out of cage

Chapter 785 Chapter 18.14 The Whispers of "Wanduzi"

The battle to set things right within Osima on the Wanlun Continent started abruptly, and the development process was beyond the expectations of the world.

The seemingly powerful Fengyu Plain Group is in the stage of "the disintegration of the demons". The seemingly powerful forces will collapse as long as they lose a game.

On this point, after Zhengnian's "small number" of troops began to gain the upper hand, observers of Ossimane's military strategy clearly felt that the Fengyu reaction was "blocking the economy" and "all the troops were out of state."
The voices of the "reconciliation faction" in Osima Iron Star began to weaken. Those comrades in the south who had previously connected with Zhengnian also abandoned their concerns and made a decision. They felt that it was time for armed struggle, and "use peace talks" If the conditions of justice cannot be achieved, the chips in hand must be precisely placed on the immediate victory point.

...all the arsenals on the hills south of Osima are starting to work in full swing...

If there is no saving mind, Wei Keng's original strategy to deal with the northern suppression war is to fight a protracted war.Relying on the pressure of a protracted war, all kinds of internal "compromise" and "hesitation" will be worn away.

Wei Keng: For example, in the early days of the war, I found the suppressing army sent by the Fengyu Plain in the north to take a good walk in the southern hilly area. After the contradictions covered by the language intensified, they began to fight back.

But just like a parabola, there are two solutions, one is to wait for enough time to develop and solve the problem with perseverance” (Wei Keng), the other is to mark ahead of time, let the opponent make a big mistake, let the method be whitewashed, and solve the problem with courage (Zheng Nian)
"He is bolder than me." Liu Si said.

Several beautiful active assault battles, like drums shaking the sky, boosted the morale of one's own side to an extremely strong level, and caught Osima's upper-level movements by surprise in one go, and completely accelerated the aftermath of a major mistake that Osima wanted to fool the past exposed.

History will always remember this moment, and warn future generations of speculators, don't "be wise and be misled by cleverness" on this issue.

The styles of Wei Keng and Zheng Nian are so different from each other.

Zhengnian's assault began, and in less than 10 minutes, all the towed artillery positions of Fengyu's "Seventh Army", which was trapped in the defensive position and was still preparing for artillery cover, all rose into burning clouds of fire, and the troops of the large vehicles After being hacked, the turrets of all eight Land Cruisers were pulled out.

In short, it is to prepare to issue new currency to harvest.

The more successful Zheng Nian is, for Zheng Li, it means that his experience in judging the situation has been accumulated on the dog's belly.

On February 2, the comparison of the strengths of the Osimane Neon Township faction and the Fengyu faction reversed.
Zheng Nian reorganized his airmen within a month, forming three main commandos and four reserve commandos.

Especially since the beginning of February, the Fengyu Group gathered 2 land cruisers, a total of 87 troops went south, but it has been fighting until now, and by mid-February, such a heavy force group has been frustrated in the plains .

[The caliber is 1.2mm, and the charge of 165 tons is only 43 kilograms. The purpose is to smash the armor and destroy the important transmission structure of the ship.Not killing people.But missiles are completely different. Take the Exocet anti-ship missile as an example, with a total weight of [-] kg and a warhead of [-] kg]

... On February 2th, the thunder rang in the spring breeze, and the drizzle that was as expensive as oil fell on the Fengyu Plain. This year, the spring rain came very early...

At this time, Zheng Nian is like a Great Wall advancing northward, keeping all stubborn and selfish people out.

Of course, what is even more ruthless is that in the "detailed rules" of these urban bureaucrats, urban residents are not allowed to trade in the form of IOUs or in the form of barter.

At this time, the soldiers in the land cruiser on the side of Fengyu have fully experienced the harshness of the iron coffin. When the wounded warships were dragged back to the rear of Fengyu, the wounded and the hospital were terrible. Weeping and howling, making Fengyu's "obedience is the bounden duty" soldiers tremble in their hearts
We all know that "the working conditions are bad, and the wages must be high." The mercenaries will bid according to the situation on the battlefield. Of course, the bids are low in the downwind battle, but for the "suppression" forces in the Fengyu Plain, they will be chopped up one by one by the Holy Great Wall!
All the regiments that obey the Fengyu regime now ask for real gold and silver military pay, which is tantamount to "death money".

Wei Keng's comment: This is a naked humiliation to these "superior people" who lament that they "have not had time to lead everyone's actions" and "highly respected people" who think that "you must lead yourself to succeed."

The Kingdom of Osima is going to plunder money, and it has come to foreign forces such as Val to intervene. Under the banner of "fighting chaos and saving the country", many officials in the kingdom are quietly putting the plundered money under their own names, and saving it. into the bank of Ver, but not turned over to the high-level of the kingdom.

Zheng Nian: "Achieve a great event, establish a great faith, it is important to make a great faith, and the rules established will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

After several waves of battles, although Fengyu's land cruiser has an excellent protection concept, it can still protect the core driver, but the shock wave injected can cause the battle damage ratio in the hull to reach 70% to 90% in a few minutes, even if Some of the captain's personal guards in the Land Cruiser are also unlikely to be spared.Therefore, the so-called role of defending the core figures in the Land Cruiser is useless.

The general who once stood on Feng Yu's side was very ugly in his heart at this moment.

Therefore, the troops who listened to them at this time were all "expensive" mercenaries.

Master Wei: "Rooting is a job. In an industrial society, everyone does the same thing. Who doesn't walk fast on the downhill road?"

But when Osima's rebel army, the Dragon Guard combat squad, directly cut off all the supplies of the fortress.

The funny thing is,

After Fengyu failed in the frontline battle, and all legions demanded military expenditures for the battle, the Minister of Economics of the Kingdom re-introduced the "currency reform" to the applause of the lords of the parliament.

Let's put it this way, General Dian Jinshou Zhengli has spent most of his life fighting against the Sky Empire, working hard for Osima, working hard, and the little money he earned has now been for nothing.

Osimar's land cruiser is still very traditional at the moment, with a large number of observation windows on both sides of the side, and a submarine-like access cover on the hull armor layer.On the top of the car body, there is also a fence-like radar net hanging on the protruding ears.

All goods identified as strategic materials by these tax officials will be confiscated and judged in the name of "hoarding".

The term "pull out" vividly describes the scene where the turret pops out of the pores like acne particles after being martyred.

Wei Keng: In the age of missiles, the most important thing is to cooperate with the quality of the personnel in the ship, so that the emergency capabilities of the team can be fully utilized, so that the missiles cannot be relied on.Before the missile strikes, the core tasks of the entire ship such as "searching the surrounding airspace" and "anti-submarine" must be completed.Therefore, the sea trial training cycle of warships in the 21st century is much longer than that of the [-]th century. It is absolutely impossible for recruits to train for dozens of days to survive on the ship.A crew with insufficient quality is equivalent to entering an iron coffin when they go to the battlefield.

The low-level officials in the Fengyu-controlled area began to search door-to-door for the "gold and silver" that various merchants used to trade privately, relying on "orders from above".

At the beginning of January, after he led this group of people to gain the first wave of confidence, this group of young people who were only brave at the beginning began to "sharp themselves".
When it was determined that the enemy was a paper tiger, he was no longer afraid of Osima's rumors mobilizing scholars, oligarchs, and nobles who ordered the country's "remaining power" in the parliament.
At this time, all the factions in Osima who were previously dissatisfied with the "repeal of bills" dared to openly and firmly denounce Feng Yu's perverse actions.

In almost a month, Zhengnian obtained the core control over the most critical "finance" and "personnel" of the entire United Front.

And a group of leaflets hit the Kingdom Army: Fight for justice, soldiers belonging to the "modern army" are fighting for a just guarantee of future life.This made the Wang Guojun, who had poor logistics, have to think about it when they were short of food and clothing.

…At the military meeting, Zheng Nian tried hard to make himself fierce: I just want to kill the dogs of these lords at the door. …

The armored tracks of the land cruisers squatted in the fog like bastards in shallow pools like wading water. Oh, by the way, if they were multi-legged land cruisers, they should crawl like bullfrogs.

In just one morning, Zheng Nian directly divided the legion and other Fengyu Empire legions into multiple positions.

There is a difference between the orange cat hunting mice and the owl catching mice.One stabbed his claws at a steady speed, and the other glanced swiftly.

Wei Keng commented: "Zheng Nian belongs to the "light wonder". When he is so weak that others think he is still cute, he is ready to do big things.

Zhengli drew fifteen red circles on it. This is his family's shareholding property, which is now being used by the current ruling forces as a model for advocating "fighting tigers" and "zero tolerance".

…No matter what the banner is, being the core operator is an extremely egoistic and selfish person, and no one will be selfless to him,…

The cause of the civil war in Osima at this time was that the capital tried to "combine two votes into one".
The old-school soldiers in Osimane were numb to this policy of the Osima Council before they were cut to the forehead by the wing knife. Many of these militant soldiers chose to implement it when they first received the suppression order from the upper-level: "A soldier's duty is to obey orders",
It seems that the reason of "obeying orders" can trample on all bottom lines.

In the past, in wars, during the bombardment of the land cruiser, during a few hours of combat, even if the enemy was several times larger than the own side, the loss of the crew members in the cruiser was "30% to 40%", so the land cruiser only needs to It is enough to protect key personnel (the captain, the person in charge of the engine room, and the electromagnetic communication officer) from dying.

The masters of Osima Fengyu Imperial Capital fought a war of suppression, which was a fight for the interests of a few people.

Especially after January 1th, Zheng Nian wiped out two "heavy armor groups" in a row, hacked into the missile power, and made all the windows on the Land Cruiser unsafe now.
Wei Keng's comment: In the future, the shells of these land cruisers must be "smooth", just like the warships piled up with illegal buildings in the 21th century.

Narrator: At this time, it is Zheng Nian who is suppressing the speed of attack, because the more important issue of "industrial and agricultural" economic consolidation besides the military, it is even more important to strike while the iron is hot.

This is a coquettish operation familiar to Orientals in the ancient industrial era.

But in the age of missiles, armor is useless, or the missiles are not allowed to penetrate the defense. Once the missiles are allowed to penetrate the defense, the Land Cruiser suffers personnel losses, which is by no means the loss of shelling penetrating armor in the past.The charge of the naval gun system is very small.

…The newspapers of the rebel army are real, but the golden hands don't want to read them. …

Zheng Nian, with his sharp edge, frightened the entire heavy armor group on the plain, comparable to an invisible "city wall" that was dynamically advancing, and the title of "Holy Great Wall" had already appeared in this battle.

In the rural villages in the south of Osima, various groups who were originally grumbling about the "two votes abolished", but were slow to act and had no confidence to resist, suddenly cheered up.

Fengyu's southbound heavy army group, in the face of repeated heavy losses, is no longer advancing. Facing the Dragon Guards group that is like walking in the garden, Fengyu's legion began to "go its own way", some began to retreat, some toward Cities outside the war zone are deployed in an attempt to seize key resources.

During the hasty back-and-forth dispatch by the Dragon Guards, the Fengyu Ji mobilized army was out of touch, and several villages were weakly defended.
Chief of the General Staff in charge of the campaign, Wei Yun directly dispatched the Iron Star ground light armored infantry to intersperse and build defensive positions on the divided fronts.
Wei Yun also provides a better "Dragon Guard Ground Service Transformation System" based on the complex situation at the front of the battlefield

At this time, Osima Wangduzhong began to promote a number of "officials". These "officials" are similar to the public relations experts of the 21st century company. These experts are not responding to the problem, but covering up the problem.

The content of this business newspaper is still "golden powder magnificent", Fengyu Group has made great achievements in rectifying the market, in order to show its determination to "smite flies" and "smite tigers", there are a series of sealed business groups and warehouses on it.

Just like chickens and tile dogs, they start to panic when they face the operator.

In the internal mechanical cocoon room of the Austrian Railway's mountain giant-level tank, the Dragon Guard mecha was replaced with a "combat engine" that was "not suitable for cruising" but with superpower, and was loaded with almost five tons of ammunition and intelligent protective armor.

In the apartment controlled by the Austrian Railway, Dian Jinshou Zhengli opened today's newspaper. After seeing the latest pictures taken by reporters on the battlefield, the newspaper on his fingers trembled slightly. However, after a few seconds of trembling, the newspaper was slapped heavily on the desktop.

…People standing on the dry shore always like to find reasons to ignore the interests of those who fell into the water, so the furs capsized the boat. …

Speculators want to see experience from him. As a man of the hour, they will only make a wrong analysis of "the timing and reasons for success". They don't know that no matter how many analyzes a speculator makes, it is all based on "after the fact", because there are similar things. When it happens, it is impossible for you to have "future vision" to grasp this information.This kind of analysis is like a scumbag memorizing the answers, reciting the order of answers to "abcd" multiple choice questions, if you are familiar with the recitation, you will be finished when you encounter a new paper
If not, give the "error" the courage to give it a fatal blow when it is the most arrogant.Weak speculators will always lose "opportunities" amidst too many interest calculations and choices.Timing is made by the brave.

...Today's Osima Kingdom has already been spit on by troublemakers...

In order to protect themselves in the immediate future, these bureaucrats have to cooperate with all their strength, and at the same time, they are preparing to seize "non-cooperation" as a vote, or not to be voted.

When integrating internal forces, the Dragon Guard battle formation was still making assaults. In the eyes of the soldiers of the Osima Kingdom, there were wing knives everywhere, which made their spirits tense.

...There is no shortage of emergency medical treatment...

In terms of destroying people's mentality, Zheng Nian has a talent no less than Wei Keng, and has unique methods!

Therefore, at this time, Osima's rural and rural regime is hundreds of times richer in war funds for general equivalents such as "gold and silver" than those on the Fengyu Plain.

...The Osima Iron Star Nongxiang forces, on January 1th, the third day after Liuina was captured, began to unanimously vote to fight this war. …

If Fengyu Pingyuan didn't do such a thing, Zhengli could still be tough on Zhengnian's group, but now, he had to admit that there was no enemy in Osimane who was the same as the Holy Great Wall!
Zhengli looked at the list of the blame on the kingdom, and sighed: "It's completely over."

Of course, the Sunshine Boy doesn't seem to care about those old bastards who have been beaten for decades in the officialdom, but he is terrific about all factions.

Newspapers in several cities in the south were criticizing Zheng Nian for their recklessness dozens of hours ago, but now they seem to have changed their editors.

The multi-dimensional hacking missiles are different from the main world. The main world missiles rely on radar, infrared, and other sensitive sensors to judge, while the multi-dimensional hacking light directly downloads the battleship information. The so-called outer armor of the battleship There are windows, and the defensive firepower density of each machine gun on the side is assigned. As long as the hacking light is connected, all this information will be downloaded.

Each commando is rebuilt with five large land cruiser-level vehicles as the core of field support, and the Dragon Guard group as the core of strikes.

You know, some of Zhengnian's current collaborators were discussing the conspiracy of "how to hold down Zhengnian who raised troops, and then find a compromise with Fengyu".

At this time, the ridicule of the skin is more effective than the debate of the axis

Although when Zhengnian was in trouble, even though the followers around him were not able to resist pressure, if the action was slightly frustrated, the tissue around him would shatter like "tempered glass encounters a crack".

Organizational power is what is fought in war, and organizational power comes from the confidence of a team.

In Zhengyang City in the south of Osima, a wartime reform meeting was held. At the meeting, as the first rescue group to launch a military struggle, it naturally became the central leader of Anti-Fengyu at this time.

The words "Native chicken and tile dog" kept ringing in my ears, like a pendulum clock ringing continuously after the o'clock. A month ago, the young man whom he considered arrogant never came again, but his proud and confident demeanor , Like a nightmare, haunting him day and night.

Wei Keng said with emotion: "Zheng Nian, this child has been shrewd since he was a child, and he will not settle accounts when it is unnecessary. He will first record the small books. In the future, when he has enough chips, he will punish everyone one by one."

On February 3252, 2 in the Fire Emblem Calendar, the Great Wall Corps led by Zheng Nian launched an assault on a certain "Seventh Legion" who underestimated the enemy and ventured forward. dog).

Outside these fortresses, Zhengnian's remote-controlled drone taunted these dogs with a loudspeaker: "Please continue to obey orders as your bounden duty, An'an will starve to death."

As a result, this made the wind language kingdom regime's ability to raise funds for war even worse.Of course, some of the great minds of the Fengyu Council have prepared a set of "the overall situation is the most important" and are ready to make a living.

Since it is "fighting evil with righteousness", using the rules of "Zhengwei" at this time, Zheng Nian requires all agricultural areas and urban areas to submit data on bill issuance, and all requests are gathered in the central chip of the "Reform Front". Professionals will conduct a new round of assessment, preparing for large-scale promotion of cadres from the grassroots to enter the center.

This kind of "temple" level exists, and the "armor protection concept field" focuses on protecting a very small number of people, because the artillery battles of land cruisers are often confrontational for dozens of days, and the shelling can really completely damage them in one afternoon.

The first combat echelon is Zhengnian who directly leads the assault.In the early days of the uprising, in the four large-scale annihilation battles, two-thirds of the total results were fought by this group, which is a well-deserved spearhead.

…The old fritters in the old days thought they could fool the young people as in the past, but now they find that they are out of date...

In the imperial capital of Osima, the top floors are still feasting, because at this time of crisis, they are still not the first to go hungry. The most discussed by the nobles in the palace is not "shortage of supplies, people are suffering", but "government shaking."In other words, as long as some people starve to death obediently and do not shake the rule, they will not be troubled.

On January 1th, when the Southern Iron Star's Royal Army could not shrink back, the Fengyu Emperor sent "capable" tax officials to various cities to implement economic reforms, and began to hold the slogan "Unite and overcome difficulties together", Stop "gold and silver" transactions, and within one month, all people in the control area will exchange for the new currency.

For the Iron Star Rebels, looking at the steel bulges on the plain of the earth just like that was removed, it was a very refreshing picture.But for Fengyu, this is a lost game.

In the past ten years, the Osima Rebel Army, like the Sky Iron Star Federation, has mixed with many hidden old faction forces.

As for Zheng Nian, he also seems to be "stupid", without any suspicion.

You know, such a heavy army group, 50 years ago, even if it attacked the permanent fortress position known as the "bloody battle", it could still dig a tens of kilometers long front line depression.But facing the undefended plains, the advance speed was only seven kilometers per day in the first five days.

In short, it's like light cavalry wearing iron pagoda armor for short sprints.

The specific effect of this concept field is: let their body strength be strengthened, and the shrapnel will fly around them.

Wei Keng concluded: The method of Zhengnian is a method of great courage. If you learn his "justice" way, you can live, but if there are smart people, if you follow his "method" to speculate, you will undoubtedly die.

Liu Si taught this sentence when he was a teenager in Zhengnian: the full don’t know the hungry. Don’t discuss food security issues with the full, but “help” these people understand that they may give priority to starvation. , they themselves will become wiser.

Narrator: As long as a reputable government ensures the stability of food, cloth, and energy, it can borrow unlimited money from the people in its area, requiring them to actively produce, operate industrial machines, and provide support for the frontline.

That is to say, when Zheng Nian was in trouble, in terms of "material", his organization was a very low-quality "sword", which would shatter after a slight bump, but Zheng Nian couldn't hold this "sword" out of its sheath. The timing was good, and the posture of "stabbing" the movement faction was correct, so when he got out of the scabbard, before the unsteady people in his organization were shattered, the reactionary organization that showed its flaws was critically hit because of the "death spot". And no more.

At a time when everyone in the world can spot the signs of problems, but they are all lucky, this monkey is showing the world what it means to be bold and skillful!
For those who were still complacent in their old ideas for a second, Zhengnian's success is a slap in the face in the fields of "courage" and "wisdom".

Wei Keng sighed: Such a "teach yourself without a teacher" reprint, it seems that the selfishness of society is interlinked.

…On February 2st, Luhe Village, at this time, the spring fog was attached to the ground…

Zheng Nian doesn't believe them, of course, because Liu Si taught that "you can never kill all the bad guys", Zheng Nian doesn't expect to complete the reform by "purchasing these people".

This emerging force reborn from the ashes can use the profit distribution of "urban industrial areas" and "rural industrial areas" in the next few years as a promise to raise funds for the current war.

Wei Keng's strategic style is very thick, and he overcomes the initial disadvantages in the last stand, and waits until the middlemen in his organization who are no longer flustered start to be firm, step by step and push back!Wei Keng has been waiting for his organization to mature: people need to be trained, and I will fight when the team is tempered.

Zheng Nian babbled to some comrades: Now we also have a lot of "opportunists" here. These opportunists are now jumping ship, and they want to borrow external forces. We not only want to fight the enemy, but also put an end to our internal forces. changed shell,
...The external support expected by the high-level officials of the Osima Kingdom has not yet arrived, and Zheng Nian has already kicked the door...

For example, at this very moment, Zheng Nian's successful strike penetrated the weakest point of Fengyu Group!

Of course, on Zhengli's desk at this time, there were various military newspapers copied from the ether world, and under his pillow was a business newspaper from the Kingdom of Wind Whispers.

Beginning on February 2th, the Dragon Guards Group frequently interspersed through the entire Fengyu heavy army group, destroying the logistics and railway nodes, and began to focus on cutting off the enemy's logistics dispatch, slowly strangling the Osima reactionary.

...Dian Jinshou was defeated, so the nobles of the Osima Imperial Capital began to liquidate the interest groups related to the conquest...

Narrator: The blame for the defeat is all blamed on those who fell into the pit. That is the most terrible way. At the end of the Warring States Period, in the Battle of Changping, Zhao Kuo buried the elite of Zhao State. King Zhao still did not punish him, but himself Take the blame.After Qin State defeated Changping, it would not be able to swallow Zhao State for a while, and Zhao State even pushed back Yan State, who stole the chicken. If it weren't for the outstanding performance of "God of War" Guo Kai, Zhao's cohesion could still be blocked for seven or eight years , at least Li Mu is not dead, Qin destroys Zhao is a lose-lose situation, Qin will not choose to destroy Zhao.

On the other hand, in the early days of modern times, most of Europe represented by Germany, which was defeated in the Great War, threw all the pot to the "head of state".The entire European Union has not had a responsible political force in the entire ancient times.

No matter what kind of government, when there are too many selfish people, it should perish.

The imperial capital of Osima is acting quite irresponsible now!This is the real end of the confrontation at this time.

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