out of cage

Chapter 802 Chapter 18.30 Pushing the Tide

Chapter 802 Chapter 18.30 Pushing the Tide
In the Fire Emblem Calendar 3252, at 9:21 pm on September 3, Mino led the troops to accept the surrender.Five Land Cruisers were handed over in full.

The land armored cruiser's tracks were parked firmly in an agricultural machinery parking lot. This is a public facility established by the Agricultural and Rural Association for large-scale transfer of agricultural machinery across regions. The soldiers of the Swan City Group calmly handed over these war machines, as if Experience the failure of a military exercise.

Generally, when a hero unit surrenders, it first dismantles the concept field of its own combat unit, so that it does not belong to the enemy.

Mino made the right choice in the end.It was because of the huge psychological offensive of the new school.

Mino made the choice to completely hand over his armaments for many reasons:

First, it's impossible to fight.The opponent's tactics were advanced a level, and the morale of the soldiers was high. During the encounter, both sides reported to the rear at the same time, and Iron Star's friendly troops came faster than themselves.Mino didn't want to fight this battle from the very beginning, and he was at a disadvantage across the board.It is determined that there may be no victory at all, so it will be bad.

Second, this is, as it was said before the war, a civil war.Surrender with troops, still the troops of Sky Iron Star.Moreover, as the announcement before the war said, the provisional government of Swan City has done many illegal and non-compliant things, so there is no need to fight stubbornly for them.

The third is Mo Hengxiao's persuasion to surrender with reason and emotion, so that after Mino is sure that he cannot win, he can surrender and lose half.

... Su Ni: Even if I have to touch, I will burn the opponent red before knocking, so that the opponent will not be "broken", but can be beaten...

As for the huge shock that Mino brought to Swan City after he surrendered,
Since August, Swan City has become aggressive against Iron Star, and they have also mobilized their troops tit for tat.The army group assembled in the Gyeonggi area has a total of 74 land cruisers.But the loyalty of these Land Cruiser officers was weighed over and over by the Ministry of the Interior.In the words of the soldiers of Swan City, those black leather men (gendarmes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) can't wait to lock the keys of each cruiser directly.

Therefore, in mid-September, the Mino troops were dispatched as the troops for the first battle. In fact, it was already a manifestation of the importance that Swan City attached to snatching the dam.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Swan City did not pay much attention to Mino's request for support after the encounter.This group of black skins engaged in internal fighting, fearing that Mino would take the opportunity to join forces with military factions, deliberately suppressed Mino's request for help.

After the Mino Group was surrounded, the Minister of the Interior still believed that even if the Mino Group could not be defeated, it was possible to withdraw.

As a result, the whole army was wiped out!

In the First Central Legion, Minlar watched the combat report sent after the destruction of Mino in his battleship formation, and he remained silent.

At this time, next door, the "generals" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were angrily cursing Mino for "combat incompetence" and "unscrupulous".

However, Minlar knew that it wasn't that Mino was too weak.Mino sent back all the battle reports, and under the pressure of Iron Star, he could only use that method.However, it can only be defeated in the end.

[As for why Mino sent back such a detailed report, it was because Mino was sure that Swan City could not deal with it now.As a loser, he didn't want to be said to be incompetent. He actively summed up the reasons for his failure in order to make his pig teammates less verbose.Mino's subtext is, "You do what you do"]

In the headquarters, Minlar seemed to have made up his mind, stood up, and issued an order to the entire army. The troops were concentrated, advanced forward, and drove into the northwest plain, looking for the main force of Su Ni for a strategic decisive battle.

…20 years ago, Minlar had a contest with Enma, and although he lost in the end, he didn’t lose all. This time, he still has such luck…

In the early morning of the 22nd, Su Ni woke up directly from his sleep and began to enter the combat platform, watching the Dragon Guard scouting troops ahead to investigate Minlar's latest movements.

Su Ni breathed a sigh of relief, and calmly narrated: "(Min Laer) is ready to fight directly."

Su Ni docked with the Supreme Command and reported to the eight combat groups in the entire army, as well as the industrial armed organizations in various regions.

After getting all the information, Su Ni started the battle against Swan City and held a military meeting.

Su Ni pointed his baton on the three large clusters of Minlar, and gave a general description of the situation: "He wants to be bored, and the outcome will be determined by a single battle. We are begging for food, one bite at a time."

Su Ni's baton moved from the front of the main color block to the secondary color block: "The commander invites you to fight. That's something in knight novels. I don't have time to have any good stories with him. He couldn't bear it and asked for the main force." For the decisive battle, we want to weaken the total number of their main combat troops as much as possible before the decisive battle."

Su Ni pressed the secondary color block (Minlar sub-group): "They want a gentleman, we will be a gentleman with them this time, don't gobble it up, and cut the steak into pieces."

Su Ni pointed to the main force color block: "The first group and the third group converge into the first group army, Ke Hong (a general from the General Staff), lead their main force away. If they chase, you evacuate, they want to evacuate , rushed up to fight. Lead me forward."

The two battle group commanders on the interface immediately took orders.

Su Ni pointed to a small colored block in the east, and there were eighteen land cruisers in total, and said, "The fourth, fifth, eighth, and seventh clusters are merged, Mo Heng, are you going to rest until the 25th row?"

After receiving Mo Heng's answer, Su Ni nodded: "After the 25th, you are outside the strategic encirclement here, and then block him again."

Su Ni continued to assign: "The second group and the sixth group are used as reserve combat forces. Once the annihilation battle fails, the second group will cover and retreat. If the traction battle fails, the sixth group will intersperse to the rear to interfere with the enemy's rear. .”

…In the sky, it is determined that the final "peace" cannot be achieved, and the new broadcasting station issued a declaration: "The east wind blows, the drums of war are beating, and no one is afraid of anyone in this world"...

And just like that, the battle started.The new iron star in the sky officially launched an attack on the Swan City Mobilization Organization, and clusters of rockets in the dark night, like a rainstorm of meteors, launched the opening.

On the night of the 24th, the battle to annihilate the forces of the battle group on the west side of Minlar began.

The new iron star invested the overwhelming force of Mount Tai, and the Dragon Guard group composed of four combat groups assembled a huge team composed of two hundred mechs at 20:20 in the evening to launch a surprise attack.Destroyed the middle part of its long snake formation.

With the large-scale incidence of hacking light, the three land cruisers in the middle section were directly dissected into transparent structures of shells, engines, and fuel tanks.As the rockets entered, these land cruisers were illuminated and dissected almost on the spot along the structural gaps.

The 18 land cruiser units were directly cut into two sections from the middle. The battle group here in Swan City was cut into five land cruisers in the rear team and ten land cruisers in the front team, almost two sections.

At 9:40, the five battle clusters in the rear team were all destroyed by air-ground integrated strikes.The Dragon Guard group then harassed the remaining enemy units throughout the night.

Six hours later, at five o'clock in the morning on the 25th, the four battle groups of Iron Star re-coordinated the formation of the heavy armor and light armor attack groups.

Of course, after six hours, the terrified conservative groups have fallen into internal divisions.

It was Minlar's allies who came to fight.These original buddies of Minlar were afraid of being liquidated after failure, so they rushed to help the battle, but they were hit first, and they were very injured in the end.

Therefore, the remaining ten land cruisers are still not coordinated, but clustered together.

This kind of clustering is not like Mino's formation of a well-defined defensive formation a few days ago.So it is even more vulnerable.

In the early hours of the 24th, the Iron Star battle line formation appeared in front of it, and in a large number of shelling, the light armor and heavy armor of the "conservative group" were stripped off.The morale of the light armored units of the group collapsed, unwilling to be cannon fodder to cover the heavy armor.

Then, when the heavy armors of the Reform Army and the old guard were mixing with each other, the Dragon Guards opened the cans from the left and right sides like two knives with cruise missiles, piercing through all the ten armored turrets in one fell swoop, beating misfire.

At ten o'clock in the morning on the 25th, the steel-hulled fortresses were emitting black smoke in the morning sun. Against the backdrop of a large number of small tank wrecks on the flanks, rows of tanks that were still powered were lowering their barrels and lined up quietly into a square. , accepting captives.

The first stage of annihilation battle is over.However, Minlar, who wanted to "gamble for the future", was desperate after confirming the death of the allies in the telegram.

...Everything is going on like a gust of wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, the red iron star becomes hot again...

On the 26th, before the main group of Minlar could digest the important news that the south has been completely wiped out,
Su Ni's second wave of campaign planning began, and the seventh and eighth battle groups responsible for containing the Minlar Corps began to march.

The second, sixth (formerly the reserve force), and the first and third (formerly containment forces) formed a new attacking group and began to annihilate an auxiliary group north of Minlar.

This old-school auxiliary group was originally a soy saucer. At first, it followed from a distance. After confirming that the southern group was annihilated, it seemed to be frightened.

As a result, on the morning of the 26th, they didn't have to think about it.To fight this time is to wipe out the remaining forces of the Imperial Army in the Iron Star in the entire sky in one fell swoop.They will never let go of these fifteen land cruiser groups, retreat to the local area, and return to the "neutral" faction again.

In the midst of gunpowder, a total of 27 hours on the 19th, the Minlar Northern Auxiliary Army was wiped out.

Since then, there are only 35 Land Cruisers of the central group led by Minlar left in the entire sky.

At the same time, on the Wanlun Continent, all observers have roughly known the outcome of the war.

...Su Ni's war today is making full use of the foundation left behind when he overthrew the Sky Empire...

On the 28th, the main force of Minlar's armor was trapped in the [-]-kilometer stretch of the Limbo River Beach.

This is an oxbow-shaped lake district.On the whole, it is an "Ω"-shaped lake area. The Minlar Group was forced here by artillery and was forced to use this lake as a defense.But at the same time, the Dragon Guards Group also blocked the exits at both ends.

In the early morning of the 28th, in the steam-roaring camp, Minlar stood on the high point of the Land Cruiser and watched the situation around his regiment.The pump was filling his Land Cruiser with water from the river.Steam filled the entire mech camp.

how to say?He has learned a lesson than he did back then, and did not retreat to the "basalt highlands", resulting in lack of water. (Enma blocked him once that year.)
But it's not much better now than it was then.The scene where he is now surrounded by a [-] engineering team mobilized by New Iron Star is just like the scene where he was surrounded by Enma back then.It's just that at this time, there is no old general Henry to cover him to break through.

The end of the Minlar telescope, that is, him, was excavated by almost a thousand units on the periphery and operated at the same time, pushing out a defense line of four meters high and stretching for several kilometers on the flat ground.

Minlar couldn't help recalling Enma's tactics against the Sky Empire Army back then.He murmured, "If you were still alive, maybe there would be no such war."

When Iron Star was established, the number one general was none other than "Enma". In the current outcome of the battle, Enma can directly lead the strategic troops to teleport away from the encirclement.

There is no if in history, because if Enma is alive, there is a high probability that nothing will happen to Minlar.The entire conservative faction will lie dormant and will not jump out to oppose it at all.

Thinking of this, Minla paused, he suddenly thought of something!The commanders of the other two land cruiser groups also tried to become a neutral force "under the controllable rhythm of victory", but now they are eliminated by Su Ni first.

Minlar watched the sky become transparent, and couldn't help but said: I finally figured it out, what you want to deal with is not me, but all the forces of the old empire in the whole sky, you want to cleanse them!

…On the other side, Su Ni confirmed that the headquarters had completed the finishing touches, yawned, and said leisurely: "The next step is how to reform the mind"...

In Minlar's group, Wei Keng trapped him for three whole days, and instead of exhausting his water, he exhausted his fuel.Narrator: The Land Cruiser's nuclear furnace doesn't need fuel, but it does to pump water from the river.

In this final stage, Wei Keng made the final military preparations, and then sent large troops into the conservative army to remove the major cities outside Swan City.

Narrator: Su Ni thinks that Swan City is too big. As a political center, the inside is too complicated. Only after the military victory is complete, can it be manipulated at will.

Su Ni gave Minlar an ultimatum.

On October 10st, within the encirclement, Minlar met the envoy sent by Iron Star.Minlar picked up the wine glass and slumped on the chair, waiting for the final judgment.

The upright young man reported the final result with a blank face: "First, unconditionally lay down your arms and surrender. Second, war criminals will be tried. Third..."

Before waiting for the third, Minlar's intelligence chief couldn't sit still.Because, after taking power, Dadu let the past go, there is no preferential treatment, and there is no promise that you can save your life by handing over some secrets.

Minlar asked the Minister of Internal Affairs to press down, and then asked the envoy a digression: "The interim government meeting you organized is about to be held."

Messenger: "Yes, it will be held on October 10th. A total of 4 representatives from 124 cities in the entire sky and 43 rural and rural areas will participate in the 'Iron Star Consultative Conference'."

Minlar's facial muscles twitched slightly.Because he knew that once this conference was held, Su Ni would be the core of Iron Star with a real legal status, even though he did not win Swan City.Although his own group still exists in name.

[The stupid pigs under Minlar's command declared their authority without "military victory", while Wei Keng asked other political parties to negotiate together after the military victory was basically achieved, so as to create an orthodox contract for the new Iron Star ruling. 】

Minlar: "According to what you said, how should I be punished for my crime?"

Messenger: "You will receive a fair trial."

Minlar nodded and sighed: "Su Ni is a kind person, tell him to give me 24 hours."

...Minlar failed to change some of his thoughts 20 years ago, but 20 years later, the result was late...

Translate the big stuff in the simple dialogue "The Messenger and Minlar" above.

"Fair trials": All trials are trials of the victor against the loser.Now the loser is obviously Minlar's side, but who is the winner?For now there are changes!

The campers in the "interim government meetings" in Swan City were still discussing "military failure" and didn't realize what it was, but Minlar obviously understood.

Minlar, who had turned gray overnight, looked at the latest announcement tremblingly.

At present, although Su Ni has essentially obtained the right to speak in the entire Iron Star, but in terms of law, it is still a local force.Based on the same legal principles, the Swan City Group did not hold a provisional government meeting, and it is also a local separatist force.

The two local forces are at war with each other. If the winner and the loser resolve the various contradictions between the two sides before the establishment of a "new, legal" center.

Then the victor cannot completely chase the loser,
The winner is to maintain the fairness of the new "central".Only a few of the most obvious crimes committed by the old forces can be criticized.Then it is required to completely obey the axiom. If the loser has no objection, he can be exempted from being "eliminated".

Therefore, Wei Keng asked Minlar to "unconditionally disarm" and "accept war investigation", which seemed extremely ferocious.

But this is because we have to stay on the front line in the end. With the current "new plan faction" in charge, the outcome of the Minlar Group will inevitably be a process of "reform, admit mistakes, and then release", and it will not die in the end.That's why Su Ni "killed" several problems. (Competition is because the opponent is a living person, and there is no need to compete with a dead person.)
But once Su Ni completes the formation of the interim government, the politics will be different. From the legal point of view, "Minlar, a local separatist group, brazenly fights against the entire Iron Star in the sky."

Those who are responsible for the trial of the Minlar Group will be all the newly joined factions in the entire sky," not just the "New Plan" faction that disagrees with the Minlar Group's political views.

Those political factions who got on the bus later, because they did not participate in the main struggle in the previous war, had to pay for their tickets when they got on the train later, and showed a posture of "supporting correctness" in other aspects. The Minlar Group has been completely liquidated.

Although before and after the conference, Su Ni was still in control of the military and economic dominance, but the status change before and after the conference cannot be ignored.
Before the "Iron Star Consultative Conference" was held, it was the "New Plan School" who wanted to overthrow the Swan City Group.

So at this time, Su Ni's disposal of Minlar as the winner will also make other political factions in the sky feel "judged". Will not take them under the knife.

Wei Yun: If—the New Plan faction directly wiped out the "Minlar Group" before the consultation meeting.No matter how righteous the reason for the elimination is, other neutral parties will panic about the result of this "new plan to eliminate the opposition", and there will be gaps.

But after the "process" of the consultation conference, although the New Plan faction is still the central leader, Su Ni's name comes from the entire sky, and all actions must abide by the New Sky political convention.

At that time, the neutral faction will not be afraid, because they have completed a complete separation from the Minlar Group, and the judge of the Minlar Group has changed from the New Plan faction to the consensus of all political forces in the sky.

At that time, everyone in the sky could say that it was the Minlar Group who voluntarily gave up on the reconciliation and chose to "resolutely resist".What will happen to this group next will be their own fault.

Just like a certain Wei Keng, who is a police officer, educates newcomers: Before shooting, pay attention to whether there are people around the gangster. You are the protector of the people, not the superhero in the Anglo blockbuster rumbling and destroying the urban area to fight villains.Before you draw your guns, you have to keep the crowd away from the gangsters.

...For the New Plan School, waiting now is not indecisive, but to completely kill all the troubles, leaving no bottles and jars...

Minlar is now facing a major decision, and there is no solution to fighting. Next, his group will die or live, depending on his operation.

Su Ni: Immediately!immediately!Surrender unconditionally, without any room for bargaining.

Subtext: You surrender unconditionally, admit your mistakes thoroughly, and let history turn a new chapter; I am in charge of the public weapon, and after making sure that the public weapon is safe, I have room to pardon you in the sense of "successful reform and education".If you don't surrender now, the people will scold you after the meeting. I can't go against the sentiment of the people and give you any excuses!
Wars can be won at any time, and now the most important thing is how to deal with the bottles and cans that were not disposed of last time after the war.Either these bottles and jars should be cleaned by themselves first, and Wei Keng's Xinji School re-examine them before entering the national judging process, or they should be placed on the chopping board and smashed by the people's iron fists.

Narrator: If the negotiation drags on beyond the [-]th, Minlar's group will be overwhelmed by everyone.

At that time, after the Sky Consultation Conference, the Xinji faction will represent the sky to try Minlar.

Theoretically, at that time, the entire Iron Star could pursue the Minlar Group up and down without restriction.

Those tens of thousands of military members under Minlarqi want to enter Fubaosen to re-understand their mistakes?Hehe, the local rebellion ignores the legal principles of the whole country, and still wants to use the "justice of the whole country" to escape when it fails?

In the next few dozen hours, there will be two different eras!If Minlar is so confused and doesn't know how to cherish the opportunity, he will be punched hard.

…This night, the Ministry of Internal Affairs wanted to coup again, but the idiots in the Ministry of Internal Affairs forgot that their black belly was taught by Minlar...

That night was very peaceful, "Killers, people will always kill them" - this is the end of most cruel officials in history.

On October 10, Minlar declared defeat, completely surrendered, laid down his arms, and accepted a war trial. At the same time, he was willing to unconditionally assist the new government in investigating a series of persecution cases including the "Greve case".

For the sky, the filthy bottles and jars left over from the empire era are truly broken at this time.

 Let me explain why God doesn't descend directly:

  Because in terms of dimensions, the most important indicator is the thickness of time flow, that is, "possibility". The timeline of possibility is thick, and the timeline of less possibility is thinner.

  God can indeed perfectly perform miracles and come to a timeline, "observation collapses",
  Once a timeline descends, it is this timeline, which does not have the ability to observe other timelines.

  If it comes, this timeline will become thinner, and it will only be equivalent to opening up a "story world". This story world is equivalent to the "game world" that people in the main world see.

  Wei Keng is constantly expanding the thickness of the time flow. It is meaningless for God to descend violently. The timeline will become thinner when he descends. It is better to spread the influence widely.

  Please pay attention to "hell". The previous setting of hell is the parallel timeline next door. It develops to the end-producers, the end-power holders, the end-thinkers, and finally the world where technology is extremely degraded.

  Guess these hell timelines, before deteriorating, how many miracles are there!

(End of this chapter)

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