out of cage

Chapter 822 Chapter 19.07 Lava and Black Smoke

Wei Keng, a multi-dimensional industrious farmer: "In this competition with the background of the steel industry, capital, ordinary workers, and thinkers all take their places on each track."

Whenever in industrial and agricultural production, the birth of variables breaks the old shackles and establishes a new order, the god of fate in this process wants to pass the "speculation" and "chaos" (anarchism) that appear among academics and philistines. ) for conceptual confusion.

Wei Keng clearly separated the resistance and "chaos" he was in after several times of seeing-saw in each struggle, and the gods failed.

Whether it was the ideological confusion caused by Xi Lina in Iron Star 3252, or Osima's "two votes in one" attempt to cause economic chaos in the name of Iron Star, they were all controlled by sharp eyes.

However, the old-fashioned superstitionists tried to use "chaos" to destroy Iron Star, and after doing many injustices, they directly ate back the camp blessed by the gods.

After all, in any camp, once someone can figure out this method to go to the outside world and acquiesces to the feasibility of this behavior, it will be difficult to curb the breeding of "inside" ideas.

...Wei Keng: If you do many unrighteous acts, you will die...

The perspective came to the new golden oak port in the southern part of the mainland, where the dark tide is raging!
The power to break the shackles of the entire southern continent in order to rebuild order is now fighting on the vast land of the continent to break the already weak and unreasonable order.Compared with breaking, rebuilding order has always been the "big head" job.

For example, unify the grain purchase work, as well as the statistics of the number of people, the statistics of demand, the annual agricultural period, and the statistics of various materials.There may be only a dozen or so days of real fighting throughout the year.

Under the new order, those workers who work as bits and pieces as screws are busy all year round. (Wei Keng in these jobs is teaching those young girls on the monitor platform how to be down-to-earth.)
Pure "chaos" that disrupts order has nowhere to hide in this environment.As a result, all the forces of "chaos" were forced into the old city centers occupied by Anglo.

In terms of governance, chaos naturally bullies the weak "immunity".

The Wei Keng group adopted the method of "rolling", pulling the old forces together to move towards a new era.In the face of new challenges, it is like a bully pulling the dregs into the game, the bully jumping out of the pit, and the dregs staying in the pit.

...the progress of the rural villages took root, and the corruption of the over-prosperity of the comprador big cities, once again staged...

Now in the Anglo territory, it is often faced with the problem of the mutual balance between "chaotic evil" and "order evil".

"Evil order" is using the authority given by the Anglo-Americans to constantly lure those at the top of the power system and maintain a single desire to "polarize" under the unfair system.

In the comprador city, various new entertainment items appear. The "abundant entertainment programs" are all carried out at the cost of eliminating other people's labor production, and it costs several 10 yuan to cultivate prostrate maids and child prostitutes to please adults.

"Chaos and Evil" uses dissatisfaction with Anglo from below to carry out destructive releases, regardless of any form of release.All kinds of perverted crimes emerge in endlessly, murder is already the lowest level, and eating the victim can only be regarded as the middle of this group of perverts.

The above-mentioned problems are also problems that arise in the "fourth type of interstellar civilization", but because of the progress of truth on the Wanlun Continent, the "contradictions" are no longer covered up, and different positions begin to clearly oppose each other, so they can be clearly seen .

[Contradictions that only occur in the interstellar era are easily covered up in the planetary surface era.but!The sooner it is stimulated, it is a lucky thing in history. 】

Compared with the madness of comprador cities, it is the simple and ordinary life of workers in various positions on the yellow land.

…Wei Keng: Physically, we are in one plane, but mentally we are in two worlds…

Yun Li conducted an investigation in Golden Oak Harbor, and soon gained the attention of Anglo's superiors.Her younger brother (brother) sent her a brigade of gendarmerie to begin the mission.

As Forworth watched, this troop in mechanical armor couldn't help being speechless.These five-meter-tall fighter jet regiments carrying cannons have a total of twenty fighters in a brigade.This kind of armed force is enough to destroy the garrison in the city (a division under the colony commander).

Fu Huasi couldn't help but be speechless at the power behind Yun Li.However, Yun Li also noticed Fuhuasi's amazement, and smiled at him, signaling him not to be nervous.

Detectives continue to investigate. On May 5th, Yunli met the convoy of Ambassador Bohan on the way.Forworth looked up at the convoy and the leader who was in charge of escorting outside the convoy.

Forworth recalled the newspapers he had read yesterday.At this time in the middle of the mainland, the Bohan Kingdom is now at war with Xun Min (that is, the third prince is being pitted by pig teammates).

Behind this war is the contest between the Anglo and the Vail. As the Bohan Kingdom clearly fell into a disadvantage, the Bohan royal family began to lose the power to control the overall situation in this gamble.

There is a force outside the royal family in Bohan that is gradually taking control of the situation. This force has penetrated into Bohan's diplomacy. Now it is natural to ask the Anglo for support when necessary.Of course, once this new force comes to power in Bohan, it will inevitably be for the Anglos to transfer more resources and the Anglos will carry out unified planning.

Of course, the same operation was done on the Southern Continent in Verl. The batches of mineral and food cargo ships of the Holy Cross of Verl in the port were far greater than the number reported to Verl itself.Some of these disappeared ships on the accounts, and some were pulled directly to the port of Golden Oak (Anglo-controlled).

The land cruisers of Vail and Anglo are at war on the northern continent, but the speculators in the old southern continent are "trade" without borders.

[The political structure of the Southern Continent is similar to the overlord after the alliance of princes in the Spring and Autumn Period.Qi, Jin, and Chu established an international system centered on themselves after dominating the hegemony. 】

Forworth looked away from the convoy, but suddenly, he seemed to see a strange demon "smiley face" appearing in the Bohan convoy.He fixed his eyes, followed the convoy with his head, wanting to take a closer look

Yun Li: "My detective, do you have any new discoveries?"

Forworth: "I feel very uneasy about the team just now."

Yun Li couldn't help but be dumbfounded: "Oh, it seems that you have some stress disorder, don't worry, there is absolute security."

Howard frowned, looked at the industrial zone in the distance and said, "Captain, me?"

Yun Li: "Okay, your vigilance is good, but in some directions. Don't be suspicious."

Yun Li's words were very clear: "When a little detective finds something abnormal outside of certain scope, it's enough to mention it, and you can't go into it." On this matter, Yun Li will investigate it in secret.

The "mystery" in this world is often the setting of artificial "levels".Existences with insufficient levels should not be touched.

…the tiger and the rabbit are mascots together, and there may be some good moments when the two play together, but the tiger will always give the rabbit a bite…

That night, Yun Li activated the secret investigation association "Secret Stealing Talisman", penetrated into the communication between the ambassador of the Bohan Kingdom and the Governor's Palace of Golden Oak City, and monitored the phone.

As the bytes tickle across the decoder's screen.

Under the blue light of the runes, Yun Li's face gradually became serious, and she whispered: "As expected, there are some unknown secrets here."

According to Yun Li's eavesdropping, the governor of Golden Oak City seems to be the real head of the liberal faction who controls the council in the port.And the Governor and Minister Bohan seem to belong to a secret group at the same time, pursuing the existence of "Almighty".

And this common force, what is behind it?Through spying, Yun Li saw a symbol with barbed tentacles of an octopus stretching its teeth and claws, which is a very obvious logo of the "Abyss" series.

In the center of the city, the Blade Knights opened their probing eyes and said to Yun Li, "Someone is setting up a formation over there." What is given to Yun Li is blackened willpower, but it is hidden now.)
Yun Li unfolded the arcane map and locked a factory.This factory is currently the place with the best industrial efficiency. Of course, after careful inspection, although a large number of products are processed and produced here, the workers inside are becoming more and more conservative.

All "chaos and evil" are highly concealed in the early stages.

According to Fowles' investigation, the leader of the liberal faction, Dr. Boehner (Member of the House of Commons who died inexplicably in Chapter 19.04), is said to have found this factory a week before leaving the world, but the page in his diary was burned.

...At this moment, Haotu (Qin Tianfang's space-time organization) strengthened the connection of Fowles' portable system, because he was sure to find the fate line. …

On June 6, Yunli and her corps broke into the factory by force.The owner of the factory also tried to stop it, but after confirming that he couldn't stop it, spikes appeared on the gate.Oh, this spike is a five-pointed iron star. Of course, unlike the sharp-angled iron star in the sky, each corner is crooked.Everyone in the factory also had grimaces on their faces, and metal steel bars shot out from their arms and limbs.

This is what the chaotic evil that invaded Wanlun Continent likes to do most.Because Iron Star has no gods to protect it from top to bottom, counterfeiters, counterfeiters, and tamperers are all popular.

As these magic circles came in, the entire factory became red-hot, and every piece of machinery became red-hot.Then the devil worshipers in the factory were immediately fused with these red-hot machines, forming mechanical monsters like those in the abyss.

Yun Li was horrified in her heart, but her face was as usual, and she pronounced the verdict to the master of this 'chaos factory': "It seems that I don't need to continue to verify."

She is ready to activate the "Guardian" power in her hands.However, at this time, the knights behind him held her down: "Miss, you don't have to worry about it now."

Yun Li was about to nod, but she suddenly saw that her heroic spirit had no pupils, and her eyes were as black as ink.

Yun Li paused in her heart, ever since she recalled the blade column, she always felt something was wrong.

Suddenly, a crooked robotic arm appeared from the chaotic circle in front of it, grabbing towards Yun Li.However, the blade row stepped forward and let the mechanical hand grab it.

In Yun Li's worry, there was a black light in the mechanical hand, and the blade row broke free, but a large number of black lines began to appear on the mechanical battle armor on her body.

Let Yun Li be silly and sweet, and now she also knows that the magic core of the heroic spirit beside her has been different from the beginning.She froze for a moment, and the mechanical combat team flying behind her landed.

The mechanical brigade sent by Fenzheng is specially here to protect Yunli.That day, a battle mech in the sky landed with blue flames and merged with the blade knight summoned by Yun Li.

On the other side, there was also a mecha, which immediately landed and wrapped Yunli like a big hand, and the data link was connected to Yunli.

Yun Li looked worriedly at the blade row in her battle mech, as if she was looking at a personal computer that was still on but kept beeping.

At this moment, the Heroic Spirit had already turned black into a completely different form. The blue-black flames shot out from the mecha, and immediately shredded the dark red flame chains wrapped around him by the factory.

At this time, a magma-like voice came from the huge furnace in the center of the factory: "It turned out to be you."

Blade made a voice like the echo of a church, and said, "I should be the one who said this."

A crimson metal monster gradually came out of the furnace. This monster was like a chaotic entity composed of countless red-hot gears and bearings.The central gear chews something like teeth, and often shoots out sparks, which are in stark contrast to the blade row.

At this time, the battle scene taking place in the peripheral factory: the dragon guards sent by Fenzheng are suppressing the entire demon factory, a series of bullets in the sky are strafing the ground,

Black iron chains also shot out from the top and middle of the demon factory tower, trying to beat the mecha.Two Dragon Guard mechas were entangled, and of course the winged blades deployed by the teammates then chopped up the chains and liberated the teammates.

During the dialogue between the blade and the demon, multiple industrial furnaces exploded.The Distorted Iron Star was ejected and bounced on the ground.The flames were ejected, and the demonized humans in the factory were burned at once, and then turned into corrupted flames, which gathered in the big devil in the central furnace.

Apparently, during the conversation, the great demon was quietly gathering strength.

However, the voice of the blade column is getting more and more weird, full of metallic feeling, and all human beings in the words are condensing into a metallic color.

Blade column: "The power of Iron Star demonization, you should not appear in this world."

However, the great demon who was kicked out from Siyang Star had some understanding of the situation in this world, and now he said meaningfully: "You who are jealous and cowardly have come to this world, why can't we come to this world?"

Narrator: The demon who pretends to be Iron Star wants to vilify Iron Star because he was beaten away from his hometown by the "explorer" sent from the sky, but it doesn't mean that they will stand with the devils of order and evil.

Of course, both demons and devils are cowards.The real genuine iron star, in the vast rural area at this time, these two existences are currently afraid to touch it!Now they can only rely on fighting each other in this gutter to justify their expansion in this world.

...Just like the evolution history of the earth, when a species retreats to the seabed gutter, no matter how it evolves, there is no possibility of returning to the shallow sea...

On Yun Li's side, as the battle became more and more intense, she was forcibly taken away from the battlefield by two combatants.

She looked back at the battlefield in the factory.Black smoke and snowflakes drifted from the sky, converging into a black double-helix flame tornado.On the other side, crimson shards continuously shot out from various industrial furnaces, and then the shards intertwined to form a center of chaos.

When she had traveled about four kilometers, the two poles began to intersect.

Huge dark thunder burst out across the entire port of Oak City.Every house and ship in the port seemed to be shaking like a tsunami.Of course, this is an illusion of most mortal minds, which is caused by the turmoil in the concept field.

In the end, Crimson's Destruction was cut into two parts by the black winged knife, and the chaos in the entire factory was suppressed.

…When weak mortals rejoice in being saved by 'heroes', the devil laughs. …

Finally, two hours later, "Blade Column" was a success.At this time, the face of the blade in his mech is Fenzheng.The cabin he was in was black, but his chest seemed to be pierced, turning dark red.

This was the last death blow of the great demon, a knife stabbed at him, leaving a rotten scar.For this reason, Fenzheng began to blacken more deeply, in order to suppress this desire to "destroy".

"Ah~" Fern moaned tremblingly, but at this critical moment, a powerful concept field burst out from his heart.

This is the power form of the "halo", "falling into the halo", which is to sacrifice part of one's soul fragments to burst out powerful "sharpness" and "intelligence" to continue fighting normally.Of course, at the end of the sacrifice, it will become a cold and emotionless existence.

In the era of swords and magic, this kind of humanoid weapon is the "Black Knight", exuding the power of fear and death all over the body, and mercilessly sweeping away everything from the earth.

After the "falling into the halo" was formed, it gradually converged into his own soul. Fenzheng came to his senses, and fear and hesitation appeared in his eyes for the first time.

When Fern is beginning to suspect that he is on the wrong path.Lance responded to his fear: "Child, you did nothing wrong. To be a man, sometimes, you need to let go of your soft parts and become ruthless."

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