out of cage

Chapter 735 Chapter 17.11 More Counts More Wins

The grain stored in Kaidi City is only [-] tons, while in the original account book of Osima Kingdom, it should be [-] tons.

However, due to bureaucratic reasons in the Kingdom of Osima: less than a quarter of the 20 barrels of fuel that should have been stored, a large amount of cotton cloth, and military supplies.

What is especially ridiculous is that such expensive goods on the black market as "[-] barrels of wine" and "[-] tons of sugar" are stored here.

The [-] tons of grain that disappeared in Kaidi City did not move southward into Osima's static defensive front line.

In fact, on the eve of the Iron Star interspersed battle, the food that the Kingdom of Osima should allocate to each defense zone has not yet shipped.It was sold to the Anglo Intervention Army at a high price by international businessmen.

This is an important node for storing grain in the Osima Kingdom, what about other storage nodes?And the shortage of war materials is not just food.

To draw 10 troops out of the trenches and conduct strategic decisive battle maneuvers requires at least [-] tons of grain and [-] tons of supplies.Only then will it be possible to fight a small-scale battle.

After the Osima Kingdom Legion in the static defense system and the railway in the rear industrial area were cut off by Iron Star, they could not move for at least a month.

Iron Star now holds Kaidi City.Take the strategic initiative.

The Osima Central Group now has two options. The first is to open up the static defense network, and the second is to join the northern heavy army group.No matter which one he chooses, the Iron Star main force can avoid it, and flexibly obtain the strategic direction,
...War is about who is the first step, and mobilizing the opponent's strategy always takes the lead...

On November 3232, 11, the Lightning Alliance, which used to be in the honeymoon cycle, has now entered the quarrel stage of "couple menopause".

On the strategic map, Enma said to himself: "A good enemy will unite the alliance. The old, smoking sky empire, which claims to be a steamroller, is such a good enemy to neighboring countries."

Now Iron Star has a "sequential" distinction on the strategies of neighboring countries, which makes the interests of all parties inconsistent.Just not a good enemy.

Osima, who was originally "watching a play", was "united" with the Anglos and supported the Anglos' intervention, but now that Enma's troops are approaching the city, Osima's prime minister has found several people from the Anglo embassy, ​​and it is obvious that they have "same bed with different dreams".

It is impossible for Osima to synchronize with the Anglo in terms of military selection, and it is impossible to "fight together" with the remaining imperial army of the Sky Empire in the future.There is a "crack" in everyone's heart.

The central military group of the capital of Osima is marked by Enma.

Enma: This group is the largest "strategic mobility" force in Osima. It is easy to judge the movement at this time. It must try to open up the connection with the frontline defense forces, instead of converging with the Anglo at Yuzui Port in the north.First, because the allies are allies after all, and second, if they join forces with the Anglos in the north with all their strength, the defense of the Wind Whisper Capital will drop.

However, if the strategic goals of the enemy's various corps are not unified, the strategic gap left in the middle will make the Thunder Flash Alliance full of holes.

...Even within a country, when there is a mountain of interests inside, it will collapse in an ant's nest...

And just as Enma judged, in the Wind Whisper Capital, after learning that Kaidi City had been penetrated, the commander-in-chief of the kingdom, Lei Ting, was furious, and immediately ordered the "Krusi Army" in the forward static defense line (a corps stationed in reinforced concrete) "General, he must recapture, recapture the city within six days.

On the battle map of the big figures in Fengyu King's Capital, Kaidi City, an important railway hub, is the key to transshipment of materials.

If you look at the overall situation, you will see a very funny question: "Where are the materials Osima needs to fight now?"

Now that the war broke out suddenly, and all kinds of supplies in the Osima Kingdom skyrocketed, the big shots at the top only remembered that there was a certain amount of war preparations in the frontier to support them.However, only one-third of the materials on the books are in fact, and the rest are "the amount that can be seized in future victories."

King Fengyu dispatched troops from the central group to prepare for military operations, all relying on the supplies from the Kaidi City warehouse.But this material node is lost.

Those in power in Osima hope that the central group will take back supplies through an offensive, but the generals in Osima feel that they must give "enough supplies" first.Otherwise, it would be too risky to attack Kaidi City.Once you fail, you will not be able to retreat.

Fengyu, the capital, can't get out strategic materials for the time being.

…in the politics of the end of the empire, common sense gives way to the correct course set by the great men.And Enma is still persecuting...

Enma will not give the Osima Kingdom time to wait, but will take advantage of its hesitation to make a "big breakthrough".

On November 11th, Iron Star attacked troops and attacked towards the east. The 30 troops successfully divided the frontier permanent fortifications of the Osima Kingdom, which the Sky Empire had been unable to defeat for hundreds of years.

The defense forces here, after all the telephone lines between the various forts were cut, became isolated forts.Each fort watched helplessly as the Iron Star attacking troops directly detoured and detoured to another fort to blast in the blind area of ​​view, but they couldn't make a phone call.

These Osima defense troops, seeing other fortresses being breached from their own perspective, is like seeing their own future. Each of the fortifications that have been tested by artillery fire has been bombarded by tens of tons, or even hundreds of tons of explosives. , and then poured chlorine gas into the underground tunnel.

Finally, on December 12, at the junction of Osima and the original Iron Star, 2 so-called semi-permanent fortresses, all 25 defenders surrendered.

After four o'clock in the morning on December 12, Iron Star's expeditionary army successfully opened up with the western territory of the Sky Empire.Of course there is another problem now.That is opposite the old army of Sky Empire.

...Iron Star showed these old empire officers what a famous general can do when there is no big man in the empire to command blindly...

At this time, Lilot was stationed in the northern trench to confront the defense line. Oh, this is an old friend of Iron Star.It was the one that suppressed Swan City back then. After the Sky Empire's current cabinet was reshuffled, this old man was dispatched to the front line as a remnant of the old dynasty.

When Enma defeated the entire defense system centered on Kaidi City.This dude is staring at the opposite side every day.

To be honest, two years ago, he was still dissatisfied with the mud legs. He even had to be more ruthless back then, and his winning rate was very high. The Anglo Intervention Force is now making an earth-shattering penetration, and after winning an extremely important strategic point.His emotions towards Enma are complicated.

"Buzzing", the spar map in front of him changed again.

Lilot looked up at the map. At this time, the map changed again, and Osima's front line had been taken across the board.This is ten days faster than he thought!
He thought Iron Star's attack would be blocked here for 30 days, but he didn't expect to penetrate the entire defense line in just three days.He stared at the map for a long time.

At this time, the adjutant walked in, saw the general looking at the map, and stood at the door, looking down at the watch mode, reminding the general that there is something important now.

Lilot: "What's the matter?" He didn't take his eyes off the map.

The adjutant said: "Iron Star hopes to have a dialogue with the general."

Lilot paused slightly, as if meeting his "first love", he took a deep breath and said, "Here we come."

...In Enma's eyes, the old army of the Sky Empire can also cooperate in certain tasks. …

It was Willy who was in charge of negotiating with Lilot, and he was also an old friend.Of course, it was also because the two sides had confronted each other on the battlefield of Swan City that they were very calm during the dialogue.

As for Willie, he had just received the news within 10 minutes, and was buzzing with the huge results. This is one of the four bloody battle fronts on the Wanlun Continent.The cruel front where tens of millions of people's blood is piled up every hundred years was directly pierced by Enma.

That year, when Lilott had just graduated from the Imperial Military Academy and accepted the officer's gun issued by the royal family, the entire empire was still engaged in a brutal tug-of-war with the Thunderbolt Alliance. The blood of empire.

The Griffon Palace of the Sky Empire spoke 20 years ago: Anyone who can break through this line of defense will be named a duke.

Now the result of the battle is the last word. Willy, a member of the urban revolutionary faction, now increasingly believes that the revolutionary is right (his purpose for the revolutionary has always been to pursue power. As for who makes the empire strong, he doesn't care).

Partisan Willie sat down in front of Lillot.

Once a rebel and now an imperial general.The two knew each other's purpose and chips before they sat down.

Willie's order from the Iron Star Center is to try to reach a non-aggression agreement with the frontline Sky Empire Corps, so that the railway line can pass through the defense line to ensure the stability of our army's logistics line.The bargaining chip for the Iron Star negotiations is to provide supplies and some promises for the frontier imperial army.

Lilot also thought about the bargaining chip. If the conditions given by Iron Star are appropriate, let alone let Iron Star's logistics line enter, it is also possible to cover the flanks of the defense line.

Obviously, the contradictions accumulated in this line of defense have become the nightmare of the Sky Empire Army.

Let them ignore "the political differences between the old imperial army and the partisans" to a certain extent.

...Sky Empire Proverb: A strong opponent is more worthy of respect than a cowardly leader of one's own side. …

During the negotiation process, Lilot had already released the first batch of transported supplies, and ordered his own troops to cover the supplies and arrive at the opposite Iron Star defense line.

After doing this, Lillot and Willie conducted in-depth negotiations.

Lilot asked for frontier military power, and Iron Star acquiesced, but the establishment must be reduced according to the country's economic requirements.Furthermore, the development of the Military Youth Association must not be suppressed.Lilot thought for a while, and agreed to the request after making sure.

Lilot: "You guys, what is the purpose of the current battle?"

Willie: "To be honest, the battlefield is changing rapidly now. I don't know what the final result will be. But the reason for this battle is that the Angles are still stubbornly interfering, and we must retaliate."

Lilot paused: "Don't you think about the power gap comparison? The Thunderbolt Alliance is much stronger than us, um, you are much stronger."

Willie sighed in his heart, "It's much stronger." But on the surface, Yan Zheng responded with what Wei Keng said: "Yes, but their strength and our humiliation are not inevitable. They come to beat us, and we resist. , it is inevitable."

Lilot was silent when he heard this.Yes, as the imperial army, he finally knew the reason why the rebels became more and more tenacious no matter how they suppressed them in the past two years.

This group of capable people, the empire is not worthy of playing games with them from the beginning to the end.

…After Enma pierced through the entire defense line, the generals of the Osima Kingdom finally let go of their differences and started to plug this loophole...

On December 12, Osima's First Heavy Army Group hurried towards the border with fifteen heavy machinery units (Land Cruiser level).

The commander-in-chief is a veteran general of the Kingdom of Osima, Zheng Li, and the hero level is eighth.

Its combat skill is "mechanical dismantling", oh, that is to remove all concepts from the huge mechanical system and melt it into a pool of metal gravel, and these gravel are absorbed by other tanks and sent to the rear. New mechanical artifacts can be rapidly manufactured in the industrial furnaces inside. (This kind of manufacturing is directly and automatically combined with metal grit, just like the reshaping of t1000.)
This skill can be activated once every 30 days on average.Use up to five times a year.Therefore, his name is also called Golden Hand.

In the past wars with the Empire, he was the nightmare of many sky empire generals, relying on the defense line to consume the empire's important land cruiser troops.

Then he also accumulated a huge amount of wealth in the war. Continuous wars will allow him to accumulate more land cruiser troops, which in turn will make his military power stronger and stronger.

He is the strongest main combat faction in the Kingdom of Osima.Narrator: Politically, he is the leader of self-financing (business) in the army.

Even after the ceasefire of the Sky Empire, he was a hardliner who was determined to send troops into the Sky Empire, but it was impossible for the Wind Whisper King Capital to make this aggressive general uncontrollable.So in the past two years, he was transferred back to the royal capital.

With the changes in the current frontier situation, Osima let this veteran play again.

...The mainstay of the Osima kingdom has now arrived. After Enma determined his opponent, he began to plan. …

Enma saw the general coming with the land cruiser force through the "see-through drone", and his head was a headache.

The units he brings are all very powerful units, including the "Earth Bear", which is a [-]-ton unit, but its attack power is weaker than that of a knight, and its mobility is also weak, but the "Earth Bear" has a central presence An electromagnetic tower that can be retracted and opened. Once this "electromagnetic energy field" is opened, it will repair the "metal scars" of another Land Cruiser.

Enma thought for a while and decided that he still had to fight, and let the four earth bears rush to the Kaidi city fortress. If they were left alone, they would soon let them regain the railway hub.

The key to the battle is whether you dare to take a gamble.

Enma said to Bess: "Do you think we may be wiped out by the enemy within forty days?"

Bess: "Well, I don't think so,"

Enma: "What I want is not that I should not, but that I will definitely not."

Enma looked at the commanders and said: "I have always saved a collective teleportation! It can allow our army to leap forward and attack directly, or retreat completely! Now there are two options, either attack, or move to the south now, in Osi Establish a base in Manan and fight a protracted war."

An Jiexin: "Attack, of course it is an attack!"

Even a small soldier knows what a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity it is to break through the defense line that the Osima Kingdom has been operating for hundreds of years. If you break through the defense line and do nothing, then withdraw, that is definitely the biggest challenge for a sky soldier. It's difficult to calm down."

Bei Si's memoir records his own thoughts on that day: Maybe he will sigh if he loses today, but if he doesn't fight, all the generals present will regret it for a lifetime.

En Ma looked at the two heroes present, nodded, and then said: "As a general, I have to think about victory, but as a leader, I have to be responsible to everyone. I think about defeat first and then victory."

Enma said to Bess: "If I can't take down the general who is called a golden hand. The offense is not good, and I have to think about the backhand."

Enma opened the map, drew a line, pointed to the map and said to Bess: "I need one person with four land cruisers to approach here directly! Force the Osima side and the Anglo coalition forces to return to defense," this will win Time, buy time for the next group teleportation Austrian method to start.

Enma didn't say what would happen if he approached Fengyu King's Capital, but both Bei Si and An Jiexin knew that after inserting into the enemy's core, they would most likely be surrounded and wiped out.

...In strategy, in order to reduce the risk of the overall strategy, it is necessary to take tactical risks locally...

Enma: Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the entire army is wiped out, the main force of our army will still go straight to Yuzui Port (the northern port of Osima) to cut off the "soldier line" that the Anglo interventionists sent to the sky.Let Iron Stars establish a country. (If the military cannot withstand external pressure, it can only compromise, and the establishment of a country is crooked, and the economy, diplomacy, and politics cannot be independent)
After Enma determined the combat action of "partial risk reduction, overall risk reduction", he began to assign tasks so that the participants could clearly know the success or failure of each step and face the next step. Then the cause and effect of this military success or failure will no longer be grasped by a few people. But everyone in the army. (The more connected, the more difficult it is for God to change fate)

Enma stared at Bei Si, while An Jiexin was also waiting for the task,

But Enma stopped An Jiexin from asking for a fight, and said to her: "I have other arrangements on your side! If there is a backlash on the (sky) Imperial Army's side, I still need you to rush Go through the back road."

An Jiexin paused, her commander was really prepared for any accidents on the battlefield.

Bess also took a deep breath, and after realizing that Enma was letting himself take risks, he nodded and said, "If the attack fails, I will take on the post-break mission."

Enma nodded, and then unfolded another map, this map is the attack plan.On this offensive map, Iron Star has a lot of "floating time points".

… Wei Keng did not gamble in his plan, but calculated that the opponent's shortcomings were more than his own, and used various methods to redeem the opponent's shortcomings...

In the Kingdom of Osima, the First Heavy Corps, huge steel chariots are roaring towards the eastern city of Kaidi, and fifteen land cruisers are guarding a four-track heavy steam locomotive in the middle. These super-large mechanical bodies Let's walk through the wilderness of the eastern plains, making the rural birds circle curiously.

Humans have entered the Steam Era for 400 years, and the animals in this world are also accustomed to humans driving such super large land cruiser units.

Of course, in these supercontinental cruisers, the tiny soldiers are not in a good condition. Most of the cockpits of the train are loaded with ammunition and supplies, and the soldiers of the Wind Whisper King are wearing tattered clothes, holding guns, and carrying "quilts". backpack" together.

Over the past few years, the shortage of materials in Osima has not improved after the war, so that the local reserve soldiers used clay pots as military water bottles, the amount of synthetic rubber was not enough, and the soles of the shoes were only waterproof but not nail-proof. Increase the wear resistance of straw mats. At this time, this "elite" central army of Osima is not much better. Nowadays, most military uniforms are patched.

On the Land Cruiser, of course, Oshima's NCOs were still first class, enjoying steak and cider.

Today is the northern Xiaonian, the third watch.

It will be posted tomorrow morning tomorrow.

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