out of cage

Chapter 779 Chapter 18.09 is a Type 1 person from beginning to end

Chapter 779 Chapter 18.09 is a type of person from beginning to end
On December 3251, 12, in the sky iron star.Willie fell ill and died.He died very strangely, for he was in the prime of life according to his age.

In fact, if the fortune of the country is prosperous, he, who is condensed by the concept field, cannot be assassinated in any way.It's a pity that after four years of chaos, Iron Star's economic and production activities have suffered major damage, and many of its scientific and technological research progress has also come to a standstill, because many technical problems cannot be objective due to the dogmatic opposition of the drillers who came to power politically.

This advanced person who once fought for the power of the reform did not hesitate to sacrifice his life, and clearly recognized the gap between ideals and reality.

During his serious illness, he had already begun to think about how to construct a new order and end the current chaos.

On his desk, the data of Enma's economic period has been placed, trying to put Iron Star back on track.

And this, contrary to the path arranged for him in the battle of gods, met with the counterattack of the conservatives, not only failed to set things right, but intensified the conflict, and brought him back to the kingdom of gods in advance.

In the year following Willy's death, Iron Star's politics were in turmoil.

First of all, Willy's young widow, Xie Lina, started to join forces to participate in the election, and opened up all her promotional resources.Want to develop in the Sky Iron Star Realm and become the female leader (queen) of the sky.

Wei Keng: Xi Lina is setting this goal now, but she has forgotten that she has been destroying the foundation for her to achieve this goal in the past. She grasped that the propaganda department was able to control the wind and rain in the past. .If the governance machine is still in good condition after Willy's death, running with inertia, Xi Lina can control this huge country by relying on the little "screwdriver" of publicity to leverage the key nodes.

but! ! !In the past four years, Iron Star's governance machine has been completely destroyed by her, and too many contradictions have accumulated at the basic level (those who don't speak).

…Under the cold wave, the first one who dares to germinate and announce the arrival of spring will be frozen by Yu Dong…

The woman immediately used a huge offensive force and began to suppress the provocateur, preparing to kill chickens and monkeys.

[Wu Zetian came to power because the core structure of the Tang Dynasty was intact and able to operate normally, and completed the overall control of the military and administration (imperial examination).It's not that some women in ancient times thought that they could be in power by messing up everything. 】

The turmoil came out like a torrent, and this torrent did not turn against the foundation laid by Iron Star's blood, but aimed directly at the small group of people who lied to cover up their evil intentions.

At the end of the trial, when the chief judge of Vail announced that Xi Lina would be hanged, the expression on the woman's face really showed.

The voice from the foundation came to give courage to the middle-level management system of Sky Iron Star, and then the middle-level management system of the sky began to collectively betray Xi Lina.

On the square in Vernon, a split body of Wei Keng in overalls poked his head out from the operating platform of the steam bus, looked up at the trial on the spar screen in the square building.

…That year, [-] mouths were forced to say "correct", and [-] mouths were taught one by one to "shut up". …

After finishing the trial, the justices of Vail said with eyes full of justice: "Justice will be served!"

Xi Lina disdains the humble opponents who pop up, and even wants to make a big deal. She wants to take this opportunity to dig out a large number of Qiming's "associates" and take the opportunity to deal with her own opponents. This woman wants to establish a rebellious self, What a typical fate.

Only four days later, on December 12, in the Guangming newspaper in Swan City, the headline on the front page was "To progress, to develop, to be down-to-earth based on reality, not to suppress with words!"

At this time, one month after the incident.May 3252, 5 in the fire pattern calendar.

The woman who called the wind and rain in the iron stars in the sky half a year ago is now silent on the screen in Verner. Wei Keng pursed his lips, and it can be seen that Xi Lina has not been tortured.

During the most arrogant period of the Xilina Group, some people talked about theory and dogma. Now these so-called new perspective discussions are actually such people. more and more complicated.

Narrator: When a certain theory in the public governance system develops, some people will make the theory more and more "advanced" in order to monopolize the interpretation power of the theory, and finally become the level that most people are "unqualified to touch"!Then create a mystery!When they occupy the commanding heights of interpretation and lack constraints, they will definitely do whatever they want.

And Xi Lina defected to Van Er by plane.

So Xi Lina obviously appeared on the stage amidst the din of gongs and drums, but she couldn't control anything, and was forced to step down by the real power faction.

The next day, Iron Star North and South Center, in many places, began to denounce this behavior of "feudal rule in the public opinion department", and more people began to publicly write articles against "the formation of cliques in the public opinion system and the destruction of public production" At the same time, the workers' teams began to discuss extensively: Who is responsible for the current situation of economic stagnation and scientific research that cannot be carried out normally?
After one after another of doubts appeared, more and more rational people who had been silent before finally had the courage to stand up, and the Xilina Group began to be pushed down by the wall.

Wei Keng: These imperial salonist intellectuals were accomplices in the "suppression of speech" in Xi Lina's time.Now that Xi Lina has fallen, they began to criticize Xi Lina, and then classified Xi Lina as the Iron Star System, slandering and whitewashing themselves.

And those "urban intellectuals" in the sky seem to have just realized the horror of "speech suppression".

Indeed, if you are an ordinary person waiting for the arrangement of fate, just watch it like this, and finally watch this kind of development step by step to the end, and there is nothing you can do.

But in the Iron Star of the Wanlun Continent, the unscrupulous people took the lead in launching a struggle.As a leftist, it is the first to open fire on the pseudo-leftist.

Under the aura of correct speech and fear of the town, under this huge spiritual suppression, openly criticizing Tie Xing to publicize public opinion, immediately set off an uproar.

But at the cost of his life, it became the key blow to completely collapse the Xilina Group.Qiming's lynching caused Xi Lina's group to be completely reprimanded by Iron Star.

Through the final judgment, the mortals began to tell the "iron star collapse theory" for the iron star in the sky.

That's it: the fate that God arranged for a country was reversed, and Iron Star temporarily escaped the ending of ideals dissipating.

In some newspapers of Iron Star, it began to apply the "Governance Theory of the Valiant", "The Anglo Guardian publishes views", and began to focus on "a doctor's point of view in international studies".

...Wei Keng is in Valle, and there are also splits...

Fan Er's trial seemed to conform to Iron Star's public opinion, but it actually used emotions to inject "private goods".

Qiming, who was originally an ordinary civilian cadre in the factory, was "boldly speaking" in the current atmosphere in Iron Star.

In two months, Minlar launched an operation, and the chariot drove into the core political area of ​​​​Iron Star, and completed the control of Swan City, but he could not take power by himself, and turned to another reformist Gray Husband (Mr. Willie) has become the new leader of Sky Iron Star.

Master Wei already knew that Fan Er's car turned around at this time.

On this day, it was rainy and rainy all over Vail. Xilina from Iron Star made an emergency landing in Vail by plane and was arrested by Vail.

However, at this time, the military police behind him held him down, and made an imperceptible stabbing motion at her back (here it should be a small needle) in a place that was not visible from the perspective, and Xi Lina's eyes quickly became distracted.It seems to be "pleading guilty to the law".

On the square at this time, the idlers who were watching the trial (those in Verney who had fun watching foreign current affairs) cheered.Wei Keng pressed the cap separately and continued to add coal to the boiler of the steam car.

But she never expected that the first ray of sound from the lower floor was not a flame that could be easily extinguished, but the first drop of water before the pouring rain.Next will be monstrous waves.

At this historical moment! "God masters destiny" and "Diagnostic destiny" are competing.

…For these urban scholars, right or wrong is not important, what is important is that the trend is led by themselves. …

The supporters she agitates can occupy the "cab", but they cannot control Iron Star through a complete ruling machine, and they are destined to be unable to be Wu Zetian.

Not being tortured, just being "judged by a foreign country" like this, not to mention the expression of contempt, not even a fart!There is no arrogance at all in Iron Star.This is very much like those Internet sages who "criticized at home and flattered abroad" in modern times.

The Tribunal of Vail Theocratic Tribunal conducted a trial to judge her crimes. In a word, the crimes of "war crime" and "massacre", in a word, were to control the mind and turned this woman into a heinous devil. Naturally, people related to her also is the devil.

In the industrial furnace factory in York City, a person named Qiming boldly published a public criticism directly. At this time, a group of people (Xi Lina) in the Iron Star publicity system were misinterpreting the previous and tampering with the concept.

Four months later, Xi Lina, who was broken off, was finally squeezed out of value less than two months after she ran to Vale.

At this time, the crowbar of the Iron Star army must be used to resist the control valve and stabilize the course of the big ship Iron Star.

On December 12th, in Swan City, Xi Lina, who was sitting at a desk with a porcelain teacup, was "making a daughter-in-law into a mother-in-law for many years" and was preparing to have a speech. Facing the sudden slander from the lower-level "bad guys", she was furious. The announcement of "seeking legal treatment" was issued.

These half-altar water knowledge scholars in the sky opened up the so-called "new perspective" and discussed the question of "how many years can the Iron Star survive".

The purpose of Val is to discredit Willy, and then to create that the entire Iron Star ruling class is dark and cruel, far less bright than the Sky Empire era.

God dominates destiny: Sirina's counter-tide will eventually be suppressed, but this is a "customs clearance task" achieved by the conservative faction in Sky Empire.Xi Lina used the "Iron Star" as a cover in the opposite direction. After being knocked down, the history of the "Iron Star" will be denied, and she will be reversed.

Governance should not be the magic book of "scholars" and "gentlemen".

As a result, Qiming (split body of Wei Keng), the old worker of Ronggang City who "slandered" Xi Lina, was visited by the security police.Qiming is detained on charges of treason.While in custody, he was already punished.persecuted.

The Iron Star central has failed, and some of the brakes of this huge machine have failed.It is no longer possible to control the steering wheel with a screwdriver.

In the Van newspaper, a number of well-known newspaper commentators sternly denounced Xi Lina as a "savage female madman".

This forced a group of people in the Legion (Minlar Group, and many speculators) who were planning to set things right, to put away another pretense they had prepared earlier!
…The old school has the heart of stealing the country at this time, but they are very timid, just like a thief at night sticking to the root of the wall, and fleeing with the sound of a goose in the courtyard...

Qiming, as No.1 who caused the disturbance, resisted the torture and said nothing.

The real governance theory is based on the "same desires of the top and the bottom", but it should be understood by as many participants as possible, at least for the middle-aged figure to understand!Otherwise it is unsuccessful.

Wei Keng: I have always wanted to popularize "governance theory" and make it into comic strips and cartoons, so that even young and old can understand it, instead of knowledge that "only those in the high-end circle can understand".

…In Wan Lun Continent’s intellectual world, with the insertion of the shit stick, various residues appeared. …

Wei Keng clustered, and couldn't help but sang: "What kind of monsters and ghosts and beautiful women's painted skins, what kind of swords and fires, what traps and tricks, what monsters and ghosts and beautiful women's painted skins,
Mountains of knives, seas of fire, traps and tricks... From the beginning to the end, they are the black hands of a certain type of people. I, who is young and inexperienced, lack the ability to recognize this kind of ever-changing, peachy and rigid.But now, I seem to have a 'sharp eye'! "

 If I can send it out, I can sleep peacefully
(End of this chapter)

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