out of cage

Chapter 757 Chapter 17.29 The method of breaking through the temple

Chapter 757 Chapter 17.29 The method of breaking through the temple

For Wanlun Continent, the arrival of the next era will also be in this hundred years, and the war will usher in major changes.

What is this change?Since the technology of multidimensional planes is too dark, Wei Keng is not clear about it.

In the Osima rebel army, Wei Keng's split body (named Chuan Ren) was looking at the "concept" of the magnificent land cruiser, thinking leisurely, while in the rebel army, the team led by himself carried Chip, calculating the "concept" of the land cruiser in the etheric world.

Surrounding the raging Osima land cruiser, there are a large number of burning village houses. Osima's warlords are conducting a brutal sweep. This kind of destruction and burning is to exclude "possibility".

Wei Keng: "According to the consensus of intelligent civilization, any creation created by human beings is created by "possibility". When the created creation is oppressed as a shackle, human beings with "possibility" can also destroy these shackles, and in the In terms of thinking difficulty, "destruction" is always less than "creation".

So when a small number of people in the history of human civilization inherit the past creations and try to suppress the present possibility, there is definitely a way to resist success in theory.

As a "shovel dancer", how to gather the "possibility" rejected by the upper reactionary group, and issue a deterrent to destroy the superstructure.It is a problem that resisters in the civilized system must do.

certainly!If there is no axis, this topic will be delayed again and again.

"But someone like me is here, I must do this question!"

The non-commissioned officer responsible for living with Stark is one of Wei Keng's splits. Wei Keng looked at him and said, "The core is that giving milk and bread is an attitude of charity, or the principle of being willing to be fair together."

Today's sword, eager to cut through the defense of the strong with the possibility, was first forged before the strong had a stronger advantage.

…The age of the Iron Temple is coming to an end, the old mechanical faith, scattered parts in the explosion...

In the entire strike system, the photoelectric sensing equipment and computing system are completed through the collaboration of [-] departments in the Iron Star industrial system.

The person responsible for the observation data item of the missile force may be a sweaty, patched, dark guy.

Groups of white soldiers have already raised their hands, put down their weapons and entered the reform camp,

When the final counterattack of the Osima suppressing army ended, the red flags that rushed forward had already rushed towards us.

When the first wave of six "bolt" missiles killed the Stark lineup with one blow and the two land cruisers ahead, the suppressing troops of the Kingdom of Osima were obviously at a loss. It's just seconds.

Because the rebel army lacks large vehicles, under the current mobility, there is very little chance for large-caliber firepower to fire a second shot.

And Wei Keng was also the one who swept the shuttle from the Osima people facing him.

The rebel army is weak and lacks in resources. If they want to defeat the enemy's superior system, they should spend resources effectively.

…In the missile vehicle of the rebel army, Wei Yun stared at the screen, with a spicy stick inserted into the tube…

...As long as there is a sense of "class" and attempts to be "hereditary", then the battle against oppression and oppression is eternal...

On the battlefield, he caught every bit of vulnerability code in the conceptual field of the so-called indestructible "Steel Temple".A crit was carried out.

When Wei Keng said these words, he felt a little helpless, making the people who are accustomed to inequality in this pluralistic world be the traversers of his main world.


Ever since, Stark immediately ordered the machine guns on the three warships to fire. These guns had a caliber of only 88mm, but the rate of fire was two rounds in three seconds, and the firepower quickly hit the positions where the rebels fired rockets.

For the rebels, the heavy oppression of the super land cruiser collapsed before their eyes, and this group of white dogs who swept away the agricultural areas were not qualified to be arrogant.

At this time in the ether world, the victor's mental field is as strong as the waves of the sea.

Food, clothing, and use are not worth mentioning, but they are doing things that make the gentlemen of Fengyu Capital uneasy eating on silver plates and sleeping on velvet beds.

Bunches of mortar shells exploded directly in mid-air, and the scattered smoke was comparable to blooming epiphyllum.

...In the age of chips, guided weapons can enter the house through windows...

Here in the Kingdom of Osima, when Stark was worrying about slipping into the mud puddle on the land cruiser's tracks, he suddenly felt another glaring straight light in the sky. This light cut through the periphery of his army like a scalpel. The concept of cruiser armor,

Osima, Anglo land cruisers of the regular army counterattacked very quickly, which is why the rebel army used rocket launchers, mortars and other supporting firepower instead of larger and heavier artillery.

Auxiliary techniques, whether it is the observation and aiming at the front facing the artillery fire, or the soldiers on the aerial observation plane, calibrating the ballistic silicon-based yaw, the ability requirements of each of these tasks have reached the "level 12" standard spirit The level of strength, this mental scale, is placed on the earth, similar to the degree of tension and brain use of college students when they take civil service exams.

As the core of this bandit-suppressing army, Stark turned his Land Cruiser's mechanical difference computer to the maximum, and fired fan-shaped radar surfaces in the command room.

Although at this time Stark knew the landing points of all ballistic points through the prediction technique.But everything was too fast, and it was completed within a few seconds. I watched the missile turn into a high-speed line of fire in the sky, and directly penetrated the Land Cruiser.

The charging speed is fast enough, and the artillery used for cover is more efficient.Although Stark still tried to organize the troops to resist, the fire of the counterattack always flickered sporadically, and then he was bombarded by several mortar shells and returned to silence.

The concept of "penetration" carried by these missiles was continuously improved according to the various requirements sent back by the frontline insurgents. During the experiment, hundreds of senior technicians and three to four thousand frontier engineering soldiers worked hard and concluded that they were formed in the ether world. middle"

He has been an important prisoner for more than half a year. With the transfer of Iron Star's main force, he looked at the potatoes in the hands of the rebels and the extra meal of roast rat meat every week, and he had some dry self-doubt. Said: "That's how the army defeated us?"

Including Wei Keng who raised the flag during the charge.

...where there is a window, there is a vulnerability...

When the observation coefficient of the rebel army was completed, six missiles took off from the vehicle modified by the steam train outside the ambush circle.

Wei Keng said: "Perhaps the people above are very wronged. Why did they rule stably before, but now some people suddenly resist them. Because, this Wanlun Continent has been used to inequality since ancient times."

Six minutes later, a second 6-meter beam of light formed from the sky, piercing through the armor structure, and the missile followed.

"Energy coefficient, belongs to the electromagnetic k343 model, the peak interval is 0.3354 microseconds"

Twenty kilometers away, the technical department of the rebel army completed large-scale calculations based on the reflection from the sky by enhancing "information hacking", in the rear field troops and missile troops.

Stark was silent about it.The frequency of dusting the fingers holding the cigarette has stagnated

The Osima regular army looked at their destroyed Land Cruiser, and a new era seemed to have arrived.

Because at this time in the sky, the glowing light balls (battlefield sighting system) have begun to focus the light beams on them.As the information is focused, a large amount of conceptual information in their tanks is being uploaded to the opponent's database.

Fortunately, the rebel army had built a perfect tunnel system on the position of the rebel army. The strafing of all the artillery of Osima allowed the rebel army to reduce most of the damage by crouching in the pit with their heads in their hands.

Most of the components of these missiles emitting white smoke for long-range strikes, such as control rudders, mechanical gyroscopes, and rocket propellant shells, are extremely high-precision products, which come from the technical output of Sky Iron Star.

Under the light of the halo, the thick steel shell clearly presents the internal structure like "transparent emerald and amber illuminated by a flashlight".

The concept field, in many cases, is a kind of positive blessing, allowing a small number of individual consciousnesses to have a strong ability to interfere with the world, allowing the masters of their knowledge to maintain a transcendent identity,
It's just that these heroes who sit firmly in the "metal mobile fortress" ignore that any dynamic and precise structure is unstable.In ancient times, the mythical crossbow could penetrate the city wall with one blow and kill the lord behind the city wall.The same concept field, the same attack.

Stark and other warlords will go to the more closely guarded "Fubaosen" reform academy for re-education.As the knives of the past rulers, Wei Keng did not intend to destroy them, but let them stand in the position of the rebel army to face the blade of the empire.

Six and 10 minutes later, in front of the charred wreckage of the huge Land Cruiser.

"Intermediate steel shell coefficient 34.33% crystal crack distribution map, has been input"

The rest of the land cruisers under Skater's command were looking for enemies in the distance with the barrels of the "Imperial Fury" that were originally tilted towards the rebel army.

Wei Keng, who has completed [-] individuals in this plane, has completely dispersed individuals with different living conditions, but all thinking about "how to fight against oppression".If the fate line controlled by the gods is a net,

…In the Osima Southern Agricultural Iron Regime, Wei Yun, who led the uprising, began to release his skills. …

Of course, due to the constraints of high-energy tunneling in this world, the rocket engine will be melted by the fire element in more than ten seconds. The range of the rocket is around three kilometers. This distance is also the distance that Osima's land cruiser artillery can bomb the rebels. distance.

The sabotage operation against the Temple of Industry (Land Cruiser) begins.

…Large combat platforms will not become obsolete, but sacrificing speed and reflexes and wearing heavy armor will definitely become obsolete. …

In August 3245, in Luming Town, a battle that was small in scale but enough to make the gods of the Wanlun Continent feel that their fate had been broken began.

Stark looked at the insurgents who suddenly attacked around him, and felt proud when they were suppressed by the righteous artillery fire of the empire.The hero unit couldn't help but be complacent: "The mud legs don't know much."

Following the fan-shaped smooth surface, the shooting once a second quickly swept to the second wave of approaching rocket warheads. The speed of this warhead was a few yuan. Stark came to the observation window and peeked at the sky through the small metal window. His gaze Separation panic.

However, at this time, he suddenly felt a "gap" in the conceptual field of his armor structure, and the gears and bearings began to vibrate, as if a human being was hit by the cold air of a sword, and his bones were trembling.

In ancient times, the truth of arcane art, if you want to dissect it, you must first see it, and this truth is still certain up to now.

Seeing the sound approaching, Stark seemed to feel the pressure of the flame wave, making him lean back involuntarily.

...Wei Keng came to this plane to prepare for "tired work", just for the sake of civilization, not to help those who claim to be civilized...

There is Wei Keng in the forward fire detection.

When nearly [-] people unify such intense and serious mental work, this could not be done in the past.But now, as the oppressed side, the rebel army has assembled a manpower of this size.

At this time, Stark, the defeated general, was already a "science tutor" in the Southern Agricultural School, responsible for telling the children about scientific experiences, and writing "cosmic science" textbooks that workers could understand with a telescope.

These Stark's Southern Kingdom Army can look at this hemispherical three-dimensional light field centered on their own side,

"The first layer of defense is deciphered, and the concept of loopholes is penetrated"

…Wei Keng: When your “luck” is badly arranged by some existence, you might as well stand up, stand together, and break through the shady scene…

This flag is to allow rear observers to determine the location of the attack wave. Once the red flag stops, it means that it has been suppressed by enemy machine gun fire, and it must be covered by firepower. Of course, the person holding the flag needs supreme courage.

The falling rain of warheads hit from all directions, suppressing the Osima servants who were relying on the Land Cruiser around them, and the fragmented shrapnel hit the soldiers in the uniforms of the Imperial Army with submachine guns, and blood sprayed on their bodies. , had to crawl in the mud pit, crawled and ran to the back of his steam chariot between firepower, or looked for the low-lying place of the ditch.

The six projectiles hit the same place, directly piercing through the steel shell, as smoothly as if piercing a layer of membrane.slid in.

…During this great uprising, there were many, many Wei Keng who joined the uprising army…

Eight o'clock in the morning on August 8th.Stark, the southern warlord of Osima, the second-level heroic commander, took three Land Cruisers across the river and was surrounded by the rebels. One after another, 4mm rockets bombarded the Land Cruisers.

Then hundreds of meters behind, there was a motorized army, setting off smoke and dust. ——In this assault process, no infantryman assaulted with his feet.A single-cylinder powered walking tractor became the main means of transportation and combat weapon of the rebel army.

And it was these guys who jumped out of the encirclement repeatedly during the military oppression of the kingdom's troops, and then planned a counterattack.

The explosion broke out in the land cruiser, and the entire hull of the cruiser was split open like orange petals. The final concept field of this land cruiser was used to protect Stark and key mechanics. Some of them were killed by explosives. He fainted directly, and then was awakened by the burning pain.And some people sleep forever in steel coffins.

When in use, it is the rebel side, and a large number of auxiliary techniques are used to activate it.A total of 680 people participated in the actual combat.

Wei Keng, who has verified the sky breaking mode of clusters in Pandora World, wants to tear this network apart.

On the missile vehicle of the Osima Rebel Army, the "information hacking" of the target city's fortresses by high-altitude drones has reached 70.00%, just like hackers breaking into the firewall in ancient times.

…Faith need not be held up in a golden chalice, it can sprout in the soil. …

Stark saw the personnel responsible for combat weapon systems, artillery, steam chariots, and air radar network systems in the rebel army.He couldn't tell who was the officer without mentioning it.

At this time, around the position, as clusters of guided rockets launched into the air in all directions, within eight minutes, 67 halos spread in the air, and the centers of these halos were connected to the ether world.

half year later.The southern rebels joined forces and established the Austrian Railway Union. (Under some unpredictable interference, a central leadership was not formed.) It began to have the capital to fight against the Osima Fengyu regime in the north.

At the forefront, a school officer under Stark's command faced the waves of the Austrian Army's charge in front of him. Standing at the observation door of the Land Cruiser, he raised his gun and wanted to shoot these "successful" mudbloods , but before he could speak with the officer's pistol with gold pattern, the peasant army rushing to the front found him, a shuttle of light machine gun bullets hit his side, the bullet smashed the window glass of the observation door, shattered The broken glass shards scratched the back of his neck, turning his "courage" into heat and flowing down between his legs

The light is then transmitted through the armored steel shell
Half an hour later, when the three land cruisers were all pulled out, the loud charge sounded from the surrounding positions.

Just when Stark felt stunned, a high-speed meteor fell from the sky, and six missiles went straight through the straight line of analysis. The originally thick steel shell and the machinery that could still be barely repaired in the concept field were like the belly of a wild boar. The howling struggle after being penetrated by the spear.

...The flames in the Kingdom of Osima ignited faster than the Sky Empire back then. …

In this battle, there was Wei Keng on the production line of the sighting equipment,
The missile launch has Wei Keng.

Stark couldn't help asking, a non-commissioned officer of the missile force: "If one day, I mean, if the people of Wind Whisper City promise to give you milk, bread, and a stable life, will you still rebel?"

In this battle, the red mages in the rebel army completed the task perfectly!

The shiny leather boots of the Osima Kingdom Army wanted to stand firm, but they couldn't help but were ready to turn around at any time.

The soul of a mortal is the "skin dander" of the divinity of the gods.Right now, Stark is what those "gods" (travelers) look like after they are freed from divine powers.Now everyone is content with being ordinary. In teaching and industrial positions, the "plain" Wei Keng split is also divorced from the true colors of "God knows and can be".

The different world is like a petri dish, and the first batch of traversers is like a strain of bacteria. A few strains are sprinkled on the petri dish, forming colonies one by one.Oh, and the gods on high.They established their personalities and worldviews into the so-called order of "colonies"

As everyone knows, these "orders" cannot withstand the test of civilization development just as bacteria colonies cannot withstand the test of real nature.

Master Wei understands that in the nutrient-rich "multiple planes", he is a powerful miscellaneous bacteria.Now the other forces in those petri dishes, very much want to clear themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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