out of cage

Chapter 763 Chapter 17.35 Wing knife is grinding

Chapter 763 Chapter 17.35 Wing knife is grinding

The peace after 3246 of the Fire Emblem is due to the need for industrial powers to adjust to technological changes.

Of course, those who have the capital to do so are often the industrially developed side, and through the intermission period of the armistice, they will make up for their shortcomings.And the side with underdeveloped industries will have more and more shortcomings.

For example, Maozi can't solve the problem of "personnel using personal mobile phones privately on the front line", and then can only claim that this is "human flesh and blood business in red-light districts", a problem that will never be solved.

Therefore, small countries will take advantage of the short-term technological development advantages to retaliate against grievances and revenge, while big countries will accumulate more technological advantages before crushing and annexing them.

The Iron Star on the Bohai Sea sank the Anglo battleship. In less than 6 minutes, the [-]-ton battleship rolled over into the sea, announcing the arrival of the missile era.

Or it can be said that under the powerful information analysis system of superpowers, the era of using guided weapons as the main means of attack has arrived.

Even if the dawn of new technology has shone on the asses of military generals in various countries, change is still full of resistance.

In the past hundreds of years, the elites of Wanlun Continent have stacked too many technologies on huge vehicles. The inertia of giant ship cannons made it impossible for the conservatives to give up for a while.

In the current world, there is not a lot of investment in various technologies for battleships. The two-meter-diameter alloy steel gears have a meshing force like muscles, and the steel teeth are as stable as a clock when they are rotated under a tremendous force.

The Anglos' current "remedial plan" is to continue to add "concept armor" to each large vehicle, adding deception to prevent the hit of penetrating guided rockets, to ensure that the old "expensive military assets" such as artillery are Weapons of land cruisers, sea battleships can continue to play a role.

That is to say, there are almost unlimited resources that land can mobilize, and at the level of information suppression, it has an overwhelming strike capability against sea fleets.

Zheng Nian emphasized not to wait for the opponent to "deploy in battle", but to preemptively strike strategically.

As in junior high school mathematics, the parabolic equation has two solutions. (y^2=-2px, find (x, y))
Wei Keng's current combat system is to determine the opponent's strategic maneuvering force. In the strategic battle, through back and forth scheduling, the opponent is divided into several pieces, and large-scale information interference is carried out to block the opponent's actions in all aspects. One's own side mobilizes ten times and suddenly bites off a piece. .

Zheng Nian now came up with a "negative number solution".

After a six-hour flight, Dragon Guard No. [-] stopped. The test pilot, Zheng Nian, was the first to take off and the last to come back. He received a "kind" hug from Mr. Wei (Enma) right after he got off the plane.

When science and technology advances, the range of missiles can cover [-] kilometers, and the detection power is greatly enhanced. The situation is different again. On the land, relying on a continent, tens of thousands of military projection targets can be deployed mobilely to fight against hundreds of sea fleets outside the domain. targets, and the thousands of immobile military points along the chain of islands. (The island is too small to have large-scale mobile land infrastructure, and the first wave will be destroyed)

In short, it follows the thinking of the Eastern missile warfare in modern times, and the Eastern region refuses to fight in the 21st century.
When the range of firepower is not enough, in the era of giant ships and cannons, the shore defense force will be repeatedly restrained by the mobile and flexible fleet landing force on the long coastline.The Qing Dynasty was so cowardly, and after Desan failed to win England, facing England, the springboard to enter the European continent, the land defense of the west coast was also restrained.

I have always been used to walking non-stop, as a tortoise in the tortoise and the hare race, I have accumulated enough advantages to overwhelm my opponent in long-distance running.

To be honest, Wei Keng is really reluctant to fight this guy, because, so far, he is the only guy who can keep up with him in the entire information warfare thinking, and is even better than the blue one.

Wei Keng must admit that this "Dragon Guard" combat system does not suit his personality a bit, and he is a middle-aged man.

In February 48, at the Beifang No. 2 launch site,
On the 20-meter-high iron frame, four 18-meter-high combat aircraft are releasing various metal hoses and walking into the aviation platform. These mechs are like mechanical dragons. Now the wings are folded. If they are unfolded, the wings The exhibition has a full [-] meters.And blue runes flashed on those key body joints.

Wei Keng continued to check the formulas of Zheng Nian's calculations at the table, and when he looked up, he saw Zheng Nian who was analyzing the data of the dynamic model of the Land Cruiser concept field. Cut rough jade.

But Zheng Nian chose a direction.

Iron Star has just completed the publicization of all industrial capital and has not yet formed an interest group.

Wei Keng's plan is a "positive solution" to the intersection point of the two curves.

These "mini-battles" move part of the opponent's forces, and can also temporarily vacate the opponent's defense system.

So far, in the informationized combat system, Wei Keng has adopted "substantial, large-scale, and long-term preparations", using the advantages of dispatchable resources in the overall system to overwhelm the "information command upper limit" of traditional land cruisers.

…Blue comes out of blue and is better than blue, ice comes out of water and colder than water, what Zheng Nian brings to Wei Keng is not the feeling of "successor", but "pioneer"...

This kind of youthful vigor is like a sharp gun, piercing the untouchable forbidden area created by the "self-proclaimed brilliant" class, and this has been difficult for Wei Keng, who is "inadequate" since then.

This slap was just a warning, and he was then allowed to enter the base to report.

This curve and slanted line have two intersection points, which means that there are two "time balance points" in the two combat modes.

... Wei Keng's thoughts and Zheng Nian's thoughts are in the same system, but they are two kinds of answers...

Wei Suan: "Take off the helmet."

With a sound of "铛", Wei Keng slapped the helmet with a slap, and the loud noise shook the thought, Wei Keng: "Oh, but when did you know that the sky is high and the earth is thick?"

Zheng Nian glanced at the teacher in front of him: "Ah, you are not allowed to pull my ears."

Wei Keng said with emotion: "Such a possibility is really wonderful."

Even if it is a single tactical risk, but calculated from the probability, as long as it can gradually create an advantage strategically, after each battle, the opponent's rhythm will become more and more chaotic until it collapses.

And countries like Anglo and Vail that haven't completely changed, when faced with the challenges of new technology, they are also patching in the way of "containing emerging threats", so that they finally focus on stacked armor.

The related industry chain of battleships also bears the project interests of various family industries behind the Senates of various countries.This cannot be discarded for the time being.

All "information warfare systems" of one's own side should be streamlined and launched first.Our side continues to initiate "various small battles" on our own initiative.

As long as it is determined that the opponent is "unprepared", quickly "prepare for an assault", don't wait, and don't make more preparations.Once the tactics are determined, they must be bravely executed.

That is to say, the "x-axis" (before the battle time) starts to activate the information superiority, overwhelming the opponent's military target defense (y-axis) which is also negative.

At present, the core ruling elites have become scholars and arcanists from humble backgrounds, and the technical force has begun to transfer from the battleship, the elite vehicle of the past, to another vehicle.

...Enma: "Dragon Guard, um, the name is a bit catchy" Su Ni: "I seem to have heard it somewhere"...

Such weapons are named "Dragon Guard" system.

Wei Keng assumes that the opponent is very elite and elite, but Zheng Nian doesn't care, he feels that the opponent definitely has no elite of his own.Zhengnian is confident in himself because he knows that there are a lot of time-wasting things in noble education, which are not conducive to "practical" things.

As for the material, carbon fibers are embedded in the titanium alloy during the powder printing process through the transformation system (this is impossible in the main world), but the transformation system changes the material properties, just like glass filaments It is also embedded in it, forming a sky-defying composite material. ——Arcanists can superimpose almost all possible technical buffs on the production system.

In the design of the campaign system, Zhengnian emphasizes pre-emptive "small battles". The initial amount of "hacking" capabilities of the Dragon Guard vehicles of one's own side must be seized. Hole, poke it in.

This is a super fighter powered by metal hydrogen.The tonnage is 57 tons.

For Wei Keng, genius broke through the fog and opened the passage.

Regarding Zheng Nian, Wei Keng originally thought that this kid was just a passing interest, and that he would be frightened by reality soon in such a dangerous research and development direction, but, ah, Wei Keng realized that he was wrong.

The Dragon Guard system needs great courage and great ability to catch the enemy off guard and fight directly to the death.Of course, we must also be "greatly calm" in life and death.

Zheng Nian: When the opponent's land cruiser's "defense" is the weakest in the early stage, I will take the attack team to "surprise a wave", and I will leave if I miss a hit, and then wait for the opportunity.It is absolutely impossible for the opponent to "defend against me for a thousand days". As long as the scale of our sabotage battle is large enough, when the battle will happen, and the scale of the battle, it will be our initiative.

This plan requires that one's own preparations are sufficient. When the time (x-axis) starts slowly, one's own mobilization system overwhelms the opponent's land cruiser defense system (y-axis), and thousands of one's own tactical units are in place and cooperate on time.

In terms of Iron Star, there are not so many old baggage.

First of all, Zhengnian used mathematics to list a curve formula. This curve formula is respectively the slash for increasing the degree of "defense" when the land cruiser is currently developing in the face of information prying, and the "hacking" success rate of its own information missiles. Exponential rising curve.

Arcanist's physical principle of evocation makes metallic hydrogen, an ultra-dense substance, a stable fuel.At the same time, the Arcanist has developed a special electronic control system to complete the electronic control, allowing it to complete aircraft and ground combat at high altitudes, as well as the pufferfish-shaped state switching in the sea.

After the final confirmation by the ground crew, the huge transformable mech went straight into the air, accelerated to a speed of 100 meters per second, circled for a circle, and quickly transformed into a fighter plane.
The flames at the tail intensified, emitting Mach rings one after another, and the aircraft accelerated and swept across the mountain.Elongated the wing surface on the sea surface and started the taxiing state,
Although this combat weapon flies close to the ground, its ceiling is 3000 meters.But at an altitude of [-] meters, it corresponds to a network of drones, and these drone networks detect the surroundings like eyes.

However, in the understanding of another faction of Iron Star's military bureaucrats: "Guard" means to serve as an information-based guard with a sword for the Land Cruiser system.

Val's military strengthening on land is still a "fleet" thinking, while Iron Star's current military philosophy is the concept of "large-area operations".

Wei Keng: "As long as I build up enough middle-aged people to complete the combat system that can allow thousands of military companies to cooperate at the same time within 10 minutes, those military systems on this plane that are superior to the nobles will inevitably be due to the "pattern" It is too small, and in order to effectively control the army, important military functions have to be concentrated in a few points", and it is overwhelmed by the overwhelming information firepower situation.

The "defense" of Weikeng mode gets better with time. "Hacking" gets stronger as time goes by.However, the "defense" of Land Cruisers has an upper limit, and Wei Keng's mobilization system of 10,000+ troops at every turn has a higher upper limit for "hacking".

This also means that while sticking to the ground for stealth, it has a large perspective of the early warning aircraft.

During the research and development of the Dragon Guard system, several accidents occurred, but Zhengnian is still very focused on solving problems.Gritting his teeth, persisting, and patiently sorting out all the details, the accident was dealt with.It's like knowing that "this is the future of life and death" technology.

As for my not-so-genius "middle-of-the-road posture", I have to be responsible for scrolling on this road and refining the system.

In the Dragon Guard system developed by Wei Keng, he not only cultivated Zheng Nian alone, but also began to build a system to select talents according to this set of combat ideas.At present, there are already thousands of people in this base, and Wei Keng's third-generation descendant has also been mixed into this selection.For example, a self-split called "Su Ni".

...In short, Wei Keng is very stubborn, and Zheng Nian is very brave, but the development ideas of the "Dragon Guard" led by both sides are to use the increase in military organization and technology to increase their own information advantages...

…Enma’s young disciple Zheng Nian felt that the country’s development of new combat vehicles was a bit conservative, but he was dragged out of the core of the armament research and development project team by Enma, and was taken back to school...

"Nail~~~," the turbofan engine outside the building gave out the roar of the metal fan blades in the friction of the airflow, like a clock running out.

Members of the second group boarded the Dragon Guard airframe.The test flight began.

There is only one Zheng Nian, and Wei Keng will work hard to make some backups. Oh, other mortals on this plane can be backups, but currently only Wei Keng's split can be used as a backup team.

Su Ni sat in the water drop glass cover, and began to connect the palm system to the information center.

(End of this chapter)

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