out of cage

Chapter 741 Chapter 17.17 Plane Blockade

Chapter 741 Chapter 17.17 Plane Blockade
In January 3234, Iron Star's 70 troops and six heroes went south with a total of 93 land heavy armor units (Iron Star's definition is more than 260 tons).

The Duma regime of the Sky Empire sent three applications for peace talks to the Northern Iron Star.

At this time, the Duma Council in the Sky Empire has only been established for less than six months, and it is already at the end of its rope.

In terms of military affairs, the reformist Ludis Group in Feather Whale Port in the south and the conservative Royalist Army on the Eastern Front were both besieged by Iron Star's agricultural and rural barriers, and they were besieged in big cities and could not move.

Narrator: The royalists are now taking advantage of the fish, but the general Ludis, appointed by the new Duma forces, is actively breaking through in the face of the iron star's military encirclement.They fought fiercely near Braun City, but were suppressed by An Jiexin and were at a disadvantage.

The lords of the parliament in the imperial capital called to request the former imperial army on the static defense of the western front to intervene in the war.

However, the commander of the corps on the western front is Hughes. He fought against Enma in Swan City a few years ago. He was ridiculed by the newspapers in the imperial capital for the often defeated general. Now he is somewhat emotional and directly rejected their request to join the battlefield. Unprofessional” military requirement.

As for the external intervention forces that the Duma placed high hopes on, they also "lived up to everyone's expectations" and began to withdraw at the last moment.

The Anglian ministers gave full play to the "shit-stirring spirit". Before leaving, they sent business cards to those key political, cultural and influential figures in the Sky Kingdom who usually have a good "personal relationship".Claims to help on a "personal friendship" level.

Subtext: Unofficial contacts, of course, what these key figures in the sky empire want to do in the future will be "unofficial".

Anglo made a deal with Iron Star, withdrew from the southern port of the Sky Empire, and took away the two generals Lance and Toss as well as many captives.Immediately afterward, intelligence troops were dispatched to secretly take away His Majesty the Emperor of the Sky Empire and Princess Xuelisi from the formerly governed area of ​​the Duma government.

In the name of "preventing political persecution", the Prime Minister of Anglo prevented Iron Star's thorough trial of the royal family.

Enma knew that the reason why the imperial family was able to escape was more or less assisted by old military officers like Sugemat.

This "chivalry" is a disgusting "romanticism" that disregards national interests.This is for the Anglos to prepare this card for the future.

On Iron Star's side, after hearing the news, Enma remained silent, and said to Sugemat, the envoy in charge of the handover of the empire: "Tell them, this is their choice, you can let them go today, and let them go tomorrow. See you, no wonder you are ruthless."

Enma's words can be a warning to the imperial family, but also a warning to the Sugemat faction.

Enma's gaze was gloomy.

...two factions with different routes, if there is a precedent of undermining cooperation, then there will inevitably be "cleansing" in the future...

Wei Keng: A fair and healthy political system can tolerate the existence of the "Traditional Party", but the premise is that public order must be observed. You can stand up and publicly oppose it, but you cannot secretly collude with the outside world.Otherwise, you take the "sacredness" and "constructiveness" of your own internal negotiation mechanism as fart.

After Xuelisi left, Enma sent the news to Ludis who was in the encirclement. After the entire encirclement was formed, it was in a state of siege but not attack.

Twelve hours later, Ludis announced that the army had laid down their weapons and accepted the Iron Star arrangement.

Since the two sides did not exchange fire, Enma relatively judged Ludis's army as an "insurrection".

And arranged for Willie to hand over.

Enma explained to Willy: "Facing the fusion of a large number of old imperial troops in Iron Star at this time, Ludis' so-called old rebel forces must be won. Politically, we can't let them bear eternal doom. Tell him , if he can stand up again, we can discuss everything."

Narrator: When the officers and forces of the old empire on the Iron Star Eastern Front quietly released the royal family of the Sky Empire, they touched Enma's bottom line.

Ironstar's Judgment doesn't necessarily end with the execution of Imperial royalty.But Enma does not allow the old army forces to disrespect the "judgment".

Of course, in Enma's plan, until the last step, he will not mobilize his own organization to carry out "cleaning",
In Wei Keng's perception, when his organization shifts its focus from "constructive" work to attacking opponents, especially when the "just target" of this attack is not clear, it is very easy to degrade one's own organization.

Wei Keng's confession is like this: I am the one who is low-quality, and I am personally vengeful, but the organization I work in must be aboveboard.After I get the public weapon, I can't let it be stained with blood.

Therefore, Enma's preparation is support. Some people in the reformist faction, as the allies of Iron Star, will do everything possible in the field of culture and ideology to completely attack those "feudal factions".So Ludis is a very important bridge.

Wei Keng: When the main opponent exists, then we must unite to unite our strength.

However, Enma hoped to meet Ludis, an old comrade-in-arms, but it turned out to be counterproductive!
...In the multiple planes, fate is quietly playing with some mortals, changing the ending...

On January 1, after Willie arrived at the army overnight in an armored vehicle, he accepted the handover of all soldiers in the army on his front foot, but he did not see Ludis on his back foot.

In the early days, Willie was a little uncomfortable with Ludis: "What is the air now?"

Willie witnessed the process of the Swan City uprising with his own eyes. Although Ludis was the leader at the time, Enma surpassed him in talent from the very beginning. Afterwards, Ludis fell to the south, and the uprising in the north, It is also Enma who leads the way to victory,
Under the disadvantaged situation, Enma successively killed the main force of the empire to encircle and suppress twice.And wiped out the Anglo Corps twice, and penetrated the Oli confrontation line of defense, so far it has been regarded as Megatron in the world.

Willie's current feeling towards Ludis is: "What can you be arrogant about?"

However, five hours later, after Willi looked at the automatic mechanical cabin on the Ludis chariot and the central command crystal, he fell silent.

Ludis left his own concept field before "walking", which was condensed in the machinery of the land cruiser where he was located.

As for the reason why Ludis left, maybe it was because of hurt feelings, or maybe he had no face to see the old comrades who had rebelled.

…the fatal flaw of a proud man is pride. …

Willie walked over, entered the land cruiser, and gradually understood Ludis' feelings in the pervasive spiritual field.

In the same great uprising, Ludis was better than Enma in all aspects in the early stage. He was born in an aristocratic family in the imperial capital. He had the potential to be a hero, but he chose to devote himself to the cause of a violent uprising against the old guard of the empire.

As for Enma, who was born in a rural area, he doesn't use paper to blow his nose, the kind that wipes the wall directly.When sitting, he is idle and flustered without stepping on anything. He has no aristocratic upbringing at all.

Before the great uprising in Swan City, a series of uprisings were led by Ludis. In this successful uprising in Swan City, Enma also joined in later.

Lu Disi mourned: "But why, it is that he is strong, and I am not as good as him in the end?"

The remnants have been lingering for several years, and until today, after being walloped by the tens of thousands of Iron Star troops, Ludis's remnants have been broken.

Willie sighed. In the same era as Enma, it was cruel for Ludis, who was also a genius!

But Willie had to say that Ludis was not wronged in losing, because he put aside his background.Whether it is talent or heart, Enma has won.

At the end, Enma was still thinking about Ludis, leaving a way, and Ludis couldn't bear to be relieved.

In other words, if it wasn't for Willy, one of his former subordinates, who came this time.

Instead, Enma personally stepped forward to give Ludis a step down, and the ending of Ludis may have changed.

...some beautiful flowers that can't stand the frost...

But this can't be blamed on Enma, Enma was also busy when Willie was accepting Ludis' troops.

The Sky Empire Duma Group is finally counting on the power to save the field, one is the Anglo, and the other is the Imperial Western Front Corps.The Imperial Western Front Corps rejected the Duma regime in the form of public telegrams. This is a very correct political response.

This kind of response is the same as your girlfriend's response to "Appointment or not" in WeChat, and you must reply in seconds.

As the last heavy military group in the empire, if it is not handled properly, it will bring huge losses to Iron Star.And towards the end of the battle, Enma is always vigilant against any accident that can overturn the result of victory.

So when Willy went to see Ludis, Enma himself discussed with Lilott, who represented the old imperial army, how to reorganize the old imperial army under the Iron Star system.

Regarding the ranks of generals of these heroic units, it cannot be abolished at all.Because they are integrated with the concept field in the entire industrial furnace, even the current land cruiser equipment cannot be dismantled, and these heavy equipment units belong to the national unit.To reorganize the troops is to reduce the ordinary troops at the front,
This is the inertia in the arcane world.After reaching a series of agreements with them on military mobilization, resource allocation, and training command, Enma let out a heavy sigh of relief.

...The most inconspicuous conspiracy is the scariest, because the "existence" that planned all this hides itself very deeply...

After five hours of negotiations, Enma walked out of the City Talks Building, breathed fresh air on the balcony of the promenade, and was about to do a set of stretching exercises when he suddenly felt dizzy.

Enma: 'Huh?Hypoglycemia after prolonged sitting?No, my body is very healthy. '

At this time, An Jiexin hurried over, came to Wei Keng, handed Enma a document submitted by Willy, and then whispered the news close to Wei Keng's ear.

After Enma heard the content, he slapped his palm on the railing suddenly, and finally held on suddenly.And then a quick flip through the Wiley report,
At this moment, An Jiexin saw the gloomy and terrifying look on Enma's face.In the past, no matter what kind of enemies and setbacks, she didn't see Enma like this, and then she heard Enma's voice gnashing her teeth: "This coward!"

An Jiexin stood aside silently. She learned about Enma's various plans for Ludis five days ago. Enma gave Ludis a heavy responsibility in the new power structure.However, this guy died just like that.

For Enma, Ludis' death was definitely related to the gods.His death was far worse than the loss of 20 troops on the frontal battlefield.

It's okay for Ludis to make mistakes. Even if he is making mistakes, he is much better than the "Prussianized" generals of the imperial military family for generations.If there is a problem in the upper-level power structure, then there will be a problem with the future direction of Iron Star.

Under the current situation, Wei Keng was sure that the status of "Enma" could never be higher.It is necessary to pull out capable people from other factions and act as "wolves" to urge work in the factions of the Nongqing Army.

None of the traditional military factions of the empire are qualified to be this wolf, and only Ludis can.

Enma was depressed: "How can this guy die? I f**king turned the other side's five kills, and the tower was pushed. Finally, it's time to divide the results. Are you so bored that I'm disconnected?"

...The mentality of "middle man" cannot realize that "the heights are too cold"...

In the high-dimensional area, Bai Linglu is investigating, and at the same time, he does not forget to bury Wei Keng: "You can not fight or grab, and you can be content with the attitude of the middleman, ha ha, but generally geniuses have temperament, your posture, Not to mention others, even the gods next door will be pissed off by you."

What Bai Linglu said was the truth.Many industrial gods are now also terrified by Wei Keng's ability to stabilize the concept of industry and his attitude of not taking the industrial godhead seriously.

Soon, Bai Linglu found out, frowned, and responded to Wei Keng

Bai Linglu: "That's right, the gods have intervened, but their original plan was not like this."

(Wan Lun Continental) Wei Keng: "What was the original plan?"

Bai Linglu: "The original plan of the gods was to let him live and continue to compete with you with jealousy, and finally give you a surprise (backstab)."

Wei Keng paused: "Have they found a better way now?"

Bai Linglu: "No, their original plan should be that they encountered some uncontrollable variables, so let Ludis' fate end, to suppress this variable, and so on—"

A few seconds later, Bai Linglu counted Wei Keng's situation on all planes, and found that the fate around Wei Keng had been adjusted. These adjustments were made by the gods.

Bai Linglu was puzzled: But so many gods have made unified adjustments, what is the reason for this, are they all variables?
However, before Bai Linglu could continue to think, suddenly, her surveillance space judgment system issued a warning.At this time, a notice was sent from the main world to "officially freeze the storage of information", and at the same time, the connection between her and Wei Keng was cut off.

Bai Linglu said coldly: "Why freeze?!"

Michaelena appeared on the interface: "Because we have passed the multiverse plane information blockade policy, within fifty earth years, the multidimensional plane will block all information interference and links to the outside world. If you still want to return, You can leave."

Bai Linglu took a deep breath and said sarcastically, "Great hand, do you want autonomy!"

…Ever since Bai Linglu was forcibly sued by Wei Keng and sent out of the "Plane of Mind" to leave the plane, now that he entered the multidimensional plane this time, Bai Linglu has been prevented and forcibly stripped. …

Michaelena's side has blocked the entire territory of the external transmission channel, which is to block all the current consciousness in multiple planes in this war zone.

Then Bai Linglu found a new set of data. The Mediterranean faction suddenly sent a large force to the multidimensional plane, and gathered a large number of consciousnesses that reached the Qing level in the multiverse. "Mechanical" concept new god plane.

How much is the specific total?Bai Linglu made a budget, which is about one-third of what can be mobilized under the entire Mediterranean civilization system.

In other words, they have mobilized at least one-third of the high-end traversers to enter this plane before the multiverse plane is now blocked.

...Fate is now impacting on the "torrent", mobilizing a large amount of "earth and rock" to contain it...

Michael Lena is now using power to overwhelm people.

Michaelena: "Aren't you leaving? I didn't leave a place for you here (divine position)."

Bai Linglu smiled, and then told all team members to disband and evacuate, but she opened the interface and chose to stick to it!

Michaelena frowned: "Do you want to fall?"

Bai Linglu: "Do you think he will take the godhead you gave him?"

Michaelena frowned: "I have a way to get him to admit the result, so I won't bother you."

In the situation observed by Michael Lena, Wei Keng's fate suddenly appeared a lot of variables.Originally, Wei Keng was rebellious about the arrangement of fate.But it seems that just now (the time when Bai Linglu left) the future observability of all "Hankeng planes" dropped sharply.

Because Michael Lena didn't know the situation of Haotu (the new organization of the river system culture traversers), he tacitly believed that these changes in fate were signs of Haotu's participation in the war, so now Michael Lena did not hesitate to showdown and forced Bai Linglu to leave , in order to avoid the start of the Fourth Plane War.

Bai Linglu: "I won't leave. It has been more than 400 earth years. He and I have always kept the pastoral era contract. Although I don't abide by some rules, as a supervisor now, when we encounter high-risk positions, When facing a plane, or even a man-made high-risk plane, we must advance and retreat together."

Michaelena: "Bai Linglu, for Bai Hengqian's sake, I've already given you a way out."

Bai Linglu: "Solemnly warn you, Michaelena, you are challenging the most fundamental principle since time travel!"

Many of Wei Keng and Bai Linglu's previous generation of traversers stick to their principles, so that Wei Keng's parents got lost together in the plane shuttle, but to a certain extent, Bai Hengqian did not do it. When she was in danger many times in the plane, she It is "prioritizing task information".

Michaelena stared at Bai Linglu: "Then, you just look at your choice."

...Yan Beixiang, who was on the side, quietly withdrew from the space scene...

Turning the perspective back to the plane, Wei Keng suddenly felt that his team of supervisors had cut off contact, and even Bai Linglu had no voice.

Wei Keng immediately came to the system: "System, where is my team?"

System: "Sorry, this plane has entered a locked state, and your monitoring team is temporarily unable to dial."

"Duddu, you have no right to inquire!"

Wei Keng: "The supervisor is gone, I have the highest authority!"

System: "Your supervisor is in confinement, and you cannot obtain her authority yet."

Wei Keng has already opened the monitoring platform: this process is like breaking into the dressing room. If he didn't come in in the past, it was because there were people here, but it doesn't mean that Wei Keng couldn't break into it.

After seeing more than half of the monitoring platform missing and Bai Linglu's message, Wei Keng understood everything and looked at the space that was half missing.

In the space where Wei Keng's perspective was reduced by half, Bai Linglu looked at Wei Keng who broke into the space. (The two are in the same space, Wei Keng can no longer see Bai Linglu)

Wei Keng, who was walking around in her supervisor's space, took a deep breath. Both of them knew the location of each other, but they couldn't speak at this time.

...The rules of the multiple planes have begun to infiltrate the space of independent monitors in the main world, and the maintenance of the space requires additional information...

In the monitoring space, Wei Keng looked at the recorded data on the screen, and slowly said: "The fourth plane war? Oh, what a threat, what a fierce moral oppression."

Wei Keng's axis is that the more pressure he gets, the stronger he becomes.

Wei Keng leisurely promised in the space: "It has been 400 years. If I say that I am still a teenager, it would be too "not to grow up", so now it is time to discuss "big right and wrong".

If I promise to pat my chest and promise "it can be done", it is not objective, but if I confirm the "right thing", then I will do everything I can. "

 Remember the time when Bai Linglu temporarily left the stage, this means that she doesn't know the situation in the subsequent planes

(End of this chapter)

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