out of cage

Chapter 824 Chapter 19.09 Don't let the sunspots hide the sun

The perspective returns to when the chaos broke out. When the chaos broke out, Wei Keng's other team was in action.

Wei Keng: I don't care about fate's tricks on me, but it doesn't mean that I tolerate fate and disturb my successor with messy things.

After Ambassador Fan rushed out of the city and lured the airship away, Wei Keng's team immediately penetrated into the corrupt area in the center of the city.

That's right, Biao Ke's rescue of Ambassador Ver was purely using the ambassador's status as a "customs clearance" condition when he left the city.In another area, fifteen Wei Keng individuals formed a group and quickly crossed with weapons, and came to the Noble Garden area.

Encountered a stumbling block on the way.

At this time, on the carriage originally pulled by the white horse, the white horse has now become a skeleton, and the driver in armor has been corrupted.The armor on his body and the cloud of death circled around from the hollow.The original gold wire-wrapped carriage has also changed to the style of the tombstone.

The weird coachman grinned half of his rotten mouth, and turned his head. The breath of fear made everyone terrified,

The Wei Keng group is not long-winded!The battle started immediately, driving the jeep and stepping on the accelerator, "Rush over to me." At the same time, another group of people rang a grenade and threw it directly.

When the car approached a distance of 20 meters, the coachman went straight up to avoid being knocked over, just in time to meet Wei Keng in the front and pulled the trigger, followed by a round of rapid fire.The red-hot bullet aimed at the skull in the center of the armor and fired over, sparks instantly filled the coachman's head, making his face smudged.

At the same time, Wei Keng, who was holding the explosive grenade, got into the carriage from the side and put the grenade in the arms of the undead skeleton coachman.Close the lid.

The grenade just exploded, breaking the skeleton, and the shrapnel baptized the skeleton.

And Wei Keng, who hid in the carriage, escaped the impact of this wave of shrapnel, and immediately got out, holding a crystal core in the carriage. He had just been stained with a black curse, but it was not completely polluted, so he climbed directly. come out.While getting out, a skeleton hand also stretched out the carriage, trying to catch the intruder.

The undead in the carriage were also very confused. Suddenly a person broke in. This person had quick eyesight and quick hands, so Heihu took the core crystal out of his heart. At the same time, there was an explosion outside, and then fled after the explosion.Flowing clouds and flowing water are comparable to going home to pick up things you forgot.

After the skeleton hand stretched out, it seemed that it wanted to grab Wei Keng, but a shuttle bullet directly shattered the skeleton hand!

...Just as the gods can see, Wei Keng can make his own luck constant. In the dying struggle, Wei Keng is not affected by various negative effects such as fear. …

How strong is Wei Keng in small scenes?That is, as a knight, as a shooter in an adventurous environment, how good is it?There is very little data even on the gods.

Most of the time, Wei Keng displayed his combat effectiveness in the form of a military group.

But the current scene can be regarded as the "Dian Zhong Dian" of Wei Keng's combat power.In Wei Keng's travel between planes, in terms of personal force, his "point" is so-so, basically considered mid-level.

Oh, what about the empty twist swordsman system?Almost able to abuse a non-king who lacks a data link is nothing in the king system.

But there is no doubt: Wei Keng's strongest form of combat power is the swarm.

In the plane of Pandora, twenty Wei Keng carry weapons, basically ignoring all large land beasts.A thousand Wei Keng carried heavy equipment such as infantry guns and rocket launchers, and with sufficient ammunition supplies, they were able to kill from the eastern end of World Island to the Atlantic Ocean without injury.

If it is an interstellar weapon such as a Gauss ray gun that can break through one meter of steel, and a heavy hammer burst bomb,
Master Wei's division-level swarm can kill the main nest of the swarm without launching a large-scale biochemical bombing and ensuring sufficient airdropped ammunition.

Of course, the restrictions on the projection of weapons of mass destruction were opened, and Wei Keng cooperated tactically in the sky.It is absolutely impossible to allow any air force of the swarm to float on it.

In the mind plane, during those 100 million years, the descendants of the human queens brutalized the swarm of insects in this way.

The tactical coordination ability brought by the mental language system can exchange information with each other. As long as the target reveals its vital parts within ten microseconds, then the firepower is sure to hit.

In other words, even in melee combat with spears, none of the behemoths could open their eyes and charge towards Wei Keng, and once any behemoth that charged at Wei Keng closed its eyes, the key motor ligaments would be stabbed.

It can be said that Master Wei is the king of kings in terms of "fighting in groups" in this main world through the development process!

...With a mortal body, he has exhausted the will of a god. …

On the aristocratic street of Anglo, after the undead coachman was scattered, he dropped his skull and saw that the queen's gemstone in his car was robbed. The steel skeleton that had been blown loose seemed angry and tried to reunite in the black mist.

There was a clicking sound, yes, the cart-drawing skeleton beast belongs to the legendary one-horned nightmare. After being knocked down, it is still in the process of just integrating, and many structures are not complete.At this time, the car directly rolled over, breaking the skeleton again, the fender of the car caught the rib clip, and the violent friction and collision shook the bone frame, making a clanging sound.This is the accumulation of resonance energy. If you wait until the skeleton is integrated, the vehicle will be pierced by the growing bone.

But on land, it was sparked by the vehicle along the way, and after being dragged for hundreds of meters, it scattered all over the place.

Master Wei definitely doesn't talk about martial ethics, and doesn't give him any chance to stand up.Wei Keng, who was beside the car, saw the coachman's head bouncing up, but he didn't retreat, so he opened his "big foot", and kicked the jumping bone far away by kicking off the football.In the middle of the glass mirror cabinet in the distance, it hit the gorgon who was looking in the mirror.

Of course, half a minute later, Wei Keng still "give the ghost a spare time", and he was sure that it was about the same, and they all drove away.

Because at this time, just across a river, the evil aerial gargoyle power that was enticed by the "Ambassador of Valer" with the armored vehicle anti-aircraft cannon, turned his attention at this time.

...The purpose of Wei Keng's trip is to compete with "fate" for fate...

In the house in the royal capital circle, Xuelisi was looking at the skylight in the center of the house. On the corresponding ground was a rocky shallow well, with a puddle of light blue water condensing inside.This is the purest arcane well, and the water in the well is pure information energy. At this time, she is fully supporting the "Holy Sanctuary" arcane.

Xue Lisi comforted the servants at home: "Don't be afraid, we will definitely get through the crisis."

The servants nodded with fear on their faces, and they held guns in their hands and were ready for the last fight.

Seeing this scene, Xue Lisi couldn't help but sigh in her heart: "Back then, there was a "jumping" arcane art in the inheritance of the royal family of the Sky Empire, but my generation was not qualified enough to learn it."

Shirley couldn't help praying: With the law of light, the justice of the call, great, please show your mercy.

...The angle of view returns to four 10 minutes ago...

At the same time, a thousand kilometers away, across the TV screen, the former Captain of the Dragon Blood Gendarmerie Seagate (Zheng Nian's default mother) saw the message and at the same time sensed that the person (Xue Lisi) whom she had signed a guardianship contract was once again suffering. disaster.She immediately walked to the basement, and 10 minutes later, when the dragon blood armor on her body was put on, she was about to walk out.

At this time, a vehicle suddenly stopped outside the door. Being extremely vigilant, she picked up the gun and put on the safety, and stood behind the wall post she was hiding in. When she saw through the mirror that it was Liu Si After that, he breathed a sigh of relief.

But it still flashed behind Liusi and raised his gun.But Wei Keng squatted down suddenly, and threw out a magnet at an incredible speed.

The gun slapped, and then the bullet missed, and the gun flew over. Seagate picked up the knife and rushed up, but with a bang, Liu Si held his hand, and the two of them fought three times before pushing away.

Liusi was kicked, but the Seagate blade was taken from his hand.

Seagate stared at Liu Si: "It seems that you are not just a chef."

Liusi wiped the corners of his mouth, and said calmly: "In the early years, I fought against the Sky Empire and fought against Dragon Blood." His tone was relaxed, but he was not to be outdone by Seagate.

Seagate's gaze fixed as expected, and she asked dryly, "You were under Enma's orders back then, weren't you?"

Liu Si: "It's a thing of the past. Today Iron Star is handed over to newcomers to fight."

Seagate: "Then what are you doing now?"

Liu Si: "You are going to save the princess of the subjugated country, right? I will go with you."

Seagate's expression was unmoved: "Why?"

Liu Si sighed, "Because, if you die, Zheng Nian will be very sad!"

When Seagate paused, Liusi pressed the button on the car behind him. It was a set of the most advanced individual infiltration armor in Iron Star (refer to Ghost Agent). With the space folding system, there are almost unlimited bullets.

...In the repertoire of God of Destiny, Seagate is a supporting role, he can die, and Yan Beixiang can also take the back...

The shackles of fate will clamp people from all angles. As for Xuelisi, Zhengnian has no feelings for her, but if Seagate dies, it will definitely affect her.

Wei Keng's checking system counted this accident!In order to prevent this accident, when the Anglo was in chaos, they risked their lives "inexplicably" and took the first step.

As for Zheng Nian, it was getting harder and harder for Wei Keng, who had arrived in the old batch, to catch up with him.

In the future, he will soar very high, and the help he can give him will become less and less, but now, Wei Keng, relying on his advantage of the overall perspective, tries to weaken the sunspots of fate to influence Zheng Nian's "seven or eight o'clock in the morning." sun".

...Wei Keng, who checked fate in the dimension: Maybe Seagate will always be the supporting role of Xuelisi, but it should not be sacrificed. …

Back at the Anglo King's Capital, Wei Keng's [-]th group has quickly entered the noble area. Some small and agile monsters along the way were all crippled in an instant when they approached, and then were directly pierced into the core by the raised steam cavalry guns. perish.

Therefore, even though these chaotic monsters appear and disappear like biochemical lickers in an unorganized situation, they are still useless in the face of Wei Keng's group, which can be called a sophisticated war smasher.

And all the high-ranking demons commanded by the kings in the vicinity were also preemptively killed by sniper rifles.

And in the royal capital's aristocratic area, Xuelisi's barrier just reached the limit of her ability to cast spells.A large amount of magic power has overwhelmed her mental power, and Xuelisi is already thinking about whether to use the forbidden spell boost in another two quarters of an hour.

In the world of arcane arts, forbidden arts are common in many arcane art inheritance families. When a genius appeared in a certain generation and ambitiously wanted to improve, he found that he had invested a lot of energy and failed to teach the future generations well. As for the career that has exhausted my life, I can't go on.

Of course, many geniuses of small families are not reconciled to this, and even choose evil ways to prolong their lives.Of course, if Xuelis used forbidden spells in this chaotic evil, she would definitely be discovered by the demons invading this world.Then happily go to taste this delicacy.

Just when Xuelis was hesitating, the guardian elf floating beside her flapped her wings, as if hinting that there was a turning point.

Four cars crashed in all the way, people got out of the car, and the flag was unfolded. This is the flag of the Sky Empire.

Xue Lisi fell into surprise, she considered that someone would come to save her, but she never thought that it would be someone from her former empire.

Xue Lisi opened the barrier, and at this time, a smoky thing shot out from the surroundings.However, the smoke was immediately hit by a beam of light and turned into green smoke on the spot - the beam of light was the dispersing magic released by Wei Keng.

Shirley looked at the person in front of her.

Wei Keng: "Your Highness, we are the Dragon Blood Squad, please come with us quickly, there is no time to explain."

After all, Xuelisi was pulled into the car, but at this time there were still 23 people hiding in the villa, all of them were ladies (after Lance passed away, Xuelisi wanted to avoid suspicion), including three aunts who repaired flowers.

Wei Keng paused, looked at the princess, and said: "My evacuation team brings a lot of people, which will eventually affect the escape. You have to be sure of this. After you take people on board, you can't leave them behind."

After the princess agreed, Wei Keng made three rules for the dependents: first, the team gives priority to protecting children, and everyone must abide by this priority, and those who are lower in priority must get on the bus now, and they must be conscious.Second, follow orders in all actions, and don't talk back until I give up on you.Third, before I abandon some people, when I negotiate with the abandoned person to transfer resources such as weapons and food, the people in other cars are not allowed to intervene.Those who interrupt will be thrown away.

[Hua Xin and Wang Lang both took refuge by boat.There is a person who wants to be attached, but it is difficult for him to do so.Lang said: "Fortunately, it is still lenient, why not?" The thief chased after him, and the king wanted to give up the people he brought with him.Xin said: "That's why I was suspicious. It's because of this ear. Now that I have accepted my trust, I would rather abandon the evil in a hurry?" Then he took the rescue as before. 】

Looking back at the [-]st century, Western liberals, just like Wang Lang, continued to "fraternity" when the economy was good, interfered wantonly, and promised to get on board.After the industrialization of the East, the two or three generations who have been catching up with the pressure are like Hua Xin, who have always been worried about the vacancy of the ship.

…Wei Keng was deeply impressed by that era, so he thought a lot about it…

Ten minutes later, Wei Keng's large team protected Xuelisi and left, while the team slowly broke through from behind.

A quarter of an hour after the evacuation, Xuelisi saw the retreating convoy being left behind and surrounded by monsters, and immediately said to Wei Keng who was driving: "Stop, why don't you save them?"

However, Wei Keng said leisurely, "Your Highness, just as the empire is irreparable, you can accept the reality calmly."

Xue Lisi: "Your people are also behind." She pointed to the other fighters (Wei Keng splits) who were not in the car.

Wei Keng: "Your Highness, you can try to use the arcane method on me."

Xue Lisi froze for a moment, then stretched out her hand and performed a healing technique on Wei Keng. However, she turned a blessed gem and found that the magic techniques of the several gods of order here are not effective.She realized that the space was now isolated.

Narrator: In fact, not only is the space isolated, but the time is also chaotic. Under the influence of the power of the devil, in the infected city, everyone's struggle time is independent, and drops of blood and internal organs are falling from the big clock in the city skeleton,

The time seen by people in every region is not normal. The flow of time is slow for those whose souls want to struggle, while those who are desperate wander in the streets, and even find that the clock is running backwards while walking, and the space cannot get out. .

Now there are several escape teams in the city, where the ambassador escaped for a few hours, and compared to the outside world, it took three days. The same is true here in Xuelisi. The experience time is only a few hours, and it takes five days outside.Everyone is in the maze of time and space.

When Xue Lisi thought it was the problem of the influence of the demon barrier here, Wei Keng asked her to try other god healing techniques, but her palm collapsed again after touching Wei Keng, and it could even be clearly seen, This magic technique not only retreated, but even seemed to be hostile!

Xue Lisi was dumbfounded. This kind of effect (Wei Keng) ignores all the arcane arts of the mysterious department exists. There is only one possibility, and that is people who firmly believe in Iron Star.

Wei Keng paused: "Your Highness, saving you is actually making an enemy of fate." His tone was extremely high-spirited at this time.Then he said to the princess humorously: "To some extent, fate wants you to die."

This Wei Keng learned from the fate computer of his personal system that (in fact, they are all lower and middle ranks) gods are targeting Xuelisi, and there are many bad endings.However, for Wei Keng, Xue Lisi must live as an unknown existence, and cannot die as a key role.

Wei Keng has now figured it out. After Xuelisi's death, it will cause a series of reactions (including the complete blackening of Fenzheng and Yunli).And to save her is to completely interrupt the plot arrangements of these gods!
...However, every variable of Wei Keng is also very important to Wei Keng himself...

Just when Wei Keng was about to continue driving, a strong light burst out from behind, and there was a violent arc wave in the building, and Wei Keng, who was protecting Xuelis from retreating, stopped suddenly.He stepped on the accelerator suddenly and rushed back!

The reason why Keng, who was originally planning to give up part of the team, was allowed to return in groups was because of a huge change.The second self traced the origin broke out.

In the rear, one of Wei Keng raised his sharp blade, and all the blood vessels in his body exploded at this time. This was to introduce the energy of the black necromancer into the body and release it precisely in an instant.

This release destroyed 30.00% of the body, but it burst out with fiery power.In front of this monster comparable to a tyrannosaurus rex, the gap in the neck of its skull was cut, and then it was split into two pieces by the blasting force.

And in the mouth of this huge demon head, there is a Wei Keng who was swallowed and chewed half of his body (1)!
Cutting with a sharp blade is—Wei Keng's own body introduces the power of the dead and the power of order to hedge, and the resulting energy burst is controlled by the variable of the source of the explosion, becoming this penetrating sword light.

As for the explosion in the devil's mouth - it was Wei Keng's energy that lost control, and his body exploded, and this exploded body happened to be bitten into his mouth by the devil.

At this time, it was not one Wei Keng that broke out, but two. In terms of possibility, one plus one is greater than two.

When the first Wei Keng inflicted heavy damage on the demon with the price of cutting in half, the next Wei Keng (2) directly pierced the demon's head, and the blade with the concept of hacking power information found the "real name" in the demon's heart. system".

The entire chest of the great demon then melted into a black liquid.

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