out of cage

Chapter 724 Chapter 17.02 Each raise

Chapter 724 Chapter 17.02 Each raise
From the overall perspective of multiple planes.

The individuals that Wei Keng traveled through in the first wave (Enma is one of them) have begun to show bright moments in various planes.

On the high-dimensional platform, Bai Linglu is also busy. For example, on the reincarnation platform of Wanlun Continent, which is currently connected, souls are passing the "root test". After the test, Bai Linglu will put them into non-multiple positions noodle. Well, these obsessives who were tested for their "obsession attributes" are all souls with less heavy "shackles of faith" in multiple planes. After being shot to death by the tide of the times, they were detained by Bai Linglu and did not return to the gods.

Bai Linglu took a look at the prisoners of the space-time war, and asked his subordinates, "Who wants this?"

After the inspectors in the Bailinglu team picked and picked, they rarely chose these "obsessed persons" from multiple planes.

There is an independent "technical system" in Wei Keng's trip to the dimension. Even in "obsession", there is also a "scientific" and "perfect" cognitive system (Zhengguo system).

The "transcendents" selected by Wei Keng in the planes of "Shenzhou", "Pandora", and "Gloom" are also high-level "souls" with highly stable willpower and belonging to multiple planes.

Bai Linglu's supervisor team obviously had a tricky taste when selecting obsessives.These souls under the radiance of multi-dimensional gods are obviously too low in quality, and the traces of transformation are too serious, and their obsessions are all kneaded (deliberately undergoing a process of beauty, then blackening, etc.).

Let's not talk about Liao Yangxiu and Yan Beixiang who joined the team early.

Even new supervisors like Gu Wanhong began to pay attention to "authenticity, true colors" when catching obsessives.

These supervisors criticize the soul system of multiple planes: "True temperament" is inherent, acquired experience can only be regarded as tempering, grasping the innate, and then tempering the "self-obsession" is a famous tool .How stupid are the people in the Mediterranean to preconceive and impose concepts the day after tomorrow?

It is equivalent to the Mediterranean civilization in ancient times. Those gangs deliberately set up a free model for freedom, violated the innate laws (objective development laws), artificially shaped various "free" templates, and finally used "labeling" to opportunistically claim that The "personality" of various people is found.

For example, it is clear that human nature is divided into two categories: male and female.Heterogeneity is only a very small number in one hundred thousandth, and his meows have been blurred since childhood, and they have been squeezed into various varieties the day after tomorrow.

These were kneaded by the outside world, and naturally they could not stand the test of the fire from the outside world.Only innate ability can withstand tempering and polishing.

The Bailinglu team finally packed these captured obsessives directly and sent them to the main world to exchange information.

As for this time, the scale of captured obsessives is getting bigger and bigger, which also makes Wei Keng more and more aware of the problem of "multiple planes".

…all “mortals” are the “skins” of gods…

The battle of the gods moves the mortals, but every time it leaves traces on fate.

For example: Some small actions of the God of Steam still slightly interfere with the battle situation.After Sugemat was touched once by the God of Steam, he was already considered a child of luck.

In the relevant time and space, the "fate lens effect" is very strong.

All the "obsessives" sent by the gods, after knowing their "children of luck", can't help but move closer.And in this way, those traversers can be observed through the lens of the child of destiny.

In the pastoral era, when the combat mode of the traversers was still very primitive, then they would follow the son of luck.

However, with the continuous advancement of science and technology, after entering the third plane war, the combat mode of the traversers has evolved and developed over such a long period of time.

...For more than 500 years in the main world, due to the increasing monopoly of dimensional knowledge, the new traversers have not made progress...

In today's top regular space-time war, following the protagonist is equivalent to being entered into the "observation lens magnified thousands of times".

Any traveler who has just arrived, if he has not established a great cause and effect with this world (the armor protection of fate), and has not formed the motivation to develop in the general trend (the mobility to control his own destiny in a changing situation), and he has not changed the world himself desire for strength (the firepower that crushes fate).

At this time, if the traverser is not concealed, but breaks into the deity of his own side and exposes it, he will be identified as the strike circle of the "protagonist's interpersonal circle".That's sending headhunters.

The 21st century has proved that the combat system and the thinking of military confrontation are backward and inferior, and no matter how many tanks, artillery, and missiles you have, it is still useless.

...The dimensional technology of the main world is still improving, but the development of talents has reached a bottleneck...

Of course, in any era, only the top side has the scientific and technological strength and technical literacy to fight in formal combat.

In the multiple planes, most of the battles of the gods cannot be played at the level of "ultra-intensity".

Wei Keng and Bai Linglu belong to the top class,
The "armor", "maneuvering", "firepower" and "concealment" before launching are all conscious, and their systems are quasi-first-class.

Michael Lena has stopped the actions of a series of auxiliary gods such as the "Goddess of Finance".

As a high-ranking god, it is rare to create "protagonist luck" by sending messages to specifically change the fate of some indigenous people.

And those "protagonists" created by the middle gods are just "fate cannonballs".These destiny shells set off various "trends" in history, trying to deflect the trajectory of human history
Ordinary people without the protection of "willpower" are equivalent to "weak armor". They gave up their ordinary and stable dreams, were hit by these fateful shells, and turned to speculation.

But now that Wei Keng has arrived, he has established a huge karma (armor) with many people in the world.

If the gods want to change (fire), they will interfere with the large-scale change of mortal beliefs.

Wei Keng can also make adjustments (maneuver) in the general situation to avoid the interference of fate.

The gods must once again target (fire again) a large number of related people in the mainland.And if the gods do more, Wei Keng can let them conflict (reverse fire), create conflicts in the concept field, and then lock down the gods.

"Ominous Gold Coin" is Wei Keng's classic counterattack, it is a backlash against the excessive existence of God's interference.

The general trend of the "business capital cycle" of the entire continent is related, which involves the greedy nature of the entire Wanlun kingdom.

Strictly speaking, "Ominous Gold Coin" is equivalent to Enma's Fortress of Destiny.All the Goddess of Finance's actions against Wei Keng cannot be avoided by the capitalist crisis caused by the "bad omen gold coin".

[Different things have different resistances to fate. For example, in the late Qing Dynasty, a small rubber ticket incident linked the return of the railway to the country and the road protection movement. A small accident broke through at once!On the other hand, 100 years later, earthquakes, epidemics, stronger economic and trade wars, and military confrontation, the momentum is still moving forward. This is the "Armor of Destiny"]

...Multiple planes have never encountered a war between "humans and gods". Wei Keng, a "human", has caused headaches for the gods...

Battle of Gods Gods have been pretty tricky so far.

It's not that they haven't heard of this level of divine warfare. Many gods may have experienced this kind of divine warfare in the past, but now after the end of the third plane war, after being "free" for so long, most of them The gods are not ready for this level of confrontation.

Here in the Pantheon, the gods converse.Many gods are quite dissatisfied with the current situation, such as the goddess of finance.She was the target of the "Dancing Shovelers".

Before Wei Keng reached the multiple planes, the new gods had planned four stages of time and space,
The first stage: the age of enlightenment gunpowder, there are steam engines and electricity, but the scale of machinery, that is, the level of dwarf craftsmanship, only the output has been expanded. Griffins and earth dragons are loaded with weapons of various calibers, and they are still walking sideways in the sky and land .The belief in the old gods is still there, and the new gods are against it.

The second stage: the era of primary mechanization, the railway has extended to every important coastline stronghold on the mainland, there is a superpower that smelts millions of tons of steel, and there are heavy machinery units over [-] tons rampant on the battlefield.At this stage, the new gods have already taken the lead and formed a union to make a secret layout for the division dominated by the power of faith in the next era.

The third stage: the stage of the planetary age, electric equipment or photonic equipment has already taken the lead, and high-definition display screens or neuron connection devices have appeared.At this time, mankind has established an observation system in space, but it is still a little short of the voyage to the interstellar space. At this time, there have been serious differences and oppositions among the new gods.Each other will drill through the crystal wall to wage a world war.

The fourth stage is the interstellar era. In this era, the space is filled with darkness and deep space, and technology seems to be dominant, but beliefs have deteriorated, and the belief system left by some failed gods has begun to "corrupt" and be used by demons.

...The gods of the Pantheon directly let Wei Keng enter the fourth stage, but Wei Keng is not so "docile". …

The first stage, the most stable, belongs to the novice room of new gods, but the belief power is too little.Not enough concepts are generated.

The fourth stage, the interstellar era, the population of each planet is tens of billions, hundreds of billions of levels, producing extremely powerful concepts. These quantum concepts can even interfere with the laws of the real universe, but they are unstable. Corrosion, and because the consciousness of human civilization in the early historical period had an incomplete comprehension of the rules of the universe, the materialistic universe influenced by idealism will eventually collapse.According to the time of the main world, the interstellar plane will disappear soon.

So the second stage, and the third stage, are the popular planes that the gods compete for.And Wei Keng came to these planes.

Because Wei Keng's avoidance of inheriting the industrial godhead is too obvious, Pantheon named Wei Keng's wave of consciousness "Originator" at this time.

...The Pantheon has placed too many shackles on the God of Industry, Wei Keng simply avoided this result...

Some weak gods in the Pantheon have chosen to retreat in the face of the "powerful battle", the first stage of time and space.These gods have confirmed that the "origin" is an existence they can't afford.

For example, Robert, the third-level king, belongs to the "God of Data" in the third-stage plane. When facing Li Yishuang's series invitation, he responded: "The intensity has increased, and the space-time system's prompts for conflicting planes are all marked. "Red High Risk"."

Li Yishuang still wanted to persuade, but Robert simply shook his head: "I'm sorry, this is beyond our limit."

Robert has already calculated, and he can become the "God of Calculation" on the first plane. If the middle-level gods on the second and third planes really defeat the "Originator" and carve up most of the "industry" priesthood, he comes out again
If they were severely beaten by the "Originator" and a large number of clergy became vacant, then in the second and third planes, the "God of Data" divinity would also be able to expand the clergy after surviving the catastrophe period.

Now in the second and third level planes, those powerful new gods have the ambition to advance.As a newcomer, Robert doesn't want to get involved.

…As one of the gods, Robert understands that the problem now is that there are too many “gods”…

The contemporary master world traversers are not those ignorant but absolutely ideal existences 300 years ago.

The first batch of traversers in the pastoral era broke into this kind of world, and they were the first irons who dared to smash through the wall of unbelievers.

It's a pity that that generation fell into the alien plane on a large scale.For those who travel through, death is not the worst. If the consciousness is sealed, it may take thousands of years of suffering. After the third plane war, the main world created a new concept in this kind of world, and only after becoming a god will this A small number of people were rescued.

And these "little ones" had to start to regenerate due to the loss of consciousness after returning to the earth.Continue to return to life. (The fertile soil with slow space-time velocity is for recuperating damaged variables)
…There are more people in the car, and fewer people pushing the cart, but everyone wants to ride in the car, and they don’t want to get out of the cart...

When Robert saw that Li Yishuang seemed to be trying to persuade others, he couldn't help but want to warn her: "The financial godhead is only in the second and third-tier worlds, and the middle godhead really wants to get involved in the battle of these strong people?"

But Robert finally held back, and said with emotion in his heart: Shen Gongbao in the list of gods. …

Robert remembered that a long time ago, probably in the 29th century, the World Wide Web in the main world still had a reflection of the "Pandora Plane Rules".

At that time, he had seen the scratches and claws of the "Originator".

According to the current information, he has a certain understanding of high-level traversers.

In this time-travel era, where people enter the arena where people compete on the scale of consciousness, the difference in strength and weakness between people is greater than in any previous era.

The veteran traveler has a huge scale of consciousness. Even if there is a setback in this plane, he can still transfer consciousness from multiple planes.In the multidimensional area, even if the home game is won, the follow-up karma will be super troublesome.

...The third plane war has developed to this day. Although it is still blooming in the eyes of the traversers at the bottom, the people at the top understand that everything will not last...

Li Yishuang met his father, Michaelena, in the center of the Pantheon.

As the main god of destiny, Miga cannot be seen directly under the information tent.But Li Yishuang seemed to feel that Mijia seemed to have transformed behind the tent.

Michaelena looked at her daughter and asked calmly, "Are you really determined not to apologize or admit your mistakes?"

Li Yishuang paused: "I am not wrong. I will not be wrong, let alone be wrong." After Li Yishuang became a god, she was firm on this point.

Michaelena heard this answer: "Okay, since you insist, then I will help you fight this war." He delivered a light ball to Li Yishuang.

When Li Yishuang left.

Michaelena looked at the industrial godhead in the void, and whispered: "Since you can suppress this for the multiverse, then I must also suppress the equivalent thing, then bet on fate."

After a long time, he couldn't help showing a smile: "It's a showdown."

...Multiple planes, the consciousness group that came to cross is still like a bright meteor shower...

After the third plane war, Michaelena, as the leader of the "freedom" faction, won the victory and has always maintained his "appeal".

When the gods of the Pantheon are hesitating, and a large number of low-end obsessives are useless.If you don't want to give in, then the only way is to overdraw your own luck in the "combat plane" to forcibly collide with that "axisman".

Michaelena has mobilized "Qing" (consul) level traversers to reach the target plane.

In the time-space summoning hall, high-return plane tasks are carried out on the columns of various travelers. The reward level of these tasks is thousands of times that of ordinary tasks.

From then on, Michael Lena put the fate of multiple planes on her daughter.

…Sometimes, being in the “many” camp feels like you can’t fail. …

On the other side of the void, in Bai Linglu's creation space, Wei Keng's consciousness group is ready to enter the multidimensional planes, those war zones and mortal worlds.

"Cluster" is Wei Keng's characteristic.When Wei Keng is on a plane, he will enter the "cluster" mode.

Bai Linglu performed calculations in the mental field, and after calculating the arrival points on many planes that conformed to Wei Keng's "middleman's posture", he opened the main world and expressed his position now.

Bai Linglu: "I'm looking for other people (the kings of the Great River System), but there is no support. Are you not disappointed?"

Wei Keng: "It's okay, they have their own business, and they can't see my chances of winning at the moment, so they have something to say."

Bai Linglu was stunned for a second and said: "However, in fact, the multiverse is not suitable for multiple individuals to expand." Bai Linglu saw that Wei Keng was going to "pass down from generation to generation" on multiple planes, so he couldn't help sending out a reminder.

Wei Keng nodded: "Yes, it is indeed not suitable for a traverser who wants to preserve his will, but what about this world?"

Bai Linglu: "May I ask you, is there anything in this world worth sacrificing for you?"

Wei Keng: "Well, I can't find it, and there seems to be no reason. You want to tell me: this place is too hopeless, so it's better to leave, right?"

Watching Bai Linglu, Wei Keng suddenly recalled the memories of the two of them working together for the first time. They came to Pandora for the first time, and wanted to leave at that time, but as they gradually settled down, they stayed there to complete various missions. There is a reason.

Wei Keng: With the advent of science and technology in the multiverse, there are too many high-ranking gods, too many shouting slogans of justice and freedom, gentle and elegant, with clean white gloves, walking into the palace of victory.There is a certain kind of existence missing here, and I, with the appearance of a man, can't do this kind of existence, but I would like to turn into a group of "plows" to carve out a space in the gods and let him sprout here.

When Bai Linglu left.

Wei Keng couldn't help humming a Beijing accent: Let that ~Pantheon~ come on~ dare!war!Heart!shock.

(End of this chapter)

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