out of cage

Chapter 839 Chapter 19.20 The more righteous the better, the worse the worse

Between March 3254th and 3th, 24 in the Fire Emblem Calendar, the Battle of Tuomu Plain broke out.

After Tie Xing got away from Medog, he immediately sent five combat divisions southward.In the era of the air force system, these single-turret combat armors are the new ground weapons that are most suitable for the rhythm of battles. The old-fashioned land cruisers are completely out of touch with the battlefield.

In more detail, the three main battle divisions of Iron Star arrived at the attack position first, and the two fortified combat divisions arrived on the battlefield [-] hours late.During the whole process, Iron Star's air force has always maintained the "information suppression advantage", that is, all the information concept dissemination in the airspace is controlled by itself.

Since then, Iron Star has determined a new battle system for this century-old era.

In the ground "division" level units, there are three categories:
1. Fortified combat division: It is still the original land cruiser, the lightest weight is about 300 tons, and the number of land cruisers is between 9 and 12.

2. The main battle division: it uses fifty chariots of about [-] tons as a battle group. This is the original light tank that has undergone continuous technological development and has begun a heavy-duty mode (similar to the large-scale destroyer in the ancient times of the main world) .

3. Aviation combat division: a mountain giant maintenance (850 tons), a druid supply land ship (36 tons), a mammoth chariot (with a huge bucket in front to level the land, total Weight 40 tons.) And [-] Army Aviation Dragon Guard fighters, more than [-] light auxiliary vehicles.

...The combat command system is no less than equipment technology.This is similar to the consciousness and micromanagement of professional players. Often, amateur players can still win with [-]% of their HP...

The battle command is in the main battle division, and the commander stays in a [-]-ton information vehicle to determine the position of each battle group on his side. (responsible for strategy)

After the start of the battle, the tactical decision-making power is that there are members of the staff in the aviation combat division and each Dragon Guard formation, and they begin to report the situation of the battle, put forward requirements for the rear firepower dispatch, how to fight the missiles, and how to greet the air force. It's all up to these tactical staff. (responsible for micromanagement)

Poma's fingers unknowingly smashed the map: Even if you can't get it, you can't give it up.

Therefore, it's not that Poma doesn't want to improve, but that only by defeating Iron Star, those who are inclined to reform can get rid of the slanderous charge of "attaching to Iron Star" and start reforming freely.


Then, a line was drawn on the front line. This line was very tortuous, but it connected all the points where one's own side had an advantage, and maintained its offensive power on the line.

Throughout the battlefield on the 26th, the heavily armored corps surrounded by Vail made a frontal raid and lost four land cruisers.

On the Iron Star side, 34 main battle tanks withdrew from the battle sequence, and were knocked down with two dirt fences!These soil fences were piled up by the Iron Star armored forces with a bucket for an hour, and it took the heavy artillery to blow up the offensive breakthroughs of [-] meters wide when Van Er attacked these soil fence positions.

On the night of the 28th, Poma in the capital of Vernon watched the latest "quick news" from the front line, glanced at it and snapped it shut.For Poma, it was news he didn't want to hear.

…The world’s martial arts can only be broken quickly, and the command system must never be on a slow-paced military equipment platform, …

However, Wei Yun gave an order to Frontier: "Wait for a while, after this punch, you might as well take it back first, and see if Fan Er can wake up next time!"

Let's put it this way, only when Iron Star does something wrong can Val have the freedom to walk in the right direction, and now Iron Star has never made mistakes. This is an ideological war.

On the night of the 24th, through the rapid transportation of the railway, Iron Star directly detoured from the north for a full [-] kilometers, rushed to the south line, and then launched an interspersed attack, and completed the attack on Verdi on the [-]-kilometer south line. Fourth, the siege of the Seventh Heavy Armor Group.

However, the Iron Star excavator in the back built a new batch of soil enclosures to surround the position!This kind of positional warfare against heavy armor clusters is a very classic case in the next 200 years, and it completely announced the end of the "heavy armor flow".

On the side of Iron Star, in the latest electronic projection communication conference, the round table map is surrounded by all the strategists of Iron Star.

The chiefs of the three armored divisions personally drove excavators to dig the soil, and then planned tactical fortifications. In two hours, they dug out three to four hundred semicircular (horseshoe-shaped) soil circles for the tanks.These soil circles with a diameter of 40 meters are distributed at intervals of 300 to 400 meters.

He looked at the withered calendar, and in the coming April, he wondered if this country (Val) could still maintain its romance and beauty.

Sometimes the "brain" wants to do great things, but the "body" will become very honest under various difficulties.

The land is not necessarily "flat", and the landform can be artificially changed.

On the 27th, from 4:8 am to [-]:[-] am, with the iron wings soaring in the sky and the joint attack of the heavy armor on the ground, the [-]th Heavy Armored Division in Ver was wiped out, and only four soldiers remained in the [-]th Heavy Armored Division. A land ship broke through and left in a panic.

Iron Star is greatly reducing the capital nobles, and it is very difficult for Vanir to improve the "noble salon culture".Because the reformists will be slandered by the conservatives at any time as spies with "iron starism".In a situation where there is a contradiction, right is right, and wrong is wrong. If you want to blur right and wrong, it is impossible for a hypocrite who wants to continue to "fuzzy" and "compromise".

In this way, less than a month after the start of the war, Tie Xing wiped out four divisions in Medog on the northern line and two divisions in Medog on the southern line.Although it still can't change the general confrontational situation of the war, it has already made Van Er feel powerless about the outcome of the war.

He signed the destruction plan waiting to be executed, but just like when waking up in the morning, the brain needs a period of time to urge the bedridden body, and Poma, as the brain, also needs time to order Val to go crazy with him.

Boma looked at the map: If you continue to pursue victory now, you have to go even more extreme. In that case——

After 27 days, Iron Star's heavy armored regiment took over the stronghold that was blocked in logistics after the offensive of Vail was frustrated.This stronghold is just a train station, because the Valerians did not consider slowing down the attack in advance, and lacked a station management team, so the supplies here were unprotected and piled up like a mountain.Both the shaft and the skin felt that they had not cut off this "express station", and that was really a pity for themselves.

At 26:9, 13:9, 49:10, 34:11 on the 12th... About every four or 10 minutes, the Dragon Guards air formation also delivered an air strike package, with [-]-kilogram aerial bombs on the ground. The laser lock pointed to the battlefield.

This is the only large-scale naval gun confrontation of the Iron Star Heavy Land Cruiser in this battle.The Iron Star Heavy Armored Division set up a T formation, and within half an hour, defeated six armored iron vehicles, as well as the No. 012 Verland Armored Squadron that was in a hurry to return.

[In the past 20 years, the gods have continuously guided Iron Star to go in the wrong and narrow direction. In fact, it is to give forces such as Vail and Anglo to copy these enlightened opportunities, but they are all broken by the troublemakers. 】

After the iron star's main battle armor was interspersed, it resisted the counterattack of Verna's so-called first-class army on the mainland.

This kind of encirclement battle with weak armor against light armor, the world thinks it is a pebble hitting a rock, a peasant holding a dung fork to challenge a knight, and also cited the combat power of a battleship at sea with a large cannon fighting a cruiser with a small cannon.

The belated Vail land cruiser was blocked by the Iron Star Armored Regiment. The conservative armored commanders on the Vail side used 240 mm caliber naval guns to bombard the Iron Star main battle tanks in the bunker area of ​​the barrier, but the heavy artillery The shock wave effect is obviously weakened a lot by the earth circle barrier.

In the struggle between ideologies, both sides seek to develop in a direction opposite to the other.

Poma, who has long lived in a magnificent and fortified palace, also knows that the opponent's "flexible style of play" is caused by the country's high-spirited, enlightened and righteous.

Because the commander of the Vail Armored Legion still stayed in the most luxurious, comfortable, and stylish land cruiser, but such a heavy unit was too slow in the current combat system.

This kind of bomb is very tricky. Instead of aiming at the heavy armor, it drills at the junction of the turret.It's like someone having a snowball fight in winter. You don't have to be afraid of the snowballs that hit you head-on, but some birdmen use icy hands to pour their necks down the neckline.

At this time, Iron Star has gained a decisive advantage in this local battlefield, whether in terms of frontal combat strength or air superiority.

The main combat armored vehicles are all equipped with buckets, which were dug out with buckets when Iron Star's peasant and rural army surrounded the Anglo heavy armored regiment.This kind of civil engineering spirit has always been deeply rooted in the soul of the Iron Star Army. Even if they have their own heavy industry now, the skill of digging is still carried forward.

His army was clearly ossified in combat.However, this is impossible.

…the dividing line between losers and winners…

Iron Star's main battle tank reversed and nimbly shrank in the mound, raised its 150 mm caliber armor-piercing projectile and began to counterattack.Vail's heavy armor blocked the frontal bombardment, but the tracks were frequently blown up, so he had to slow down and start repairing the concept field.

In the follow-up pursuit on the 28th, the Iron Star Dragon Guards Air Assault Force and the Light Armored Division once again blocked the fleeing force. At the cost of four tanks, they successfully annihilated the Seventh Armored Division.

On the 26th, the First Heavy Armored Corps of Vernes experienced this barrier.

But these people ignore a physical element. The sea is flat compared to the land. If the sea is blocked by a large number of islands and mountains, then small ships are also a threat to large ships.

Poma couldn't help but think of Wei Keng's question on the Sun King battleship: "Have you considered justice after failure?" Yes, this question is burning in his heart like a branding iron: now he doesn't want to fail , I had to let go of my "meaningless" reserve "for the time being".

As for the slowest and heaviest, the Land Cruisers, they are waiting to be arranged. Throughout the battle, their targets are those fortified fortresses. When it is time for them to appear, they will appear.

Poma looked at the map of the continent, and what he recalled in his mind was the image of the radiation wasteland world he traveled through during his non-commissioned officer days.

Iron Star's new battle command mode completely outperformed Val in the next war.

Vernon is a big country, and a long-term war can mobilize a huge amount of vital force, but when the war is restrained, 50.00% of the vital force has been consumed at the moment, and the veterans have been killed and injured.If Iron Star does not want these veterans to play a backbone role in Verne, the tempo of the war must be controlled.

In the discussion of many people at the meeting.Su Ni said to Zheng Nian: "We don't have the ability to destroy the country against Van Er. Now this battle should make all interest groups and all levels of Van Er sober. Do we want to follow a few lunatics to continue to destruction. War Ultimately it is for peace, for our development model not to be disturbed."

Zheng Nian: "Well, yes, but this war lunatic is not only Vail, but also Anglo."

Su Ni nodded, but what Zheng Nian said next gave Wei Keng a headache.

Zheng Nian: "I still have a younger sister in Anglia, tsk tsk, I have to catch her and arrange a good home for her."

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