out of cage

Chapter 738 Chapter 17.14 Master of Time Management

Chapter 738 Chapter 17.14 Master of Time Management
On December 12th, in the capital of Fengyu King, in the Crystal Palace, the young king saw that the Anglo envoy who came to visit did not have the previous "gentleman" (arrogant) demeanor, but looked like a very polite butler and servant. It feels weird.

The young king grew up in court education, saw high-class politicians intriguing, and knew that the Anglo side now wanted something from him.

In the main hall, after sending away the Anglo minister, the king left the ministers in power to discuss.

At this time, the powerful ministers of the western industrial and commercial interest group in Osima responded politely to the king's inquiry about the current situation: "Everything is under control now, and we will end this war within half a year."

Of course, the power minister himself understands that the war can be ended within six months, but within six months, Osima will have a high fever, and Anglo will also lose a piece of meat.

The decline of the country is not caused by a treacherous minister or a fatuous ruler, but by the greed of a group of classes.

And the ruler is stupid because he doesn't have the intelligence to game the greed of that class, or he doesn't have the courage to suppress the greed of that class.

…in a fancy office, bureaucrats “drag” on all sorts of troubles. …

All kinds of materials in Osima Kingdom have collapsed.All the veterans in the officialdom know that whoever takes the blame at this time will take over.

The big businessmen in the City of Wind Whispers were very happy to encounter such an opportunity when the economy was weak. This reminded them of the beautiful day two years ago when orders kept coming.

As we all know, during the period of economic explosion, everyone's assets are increasing, and the assets of Xiaomin increase by [-]%, so the assets of the top predators increase several times, dozens of times.When the economy is on the rise and there is a better place to go for the funds, it is natural to invest in expanding reproduction.

But once factory orders stagnate, these economies, which are tens or hundreds of times larger than the total amount of money in Xiaomin's hands, will involve and affect all aspects of supplies without any administrative power to control them.

The entire Osima Kingdom has food, fuel, cloth, coal mines and other important materials.But all acquisition avenues are full of people looking to "make a buck."

However, when the empire was purchasing, the political forces behind these big merchants seemed not to cooperate and wanted to wait a little longer.

In short, the information these businessmen have is more accurate than the intelligence department of the Royal Army.

Based on the internal situation of Iron Star, they judged that the Iron Star Corps (Bass leading the division) near the capital had no plans to attack the capital of Osima, but the purpose was to contain the main force of Osima so that they (Iron Star) ) can concentrate on strategic hedging with Anglo overseas forces.

…Businessmen want to make money at this time, they can immigrate to Anglo, regardless of whether it is a "national calamity"...

Economics, decisions, politics.And then determine the mobilization force of war.

Osima still has a heavy army group of forty units on the Wind Whisper Plain, which can be deployed to the front line at any time, but due to various reasons, it is holding back.

The generals of the Kingdom of Osima may be waiting for the best opportunity for a strategic decisive battle.

Of course, whether it is the heavy army group of Fengyu in the capital of Osima or the static defense group on the southern line, they are all waiting for their own strategic opportunities. (Everyone has their own thoughts, they belong to warlords)
Some of their strategic timing are limited by the difficulty of supplying materials, and some are limited by the fact that the business group behind them has not yet received a sufficient share of the war fortune.

The time dragged on for a full 50 days. On January 20, for Iron Star, this period of strategic timing was finally enough.

1: The cooldown of Enma's "Super Teleportation" is complete, and Wei Keng, the central defender of the etheric realm, can deploy the coordinate portal at any time.

2: The Kaidi City defensive front is ready. Twenty thousand troops are stationed here, and strategic supply troops have been supplemented from the rear.

3: On the defensive position of Fusteel Tower City, Lina, Kadang, and Cruz also completed detours from several directions against the second wave of Anglo intervention forces, and when a new round of war came At that time, a series of winter supplies such as coal and lubricating oil were cut off.

If it is said that the Thunderbolt Alliance is pulling each other's legs back here, and the fusion is completed on the surface, the level of strategic execution here at Iron Star has been upgraded.

After Enma had enough strength, he began to attack Anglo.

On January 1, Iron Star launched a strong attack on Yuzui Port.

At the same time, Anglo's offshore fleet is still engaged in minesweeping warfare.

According to the prediction of the Anglo Navy here, if the Anglo National Army can prevent the Iron Star from continuing to mine, the Navy can get through the supply line in only ten days.

But now the army is very slow in Osima, unable to prevent the Iron Star from entering the coastline Sare at night, which makes the Anglo Royal Navy very embarrassed.

Narrator: The Iron Stars are all planes and airships. At night, they are guided by the bonfires on the ground and carry out mine-spraying operations according to the luminous blue algae in the sea.

The Anglo sea officers had calculated this account in their minds, but they did not account for the entire battle situation.Navy gents don't bother to make schedules based on Army needs

So when Yuzui Port was attacked, the Anglo Navy masters decided to speed up the operation.

But the Anglo Navy grandfathers stubbornly believed that Yuzui Port should withstand the attack for 10 days.

As everyone knows, after the [-] days, Yuzui Port has almost burned due to the fire in the early raid.Osima and the Anglo defenders have become mentally numb under the constant threat of siege without attack and frequent shelling.

As Iron Star fired light and heavy artillery at the same time at night, the land shock troops, carrying explosive ammunition, took light armored vehicles and made a quick assault.

After a day of fighting on the 21st and the early night of the 22nd, at twelve o'clock in the morning, Yuzui Port was captured, and two land battleships (Knight class) stationed at the port.Four Land Cruisers, two Land Frigates.As well as the fifteen warships parked in the port, the entire army was wiped out.

...Enma's name began to shock the entire Wanlun Continent. …

Of course, the Anglos did not let Iron Star seize these equipments, because there is a generally accepted rule on the mainland that it is okay for people to be captured after a defeat.But if the ship is seized, it is an unforgivable crime.

In these land fleets, except that the nuclear fuel was extracted and put aside, the internal bearings and gears were all destroyed, and the concepts in the etheric world were also torn apart.Impossible to fix.

Enma, among the scrap iron, looked at the materials that had been destroyed by the Anglos, and decided to help Yuzui Port by packing up all the industrial facilities and taking away all the industrial facilities. Even the cranes on the wharf were blown up. Turn it into scrap iron, and completely cut off the possibility of the Anglos taking back the port and using it as a springboard to interfere with Iron Star.

Before Enma left, even the rails were pulled out.

...With Iron Star's victory in Yuzui Port, the strategic situation on the entire continent has turned upside down...

Osima King's original plan to slowly drag the Iron Star Corps to death by accumulating supplies suddenly collapsed.

These nobles were also horrified that the Yuzui port was breached so quickly, so they decided to send troops. When Fengyu Wangdu's army realized it, it stopped the "confrontation" against the Bess formation, and instead, under the pressure of international allies, , go north to recover Yuzui Port.

Of course, everyone didn't know that at this time, Iron Star had already achieved its strategic goal and immediately withdrew its troops.

Enma also carried out a strategic teleportation in the ruined and scorched Yuzui port, and flew to the northern part of Iron Star, 250 kilometers away.

And Beth's army moved to the south of Osima, and began the "Iron Star" strategy of encircling the city from the countryside.

…What should be ended should be ended quickly, and what should not be ended should be planned in the long run. …

Enma inscribed a poem in the Governor's Mansion of Yuzui Port, and gave it to General Osima who came over slowly

21 days later, Osima's sixth-level general, Nuss, saw the original work of Enma crawling on the white wall of the Governor's Mansion, "Come and go in a hurry, wish to meet each other, love in a hurry, hate in a hurry, everything goes with the wind"

Nusi's good mood of recovering the lost ground was suddenly destroyed.

And his deputy, General Liuina (hero level 3), is now standing on the top floor of the Governor's Mansion, looking at the broken industrial furnaces around, and murmured: "We will meet again in the future." Ambition, but suddenly shivered for no reason.

...The Iron Star Army led by Enma is "outside first, then inside", just like a chef, after plucking the feathers of a duck, then open it up...

On January 1st, the second wave of Anglo intervention forces in the northern part of the Sky Federation, General Toss did not know that the Yuzui port had been breached.

Therefore, the sudden return of the main iron star corps was completely out of the perspective of this group of Anglo intervention forces.
There are no more than [-] heroes above level [-] in Wan Lun. Enma's level has soared all the way to point out the "big teleportation" skill. Now a large number of military observers have not updated their knowledge.

All parties in the Wanlun Continent are still busy discussing the casualties of the second battle between Iron Star and Osima.I used to think that Iron Star would continue to act in Osima, but I never expected that this powerful army that broke the century-old iron wall would come back after feinting a shot at the capital of the Wind Whisper Plain

...Enma jumps back and forth, seemingly scattered, but always maintains its own industrial and agricultural production areas, and its strategy is not limited to national borders...

On the 23rd, in the north of Iron Star, the Anglo Intervention Army encountered the main force of Iron Star, and a total of 32 land heavy track cruiser units appeared behind the Anglo Intervention Army.

At this time, returning to the inner line to fight, the situation of Iron Star facing the Anglo Intervention Army is very different. Now the Anglo Intervention Army has become a lone army.

General Toth's brain hurts.After the first wave of encounters in the afternoon, the two sides engaged in mutual shelling. After shelling each other for an hour, the two sides separated from each other.

Iron Star's heavily armored group was not preparing for the "first and final battle" against the Anglo Intervention.

Instead, after calculating the available strategic practices, adopt the old method, that is, "take it out for a walk" and then "divide it into several sections" to play.

Enma taught his subordinates by precept and example: When I dealt with a dozen gangsters alone, I ran first, pulled them into several groups, and then went back to clean up one by one.

When Enma was in Osima, the peasant army on the Iron Star Northern Line continued to harass them through military harassment, cut off the logistics line, and continuously compressed the space for the invading army to operate.

However, this strategy is limited by its strength, and it cannot squeeze out the living space of the Anglo Intervention Army. (Narrator: Just like a child cannot wring out a clean towel.)
But now, the main force of Enma has returned, and the twisting force has suddenly increased, and the Anglo group of Toss has suddenly changed from a "swamp" state to a "concrete" state.

Originally, Anglo lacked coal for heat engines and lubricating oil, but they could still reach rivers to fetch water.

Enma brought the heavy army group back now, that is to make them unable to change the steam boiler water, and our own troops have just returned now, the city of Fusion Steel Tower is still in our own hands, and it has not been destroyed, maintaining productivity .Armor module repairs, and parts replacement supplies can be carried out at any time.

In the next few days, the Iron Star Heavy Equipment Group will be consumed through frequent small-scale firing and collisions. This kind of consumption can be replenished by the Iron Star Group at any time.The shell damage of the heavy armor was repaired after returning to the station.

For the Anglo Intervention Army, every "small consumption" is fatal to them.

Enma used a very crude but figurative metaphor to explain to the Iron Star military commanders: arguing and entangled in public with a person who is suffocating urine is more important than fighting directly with fists. There are advantages.

When Enma said this, everyone was having breakfast, and An Jiexin vomited out the pancakes she was eating.

...The "hooligans" in the sky country began to beat up the "gentlemen" from Anglo...

On the 25th, No.15 exchanged fire and collided. General Toss watched the Iron Star troops evacuate again, especially the three "Energy Destroyer" chariots whose shells collapsed and were almost left behind. Time disappeared directly in the Anglo sighting system.

To be precise, it was the last twenty or ten minutes, and the chariot that remained in place was already a phantom like a mirage, and the real energy destroyer had been hidden by optics and circled to the back of the queue.

This is the third skill "Mirage Hide" among Enma's four skills. It can cover three chariots at a time, which can cover the troops for surprise attacks.For example, when Ludis robbed the princess, the flying army raiders approached the princess airship with the help of Wei Keng Guangyin.

Of course, the role now is to help the Iron Star battle-damaged land cruisers retreat.

…"Battle in the Spring and Defend in the Autumn", "Exchanging injuries for lives" is the correct strategy to exchange one's own surplus for the opponent's embarrassing strength...

In the end, in this engagement, with the large-scale projection of smoke bombs, the two sides ended the battle.

When the smoke dissipated, Toss looked at the track ruts that were as deep as the calf on the plain in the distance, extending into the distance like parallel lines. A Land Cruiser.

In this small-scale war, the Iron Star Corps land cruiser was injured, while the Anglo Intervention Army actually lost its tanks.

Toss and his subordinates are very clear about the current account: "In two days, fifteen battles, and six of our units were destroyed. The rest of the land battleships were all wounded, and the accompanying auxiliary combat personnel were reduced by 70.00%, lacking fuel and food. , This is trying to drag us to death."

Toss called the communications department, and the department in charge of telegrams also knew what the general asked, but said in a difficult tone: "My lord, the ministers of the navy let us last another week"

In the not-so-small tank headquarters, there was a deathly silence.Toss laughed, mocking the empire, and also mocking himself: "Drag, drag, drag, multiply the corps, be mobilized by others, and curse others as mudbloods. Really stupid."

…in contrast to the politicians in the Anglo palaces at the rear, the generals at the front knew they were doomed…

General Toss's war skill, "Superheated Fire" (a green light radiates to the opposite side, and the temperature of the machine body hit by the opposite side rises by [-]%. This will lead to an increase in the fatigue of all machines,)
The second skill is "Electromagnetic Repulsion Armor", which has a probability of reducing the hit rate of enemies within a range of 600 meters by 30.00%. This disturbance of electromagnetic repulsion forces Wei Keng to constantly correct it, and he is sure that only large-scale fires can cause real heavy damage. he.

Of course, as a sixth-level hero unit, Toss still maintains a big move,
The original 280mm large-caliber main gun on the car body will shrink, while the 20mm secondary guns on both sides will pop out and start emitting heat-ray warheads that are far more fierce than the main gun shells. Penetration can penetrate a meter thick homogeneous metal armor in [-] seconds.And it can last for six hours.

Toss used this skill twice in this intervention battle.

On the 15th, it caused the biggest crisis in the history of Fusteel Tower City. The changing mechanical body is like a doomsday mech holding two light blades. The 40-meter-long vehicle body was supported by the 30-meter-high battle tower erected, and within six hours, the rays strafed eight defense towers, resulting in the loss of the entire outer position at that time.

Of course, fortunately, the anti-armor trenches on the periphery at that time made the Toss land cruiser move too slowly.

This makes it impossible to expand the results of Toss's "heat ray" firepower.

At the same time, the blasting team hidden in the infantry tunnel on the Iron Star side repeatedly approached and detonated, so that Toss had to return without success.

And in the current war, Enma is always preventing Toss from opening up, and all battles are controlled within two hours.As long as Toss turns big, Iron Star's entire army will quickly leave.

Enma intensively consumed the fighting potential of the Toss Corps by "eating less and eating more".In fact, Toss has no way to amplify his moves now, and his concept field lacks "operating power" (the cd is good and the mana is not enough)

Regarding the third wave of reinforcements sent by the Anglo fleet, Enma also seized the time, and at the last point, he absolutely ate up the Anglo Toth Corps with all his might.

...Of course, Iron Star has also noticed that those internal groups in the Sky Federation have also begun to "hurry"...

The perspective returns to the south, and now the Sky Empire has been reorganized into the Sky Duma.

The regent resigned and the emperor was reduced to king, transferring power to a parliamentary system.

Such a pattern, with no opposition from all parties, seems to have settled down the territory of the Sky Kingdom. Although it was not possible to compromise with the dissidents, it finally allowed the royal family to get out of the conflict.

While the Northern Iron Star was still biting the Anglos.The new ruling group is ready to do some "exciting" things.

Enma commented: "They also seem to know that they cannot be in power for a long time, based on the principle of "use the right to use it, and waste it when it expires."start messing around"

On the 26th, the new Duma collective resolution, to solve the problem of economic stabilization of prices, of course, at the same time to reach a real ceasefire agreement with the outside world.

As to how the reformists of the Duma carried out these two policies,
Ms. Sukona among the reformist politicians: "We will organize a unified purchase price." In the grand parliament, such high-sounding words rang like a bell in the imperial parliament hall and won a lot of applause.

The so-called "purchasing teams" organized in major cities are preparing to organize armed forces and prepare to go to rural areas to forcibly purchase materials. (Among these bourgeois reformists, it is considered that it is not important if there is "a little bit of opinion" in the acquisition of rural and rural areas because their base is the city.)
As for reaching a ceasefire agreement with the outside world, it is naturally the reformers who feel that this is their bargaining chip with Iron Star.From a political standpoint, the reformists even hope that "the Iron Star will fight in the north and get bogged down"

Just when they wanted to use the economic transaction model to suppress Iron Star's achievements.

On the 28th, an unpretentious battle report came from the north, "The second wave of Anglo intervention forces has been killed." Vehicles with jeweled crowns and Anglo royal emblems and armored wreckage were scattered in the northern land. Groups of captives walked into prisoner camp.

At the same time, rows of land cruisers held a victory parade under the molten steel tower city painted in the style of ruins, announcing that the main force in the north of Iron Star was free again.

 Happy New Years in the South.

(End of this chapter)

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