

The battle lasted for three full hours, and Enma was once stunned by Minlar and Hunter's powerful skill of "concept repair" on all units on the battlefield.

The scene of the land cruiser where the two imperial hero commanders were releasing the Holy Restoration:

The land cruiser radiated a blue force field light, and a mortar flashed out of the tail. This mortar, which allows ordinary soldiers to jump into the bath, contained a tank of mercury liquid.

The projected torrent of flowing metal fell on the forward Imperial armored unit. After being contaminated by the liquid metal, the shell of the Land Cruiser, which was originally battered and rivets raised, began to flatten, and the rivets continued to be pressed back.

These "knight chariots" are like a legendary kv2 heavy tank on the Soviet-German battlefield. They are nailed to the front like nails, and they can't be killed no matter how hard they are hit.

The system information pop-up window prompts: Mechanism Quantum Field, attached to mercury, can enter the machine to dissolve metal, and can also precipitate metal, which can be used for automatic repair in the machine.Even if there is a quality loss on the part, it can be filled with materials in unimportant parts.Unreliable tip: its effect is driven by the spiritual field, it is recommended to use black dog blood to break it."

The last sentence is a system joke, but Enma analyzed it from the perspective of maintenance: the concept of information connected by filth will cause error fluctuations in the Mech God quantum field.

Enma beeped in his heart, maybe he could encourage the imperial soldiers to pee on their chariot.

...As for Iron Star, the sky biplane fighters began to volley, further confirming the situation of the empire's land fleet...

After Enma saw from the ether factory that the two guys "Henry" and "Minlar" repaired the land cruiser with liquid metal repair skills, he issued a request to the rear artillery unit: "Suppress those two paladins! Let them release their repair skills again."

Ever since, the shells smashed into the chariots of Minlar and Hunter.In the ensuing battle, the two of them were charged for the whole process, and they had no chance to assist the knight-class land cruisers in the front line of resistance.

In the end, under the bombardment of saturated firepower, the concepts of the two land cruisers in the ether world collapsed like smashed clocks.

(End of this chapter)

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