out of cage

Chapter 726 Chapter 17.04 Divination of the National Fortune

On September 3232, 9 in the Fire Emblem calendar, the Anglo Empire, the industrial city of Bendu.Today's air is still "smoggy" as usual. In the streets and alleys, people are wrapped in dark woolen coats that are not easy to get dirty, walking on the sidewalk.

In the compass tower, a large gear with a diameter of 12 meters is rotating. This is a huge divination device. A card will be opened on the top of the huge tower every day to foretell good luck for today, this month, and this year.This six-square-meter divination card can be seen throughout the city
So almost every day when the gears are about to rotate out of cards, many people will stop and stand under the compass tower, looking up, just like checking the time.

However, today is not only as simple as passing pedestrians raising their heads at the right time. Many people watched the complex gear rotation process in the middle of the clock tower half an hour before the opening of the tower.This look is like a gambler watching the lottery opening.

The reason is very simple. It has been 45 days in a row that the blood tooth grass has been bloomed. This symbol is there every day and has not changed.And the continuous opening of the same symbols seems to be a sign of something.

Since ancient times, only when the Anglo Empire faced a severe change in national power, the Compass Tower would appear in this way.

For example, the southernmost gold mining area established by the empire on the "T" continent 400 years ago encountered a strong guerrilla counterattack from the local tribes, causing the imperial army to fall into the quagmire. Snake" card.

The divination effect of the compass tower, in fact, is to judge the situation when "a strong upward willpower suddenly arises and collides with the interests of the Anglo Empire".

…behind the Anglo stately metal clock towers, all the black stains are years of blood debt…

Fifteen kilometers away from the Compass Tower, in Laboratory 23.Zhang Ke came down from the operating table with a pale face. During the last mission, his entire team suffered from mental pollution.

These spiritual pollutions were caused by the impact of a large amount of negative spiritual power after the failure of the Holy Card Heroic Spirit Ceremony, as well as the ominous gold coins following the failure of the Felicity Potion.

For example, Zhang Ke, before he came back, a carbuncle grew on the back of his neck, and then it burst open, and a weird baby face the size of a fist appeared, and he looked at it with a smile forever, even after cutting it, it would grow back .

The Ministry of Magic has spent a lot of energy, and there is no way to disperse the ghost on Zhang Ke's body. At present, it can only be cut and sealed to the size of a little finger.

As for the complete dispersal, it is necessary to make an appointment with some famous great mages to go out to operate. Now, due to the instability of the magic net and other reasons, all high-level mages are practicing hard.If you want to invite them to work, you need to make an appointment, otherwise you won't be able to find them.

In other words, these mages made some promises when they left the customs.

Every promise is a token that can be connected.The palm branch must consume enough meritorious service to exchange for such tokens from the Ministry of Magic.

[Note: In fact, it is very easy for the ancient arcanists to save the curse of these Aurors, but the current era belongs to the "mystery", those who have survived from ancient times to the present.While these curses are easily lifted, the more exposed, the harder it is to deal with the ancient mysteries, and Zhang Ke and his team are on a quest to lift the curse.That is to say, it becomes as difficult as "the poor ask the rich to do things"]

And Zhang Ke's journey of unfortunate fate is an amplifier to observe the traversers.

In the afternoon, when the "Bloodtooth Grass" was released on the 46th day of the Empire Compass Tower, in the gray magic house at No. 54 in Spider's End Lane, various bookshelves, tables and chairs were displayed in this house, but in the center of the floor was a piece of broken Split water.

Zhang Ke walked in front of Jishui, and on the mirror of Jishui, a reflection of a magic hat with a white beard appeared.

Reflection: "You have to go to the Sky Empire area again."

Zhang Ke said: "Can I exchange for "Phoenix Ash"?" (This is a strong dispelling substance)

Reflection: "Yes."

Zhang Ke nodded, without asking why, he went directly to the water basin on the side shelf, reached into the mist swirling in the basin, and took out the mission scroll.

Reflection: "Don't you want to ask about the content? This is not your style."

Zhang Ke: "I know the situation of the destination."

Reflection was noncommittal: "Friendly offer some news. In Sky Empire, the serial prohibition we set up has expired. According to the information we already know, a powerful force has appeared, suppressing the application of all mystic techniques."

Zhang Ke couldn't help but pause after reading the information, and murmured, "Spell ineffective enchantment?"

The reflection gradually blurred: "Just go and investigate."

The water had dried up on the floor, exposing the decayed wooden floor.

…mysteriously, I don’t want people to know about me, but I always want to peek into all the secrets…

At this time, even the smallest village in the northern territory of the Sky Empire.The former blacksmiths and the current mechanical workers fixed the shining iron stars on the wooden poles, and under the iron stars is a cluster of red tassels, implying that new stars will rise, and rising In the process, it is the blood of countless people, heroic mortals, dyeing the red tassels under the red stars.

This is the hallmark of the Iron Star regime.

At the same time, the revolutionary strategy of the big cities in the south was once again inclined to the "right" line.

The theoreticians of the reformist group don't know whether they took money to turn bad, or they were born stupid. They tried to form an enlightened cabinet with the empire to complete the so-called order and stability.

The urban faction doesn't care whether it has seriously hit the enthusiasm of the northern revolutionaries at this time.

These urban factions did not realize that after the insurgents from the rural and rural areas combined with the industrial cities in the north, they not only mastered food and steel, but also knew the camp interests of their own class in terms of culture and ideology.

And the iron star that is still hot, still declaring to attack everything inside and outside, creating unfair suppressors and invaders, has become the only hot concept creation.

"Concept" is just a virtual thing that evolves in human thinking in the main world.

But in this world, the "concepts" determined by large-scale human beings are indeed objectively existing physical variables.

For example, in ancient times, there existed the concept of the sun god, and this concept was understood by life, and penetrated into the quantum information field, and the consciousness of the sun god was born.

It can make a slight change in the sunlight exposure on the continent.As for making this "concept" a materialistic means, the transparency in the atmosphere can be adjusted on a large scale.Even let the sunlight energy stagnate for a moment.

In Wanlun Continent, a world that is about to advance to level three, the scale of the total concept (faith power) produced is thousands of times that of the "sword and magic" era. Strength is the quantity of thousands of years in the farming era.

The gods in ancient times could control the sunlight and vibrate in the earth's crust, so the gods in the industrial age are even more powerful. To a certain extent, the gods have established powerful perceptions in the universe.

...In the multiple planes, every civilization and plane is a burning firewood. For God, all these have an end...

The power of belief in the world in the second and third stages is very positive, simple and orderly.Unlike the fourth stage world, the power of belief there is very dirty.So the second and third level worlds are now the focus of the new gods' competition.

The world of the fourth stage is the star world: everything that "normal humans" can recognize has been recognized.Only by further carrying out the abnormal human fields of "biochemical transformation" and "human-machine fusion" can we continue to contact "desire, pursuit" and strong belief power.

...Gods exist to satisfy people's hopes, but not all human hopes will give birth to gods...

Almost all concepts of civilization development originate from the spread of gods.Everything that humans use also comes from gods!
In these worlds of the Wanlun Continent, the existence of the newly-emerged "Iron Star" is unusual. This is not a concept thought of by any "god" who tried to fill the industrial vacancies in the Pantheon in the past.

It may be said that "Iron Star" is completely different from the "free and upward" concept of the earliest industrialization, but is full of "sacrifice, commitment" and other burdens that make God feel sad.

Wei Keng's arrival this time was too "dull", but he was able to perfectly continue the "industry" of the first time in terms of core concepts.

Just like the same song, the high pitch and low pitch are completely different in half.Those who got the first half wanted to follow the first half of the "high-pitched" continuation, but found that they couldn't write.As a result, a large number of unfinished tunes have been produced.Now the "original author" directly changes the tune to a low one, so that after a bit of ups and downs, the noise can be eliminated, and the tune can be raised again.

In fact, the last time Wei Keng left suddenly because of Sainz's series of negative operations, it was a harbinger of turning from 'up' to 'down'.

And this secret.It was just hidden by Sainz, Micah, and Monat.

Moreover, the entire Mediterranean gods did not admit that the departure of Wei Keng, the great river consciousness, was due to the wrong operation of their department.

And such arrogance and ignorance just made them unable to find a way for the follow-up "Industrial Godhead" to continue to evolve the world.

Now on Wanlun Continent, this is the second half of "Industrial Godhead" solo, but this second half is not called "Industry".

...For the gods: mountains are not mountains, water is not water, but standing here with Wei Keng: mountains are still mountains, water is still water...

Back to the present, under the light of the iron star, all the mysterious phenomena have not disappeared, but they can be recognized from a new perspective.

Therefore, a large number of mysterious phenomena close to this area have all been "into science".

This situation has also occurred in the history of the Wanlun Continent. When the Industrial Revolution first appeared, the traditional arcane legal system was suppressed to the point where it was almost invisible.

All kinds of strange curses have retreated to the southernmost tip of the "T" continent, and with the advance of naval guns and the stationing of heroic units, a large number of ancient spell books have been lost.

That's when all the "witchcraft" in the world got hammered.

Only Anglo established the "Forever Insider" repository in Bendu, in the inner ring of the Royal World Museum, and under the Compass Tower, and forced the monopoly to be unrecognizable, so that part of the "Ancient Mystery" was preserved and was not destroyed by the trend clean.

And when that wave of cognition passed, when human society was divided into different levels again, and the perspective gradually disappeared, after every corner of the world, occultism revived again.

...People's perspective is blinded, everything can be mystified, even science can't hide...

For example, in the ancient times of the main world,
For example, signal towers have radiation, and water has memory.

There are alien bases on the back of the moon.

And why is the human perspective blinded?That's because of human social class blocking.

When certain classes don't want the world to see all of them, then something creates complex interpretations.

Right now, some of the oldest powers in the mysterious world are horrified by the sudden rise of Iron Star.

Of course, in terms of attitude towards Iron Star, it is the same as when it was recognized thousands of years ago, waiting for the trend to pass.

...nothing is ever old, and so is the health of human society...

However, Wei Keng himself also knows that the trend he started will fade eventually, and the new concept of "exploring the darkness" in the hearts of all ordinary people will eventually be in vain because of the abandonment of ordinary people.

Therefore, this is the reason why ordinary traversers in the past did not have this option on the arcane path.

The price of lighting up the era every time is that the bravest and wisest people pay their lives and deaths, so few people do this.

..."God" is because the traversers of the main world are getting old...

On September 9th, on the hot land where the Iron Star shines.

Enma stared at the Anglo intervention troops, and whispered: "Obviously they want to suck blood, but they can condense the concept of justice, tsk tsk, it's really weird."

The direction Enma was staring at was the direction of impact of the armor power of the "White Wing Knights".

At this time, on the melting steel tower city behind Enma, new concrete protective towers began to be built, and in the entire city, anti-tank ditches and fortifications with six-pointed star angles were deployed. The protective tower of the gun is just in front of these corners.

The entire fortification was completed within fifteen days, and the Iron Star blocking force had been dealing with the opponent here for more than half a year.

...Anglo has been waiting for half a year, and missed the best time to intervene...

In Enma's strategic judgment, Anglo's troops are very high in terms of technological content and arm configuration, and even the skills of their hero units are amazing.

After all the troops of Iron Star, after successive battles of annihilating the imperial army, their morale was high and they wanted to attack the invader head-on, Wei Keng still remained clear and calm.

Master Wei: After conducting an accurate comparison between the enemy and the enemy, we still decided to "defend" and add "mushrooms to go around in circles".

Let him understand the terrain of lakes and rivers after the northern sky empire was split by glaciers.

…For Iron Star, Enma is not only improving himself, but also focusing on cultivating Iron Star generals. …

In Iron Star's forward harassment force, a strange vehicle is here. This vehicle has deformable wings and its armor is pure energy electromagnetic armor.

The weight of the entire vehicle is 340 tons. When sailing on land, the robotic arm is seven meters long, and the three-meter-wide metal shield is around, but once the robotic arm folds the shield behind the chassis.The folded wings will be unfolded in the mechanical bulges on both sides of the vehicle, and at the same time, a strong air cushion effect will appear on the ground, and rocket ejectors will be launched at the bottom of the vehicle.The vehicle can directly travel short distances of three to four kilometers.

Narrator: An Jiexin's super vehicle can perform a three to four kilometer "flicker" jump

This "leapfrog" operation constitutes a whole set of "fluid power" concepts in the driver's thinking.

The controller of this vehicle, An Jiexin, is already a hero unit. She has two skills. Molten metal will corrode enemy vehicles for half an hour.

…An Jiexin was born into a family of forest rangers in the countryside. …

At this time, An Jiexin was going back and forth to use the obstacles of rivers, hills and other terrains to radiate the White Winged Knights 10 to 20 kilometers away.

In this single-vehicle combat, the mechanical structure of the weakest "swordsman" armored unit (a 280-ton land cruiser with a triple-mounted 120mm turret) that went south from the Anglo-Saxon frequently failed and fell behind.

The main Anglo land armored force had to maintain a battle formation to deal with this kind of surprise attack.

The Anglos even used four airships to search for An Jiexin.

Of course, the airship would be hit by missiles every time, because An Jiexin's chariot was covered by Enma's "optical stealth" during the raid.

...Enma's fighting creed: You can play subjective initiative, but don't be "personal heroism", and it's not shameful to ask teammates for help...

In September, just getting ready to go south, inside the White Wing Knights, now Commander Lance frowned and looked at the damaged vehicles that retreated inside the defensive position.

The "Priest" vehicle (250 tons) stretched out its mechanical arm, opened several mechanical entrances like submarine covers on the damaged tank, poured a large amount of alkaline foam, ended the corrosion, and poured precious "Repairing Liquid Aluminum Alloys".

The original rusted chariot structure in the concept field was restored as if it were polished, and the original roughness of the machinery in reality became lubricated.

The damage caused by An Jiexin's attack to the armor of the Anglo Empire has been repaired by engineers, but Lance feels that things are getting more and more muddy.

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