out of cage

Chapter 831 Chapter 19.13 The beginning of the revival of the southern civilized area

Saturn in the southern continent is overturning the old scores of the colonists.

In 53 years, it has gained a certain strategic advantage over the suppressing army in almost several southern imperial cities. While destroying local altars, it also destroyed the foreign "Jishantang" (to gather young people), and "Shuimuyuan" (to cultivate All remnants of the colonial era have been removed.

A large amount of black material was excavated along with the Great Liberation.

The mass graves dug up by Saturn under the hypocritical institutions set up by the colonists caused an uproar all over the world.

Saturn in the south also showed evidence and carried out ideological education for those intellectuals during the transformation.

These intellectuals who still firmly believed in the value of "more advanced equals better" a few months ago were silent when they saw the materials excavated from this scene, and finally began to join Saturn in the transformation.

If the movements of the Saturn Alliance had happened 20 years ago, the empires of the Northern Continent would have definitely suppressed them.

Back then, during the war between Anglo and Vail, rebels appeared in Anglo territory, and Anglo also pulled out enough strength to suppress all kinds of uprisings backhand. (In the Anglo-Sur region, Wei Keng and others were betrayed by traitors at the time, and they died and were injured.)
But in the contemporary world, the world situation is different. The era when great powers had sufficient strategic power to interfere with small countries is gone forever, and they can only indulge weak subordinate countries to fill the gap.

In January 3254, Xiroll decided to establish a material transfer base on the northwest coastline, on the Nibelungen Islands.A battleship of 1 tons was moored in the port, raising its giant cannon to conduct shelling exercises on the target.

Xi Luoer announced to the outside world that this force is ready to intervene in the southern continent at any time to prevent the "demons" from spreading further.

Narrator: Oh, as long as one bite to death, Iron Star is the source of demons, Xi Luoer can pretend to be confused with understanding, and find the recognition of "universal value" for his actions to suppress the Saturn rebel army in the south.

The Valerian and Anglo sea fleets acquiesced to Xiroll's actions.

So at the end of February, when the northern civilization collided with 2 tons of steel as the basic unit, the southern part of Wanlun Continent had not existed for thousands of years, and the real war of imitation began.

In the face of the weakest imperialist suppression in hundreds of years, the Northern Iron Star assisted the southern Saturn with a large number of "indigenous" industrial chains.

These industrial chains were summed up during the early battles of the Sky Iron Star Agricultural Youth Association. They can complete a military technology production system with a scale of 10 people.

At the general strategic decision-making meeting of the Saturn Alliance, in the earthen cave dwelling, maps were spread out on the earthen table, and the awakened people of Southern Iron Star summarized the situation that seemed to be "the enemy is strong and we are weak" Pros and cons.

Yurun drew out all the large and small railway junctions on the southern continent. There are 24 super-large cities, 22 of which are in coastal cities, and the remaining two are also cities on the banks of large rivers.

Red: These large cities are the core of power, and the nodes where Xirol can repair their super heavy land cruisers.Of course, in super-large cities, the industrial chain is very large, and the knowledge points and key points are still in the hands of a small number of people, and it is impossible for this small number of people to leave the existing big cities.At the same time, these "upper civilized people" classes will not let the military lose their dependence on them, and provide industrial support for the "non-service area" for the military leaders on their side (comprador groups in cities: if the military leaders can If they establish base areas in non-urban areas, wouldn’t they be able to rebel again), this is the strategic disadvantage of the colonial legions with advanced equipment in the old southern continent.

At this time, on the inland transportation hub, Yu Run marked [-] secondary transportation hubs, all of which were small industrial base areas built by Saturn.

Small industrial chain base, the industrial chain is relatively simple, a small blast furnace of tens of meters, steel rolling equipment with more than a dozen machines, in the industrial chain formed, many key links are undertaken by people.There are far more wage-workers organizations than there are in the big cities.

In peacetime, such labor is more, output is less, and energy consumption is high, which is the reason why the production efficiency is low and will be eliminated.

But now is the stage of war, and the factory nodes are in the hands of a large number of people. As long as the personnel transfer is done well, small industrial chains can blossom everywhere. (random mine flow)
After finding the advantages and disadvantages, the formulation of Saturn's strategic plan is quite clear.

The military power of Saturn is to destroy the resources gathered by the intervention army in a large number of areas, making it impossible for the colonial comprador government behind it to maintain the industrial production of the big cities.Only by relying on the blood transfusion of the intervening empire's territory can the rule be maintained.

As for how much blood can Xiroll's small body bleed?

As long as the war lasts, Wei Keng is sure that within three years, Xi Luoer will be able to implement the rationing system, food control, fuel control, and even agricultural production fertilizers will not be enough.

Xi Luoer's family background, Wei Keng's family is clear, but the potential of the Southern Continent is great.Therefore, after the protracted war, the forces of the enemy and ourselves will also change quietly!

Chide at the wartime thought conference: The foundation of an industrial country lies in the accumulation of materials, craftsmanship, and design during the production process of the industrial chain.But the core lies in the culture of the society.

The entire Southern Old Continent has not entered into industrialization for thousands of years, because it has not adapted to the real "industrial culture" from the core to the grassroots.

When the entire group of scholars in backward countries are trying to resonate with more developed countries, the most intelligent part of them are pursuing the influence of piano, literature, and art in the first-developing countries, and they are culturally locked by the first-developing countries. Industrialization is dead.

Industrialization did not come by waiting, and industrialization was not rewarded from outside, let alone copied.

It is a "massive amount of work that has taken generations of people to work together for a whole country".

[After the 21st century, the industrialization of developed countries in the Mediterranean civilization has not yet failed. Before the transfer of new hosts, only the middle-aged people in the East can industrialize on their own]

During the iron star uprising in the south, the local intellectuals and scholars have been awakened, and they have begun to put down the Anglo-Shapeian literature classics in their hands and give up the appreciation of the paintings of the Impressionists of Vail.

These liberal arts students started the original work of lower Liba people, such as pounding ore, steelmaking, and grinding.It turned into the first generation of Saturn to take over the industry on the southern continent.

Wei Keng: If the late-developing countries want to complete industrialization, they must get rid of the industrial superstition of the first-developing countries. The first-developing countries in the north, such as Vail and Anglo, released the "sophisticated civilization" in the process of "dissemination of civilization" to the old southern continent. Abstract words such as "mechanical soul" and "steam rhyme" have created a "mystery" for non-industrialized countries and seriously hindered the spread of industrialization in civilization. "Industry and advanced", like the art of these developed countries, has become a curtain of "unfathomable" and "unfathomable".

With Wei Keng issuing such an "industrial declaration".The industrial godhead in the etheric realm was finally complete and began to shine brightly.

However, the complete industrial godhead began to reject all those auxiliary gods who tried to inherit the "industrial godhead" in the void.

That's right, industry doesn't need "assistant gods", "precision", "steam", "employment" and "finance" all kinds of embellishments.

On the Wanlun Continent, the glory of the gods has declined at this moment, and the Anglo "forging" god is furious, because once the old southern continent completes industrialization according to this model, then he has no meaning for existence.

The gods who previously wanted to bind "Industry" on other planes did not expect their struggle to end in this situation.

These gods who were descendants of time and space were naturally noble, but they didn't know that the "origin" of the earliest industrial godhead in the arcane world was a simple middleman.

Wei Keng: Even if the industry is gradually becoming high-tech and various maintenance uses "spiritual" development, it is also necessary to back up the simplified machine, the manual version, and the simplified version that is durable and easy to maintain.

…The decisive battle in the north will determine the enlightenment of the future development of human civilization, while the decisive battle in the south will determine the vitality of civilization...

In February 3254, the war began, and the Southland Rebel Army took out light tanks and armored vehicles from the Sky Iron Star era.Oh, if you take a closer look at the main world, this thing is the design of the world famous "t2" in modern times, or the "55 main tank".

In view of the fact that there is a huge amount of natural asphalt lakes in the lakes in the middle of the southern continent, although such asphalt is not a light fuel that can be directly fed into the engine, but through the supply of industrial chains such as hydrogenation and filtration, a large amount of fuel can make this kind of "Light cavalry" come and go like the wind.

At this time, the commanders of Xiluoer are still immersed in the joy of taking over the seven important cities in the southern continent, and directly taking control of the southern continent instead of Anglo and Vail.

On February 2, when its commander arrived at the largest city on the Yasheng River, the largest river in the central part of the Southern Continent, he held a crystal cup with the local nobles to celebrate, and talked about "coming soon" and "immediately" to solve the root cause of demonic harassment in the Southern Continent "When this kind of words.

Saturn's Eighth Cavalry Regiment has quietly blocked the upper reaches of the Yasheng River and erected a steel pontoon bridge.

Under the moonlight, in the rolling river, steel plates like folding plates were quickly unfolded on the river, forming an iron bridge, making a road appear on the river, and then tanks and light mech infantry quickly crossed the river down the river.

After February 2, Xiluoer discovered that they occupied the cities along the river, but they could not form a north-south moat that separated the Saturn alliance.

In Xiluoer's strategic plan, it was originally intended to focus on isolating some areas, so that certain guerrilla areas lacked heavy weapons and external support, and were relatively easy to suppress.

After waiting for the intervention army to solve the rebel army in the blockade area, the servant army will send people to manage it, restore the agricultural and mineral assets in the area, and then allow the main force to approach other important areas controlled by the rebel army.

This step-by-step isolation and step-by-step elimination policy is the standard procedure for Anglo and Van Er to divide, buy, and suppress the rebel army for thousands of years.

The colonial governors made full use of the contradictions of regional differences in the old southern continent, which also made the rebels in each region fight on their own for thousands of years.

For information, you can refer to: In the middle ages of the main world, serfs always fled from one manor, and after obtaining weapons, they just occupied the mountain and became kings and became robbers.And the knight masters are mobilized through marriage, so that knights and servants from several regions come to experience and fight against these rebels.

Saturn in the Southern Continent is not the rebels of the old era, and it does not occupy a large city with concentrated geographical conflicts.

It is the rural and rural route, dispatched teams from the north and south of the Yangtze River, interspersed back and forth one by one, to strengthen the connection organizations in various regions of the entire southern land.

In the process of military struggle, at the same time, culturally, the power of interpretation was taken from each large city, which contributed to the full awakening of the "Pan-South Continent".

...On the Southern Continent, those traversers who had a happy start, now finally feel what it means to "the number of days is up, and everything is over"...

In February, Nanlu Iron Star established multiple bases in the rural areas around the big cities occupied by the Xiluoer Intervention Army.

The "59" light tank swimming on the field dirt road also retreated immediately after seeing the Sirol heavy land cruiser.

Saturn's armor appears to swim rather than kill.

However, the range of activities of the heavy armored group of Xiluoer's Intervention Army was continuously harassed, and it was limited to a range of tens of kilometers.

Xiluoer's main land cruiser can only attack outwards once a month at most, and each time does not exceed a range of [-] kilometers.

What the southern rebel army really fought against was the lightly armored servant army established under the guidance of Xi Luoer.

But what about the fighting will of these servants?It can only be said that these weak chickens have fully consumed Xiroll's insufficient industrial production capacity.

...Beyond the "God's Fall" incident that occurred in the northern continent in 54 years, in the future, in the northern iron star, there will be a final fateful confrontation between Wei Yun and Poma, of course at that time!Poma has been completely disqualified...

From the perspective of fate and time and space, overlook the development of the war in the Wanlun plane.

Throughout 54 and 55 years, Vail and Iron Star in the north were smashed to pieces, and Saturn in the south was also launching large-scale battles every month, specifically targeting the slave army for targeted destruction.

In the early 54th year of Saturn in the southern land, the "light mecha infantry" of the colonists had already begun to be systematically eliminated.

The military forces that mobilized and colluded with each other inside and outside the Southern Continent were eliminated by the establishment system. In the early 54, they were at the "battalion level" (that is, the scale of 55 to [-]), and after the second half of [-], the "regiment level" was wiped out (two to three thousand).

It should be noted that the light infantry units of the Southern Land Colonial Army that were annihilated here are all mecha units with individual diesel engines.

In the Battle of Bohan, the cost of this kind of light infantry was equivalent to twenty times that of arming an ordinary infantry.

Of course, more importantly, in the early 54, the army was composed of nobles in the southern mainland. Compared with the consumption of equipment, the source system of the comprador class in the southern mainland was also destroyed.

In the future stage, 55 years later, the Nanjiu Lujiao Group is at the end of the road, oppressing the inside, and arresting young people in school to join the army. Of course, these urban youths are from merchant families and have weak fighting will.

Excluding the loss of the "Individual Mecha" corps of the Southland Movement, the loss of vehicle armor is also worth noting.

The number of vehicles destroyed and eliminated by the Southern Saturn Alliance against dozens of tons of vehicles of the Southern Land Colonial Legion also increased exponentially from dozens of vehicles per month to several hundred vehicles per month in December 55.

With the development of such a war situation, even if the battle between Iron Star in the north and Vail did not decide the winner, but continued to be anxious, so that Vail finally had the upper hand and had enough power to participate in the intervention in the southern continent, the southern Saturn Legion may not be able to lose.

In the past, the southern rebel army had many large-scale uprisings, but they were all lonely in the ups and downs after the northern colonists exhausted their industrial weapons within a few years.

Although the industrial equipment of this "Tukeng" uprising in Nanlu lags behind by a level, the political system continues to grow!
...The angle of view returns to the old southern continent, where black mud has been deposited for thousands of years, and flies are still flying here...

In December 3253, when Fen was leaving the southern continent, Yunli was asked by Anglo's father and friends to stay here to rectify the "medical technology" center here. As a last resort, Yunli could only let her younger brother do the meeting with her mother.

After that uncle introduced Yun Li into the brightly lit laboratory, he put a bracelet representing the head of the laboratory on her wrist.

However, Yun Li didn't know that her father's friend's pupils shone blue and purple after he left, which was exactly the same color as when Fen Zheng was possessed.

After Yun Li stayed, she saw the extravagance at the dinner party on the first day.

The nobles of Xirol that my younger brother made friends with only occupied a few locations (big cities) and still stubbornly claimed that the situation was very good.

After several meetings with the local nobles, Yunli suddenly realized how arrogant this is, stubbornly giving "evil" to others, but not admitting that she is obviously closed and corrupt.

Yun Li couldn't help looking at her "divine emblem", and doubts arose in her heart, "Such a mistake without prompting, did the 'tempering' gods give up the spread of belief here (the southern old continent)? Or, in other words, the southern Obtained the favor of other industrial gods!"

Perhaps Yun Li guessed correctly, the old southern continent already had its own "industrial thinking", and there was no room for other gods who claimed to be "industrial" to spread fallacies and heresies.

They (precision, metal refining, torque, steam) are forced to stand in the corner, and can only focus on the last pillar of faith in the north, whether they can withstand the big test of the original "industrial" father!
For these "industrial auxiliary gods" of these sects, it is beyond doubt that the originator is now qualified to "discipline" and "teach".

But their last self-esteem, what they don't want to admit is that the "origin" who "disciplines" and "educates" them does not sit high in the pantheon.

"On the eve of starfall", the gods hope that Wei Keng can return to his throne.

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