out of cage

Chapter 796 Chapter 18.24 Anglo Darkness Cause and Effect

In July 3252 of the Fire Emblem Calendar, Anglo's dark calamity finally reached the stage of "oversized influence" (unable to cover).Shining gates of hell appeared around the major cities, with mechanical exoskeleton hell monsters carrying strange caliber shotguns and rushing towards the crowd. The roaring mechanical mouth clicked to expose the jet pipe, breathing red biochemical poison. "

These rusty steel monsters climbed to this world town and devoured the mechanical steam cars and mechanical boilers on the streets.The rust began to disappear, and layers of metal pipes began to be wrapped on the flesh and blood structure. Correspondingly, human beings became mummies, and layers of black dust were attached to the originally clean and tidy streets, like rotten After decades, these roaring hell machines began to wave their fangs and attack other areas.

The royal family finally "discovered" the facts, and "decisively" sent troops to suppress these otherworldly demons.

Kalisi was originally responsible for the use of the space gate, and was ordered to study how to seal the gate of hell.Of course, in the combat base, military commanders like Carlisle, who strictly enforced orders, are aware of some "dark secrets" involving the upper echelons behind the current disaster.

...sewage comes out, just mop it instead of dealing with the leaky pipe, it will never be plugged...

Due to the suddenness of the flickering of the Devil's Gate, heavy armor units often lose sight of one another.Anglo began to form a quick response force, just a few months ago, Iron Star's Dragon Guard group gave Anglo a very painful impression.

In the military base, the alarm was sounded, and Fen was sitting on his mech, turned on his personal chip, and synchronized his information communication chain.

In Fenzheng's digital command system: all the combat vehicles and the situation of the more than 100 Dragon Guard light mechas in the immediate response corps are all linked by his information.

Anglo's quick response force is brand new from personnel to equipment.There is always something new about a new unit.

The logistics officer here is very responsible, smelling almost every barrel of gasoline to make sure there is nothing wrong with it.

As for "benefits", those who stand out from the bottom blocks must have newer pursuits now, such as "getting rid of diseases and becoming immortal" or obtaining higher "devil powers".

Wei Keng's attitude is: "The show depends on the occasion, there is no danger, a group of laymen want to see novelty, you can show them, but professional work, you must be professional, seek stability, don't waste money."

Of course, Fenzheng was also touched by the support given by his boss, that is, a friend of his late father. In the cockpit of the mecha, Fenzheng kept in touch with the general.Discussion about the new Anglo Swan Knights (Dragon Guard) entering the city to perform the task of suppressing evil disasters

...A certain energy spot in the distant universe is locking all the "polluted information areas" of this plane...

A few hours later, these unlucky residents woke up with pure black pupils, and began to consciously walk towards the black smoke, bowing down and looking up, as if they were looking forward to the things inside the black smoke coming over, as if they would be able to get rid of their ordinary lives after they came.Gain strength in mutation.The devil's smoke is so full of temptation.

The turtle popped its head and looked at Wei Keng innocently.

Those primitive and ignorant areas of the Southern Old Continent.When it was under colonial rule, the "devil" summoned, and then there were scenes of sacrifices in thousands of graves and mass graves.

Master Wei nodded. He had thought about these possibilities himself, but the devil was born to be a bad breed, so he was able to elaborate on the details in a more comprehensive way.After listening to everything, Wei Keng threw the turtle back into the water tank.

And the electric maintenance workers under him didn't think that other city workers would tangle the wires indiscriminately after they were connected.Instead, all the wires are sorted, and then the drawing is completed and handed over to the recruits.

Fen was ending the phone call here. What he didn't know was that the old general had called the imperial royal family in the general's office, and immediately claimed credit and reported that "the army is all ready."

General Toth: "As far as this condition is concerned, the intelligent control of all ammunition loading is very costly."

This logistics officer is from the Sur region, that is, the region where a great uprising established an anti-imperial regime during the Anglo-Val war more than ten years ago and was finally suppressed. (Wei Keng's split left grass was suppressed)
It is also because of this dark history that no matter how well an officer from the Sur region does, the imperial military will set a ceiling.

Six kilometers behind the dragon guards, stay for 1 minute, guide the missile directly to the ground, and explode at the core of the corrosive mechanical legion like bacterial plaque.This sense of speed is like a swift passing over a house

...the Anglo culture that has been "glorious" for thousands of years can still attract young people to serve it...

These weapons from the end of other timelines, clang clang, are like battered engine combat armor that sucks a lot of dust, mechanical feet with welded seals.After entering this world, before they have had time to absorb the power of the world's conceptual field, a network of three-dimensional coordinates locks them in.

Since there are no super-large cities in the entire Suer area, it is currently a simple area, and it is also the most remote area with the attribute of "hell". When Fen was recruiting a corps from here, he regained his sense of combat responsibility.

But at this moment, in the distance, Anglo's ground dragon guard mecha galloped over, sending out dispersing light to melt the black fog and dissipate it. Soon, the soldiers in charge of dealing with the "gate of hell" broke in here, pressed the life detector Take the human people away.

Liu Si shook his head: So, how did the treasures that surpassed the technological level of the era in the collection of the Sky Royal House come from?This is horrifying to think about.

Wei Keng: "Now use your thinking, tell me, if the portal is suppressed by the firepower of the Anglos, how you devils will break the situation, use your little head of conspiracy, tell me." Wei Keng pinched With a Chaotian pepper.invisible threat.

For example, when civil strife broke out in Sky Empire, Aurors were immediately dispatched to study the civil strife.Among the rituals it tried to perform, there were only a few.

Fen, who was hovering, was a little shocked after confirming this scene with an ultra-long distance.Then guide the next wave of rockets to focus on taking care of these big devils who have not been killed, the fusion of mechanical bodies.

This sentence made Master Wei curl his lips. The data thousands of years ago are missing, so it is not clear, but in the hundreds of years of Osima and the sky, there have been many "hell coming" events in remote areas.

Crack, crack, crack, the spoon in Wei Keng's hand hit the shell of the turtle in front of him one after another!Meng Xina, who was forcibly squeezed into a tortoise, was locked in the tortoise shell and began to bear the punishment of the wooden fish. It didn't dare to stick out its head to protest, because when Master Wei knocked it, he was in a bad mood to relieve pressure. It's okay to bear it honestly , If you dare to be long-winded, then you will hit the gun.

In the end, after all the demons were burned to death, the space door slowly shrank, but before it shrank, a ray of light seemed to come down.

Over the past 1000 years, when the Anglos actively instigated conflicts throughout the Wanlun continent, they sent a large number of adventurers to "rescue" the culture and knowledge of other countries.

Fen was looking at this uncle who used to be full of smiles: "General, everything is difficult at the beginning. The chip I applied for, the induction warhead production line, and the ammunition circuit processing site and staffing,"

Therefore, now the Angles say that "darkness is coming" is a common disaster for the world.It's good not to mention this, but when it was mentioned, Master Wei sneered.

Wei Keng stared at her, turning the carving knife in his hand.And began to recall a dish of "Gui Shou".

Soon, those in the town who hadn't had time to escape the smoke fell asleep.

In the current "Gate of Hell" incident, he deeply realized that the selection of candidates is very important, and he gave this opportunity to the son of the late superior, which is a plan that kills many birds with one stone.

Fen Zheng, who was sitting in the cockpit of the mech, thought of the general with a bear-like body, shirtless, chest hair like bristles, and the scene where he was messing around in the Imperial Military Procurement Office, his expression froze, and he quickly persuaded: "Sir, that wouldn't be like this .”

...Wei Keng: "This disaster was caused by Anglo, but the disaster is for all mankind. I will not allow Anglo to blame, but I will stand here to solve the problem"...

On the one hand, he can show reciprocity, and on the other hand, he is sure that Fenzheng's drive can make things happen

General Toss: "You perform the mission first, and then I will go to the defense zone command to get all of your requirements."

So much so that in the past ten years, regarding the garrison force in the Suer area, the impression in the Imperial Legion is mostly lazy.

The above-mentioned means of controlling the hell lords of the "hell world" vampires, liches, and black dragons in the era of sword and magic.The "hell world" summoned in the industrial age will not be lacking, it will only become more advanced,
"Heterogeneous gene implantation", "personality brainwashing replacement", "energy chip thought seal"... The effects correspond to the above mysterious methods.

Wei Keng: "Aren't you useless? If it's useless, just say it."

Mixed into Anglo's logistics officer (Master Wei's split): Who is born lazy?Human passion can be suppressed and consumed, but it is not so easy to completely extinguish it and become a walking dead.The army is a group of people, and the soul of the soldier is immortal.

Three hours after all the personnel had evacuated, the black armored forces at the Gate of Hell marched on the Anglo territory of Wanlun World.

Back to the present, most of the rockets fired by the Fenzheng Corps turned the tank into a burning wreck with black smoke, flames bursting out of its steel shell, and even burned the broken crack into a round mouth.On the wreckage, some black lightning and skull symbols slipped off from the structure, and escaped as if flowing.

Fenzheng's current assault is far worse than Iron Star's combat skill assessment. Zhengnian will add the elements of close-in anti-aircraft fire, and will also require data marking, and then super maneuver to dodge and suppress with firepower.

Of course, if someone judges: "When you only need to pay less than [-]% of your hard work, you can get [-]% of the credit for success. Naturally, you should praise the beauty of entrepreneurship!" (Entrepreneurs in modern times , in the face of large-scale profits in the market, and the struggle for the society that I represent, it is probably such an optimistic mood.)
...Anglo-style blood is very simple, without so many profound meanings...

Fern is leading the way.Leading the air force, began to break into the hacking light.

Just like the truth, "There is no problem that can't be solved by one rpg. If there is, two more rounds will be used. If there are still more, then the caliber will be increased, and then the incendiary warhead will be cremated."

For a long time, the Angles themselves have made dark calls all over the world, and then the benefits have been taken away, and the disasters have been left to the local area. I have not seen them have any mercy.But once they can't stand it by themselves, after a "dark hell" appears in a big local city, they will frankly "this is a disaster for the world" and act as if they are protecting the world.

General Toss, with a red wine nose, is a well-known alcoholic in the army.

These citizens were isolated and planned, women, children, and men were registered separately, and then blood tests, bathing, changing clothes, and then "screening" were carried out. These regulations should be compiled and prepared to be spread to various places.

Fen is serving as an assault force. Now that he has finally found an opportunity, he will definitely not give up.

The general announced to Fen Zheng in a high-profile manner: How could it not be possible? The people are fleeing. We have the responsibility and obligation to give up everything.

It is said that you can know the origin of the alcoholic liquid by smelling it.His nose turned red not only because of the smell of wine, but his political sense is still very keen. As a master of the imperial nobles' salon banquets, he is a master of chaos.What he is best at is what to say in any situation.

After accepting the news information, Mengxi Na hesitated in the end and gave all the means she would do from the perspective of the devil.

...Wei Keng looked at Zheng Nian's half-brother: "I am a middle-aged person, and I look for opportunities everywhere."...

Meng Xina paused, as if she wanted to make a deal.As a devil, he will never give up the deal for any request.

In the Iron Star region, Liu Si was in front of the TV in the cafeteria, watching the World News, an overview of the "Dark Calamity" incident officially released in Anglo.

In the past years, when the Osima Iron Star uprising had not yet been fought, about the skills that Zheng Nian had studied (shown) on the practice field.

He seems to have regained his youthful passion to start a career.So he opened the bottle and prepared to have a drink.

Anglo spokeswoman: "This is a catastrophe for the world, we are really going through the most difficult time, the world needs to be vigilant."

…As for the knowledge of ghost tricks, Wei Keng only understands them when he needs them, just like using a spittoon...~
Hell has invaded the world, and if you are unsuccessful, you must outsmart it!
In fact, it is not the first day that Anglo and the world over there have been in contact. During the "weird disaster" a few years ago, they have already tempted quite a few humans. These humans will try to exploit loopholes for their own profit in the current balanced situation.

Wei Keng: "Come out for me."

Six hours later, in the southeast corner of the empire, the gate of hell appeared, and the purple summoning spell hung over the town. The huge air intake of the exaggerated and weird hell machine swallowed the air of Wanlun World, and the tail was distributed like a bird's tail. The exhaust pipes released a large amount of black mist like the chimney of a ship. The smoke was heavy, like water rolling into the street, and amidst the waves of smoke and dust, a phantom of a skull appeared.

"Infusion of dark blood", "implantation of soul ability", awakening "heart capture" and "heart capture"...

Before the end of these sacrifices, the evil results were known to the world, but someone must have gained benefits. What is this benefit? ——Vampire blood essence that prolongs life, and soul slate that can preserve thinking, narration: The soul slate made by mysterious means is better than all chips manufactured today, and can store massive databases.

Of course, not all demons can be harvested by a rocket. Demons over [-] tons, after being pierced by a rocket, swallowed other disabled bodies after being pierced by a rocket, and the flesh and blood inside healed the damage. Turning back into living sarcoids and muscle veins, the machinery moved again.

At this time, Wei Keng was not joking about the disaster in Anglo, but let some of the Anglo splits take active actions.

Here, after getting the affirmation of his work from the royal family, and getting the right to dispatch materials.

...In ancient civilizations, the contest between human beings and devils is not about military affairs, but whether people's hearts return to justice...

On July 7, the assault battle of the Dragon Guard mechs was initially successful, and Fenzheng received a report from the soldiers of the corps under his command.

At night, he suddenly led his troops to raid a city port, and caught a case of smuggling imperial arms on the spot. This theft involved twenty 150mm gun barrels.

Of course, what shocked Fenzheng even more was that the person who came to trade had a black lightning sun symbol on his body, which was exactly the symbol of the hell world he was fighting in.

In these two chapters, in order to describe some "undescribable" things, the mental state is not very good, and I feel a little sleepy, so the update is late.

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