out of cage

Chapter 798 Chapter 18.26 War of the Reflection World: 1 and 2

Chapter 798 Chapter 18.26 War of the Reflection World: 1 and 2
On July 3252, 7 in the Fireweave calendar, Anglo, when the hell interlayer space in the ether world in the capital area was cleared, the Anglo bigwigs finally refocused their perspective on the spreading corruption in their own ruling structure.

It's like a person's skin is burned, it's okay at first, but then the infection is fatal.

Well, this is just like He Shenhe's theory of "saving the people first save the officials".When officials cannot solve their own problems, they will not have the intention to solve the "public" disaster.

Therefore, if you want to make a state machine that has been rusted by "self-interest" run, you must first satisfy the basic selfish desires of the "officials" on the machine, and then let these people start thinking about the public without any scruples.

This principle applies from ancient times to the present, but the "fairness" of the times is different, and the selfish desires that need to be satisfied on the ruling machine are different.

"Egoism" rusts differently, and the resistance to the operation of state machinery also varies.

In the era of "Heshen", the selfish desire of the officials and gentry was to ensure that they would not work, concubines, and servants could serve them decently, so that they could "govern the country" and "pacify the world" in accordance with the Confucian philosophy.

However, in modern times, the state machinery needed only [-] times the salary, and the public was responsible for serious and minor ailments, several more houses than ordinary people, and children's education had better be able to add "selfish desires".Allegiance to justice will make the group active.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand why the Anglo Empire suddenly became "wise" and decisive after the capital circle was cleaned up.Their selfish desire is to "govern and stabilize" before they can fully think about how to contribute to the operation of the empire.

…after the Anglo Throne was cleared, a high-ranking person began to stamp that their "iron and blood" were "needed" in the current disaster...

The 54th day of the gates of hell.The Anglo Eastern Corps began to enter the dilapidated city with guns in hand, searching for survivors.Of course, these Eastern Corps didn't know that they searched for survivors with enthusiasm, and were sent to the rear for so-called treatment, which was euthanasia by injecting excessive toxins.

Su Ni threw the latest issue of "Zheng Li Bao" controlled by the Swan City repairers into the trash can: "Then I can replace it." '

…Wei Keng learned a truth from Zheng Nian, at the moment when the world is hesitating whether to defend right and wrong, make a decision first, then you can get the rule of law…

In the current Iron Star, every worker knows that these "lords" who claim ownership of the industrial circle in the etheric world, wielding the arms of mechanical excavators, and frequently holding banners of "demolition" and "expropriation" are who they are? whose reflection.

Oh, most of these devils are human beings in the city who want to make money, want to be a master, are unwilling to do basic labor, and are tempted.

Wei Keng group: "Huh? Hehe" - the expulsion of the Anglos did not intend to wipe out all the power of hell at all.

After the battle, on the ruins of the entire city, only the majesty of the Anglo royal family remained.This kind of majesty is even reflected in the real world. When all the cities and classes looked at the imperial ordnance that the Anglo royal family drove into the city to declare victory the next day, they all felt terrified, and there was a cheer of "Long live the empire" in the city. .

For example, some noble ladies have always used anthropomorphism to face their pets, so in the world of devil reflections, these anthropomorphic pet shadows are often brought into the reflection world by pets in night dreams. The partner' suddenly turned into a handsome man and a beautiful woman, and then began to fall as the master wanted.

In the Battle of Witkey City, the Dragon Guard Brigade fired a total of [-] homing warheads. This kind of "thrifty" and "not stingy with any ammunition" battle defeated [-]% of the demons.

The iron wings of the "V" symbols hover over the city buildings, providing coordinates for the Anglo Land Cruisers.

This means that after this "battle between good and evil" in the Iron Star Cultural District, for at least several hundred years, the power of the devil has been suppressed to the point where it can only bully underage children.

In the ether world, various information technology effects are more convenient. From the perspective of each individual soldier, there are scouts from all perspectives to observe the intelligence of the front and rear. Soldiers, with the support of information technology, quickly execute orders.

As Su Ni raised his hand and clenched his fist, a gleaming red iron star appeared in his palm.Everyone also raised their hands, and twinkling iron stars appeared in the palms of their hands.

For example, the "ghost airship" floating in the sky has rows of cannons and floats in the reflection world in a form that does not conform to the rules of physics.Of course, there are also some metal mechanized Titan Behemoths with a height of 40 meters, carrying naval guns forward in the city.

"Reflection World War 2" plot

The Anglos learned from the devils that there is a smell that hell likes in the whole of Anglia. Even after cleaning the mezzanine, the devils will come back again and build mezzanines in some Anglo cities.

Sliding ghouls with gears in their bellies and vampires with propellers outstretched wings swooped down from the mansion.It was also predicted by the grassroots tactical team in advance, and the four parallel heavy machine guns on the jeep beat these ghouls down.

However, during the military strike, those stations where the evil spirits gathered and waited for the train to escape, were roaring for a long time.

However, the "emphasis" of conservatives is not only accompanied by "positive advancement", but also stronger "negative obstacles".

...Evil, if you are weak, it will be strong, if you are strong, it will be weak. In the battle of the whole people in the ether world, the Iron Star basically has the blessing of "full positive buff". Down, the extent to which you can recover from being shot and bandaged...

At this time in the sky city, so-called "industrial lords" have appeared. These are sky bureaucrats, who are chained by the system and now want to be free.Of course, they are doing "bureaucracy" in the real world, but they all have the name of Iron Star, and they need the people below to carry out the overall situation.

In this dreamlike city, the power of the concept is constantly switching, and the sound on the street has been switched from the original "Dark Carnival" to "Mass of the Metal Armor March".

Oh, it just so happened that the Anglo mouthpiece declared that "this is a disaster that all mankind must face together."

Ever since, in the Anglo palace, those big figures of light and justice have adopted some "expedient" and "wise" choices, which is to transfer the power of hell to other areas.

Arriving at the Reflection World this time, even Su Ni and Zheng Nian can destroy the demons of hell with advanced units.But this will leave the concept in the human mind in the city, that is, the "few capable people" guard the city.

The counterattack corps in the real world, as destroyers, will have more and more powerful weapons in the later stages.And a large number of soldiers who are just ordinary people can shoot tank guns with firearms and penetrate the lethality of knights' spears with bayonets against demons that seem to weigh several tons in later battles.

Obviously, Anglo will not let an army full of young people be in the hands of a young general now, this is for the stability of the empire.

All the weapons used in this battle this time are at the level that can be driven by the posture of a middle-aged man.

It lasted for four days, and the lethality of the 20mm mortars on the Iron Star soldiers' vehicles changed from shrapnel within [-] meters to an adjustable power from "ordinary cement warheads" to "almost a ton of mortars". The power of the "heavy" naval gun.

So at this time, in the evil dream city reflected in the ether world of Willy City, those railway stations are the channels leading to the colonization.

The Anglian land cruiser, like a temple fortress, roared forward in the city of the reflection world.

The devil and their servants, in this world of information concepts, think that they can cover the sky with one hand, turn a deer into a horse, and paint a traitor as a loyal, no matter how bad they think that they can use the "legal" advantage to suppress (prosecute) all the opponents. I read a handful of negative textbooks and was criticized by the crowd

The angle of view came to Iron Star. On August 8th, Su Ni brought the armored battle group to Yujing Harbor.
This place was the place with the most bottles and cans when Sky Iron Star was founded. Due to the "advanced experience" of Anglo, when the liberals in the city imagined some cultural experience of world literature, their spiritual world gradually became blurred.

But after all, the sky is the Iron Star regime. When such signs appear in the city, allowing such a disaster to develop is a violation of the "law and order."

...In the face of a disaster that threatens the whole people, Iron Star does not only dispatch heroes, but mobilizes the whole people. …

When characters like "Hell Jazz", "Three-headed Dog Tamer" and "Tomb Explorer Beauty" were discussed by young people when they appeared in the real world, they were originally excited and panicked.

In the ether world of Witkey City in the Anglo Empire, three land cruisers fired continuously, blasting a base of heavy artillery fire on the buildings in the city that were polluted by demon flesh and blood, and the fiery flames burned brightly under the red sky. And the "sacred gear" symbol flashing above the land cruiser is to dispel the black evil cloud that is trying to approach.

After the Dragon Guards established a full-fledged flight in the reflection world, Su Ni looked at the No. 6 own fighter group locked on the airship in the sky, and let out a deep breath.

Wei Keng's anti-bone disease is too serious. Now above the iron star in the sky, in the wrong direction, he thinks about the benefits (whether it is worth making mistakes), and when he is right (doesn't want to persist), he always thinks about the "cost".

Of course, Zheng Nian also came to learn experience, because Su Ni did not plan to use superior advanced units in the "Reflection World" battle plan!

The fire brigade is not a dragon guard mech, but an urban force with direct cars and motorcycles.

However, the sky empire was overthrown 20 years ago, and many things have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.Before Su Ni's wing knife was killed, a certain worker in the city lost the spoon in the cafeteria, reorganized the Workers' Youth Association, led people to break into the doors of these industry bosses, and saw the calligraphy and paintings of houses, as well as the pictures of many villas and manors. After the title deed, the hypocritical concept that these "pretenders" tried to build was broken on the spot.

Wei Keng's narration: In fact, in this reflection world, it was originally a contest of spiritual power between the two factions in the city. The money worshipers tempted by hell, the vanity degenerates, and the warriors who insisted on labor collective cooperation after the Iron Star era. The etheric world conducted this seemingly bloody matchup!

The troops of the Swan Knights group used light rockets to harvest when the etheric cities were basically destroyed. Due to the expansion of the concept, these [-]mm rockets also hit the equivalent of [-]mm cruise missiles. Effect.

Playing slowly has its advantages. The projection world constructed by the devil is inherently unstable.The supporters of Xiuzhen are ready to go back to the old and rebuild the order of the empire under the name "tradition is correct", but the ordinary people in the sky who have passed through Iron Star Ge Min have felt extremely unfair and explosive in the past few years.

The battles in some cities were very brutal. Anglo's heavy armored combat corps began to frequently move to various cities along the railway line, and then transferred the entire mechanized troops to the "hell-soaked" city dark face (in the interlayer of ether space).

Because most of the grassroots yearn for fairness, this etheric virtual dream constructed by hell has become a large-scale real-life game that everyone can play online.The core theme of the game is not "competition for private power" and "chaos of trampling on rules", but to seek fairness and justice for the majority of people.

Su Ni and Zheng Nian decided to fight a war that everyone could understand in this complicated city with a population of one million.

In order to facilitate control, the high-level officials of the Anglo Empire have already dismantled most of Fenzheng's first batch of dragon guard troops, and began to divide them into multiple brigades for training and hand them over to different generals.

For most of the adults who are currently working and producing in factories, the hell devils at this time will not be feared after this battle.

In the dark areas not yet covered by the light circle, these devil legions tried to transfer to other cities through the teleportation array in the "train station", and the dragon guard mechs started chasing them as light cavalry.

In the military base, Su Ni announced to the mobilized tens of thousands of urban local reserves and professional soldiers in his information helmets: "The purpose of this war is not to prove that I am qualified to lead you in battle, but that we We must hold up the iron star together, and let the greed aroused by the existence of hell understand that the times have changed! Individuals and people in this world who try to get something for nothing, no matter how smart they are, are faced with fiery anger."

This sixth unit is saving thoughts, the so-called coming but not going is indecent,
Su Ni went to Osima to take down the capital of Fengyu, and now Zhengnian also anonymously joined the volunteer army of Sky Iron Star to face the forces of "hell".

...Wei Keng: I can lie dormant for 100 years, just waiting for that moment of rebellion...

Even though these guys claimed in public reports that "we want everyone to get rich together, and claim to flexibly allocate industrial furnace asset rights" and all kinds of high-sounding words.

After the entire urban construction area on the dark side was destroyed, the darkest central area was completely dispelled.A huge circle of light began to spread in the city. In the circle of light, the whole city was like a restart of the game world. The collapsed buildings and the potholed streets began to recover.

These transferred demons exchanged for increasingly powerful hell weapons and began to build their own power in the reflection city.

As a military force, Su Ni started to wipe the concept of Iron Star after August 8th. Starting from the south of Osima, the dragon guards and the local dragon guards in the sky entered the factory as a sharp knife force, opened the ether conversion, and entered the " Reflecting the World".

After the Anglos cleared out the space interlayers of each city, the idle hell group was continuously expelled in the ether world, expelled and expelled again and again.

However, Vail has an advantage in culture, and has always sneered at Anglo culture. (Just like the so-called cultural strategy of the main civilization of East Asia in the 21st century on the peninsula, which has a sense of overlooking)
You must know that 3000 years ago, Vail was already an empire, and Anglo was just a principality.
As for Iron Star, right now Osima is repelling the Anglos and has also established a cultural barrier. However, after two years of chaos in the big city of Iron Star, there is a little bit of liberalism, so it has been affected a little, but not much. .

Iron Star will recruit militiamen to start training, and after entering the etheric world to receive equipment for copying information, they will start to advance with a single front.

The group spirit of the Iron Star people in this era will always resist the temptation of the devil, and at the same time pierce the sharpness of those hypocrites tempted by the devil.

Because the Anglo Aurors scoured these smoky heavy-industrial engine demons after military action.

The difference between the "sandwich plane" and the real plane is huge. The artillery of the land battleship was only slightly higher than the real world when it bombed at the beginning.As the buildings quickly collapsed and the concept of "regeneration" of the demons in the city collapsed, the power of the artillery became stronger and stronger. With one artillery, the shock wave generated by the detonation could even destroy three or four buildings within a range of 200 meters. Degree.

Thanks to the civilized discourse power established by the Angles, he has a large number of literary works spread all over the continent, and the fantasy world established by these literary works has now become this kind of ether shuttle channel.

Cremators outside the city have been burning the bodies of survivors who were "not worth the effort to save".The black boiler creaked and creaked, as if mocking the passers-by who were also fleshy but still alive.

Hell has a strong contagious power. Some people may become zombies just by being scratched. Anglo does not have this ability to discriminate, so it adopts the simplest destruction process.

And in the Iron Star territory, facing the invasion of hell in the ether world, then counterattack to the essence!

…Dedicated Wei Keng has been thinking about how to solve the problem of accumulation of negative information in subspace in the interstellar era of multiple planes, and this is the answer sheet Wei Keng handed over...

For the Angles: Others' disasters belong to others, and their own disasters need to be borne by the world.

Another example: in some "noble ideological and cultural works", these works also start to build the aristocratic world along with the readers' dreams. Readers enter this world and become high-ranking and powerful people, who can be unscrupulous, and step by step, unconsciously. , began to move towards a self-conscious dignified and noble, but actually a tyrannical character.

...Just like catching ghosts in the porch together back then, now they are all masculine and upright, to fight against the evil delusion that whitewashes the painted skin of beauties...

Anglo activated a large arcane lever, opening arcane teleportation in the etheric realm.

...The war against demons in the etheric world is a military exercise that satisfies the Anglo upper class...

At this time, when Tie Xingzheng and other forces were still hesitating, Su Ni led the armored troops directly, playing the name of "clearing and suppressing".

This is a war of the whole people against evil, one mortar shell after another accurately wipes out the demons on the streets one by one.So that the city was not destroyed.

But the projection of desire that appears in the reflection world is extremely real, and these industrial capitalists just want to be masters.These managers in Braun City wanted to break away from the "control of order", so they had been quietly bought by the devils.

And how much desire does the child have?Well, 12 to 14 year olds still have a blast of desire.This time requires special care from the school.

The empire's thousand-ton super-heavy land cruiser, in the center of some weirdness in the city, enters the hellscape, where it becomes the ultimate wrecker.The world built by the ether world is more fragile than the real world.

In the colony, comprador cities radiated by cultural influence, if they are more inclined to Anglo culture, the easier it is to be influenced by them
Anglo originally wanted to transfer the gate of hell to Vail and Iron Star.

With the support of airspace information provided by super-heavy tanks, Anglo's Dragon Guard has become the most beautiful cub in the entire combat system.

Those evil demon legions that were originally in the smoldering cities turned into black smoke and scattered in the sewers of the streets and alleys under the destructive power of the Land Cruiser "flattening the city".

The devils became enraged and began to drag the workers who took the lead in destroying their plans into the etheric realm. After being dragged into the etheric realm, these workers could still be blessed in the area marked with the iron star. Under the illumination of the iron star, the Steel can be transformed into all kinds of weapons that one can imagine, such as artillery and firearms, to defeat these demons in the ether world.

Those graffitied billboards turned into fly ash under the contact of the symbols of Shenge.

In the real world, the Anglo Land Cruiser can launch a cannon that shatters windows for two kilometers, and can easily blow up buildings one by one.

In the reflection world, on the largest industrial square in Braun City.

The war started, and against the demons, Su Ni did not use the super-heavy armored corps.

...Because of the prompting of the gods, some people in the upper class of Anglo also began to pay attention to the new unit of the Dragon Guard. …

This is because the sandwich world created by hell based on reality is inherently unstable,
In the real world, mortals have fallen hearts in this pustular interlayer city, and the various crazy concepts projected are almost destroyed by the troops of the Anglo Reality Warp. After the concept of the rotten city collapsed, this kind of "fire light purifies everything" appeared. .

A large number of workers have experienced overthrowing those "exploiters" (tempted by demons) in the real world, fighting side by side in the etheric world, and overthrowing demons in military exercises.

The same disaster of hell can be said to be covered up by Anglo in the name of hypocrisy, forcibly declaring itself to be just, and emphasizing that the middle and lower classes should not have unreasonable thoughts.

Ever since, in the culture of these neo-liberal economic connivance, the forces of hell transferred from the Anglo side began to gradually appear in the mezzanine of the southern cities in the sky.

"Reflection World War 1" plot.

But the real hardest hit area is actually the southern continent.Those countries that were passively brought into the development of industrialization, but failed to establish the inherent fairness mechanism of industrialized civilization.

...the same problem, everyone will encounter. …

This kind of artillery advance and machine gun fire seems to be very slow, but the battle for one building after another has gained momentum. Many people have been injured, but as the iron star shines, a protective shield will be formed. The rest of the teammates It will rescue the injured person before the light of the protective shield dims.

The devils being beaten in the reflection world right now are also the monsters that the people of this city brought into their hearts.When these monsters think they can be rampant, they will be extremely powerful, but right now!

Braun City was completely taken down, the entire city buildings remained intact, the mechanical gears began to re-rotate one by one, the iron stars shone again, and the originally dark sky began to shatter with dark clouds.

After entering the etheric corps, they gradually returned to the real world in batches at the gate of "intersection of the two worlds".

However, under the singing of victory, everyone was still unsatisfied.So it aimed at those who wanted to disrupt the fair order in the real world.It's time for a public trial.

(End of this chapter)

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