out of cage

Chapter 794 Chapter 18.22 Messing will also advance

Chapter 794 Chapter 18.22 Messing will also advance
On the system platform, Sissy is currently blocked by energy, and she is now helplessly looking at the goddess hidden under the cloak who is facing the 'Originator' on the operating platform.

If it was an ordinary person who insulted the gods, he would have been accidentally arranged to die, but the guy who humiliated the gods now has collective willpower. Now it has been proved that even if the gods keep arranging bad luck for Wei Keng, he will not be scared at all. Wei Keng's overall will.

The self-stabilization mode of "groups of different thinking, but one heart and one mind" developed by the Pandora plane is the only one in the entire multi-plane!Raise the individual mortal self to the point where he does not look down on the gods from certain standpoints.

In short, Wei Keng's anti-bone is a "degenerate" material.

Wei Keng standing up: I may be afraid and regret my mistakes, but for you, I will never admit my mistakes.Because although I am unwell, you are not worthy.

Some gods in the current multi-dimensional plane are sentimental, thinking that Wei Keng created such a self specifically for the gods when he first arrived in the multi-dimensional plane, oh, in fact, they think too much.

Michael Lena and a few other gods knew that when Master Wei originated on the plane of Pandora, most of these gods had not yet been born in the main world!In terms of seniority, Master Wei is an existence in the pastoral era.

To the cold and elegant heart at this moment, the foul-mouthed Wei Keng was like a stone in a latrine.

When confronted with Wei Keng's difficulties, He was also on the screen, sarcastically: "If you don't accumulate morals like this, you will have very few companions, um, especially female companions."

The goddess' words were secretly cursing Wei Keng for being obscene and unfeminine, but how did this little girl know that Wei Keng didn't care about this at all.

But because of Sheng Great Wall's direct jump in the face, he went directly to the Anglo mainland without talking about martial arts.

Zheng Nian commented fearing that the world would not be in chaos: "For example, will Vall take this opportunity to launch a war against the Anglo colonies in the south of the mainland again at this time."

When the originator focuses on the divinity of some gods, these gods can't bear it, and they can't arouse the empathy of other "rational" gods.

In particular, Wei Keng looked at how those so-called new goddesses grew up like this from a young girl, and how those old goddesses turned into Obasan.Wei Keng has long been desensitized to the so-called "goddess".

Prior to the Civil War in Osimar, both the Anglo and the Vail had plans to interfere with Iron Star.

In fact, it's just that the gods couldn't suppress the backlash, and were drawn out by "Pi Xing" throwing a stone at the window.

It can even be said that in the carve-up plan quietly formulated by the two parties, Ver is planning to garrison the Osima Wind Whisper region, while Anglo is planning to support the Osima Second Empire.

Master Wei continued to mutter in the temple, chattering nonsense to the system plane: "Why, if I say a few nice words, can I make her lift her skirt at me?"

Wei Keng's translation: Since ancient times, when mysterious events happened, the Anglos regarded themselves as the guardian.Similar to Midi in modern times, who claimed to be the world's policeman and the defender of the people, when there is a dispute in the world, the people inside it will subconsciously think it is an external dictatorship under the integration of public opinion. It has never been doubted that the root of the world's disputes comes from Own.

Keyword 1: "Release goodwill", which means "We are too lazy to hit you, we still have business to do, and we don't want to waste time".

…The various interests of a conservative country have been divided up internally, so any capital investment is limited. When the funds cannot be invested in defense, it is difficult to extract funds to invest externally. …

...The real trigger for this disaster came from Anglo's original attempt to develop space gate technology, which is actually a taboo technology...

...In the multi-dimensional plane, if negative information cannot be exported, it will eventually break through the critical point, creating the same effect as a nuclear bomb...

Before the gates of hell descend in all Anglian cities, there are omens, but these omens have been covered up because they involve upper secrets.

The god-making system of liberalism in multiple planes seems to be prosperous, but there is no mutual generation and mutual restraint, resulting in a lot of imbalance.

The naval blockade war in May made the Anglo nobles no longer able to restrain their support for "dark magic".

For thousands of years, in the towers of the "Ministry of Magic", they have let the shadows fall into other countries time and time again, and they represent the light in their own history books, becoming the guardians, and they are about to maintain the "balance" 'world.

In this war, the gods were not completely united against the originator of the "Industrial Godhead".

For a country with a huge conservative power like Anglo, once a specific interest group is formed, it is like a tumor, and it is very difficult to eliminate it.

In the process of this internal struggle, food and fuel became very tense for a time, and from time to time, some people died of exhaustion in the factory, and suddenly collapsed and no one cared about it. It was also "numbed" by the Anglo-roots people, and people's resentment Accumulation, however, can only go so far in the high pressure of war.

When Anglo's light is bright, it's like a searchlight shining the "candle shadow" outward, magnifying the dark reflection several times and casting it on the opponent.

But Yayaxin stared back with a icy swishing gaze.

Now Anglo has invested a lot in "any door" technology. (This is similar to Enma's ultimate move, group teleportation technology.)
The Second Revolution of Osimar, the Anglo-naval department, drew up a plan of intervention.The plan is to directly send an inland river fleet and land forces to a lake area in the Wind Whisper Plain, to curb the Austrian Railway from going north, and to maintain its "commercial interests" in the area

In the capital of Osima, in the newly tidied up office, the backlog of things is being dealt with by the office staff. Su Ni squatted in the corner of the stairs and had a nonsense chat with Zheng Nian
Su Ni: "Hey, my Lord Great Wall, when will you come back. The wind on the sea will not let you get lost."

In the international situation, both Wei Keng and Zheng Nian follow the principle of "one punch wins a hundred punches, and you don't get away with it".

So in the gorgeous palace, the crown prince shook his head at the ancient heroine: "If we can't give a clear reason, it is impossible for us to stagnate."

In the head of this silver-haired young man, he is thinking about how to develop next.

…After a few minutes, Wei Keng put his hands in his pockets and walked out of the "Precision" temple, with a look of satisfaction from visiting the brothel. …

This sentence shut down the system directly, oh, Your Majesty the Goddess directly destroyed (smashed) the entire system.Sissy on the side was ready to object immediately: because this is a dialogue channel arranged by the upper god.

The war has already started, and it is endless.The gods have exhausted all available means.The large number of splits below have experienced "torture", "betrayal", "misunderstanding", "indifference that no one cares about, no one recognizes", and they all vowed to die.It is as tyrannical as steel tempered in a raging fire.

Of course, only when the external light is stronger and reflects the world's disputes back, can the Anglos see the "shadow" of various problems reflected in their own country

With the frequent disappearances of people nearby, this unusual situation was reported by the sheriff, but the bureaucrats of the Anglo city only regarded it as a case.In the accumulation of dossiers, key words were strangely eaten away by moths.

Save the strategic goal of going north, that is, to deter "Anglo's attempt to gather forces to interfere with Iron Star in order to divert conflicts."

After these two imperialist countries have no more soft meat to divide, their fangs and sharp teeth will devour each other.In the global strategy of saving thoughts, we are observing: the joint strategic impact brought about by the "deployment of the Anglo Navy to the south".

But now, they are out of play. When the stronger blazing lights are riding on the face, the shadows of the candlelight they lit no longer reflect outside, and start to "reflect" inside.

But now, after Osima's internal and external battles are completed, for Val and Anglo, the piece of meat that allows them to "eat in harmony" is gone.But their fangs and claws are still there.

Since ancient times, mystery has been like a candle, which brings light and shadows when lit.

Until: All kinds of hell creatures that make people crash appear.These hell creatures don't look chaotic and violent like demons, but have a sense of weirdness. They also pay attention to symmetry. For example, the densely packed fingers under their cloak are symmetrical from left to right, and the eyes of the three heads of the bloated body will never be bigger or bigger. Small, but the more this weird thing shows its order, the more disgusting it becomes.

Zheng Nian left quietly, not taking a trace of clouds with him, but leaving Anglo with sequelae.

This kind of "imbalance" caused the industry and science gods to collapse in the interstellar era.

Keyword 2: "gradually", which means, "We haven't set an exact limit on the strength of the Holy Great Wall military cluster! If you expect to get something at the end, then you may think that there are enough sea mines and investigations, and when necessary Sink one or two warships, those who actively want to be 'hawks', be prepared to bear the consequences, just come."

…Anglo, a high-pressure gas tank that looks relatively complete on the outside, is leaking gas. …

But after Zheng Nian's long-distance raid, resources and troops have now been moved to various cities.

On May 5, the newborn Osima announced that she would suspend the punishment of Anglo.Of course, the Anglo "Dark Biological Experiment" still reserves the right to pursue further investigations.

However, in fact, people are waiting for the "international strategic influence" to happen.The hole that Wei Keng dug for Anglo over the past few decades has finally exploded.

This is like an arrogant lamp thinking that all shadows come from others, and does not believe that it has a shadow.

Space gates also appeared inside the No.13 area, connecting the major Anglo cities.

Narrator: Before Su Ni took down the Fengyu Imperial Capital, the reason why the restorationists dared to make such a jump was because of the promise brought by an Anglo businessman.

All of these are arranged by God's will to completely smooth out all the troubles.Darkness is coming.

Oh, his face is similar to that of Wei Keng, and the proud personality of Wei Qiang, an expert at picking up girls, has already picked up all the girls of his generation.

Narrator: In the aristocratic class, it is not "can" but "whether you want" to play with a loli. It is only an "investment contract" to explain the savings of an entire wealthy factory class. Under this huge injustice, they jumped off the building and drowned themselves. They just jokingly sighed "why can't you think about it?"

On May 5th, some investigators from the Empire witnessed the opening of the Devil’s Gate with their own eyes. His description and photos will become the most important historical materials for future generations. Hanging, sending out multiple beams of light, seeking the location of the surrounding starry sky, then scanning the earth, finding a mountain falling, and then like an ant's nest being knocked over, a large number of black demons poured out of the cave.

So in front of the elegant heart, he showed "not ashamed, but proud".

Originally used as a military means to "transfer external conflicts", it was controlled by the royal family and the prime minister.

After the siege of the capital of Osima was completed, Zhengnian judged that his strategic mission of heading north had been completed.

This made Kelly from ancient times feel abnormal, but she couldn't tell what was behind the space. She came to the Anglo Center and wanted to stop all the space doors, but the Anglo royal family is now relying on the space doors to maintain control over all major areas. The city's only deterrent.

But as the old confrontation is coming to an end (Salvation has receded), a new war is coming (Val's rebuilding fleet appears in the south of the mainland) Here comes "despair".

Now Austrian Railways will withdraw from the front line of the confrontation at sea in a controlled manner, showing "peaceful" goodwill to the Anglo.

The cult hand rubbing demon originally appeared only in the interstellar era, but in this initial plane of industry, due to the transformation that caused all kinds of conflicts to explode violently, it is very rare that this phenomenon happened in advance.

War is the most test, the true role of all kinds of bottles and cans accumulated by civilization.

Sissy remained silent, because she was also a woman, so she knew that at this time, the originator had really scratched a woman's scales.But what is the use of the "anger" of this goddess.

They don't care about a large number of injured and sick families whose values ​​have been exhausted and abandoned by factory owners at this time. In this part of the injured and sick families, the teenagers who have not yet grown up at this time have strong desires, longing for power, longing for rights, and at the same time despising life.

For this purpose, Anglo has cultivated exclusive arms, priests, driving armed helicopters, and creating urban counterattack forces.


The navy had to give up this plan, and the Anglo high-level had to change to homeland defense.

When the goddess was dumbfounded behind the screen,
Wei Keng continued his low-quality output, and put up his little finger: "She is a few catties and a few taels. She can be proud because other people are too lazy to prostitute her. I am helping her guardian educate her to know herself well. How to be true?" Realize your own value, rather than superficial pursuit of vanity."

Even if they denied it again, the streets couldn't help discussing it.

In No.13 area, that is, within the circle of influence of the "strange" disaster.The gate from the evil dimension descends along the pain and temptation in the spiritual power of Anglo-mortals.On the NO.15 night of each month, whenever the moon hangs high until two o'clock in the night, the moonlight will turn bloody, and the evil atmosphere in the city will skyrocket.These are the "bloody cases" created by those domineering people in Anglo who took advantage of keeping secrets for themselves in the power system

The Anglo gentlemen are now putting all their energies into promoting the interests of "factory owners".Under the rule of business and private affairs, as long as it is devoured, it is addictive both internally and externally.

Of course, even if neither side knows the other's plan, after successful execution (military invasion), the two sides will determine the strength of the rival in Osima's territory, and they will choose to carve up tacitly.

Su Ni got the latest plan sent by Zheng Nian, and after reading it, he let out a sigh of relief: "You, Lu Zi is still so crazy."

Anglo cities have begun to gain more power. With the withdrawal of the "external force" of Zhengnian, will these decentralized powers be taken back lightly?
It's like Zeng Xiang, Li Huai, and Zeng Xiang, Li Huai, after the long-haired rebellion was suppressed at the end of the Qing Empire, they couldn't be abolished no matter what!
Zheng Nian: In the face of the old woman (Queen of Anglo) who has begun to become manic now, the best strategy is to give in for a while.

On the other hand, after the goddess was defeated, she couldn't bear a few curses in the temple. (In fact, the gods were defeated by Wei Keng on a large number of planes.)
Sissy looked at Elegant Heart who was leaving, she was on the sidelines, and shook her head: Wei Keng's swear words had obviously aroused the goddess' dissatisfaction.

When two wolves have meat to eat, they will not bite each other. For example, after the two crows, Britain and Russia are in the same situation in Europe, but in the Qing Dynasty, it is very "polite" to share their interests.

What had been a plan to amass military power for the purpose of interfering with Osima suddenly began to become a reason for mutual defense.

But unbeknownst to Callis, the Anglo royal family now knows that "darkness is approaching".

If the Anglos were still victorious in the intervention in Osima, as victors, they would still be entitled to cover, but now they have not won.

On the railing outside the airship, Zheng Nian leaned on the railing to look at the sea and sky, and said, "Don't worry, I won't get lost, you just sit back for me honestly! There are about two or three months left, and all the ships that should be sunk have sunk." , All the monsters that should be hooked have been hooked out by me, so I'll go back right away."

When Wei Keng was facing the goddess across the air, at this time on the sea battlefield, Saint Great Wall was on the airship, doing basic "body fixation" training, while watching the news of the world.

As for the ancient legends such as the "Devil's Gate" rumored by the fools in the countryside, then send a few more inflexible civil servants in the city to preach that such strange things will not happen under the light of God.

The Great Wall's war has brought major changes to the Anglo cities. The defense forces of each city have risen and blockades have begun!
For hundreds of years, it has been a free commercial force that has penetrated the colonies of the world, but suddenly it was blocked by various regional factions in the mainland.Ever since, the infighting began.

After Kellys left, the crown prince opened the safe and watched the Ministry of Magic provide the latest "dark spread" information.

Osima's wording is very leeway,

Only this time, when the demons in that city came out, they were purified with flamethrowers by the Aurors and legions of the empire.As long as it can be purified for the first time, then it will be temporarily stuck.

So now we have entered the "four-step method"

Phase [-]: We declare nothing

Stage [-]: Say something might happen but we shouldn't act
Stage [-]: Saying maybe we should act but we can't do anything

Stage [-]: Say maybe something could have been done but it's too late
(End of this chapter)

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