out of cage

Chapter 820 Chapter 19.06 Fanhuo, Human Flame

Chapter 820 Chapter 19.06 Fanhuo, Human Flame

While Liusi was traveling thousands of miles, Poma was in his office reading the materials collected by military investigators from the south.At the same time, he is using the system to analyze the special awakened forces in the resistance army in the south.

In front of Poma's desk, there is an exquisite sand table in the spacious area. Driven by arcane magic, the ceramic chess pieces on it can move back and forth like a video game, patrolling.

It is impossible for Poma to make any progress on the "Tao", and now he is thinking about Wei Keng's skills!
At this time, among the rebel groups in the southern Old Continent, the advanced perception of "danger" that was commonly seen for a few tenths of a second appeared too frequently, and it was often between life and death, and the cost was too high. The survivors take it for granted.

However, in the system analysis, Poma determined that this was a powerful ability capable of penetrating the blockade of the god's crystal wall.

One percent of the people, a few tenths of a second before the danger comes, is nothing compared to everyone, but it is a qualitative breakthrough compared to a huge army.

..."Tracing the source" is a big technology that can pass through all planes, but under the rules of different planes, the manifestations are different...

The "tracing" of the dark plane is the great perception of all tiny "possibilities".

The embodiment of the "traceability" system: After Wei Keng's dying struggle, he has a deep yearning for all things that "have long-term positive development".For example, Wei Keng will not waste food when he eats, destroying the possibility of others to obtain things and develop things, but he will not be soft at all when he smashes expensive luxury goods of nobles.

But on the multidimensional plane! "Tracing the source" is more inclined to radiate the concept of "possibility of survival" to people with similar thinking.Lit like a tinder, a group of people have a cognition of survival.Fill the loopholes in the soul and eliminate confusion
After Wei Keng himself survived the dying struggle on the multi-dimensional plane, he would condense a dimension crystal of "checking the future". Narration: This is what the mystic scholars called "the power of destiny" in the age of sword and magic.Many prophets are accumulating this kind of power to estimate the complex world.

On the multi-dimensional plane, Wei Keng erupts again and again and distributes this power of destiny to the surrounding mortal souls, allowing them to grasp the direction of personal and collective development in the struggle of life and death, and his ordinary fortune increases little by little.

This is the "warning halo" of the rebel army that the mysterious man accompanying the army in the colony of Ver said.

However, in the analysis of the Poma system, it seems that the "fate check" scattered among many non-commissioned officers in the rebel army actually has a big source.Although it is impossible to accurately analyze "what is the great source", it can be guessed that this is in some individuals of Wei Keng.

Poma's system confirmed with certainty that this is a dimension technology unknown to the veteran traveler, the "Originator".

…In multidimensional planes, the concept of consciousness propagates in the quantum field (ether realm), which is a normal phenomenon. …

Regarding the seeds containing the power of "peeking into time and space", the gods are not uncommon, after all, they have occupied here for several epochs.

For example, in the fourth type of world (interstellar world), the technology to condense the power of fate in genes already exists.

Those super warrior leaders who ride in church battleships and whose bodies are covered with steel cans will also store the condensed source of consciousness on the relevant genes after practicing the relevant concepts, forming gene seeds and passing them on to newcomers.

After accepting the willpower radiation of the veterans, these new super fighters have gained powerful skills and experience, and at the same time inherited the ability to grasp "fate".

But for all king-level traversers on the multidimensional plane, the "power of destiny" is limited.It is impossible to unscrupulously add to the miscellaneous soldiers.

But now on the old southern continent, the "Force of Destiny" distributed by the Wei Keng split to those resonant rebels is several times the "Force of Destiny" carried by the super fighters of the interstellar era.And it has not dried up so far, but it is getting stronger and stronger.

Note: On the Southern Continent, there are at least 40 Wei Keng who unlocked the "first-order source tracing", and Yu Run even unlocked the "second-order source tracing", becoming a powerful source of destiny!
Wei Keng may not be as good as a multi-dimensional god in terms of using the "force of destiny".

But in terms of the amount of "power of destiny" gushing out, there is already a qualitative gap between Wei Keng and the gods of multiple planes.

This is equivalent to "building a submarine". In terms of the efficiency of using diesel-electric power, the Germans in the 21st century are very strong and their machinery is very sophisticated, but the French next door have nuclear submarines.

...The remaining "power of destiny" is the force of life to move forward vigorously. What is "life"?Dying struggle to distinguish the truth from the false, the orthodox avenue...

In September of 3253 in the Huowen calendar, on the eastern front of the base area, Yu Run, whose face was covered with sweat and gunpowder smoke, squatted in the pit of the earth, judging the current battle situation with his staff.

Yurun has not yet thought of the "traceability" status,
Yu Run only felt that he had a sense of imminent danger all the time.And this kind of feeling can be said to be a bad omen in my heart before, but now this feeling can completely become a judgment that can be relied on.

For example, when the artillery is covering, this sense of danger suddenly reaches a peak, and then you will be keenly aware that certain areas can avoid this danger at a certain time in the future and hide in that position.

And in the current battle situation, all the uncertain and dangerous situations urged me to understand quickly.

For example, most of the team now has a sense of relief that they have won the enemy this time.Not only did Yu Run not relax, but he began to urge himself to continue thinking.

...In the kerosene lamp, the fire twister was pushed aside, and the staff began to summarize the post-war experience and future development...

Yurun believed through the data that while his own side is growing rapidly, the enemy will pay more attention to it, and in turn will mobilize stronger military forces.

A few days ago, Yu Run met Smart Bullet.The projectiles that fell from the sky, if the anti-infrared locking flares had not been prepared in advance, would have probably become corpses.

Yu Run's nervousness is not like a "frightened bird", fluttering around in a state of confusion.

Under the threat of life and death, sort out the various matters to be done.When you can make various choices to change the ending before the threat of death, then the attitude of busy people towards death can be "as normal as eating and drinking".

Yu Run analyzed that all kinds of new weapons mobilized by the enemy are limited, such as large-scale heavy artillery equipment, the enemy's transportation capacity has reached the limit, and it is impossible to increase it on this secondary battlefield.

The current enemy needs to increase, they are all just some light equipment.

Under the influence of developmentism, the aristocratic gentlemen of the comprador group in the old continent expect to use a "revolutionary new century technology" and a weapon that is "similar to the impact of Western Coke on bumpkins and mud legs" to win this battle. war.

Oh, this kind of arrogance based on the fact that the opponent is "bumpkin and lacks creativity" has always been the malady of the colonial army in the ancient times of the main world.

[For example, until the beginning of the [-]st century, the country on the top of the mountain on the other side of the ocean still had the confidence of the beginning of the last century towards the eastern land.I always think that I can use the "electromagnetic gun", "hypersonic missile" and "loyal wingman" unmanned aerial vehicle system to first create an advantage over the Eastern Turtles across the generation gap.This may be because, in the West at that time, a series of victories in the culture of KFC suppressing white chicken and cola replacing tea gave them the illusion that their "creative" thinking was invincible. 】

At this time, Yu Run rhythmically aimed at the clever "creativity" of these oppressors.

Utilitarian "creativity" belongs to the slant of the sword. As long as you are vigilant, you can deal with it.The confrontation between the rebels and the suppressors was going on all the time beyond the roar of artillery.

For example, in September, Van Er sent a mechanical battle dog unit, capable of biting and killing.Abducted by the rebel army with bitch urine, these wild dogs ran wildly on various small roads for four to ten minutes, hungry and thirsty, faced with juicy meat bait, poisoned, and dog leashes.

After October, Val dispatched cruising mechanical soldiers.This kind of high-altitude helicopter fighter finally encountered "Flying Bird" in the mountains and forests.

The simple engineer team under Chide has developed a bionic mechanical bird. The feathers and head of this mechanical bird are exactly the same as those of a pigeon, and the size is very small. mark, directly crashed into the enemy under the control, and Vail's cruising mechanical soldiers were flattening the sand and falling wild geese amidst the flashing sparks.

In addition, Faner also arranged mechanical landmines and other things, and the rebel army also saw their tricks and modified remote control tires to clear mines.

Or directly install engines and explosives on the tires, come to a wave of "rolling self-explosion", and rush out directly from the grass and roadside to ambush the enemy infantry formation.

...The colonists of Verl gave the most vicious curses on the "wisdom" of the local troublemakers. …

In this kind of collision, the superstition and mystery of the old southern continent to the advanced developed countries in the north are being broken at an unprecedented "shocking speed".

Mystery is due to ignorance and daring to understand, because the "powerful" cannot be touched, and because the principle is superior.

Once these "super~super advanced technologies" (Wagashima dialect) can be touched, understood, disassembled, then assembled and played, we will walk away from the "flashy" praise of literati.

The things that Faner transferred were called "advanced technology" by the local nobles. The local engineers of the Saturn Group disassembled them, deconstructed the circuits, and used their fingers to pinch the screwdriver to disassemble the engine spark plugs and screws.

Greasy hands are moving in and out of the machine, and the judgment problem is clearly dissected on the dry and cracked lips, while the recorder on the side is using a pencil ruler to outline the "why the machine moves"

This kind of excellent invention on the battlefield was systematically promoted, and a brand-new "rational" shine on the southern and old land was shaped by a pair of hands.

(End of this chapter)

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