out of cage

Chapter 776 Chapter 18.08 Cook?Pharmacy, Lord Stove

On the streets of Anglo, Wei Keng, whose pseudonym is Wensan, lives by the craft of "making snacks", and his current economic conditions are much better than those of the real lower class in Anglo.

As early as the Holy Sword Era, Master Wei had the ability to "carefully investigate the society and have a successful small business".

In different economic environments, suitable products are different. "Luncheon meat" could be sold in the United States during the Great Depression, but after the economy improved, it was given to soldiers as food, and then the soldiers threw it into the trash can and let the sticks stew swill.

The development of the catering industry also depends on the state of society.

Keng: There is a term called "lipstick effect" in the main world economics, that is, when the economy is in recession, the consumption of lipstick, a small amount of cheap luxury goods, increases instead.

This economic law not only reflects public consumption, but also reflects "different distribution of wealth".

What is luxury?It is a credential to squeeze into a circle.For example, lipstick can make women look gorgeous, so it is better accepted in some so-called "shopping malls" and other places.

And women without any makeup on their faces are equivalent to village girls, and they don't get the "ladies' preferential treatment" in these circles.

The basic conditions of life have declined, and the general public still does not let go of luxury goods.

The phenomenon is brought into Wei Keng's social formula, and it can be checked that this is a highly introverted society!
In such a society, people are difficult both materially and spiritually, and you are not allowed to choose things that are really beneficial to you.

so!All soldiers eat well to gain status, which is no less than to ensure that the chief has a "high-end meal" alone and then gain wise leadership.It can even be said to be more efficient!

Because it is necessary to maintain a decent face at all times, you can have a simple meal in daily life, and you can’t see meat to reduce your basic consumption, but you must keep your clothes straight.

But the income is the same as theirs, and those people from the newspaper office and factory management class have never come here.

For a long time, pharmacy has been concerned with the price factor. The higher the level of pharmacy, the more rare raw materials are used for fusion and extraction!
Since the era of sword and sorcery, top pharmacists have been developing their markets upwards.Because only by opening up the market can there be output value, but in fact this is not in line with the industrial concept.

The dishes are prepared by a certain chef, and they are delicious in color, fragrance and taste.After careful investigation, it was found that this was still arranged according to the training volume.And purchase according to each region and season.

The result is that the entire air force group is more active than other legions.And the purchase price has not changed significantly!All are seasonal ingredients, matched with the daily training consumption of ordinary soldiers.

Master Wei suddenly feels nostalgic for the uncles and aunts who are grabbing eggs and vegetables.Those are the group of people who can live freely in the poor era.

In the contemporary elite corps, the amount of information in the conceptual field of the body of elite soldiers is no longer mainly from food as in ancient times.

…Rescue the letter: There is a problem with the side dishes here, uncle, come and save me. …

That letter was Zheng Nian's invitation to Liu Si to take the helm and build meals for the Austrian Railway Army.

Because the entire military group is in the same course of action, the group of soldiers will naturally gain positive attributes including "strength, agility, intelligence" and gather at the center.

Liu Si, a "relationship household" sent by Zheng Nian, quickly showed his abilities!
For example, braised pork that is stewed crystal clear.As well as filling the soup inside, hanging the roasted fat duck outside, and wrapping the sliced ​​duck skin with bread.

Industrial Age!The highest class of heroes can use the morale support of the group they belong to to improve their physique to the level of transcending the group.To some extent, there is no need for expensive ingredients, but tradition is still tradition, and most generals on the mainland still maintain a "specialized" eating style

In June of 3251 in the Fire Emblem calendar, during the gap between the military skills competition in the southern part of Osima, the Dragon Guards shined brilliantly. Under the new tactical requirements, they successfully completed various tasks.

Before the industrial age, what did advanced arms eat?This has always been heavily influenced by aristocratic culture. ——Caviar in the frozen lake, deep-sea shrimp, and bright red salmon meat, these are all foods handed down in the ancient Austrian law era.

Liu Si took out some real skills and began to write recipes, nutritious meals accurate to grams, and vitamin intake.And, the simplicity of the ingredients.

Therefore, they can freely choose products such as "pancakes and fruits", which have vegetables and meat and are low-key, but look affordable.

…the deep-rooted class contradictions can only be shifted through the bloody pain caused by external collisions…

Ever since, in Osima's dragon guard training, there has been a change in the army canteen. The overall change is to remove the distinction between high-ranking and low-ranking officers, and start the "new army kitchen" reform. The focus of the change is the daily life of soldiers. diet.

Wei Keng's recipes belong to a profound knowledge in the traversing system.Relevant knowledge in multiple planes can assist the growth of advanced combat power.

In the canteen with thousands of people, the cooking team is 50 people in shifts every day to keep the stove supplied at all times.

Thus, Liu Si came to the air force cafeteria where Zheng Nian was.

Wei Keng was originally a cook with a "middle-of-the-road attitude" with peace of mind.But—anything that accumulates positively must be fruitful.

As for the fish, they also use local materials.It is no longer expensive, but it adopts a very balanced ratio of "onion, ginger and garlic". This kind of medicinal stew achieves the effect of pharmacy in noble recipes to a certain extent.

At this time, the imperial soldiers are now the freest group in the entire Anglo, and belong to the most horizontal group in the Anglo.

And from the conceptual field to evaluate,
If an entire army has a strong and strong morale, senior non-commissioned officers can maintain their "wisdom" and "determination" on the battlefield without "high-end meals".

The only difference is that the chips carried by the operators of these Dragon Guards record the daily consumption and loss of each person, and carry out a more precise ratio so that the body can digest more "beneficial information".

Yan Beixiang was amazed, this is another "middle-of-the-road" accumulation, a super successful case!But if Bai Linglu was here, he would teach her plainly not to be too rare and too strange.

Narrator: This is like Pandora, the existence on the higher food chain is supported by the protein frequency bands gathered by the lower food chain animals. At this time, in this plane, "morale informatics" can be used as a similar reference model.

Wen San flicked the newspaper, looked at the content, and confirmed that a new round of war in the Dilong country was likely to break out again.

The nutritional adjustment left on food has little effect on the top level, and this group effect is difficult for high-ranking people to find if they do not lower their perspective.

Wei Keng: In fact, in the concept of "industrialization", the development of catering needs to be refined and developed under the framework of "the top and the bottom have the same desire".

General Al of the Osima Southern Uprising Army came to the Remembrance Troop for a reward, and found that the entire regiment of this troop maintains a kind of "precise" execution.All commands seem to be scaled when executed, full of a sense of power.

…In the multidimensional planes, everything has information, food is the most important thing for the people, and three meals are the most important "information input" for people and society...

The Wei Keng cluster has only 680 seven individuals in the southern part of Osima, and they are all at the grassroots level, not the upper class, because the upper class is the dominant area of ​​the gods at this time, and they must adhere to the principle of "incompatibility".

Wei Keng is precisely the way to serve the "group", "the masses" and "the whole working class".Under this number.

In the multidimensional plane, any technology that "imports and then transforms to improve the quality of life body" can be defined as "pharmaceutics", and for a long time in the past, it has served a single consumer who has the ability to provide prices.

..."Precise diet control" is Wei Keng's achievement in the dark plane, which greatly guarantees the precise development of the body. …

This is because, according to the current world situation, the war will start again soon, and there will be a possibility of a big war here in Osima.

Wen San, who sells skin jelly, looked at the military convoy going away, and whispered: "I have status, I have status, ah."

Zhengnian's team is not picky eaters.Thanks to the "stomach" cooking class, a revolutionary breakthrough has been achieved.

Liu Si was making steamed buns in the steamed stuffed bun shop when the postman hung the letter at the door.A few minutes later, Liu Si opened the letter and let out a deep breath.

All officers eat the same food at this time.

...Sensing the "stove" condensed in the ether world, Liu Si touched the back of his head and muttered: "He has a big head and a thick neck, not a rich man, just a cook"...

Furthermore, because the cafeteria does not need to prepare "high-end meals" for senior non-commissioned officers, the funds for the kitchen are more than enough.

Biologically, species that "eat" a narrow range are prone to extinction, while species that have a good stomach and cover everything from insects, young leaves to carrion are often extremely prosperous.

Liusi specially made a whole set of nutritional formulas, and fine-tuned each group's working environment whether it was hot or cold.The amount of salt in the tomatoes will vary.

Ever since Zheng Nian started to rise to the top, Liu Si didn't go looking for him, because he was too humble and afraid of affecting him.

But if the wrong food is taken in, it can affect the balance.Ingesting food in the cafeteria is just one of many adjustments!
The identity of Liusi's senior cook (nutritionist) has never been confirmed by the upper level in the past!

And the unity of ingredients and meals form a concept field (military soul) of "strong group", which provides stronger positive gains for the top officers of the entire army.

In this world, spiritual strength is often supported by material.

The perspective returns to Osima's side, Zhengnian has graduated.As the commander-in-chief of the new Air Force Group, Zheng Nian originally wanted to go back to Iron Star, but after meeting Su Ni, Zheng Nian chose to stay in Osima.

…People who are keen on posing for photos in front of cakes and coffee, and showing off their life circles, are actually actively exploring the purchasing channels of cheap daily necessities on the other side…

In the era of swords and magic, knights require extraordinary physiques, so they really need this kind of high-information food.

At this moment, Zheng Nian pierced the superstructure like a gun.Bring in the "soil".

Just like now, the armor led by the "hero" is tyrannical, and it needs industrial furnaces and the morale behind it to output. After checking for a long time, it is confirmed that the "canteen" is really doing very well.

After Liu Si took care of food for thousands of people in the army where Zheng Nian was located, the quantitative change has undergone a qualitative change.

Under the concept of "industrial cooperation", the priority is to grow the group, and then, the morale of the group!The will supplies the elite strength of the new era.

...The reason why the industrial godhead is moving closer to Wei Keng is that the goals of other traversers are really difficult to guarantee the priority of industrial cooperation...

In the year 3252 of the Fire Emblem, the Osima Group, the Electromagnetic Fortress System, the No. 16, No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] shock formations have completed the military drill of crossing the Bell Mountains and long-distance raids, and have already possessed actual combat military capabilities.

Zheng Nian drove a fighter plane on the cliffs of the snow mountain, wiped out a rolling snow wave with his wing knife, and announced that he was here for a visit.

However, the airship force of Vaner cruising on this border did not find signs of Osima's military forces interspersed here until a week later.

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