out of cage

Chapter 843 Chapter 19.22 has primary and secondary cognition

Yun Li finally "accounted" to the Saturn regime for Anglo's biochemical plan in the southern old continent.

The news of Yun Li's voluntary cooperation with Saturn was blocked by the Saturn Alliance's confidentiality department, and it was not until 20 years later that the decryption was made public, and the world knew that the top Anglo prisoner who confessed to be lenient was a 19-year-old girl.

This little matter involves a conceptual contest between Wei Keng and Monat.

Compared with Monat's godhead "omniscient and omnipotent", Wei Keng's attitude towards information knowledge is "time of day, order of heaven".

Wei Keng: It is true that people need to understand one thing from multiple angles, but in a specific historical period, the sequence of understanding and understanding of this thing is different, and the impact is different.

For example, in the propaganda of the old southern continent, it is now a period of struggle with the colonists. The most important angle to understand this matter is to understand how big the crimes of the Anglo-colonial companies are.It's not a gimmick of "how a 19-year-old girl dominates an evil necromancer".

If in the propaganda, the main contradiction is not emphasized, but some interesting secondary contradictions are to attract attention, then it seems neutral and objective, but in fact it helps the movement to cover up the main contradiction.This is a tactic often played by the colonial government's media.

For example, the Anglo bcc media, when reporting on the poor life of the people in the old southern continent, often find some peculiar way of life of the locals catching birds with tree vines, which seems to be introduced from multiple angles, but in fact it confuses the primary and secondary, allowing readers to see When I came to the sentence "the old southern continent is poor", but I couldn't pay attention to think deeply, and was attracted by the local people's custom of hunting birds.As a result, people in the northern industrial areas have tacitly accepted the poverty and backwardness of the old southern land.

Yun Li's identity can be reported when the time is ripe. That is when the initial victory of the revolution and the construction of the Southern Old Land will require "thousands of gold".

…Wei Keng: Zheng Nian, your sister is very useful, and I will make good use of it. …

The propaganda front of the Saturn Alliance has a new propaganda minister. This propaganda minister is said to be a former Valerian soldier.

On the first day the minister took office, he closed down the toast stove in the editorial department (the reason is to prevent fires), and then he banned the candied dates and peanuts (the reason is to prevent cockroaches and mice from damaging the paperwork)

The subsequent minister began to convene a meeting to emphasize: abide by the principle of "principal contradiction" and can't make jokes.

Biao Ke knocked on the table and returned many reports. At the meeting, he told a large number of propaganda workers (many young people from feudal families who yearned for progress): "In this anti-colonial and anti-feudal time, when our soldiers are bleeding and sweating, , your position must always be with the soldiers who are bleeding and sweating now. You cannot just sit quietly in the office, make tea, have a small plate of candied dates to chew, and bake Whitehall toast (Anglian upper-class toast culture). I can express my emotions in my spare time, and turn the narrative to "the little noble girl who went astray, pitiful and deplorable". No one in this world is pitiful. We want to engage in revolution, not to pity those beautiful things dressed in imperialism, but to " Use the pen holder as a bullet to pierce those unfair and unfair "!"

Biao Ke was spitting, and his sharp eyes swept over several colleagues who had thought problems.

Biao Ke: "Propaganda must have a "clear purpose", and the focus must be on the main points of "Anglo is conducting necromancy experiments", and dig deep into the truth and nature of this cannibalism system."

…Under the secrecy system, Yun Li was also saved. She did not become Anglo’s tool to divert contradictory public opinion at the forefront of the storm. Saturn treated her leniently because of her frank confession…

On May 5, the Southland Uprising Army intercepted a car of migrants on the northern front battlefield, and the West Rolle border mounted police immediately cracked the route of people smuggling.

When the governor of Silore in the area ordered troops to search for smuggling dens, a huge area of ​​corruption was discovered in an underground base.The entire sewer showed a strange green color, which is the fluorescence produced by radioactive substances.

This biochemical laboratory is in the occupied area of ​​Xiluoer, but it actually belongs to Anglo.

So much so that the Cyroleans didn't know that the Anglos were doing this kind of thing in the cities they occupied.

After everything was uncovered, the most ferocious imperialism in the north seemed to have broken its cans and began to use necromancer combat weapons on a large scale.

For example, on May 5, a monster nearly eight meters long and weighing two tons appeared in the farmland of the Geju District in the Huayu River Basin of the Xunmin Kingdom. It attacked the local people and caused huge damage. Focus on the machine gun and smash this monster into rotten meat.

These cases have brought great panic to the entire Iron Star region. Legends such as "water monkeys" and "water monsters" are heard endlessly in the base area, so that ordinary residents dare not go to the water alone.

Of course the most important thing is the lack of doctors!Necromancer combat weapons have toxins, and a large number of local formulas, combined with cheap herbal medicines, are constantly used in various places at this stage.

Red: There is never a need for class relaxation between the colonizers and the colonized, and the contradictions will not disappear because of the class relaxation. When the people continue to struggle, it is the advantage of the anti-oppressors. After the class relaxation, the upper and lower contradictions confront each other. It will become an advantageous situation for large commercial and private groups.

Wei Keng vaguely remembers that in the 21st century, after the class eased, large companies took advantage of the advantages of legal counsel and the coercion and lure of the public relations team to turn all the lower-level individuals into "extortion" or "using legal advantages to make rights protection People lost their jobs and decades of time wasted."

As a troublemaker in the [-]st century, I have to roar: Why do we need class relaxation!To deal with conflicts, or to deal with the weaker side of the conflict? !

The "biochemical attack" on the Southern Continent was the first time that the Southern Continent, under the leadership of Saturn, fully confronted the colonists as a unified consciousness. This was a change that had not happened in a thousand years.

A responsible regime in the industrial age began to fully spread its ruling power over the entire southern old continent through "boiling water", "rural medical care" and "rural science popularization".

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