out of cage

Chapter 761 Chapter 17.33 The Jump of a Genius

Chapter 761 Chapter 17.33 The Jump of a Genius

In 3246, the Anglo Navy intervened in Osima under the name of "maintaining peace", and once again occupied the Yuzui port

The gang of men who had completely suppressed the Valerian navy at sea had nothing to do, and began to go deep into the eastern part of the Bohai Sea, arrogantly reaching the Iron Star in the sky.

As an "intervention type" navy, it is to cause trouble for others.

The Anglo navy general with the mentality of "invincible under heaven" laid battleship formations across this sea area and interfered with the fishery here.

These huge ship cannons painted with red and blue 'V' flags faced the North Sea farming fishing boats of only three or four hundred tons of iron stars, and used formation bombardment, and then sent airships to chase them forward to make up for the damage.

The average water depth in the Bohai region is only about 50 meters. Compared with other sea areas, the battleship formation does not need to worry about underwater death.

The biggest opponent of the Anglo Navy in recent years is the submarine formation developed by Vail.

The North Sea area is not suitable for large-scale submarine operations. If you want to completely hide the underwater traces of a submarine, you need to be at least 50 meters below it to avoid being spotted by seaplanes.

Although Anglo intervened in the waters controlled by Ver, although he was arrogant, he was always paying attention to the vast sea.

At this time in the captain's room, due to the constant tremors of some cabins, the water in the wine glasses on the conference table swayed and rippled.

Ever since, I submitted my application to join the flying team.But, after all, he is only 12 years old. He should be at the age of going to school. When he walks on the road, he is always watched by his guardian for fear of being hit by a car.

In this way of thinking, the sea is already a dark forest, and the Vail submarine does not accept the surrender of merchant ships, and there are not enough manpower to control the entire ship.Adopt a find-to-destroy attitude.

Three days after the sea friction, Iron Star, Bohai area, No. 334 air force base, returned with the fighter plane.

...the "concept hole" in the etheric field is shown as a weak point in the vertical of the turret deck, and that's a very small hole...

These missile boats are approaching the shore under the guidance of the meter wave radar.

Ou's navy was immediately dragged back to the Yellow River just like the Silla navy.

Wei Keng commented: Generally speaking, dogs are used to test. For example, in modern times, the US emperor would ask Japan to test the coastal defense response mechanism of eastern land countries on the "island issue".In the Mediterranean, use Iseria, Turkey, to replace yourself.To reduce the risk factor of major powers going off fire.

When Sudan wants to reconstruct "boating on dry land" and the splendor of iron hooves on land, small missile boats and cheap drone groups, it is bound to rise.

Lina recruited him out of the ordinary, and quickly gave him resources. Of course, within half a month, he also traveled all over the base, just when everyone thought he was just playing, he gave out multiple sets of mathematical algorithms The formula points out the possibility of adjusting the band of the machine, which improves the search efficiency of the radar by about [-]%.

...In this emerging era, there are many opportunities for ordinary people in the fair space, and some guys who are far beyond the middle class will stand out...

The Anglos responded: "We are the Anglo Fleet, performing missions in the Bohai region. Any hostile behavior is a declaration of war against us."

Looking back at the present, Iron Star's maritime strategy is very clear. First protect the offshore area, wait until the industry has developed to a certain level, and overseas interests continue to expand, and then start to develop offshore.

After all, it has something to do with Wei Keng's arrival!When the gods determined that the suppression system of the old era could no longer control the new forces, they began to actively control the new trends. As long as the geniuses of the new trends stood on the side of the gods' beliefs, they were still "solitary" as the originators of the fusion.

In reality, the missile boat has already approached, and the enemy warship is [-] kilometers away, and it can project heavy rockets.Clusters of smoke shot up from the back of the missile boat, and a "wind element" shield was deployed in front of each missile to prevent the wind from tunneling and eroding the internal components of the fairing.

Inside the airship, an order was transmitted: "The enemy is attacking us, the pressure in the left air chamber has weakened, and we request the release of the repair agent."

1: The national power of the Osima people at this time is not qualified to put forward conditions

"Mathematics ultimately has to be applied to achieve results." Zhengnian also really wants to see the results of his calculations in reality "to gain time for combat and complete accurate determination".

Lina, the technical officer in charge here, watched and drank coffee, and listened to the assistants reporting that the Anglo Navy hurried north after being bombed by missiles, and finally entered the iceberg-prone sea area, and hit the iceberg on the way.

The Iron Star frontier base immediately entered a combat state.

"Warning, you have entered our airspace, please lower your altitude, otherwise we will judge you as hostile."

...Offshore defense technology is a strategic technology, but the sea areas of major countries are often open, which is not enough to meet all needs, so it belongs to "the first of the three steamed buns that are needed to eat enough"...

Adjutant: "Find someone to beat him." Lina waved her hand and said, "Well, someone will come and beat him."

Now Iron Star's fishing boat in Bohai is also being targeted by the Anglos in a "gentleman" drill.

On the northern coastline, facing the Bohai region, a red alert was transmitted through the communication network for uninvited guests who suddenly broke in.

…The vigorously growing seedlings always spare no effort to tend to the light and fertilization. …

At this time, on the air force base, on the high electromagnetic tower, a child of twelve or thirteen years old was riding on the railing with a schoolbag on his back, holding two magnifying glasses stacked together in both hands to form a telescope, looking at the plane in the distance.

Other children are still at this age and are still following suit. After class, they start to "play the piano" and "practice etiquette" to cultivate their sentiments.Zhengnian began to think about how to explain the "truth"
This kind of talent who uses mathematics as a sharp edge to analyze reality in the ether world is quite rare.

Because of his excellent mathematical talent.Relying on electromagnetic hobbies around the airport half a year ago, I immediately listed mathematical formulas for frequency band information.Wrote a high-quality paper to deconstruct some problems in the information utilization of Iron Star's current frequency band.

Yun Li, who was only 11 years old in the sky, looked at clusters of guided weapons firing rapidly, and whispered: "The times have changed."

On the surface of the sea, the huge battleship and the seabed kissed, and the Anglo Admirals sat in the lifeboat, and after floating on the sea for fifteen hours, they became prisoners together.

Looking back at the year 3244 of the Fire Emblem calendar, General Anglo specially transformed a "merchant ship that looks good as a captive". This merchant ship quickly surrendered when encountering a submarine on the high seas, but was waiting for the opponent's submarine to surface, approach, and prepare to take over During the merchant ship, the Anglo officer in the merchant ship launched a rapid-fire gun and destroyed the chivalrous Vail submarine.

So this guy wants to join the Air Force and become a "Sky Knight".

Then an interference technique was emitted from the Anglo airship, and the hovering drone fell into the sea.

Therefore, the Iron Star air-to-air missile is a smaller penetrating warhead.The bombing power relies on the proximity fuse, using shrapnel to kill.

...The Iron Star gang who advocated "peaceful construction" were ignorant of the sudden flaunting of Anglo sea power. …

In the sky, Iron Star first sent a voice-transmission drone, hovering in the airspace and broadcasting a warning.

At this time, an adjutant quietly walked over and said, "That guy is here again."

...It's just that God has quietly transferred part of his preference for the old empire at this time. …

(Narrator: The main airbag of this kind of airship is made of safe helium. Even if the spare airbag is filled with hydrogen, it only accounts for 30.00% of the airbag of the airship, and all of them are separated by helium airbags, which are non-flammable.)
Immediately afterwards, six more missiles arrived, causing the airship to suffer heavy damage again. The airship quickly discarded a large amount of payload and rose into the high-altitude clouds.

The Anglo Sky airship also suffered an accident.One by one, the Monkey King with the Iron Star logo painted on the side rushed forward.

As for the current Anglos, who regard Iron Star as a country without coastal defense and come to test it aggressively, it must be that they can only touch the bottom line after suffering losses.

In the flagship like a steel city, the officers of the Royal Navy wearing white gloves have no sympathy or empathy for the helplessness of the weak and weak.

With the birth of Iron Star and the protracted world war, the potential of industrial technology began to be further tapped.With the advancement of new technologies such as chips, arcanists who were originally hidden in the deep layers of society have gradually been invited out of the mountain.

Mikael, who is wearing a white combat uniform, is the commander-in-chief of the base. The radar team on duty today is sitting in a row exchanging data network information with each other, and is responsible for operating the huge meter wave radar for air detection.This is an effective scan for stealth blimps.

…Facing a barking dog, if you talk nicely about peace, the dog will rush up and bite. The correct way is to take bricks without paying attention to quality...

In the previous sea battle between Anglo and Vail, the magical girl who guided the aviation torpedo joined the battlefield as if cheating and achieved great results.

At least Eurasian Malacca, the Red Sea, and the Mediterranean all have the "Army and Navy" model.

The Anglo military officers who had been leisurely around her immediately became busy.Because there were so few missiles aimed at the high-altitude airship, and the lens warhead launched by Iron Star on land also irradiated the hacker beam to the high-altitude airship.

...The missile tactics used by the rebel army in the south of Osima, Iron Star has developed an enhanced version...

Ps: The Silla originally had the ambition of a blue-water navy. During the good economic period, they wanted to build an aircraft carrier and a large drive. However, after being educated by tank guns, they found that they could not keep their homes. Blue The water navy is just a dream.

This level of equipment was jointly developed by Iron Star using billions of silver coins, and then 167 high-level arcanist units of various series.

The content of the protest is: serious warning, don't say what I didn't tell you about the consequences.

[This is only the era when new disciplines have just emerged, so that such monsters can emerge. 】

The general shook his head disapprovingly, and asked, "Are the Osima people our allies?"

In the formation of Anglu's battleship formation in the sky, the admiral was holding a telescope to watch the airship transmit down to look at the picture. However, at this time, the officer on the side took a new protest and said: "The Governor of Osima Fish Mouth Port Protest that we shelled their merchant ships."

For small countries in various regions of the world, the national strength is not enough to set foot in the ocean, but they have absolute control over the waters at their doorstep, charging tolls, and robbing fishery resources, they must be vigilant at all times.

One after another fishing boats were sunk, even if they abandoned their fishing nets and fled, or raised a white flag, it was useless.

But Anglo doesn't have a dog to use in this position, so I tried it myself.

In the late modern era, the former US maritime hegemony declined, and the 022 could spread like an F16 fighter jet. The original global sea communication line would collapse like the Mongolian empire that once crossed the world island and penetrated through Europe and Asia. Become "a crowd of heroes vying for the throne".

A sea chart was spread out on the raised slanted panel on the table. At this time, the magnetic arrow on the sea chart was the Anglo fleet less than [-] nautical miles away from the northern port in the sky.And the "protest" just sent by Sky Iron Star.

At this time, on the shore, clusters of three-meter-long missiles, as the launcher was lifted up,

Here, all operators are highly qualified persons carrying the "chip" system.

More than 50.00% of the world's highly controversial and high economic value sea areas are actually closed sea areas.

For a long time in modern times, the Eastern Navy was in the most open sea area in the world, and was suppressed by the powerful aircraft carrier battle group in the near shore of the Western Pacific Ocean. 022 was actually born at an untimely time.

As the sea surface below flashed, the battleships were hit, and around the flash, there was a scene of sparkling sea water being pressed by shock waves into pits.

Mikael took a deep breath, and said with a half-smile: "Very good, very pirate style, I have to treat you to dinner?!"

...Whether the "offshore weapon" is exported depends on the region, whether there is a country that can use this weapon...

Nothing, just a big rocket, head propeller power cruise, the end path is changed to a rocket engine, and a little guidance function, after passing the functions of the four electronic components of Arcane Stabilization 670, it arrives in the airspace according to the guidance, and then disperses suddenly. And aim at the place where the infrared temperature is slightly higher, and unfold the projection lens to have the data irradiation effect of the ether world.

It's just that the viewing angle in the air is better, and the airship can spot incoming missiles several kilometers away.

The tens of thousands of tons of steel battleships, in the huge concept field in the ether world, were blown down like building blocks.The small fire in the real world swept across a large area like a flame in the ether world.

…The Anglo Navy was started by pirates, and its morals and laws are full of pirate principles. "...

Inside the base, Mikael picked up the enemy communication band.

On the coastal defense fortress base built by Iron Star here, clusters of sail-like metal radar surfaces are shaking slowly.

This boy is very beautiful, with red lips and white teeth, silver hair, a well-proportioned physique, and a six-meter-high wire fence. Yes, apparently more than once.

…For a noble princess, a beautiful and happy life is best for eternity, but for a dormant young hero, there is a chance only when the world changes...

Waiting for the East to completely break through the maritime chain, it began to spread its influence, broke the maritime order of Amelia, exported coastal defense arms, and maintained stability and peace around the world.

Mortals: Want the defeated to abide by the gentleman's agreement and not resist?The Angles have wisely used the "gentleman's agreement".

Of course, a genius is a genius enough, and a person who is crazy is also full of beauty.

After the internal data lens completed the double analysis projection across the reality and the etheric world over the war zone, the concept field inside the Anglo warship was hacked into a tunnel, which was easily penetrated by energy tunnels.

On the periphery of the airship, a mass of mechanical mud quickly arrived at the breach, sealing the breach like chewing gum. After the seal was closed, multiple sets of valves in the internal pipeline of the airship were opened, and hydrogen gas was injected into the spare airbags inside the partition, allowing the airbags of the airship to re-open. muster.

Especially in the former Ottoman area, crowded with Xila and soil, waiting for several dilapidated settlers whose ancestors were glorious and who were the hegemons of the Mediterranean, they have not yet recognized the reality in the 21st century, and politicians are addicted to vegetables alone.

With the sound of crackling and penetrating, it shot on the airship shell.

2: The Anglo Sea never accepts protests from the weak.

The adjutant couldn't laugh or cry: "That guy is lying on the radar tower now, and dogs can't get up."

In the Iron Star Coastal Base, with the opening of the iron and steel gates, 40-ton water jet boats raced out of the coastline in the waves.Due to the use of excellent aluminum alloy and carbon fiber, this speedboat can reach an astonishing speed of 022 knots.This type of [-] ship is very limited in open sea areas.But in closed sea areas, it is a murderous weapon.

The reason why he can be so presumptuous in the military base is that he was specially recruited.

Maliujia, Galebi, Honghei, Dizhonghe, all the disputed areas, as if the ecological circle changed overnight, returned to the inner volume of the boat.

Yun Li witnessed this scene with her own eyes on the airship in the sky.

After Lina put down the teacup, she sighed: "You are so proud of being favored. Hey, the Air Force recruits must be at least 16 years old. And. He is a radar soldier!"

All countries have started to reward heavily, and they have all begun to dig deep into the ancient arcane technology.

This sentence is a double sarcasm of Anglo gentlemen,

After Lina paused, she took a light breath and ordered, "Let the dog go."

After the "so clever" thing happened, the submarines on the sea have since ceased to abide by the spirit of chivalry.Therefore, the Anglo Navy had to be nervous when facing the so-called "brutal" enemies on the ocean. In the final analysis, they did it themselves.

But what about strict discipline?

This boy has no other bad habits so far, as for stealing, robbing, and bullying the weak.It is not the way to cultivate a genius if it is just to make it obedient and to reprimand and scold it!

Wei Keng, who looks like a man, cherishes geniuses very much.

Wei Keng: When a young genius is guided by "utilitarianism", he is obsessed with coping with complicated schemes and schemes, and wastes a lot of energy, then he will be "too young, and he may not be good." If he (Zheng Nian) can do it at the best In the time period, if you devote your energy to the right things, then this young man can grasp the foundation for his future Longyue.

(End of this chapter)

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