out of cage

Chapter 850 Chapter 19.25 Soul extraction, great sacrifice.

The time went back to a month ago, on May 5th, the North Continent of the Wanlun Continent.It is also the hottest stage of industry in this contemporary collision of old and new.

In the Anglo capital, the streets were much empty. Due to the disaster, there were fewer people, and the buses were deserted, but there were only a lot more black cars and motorcycle guards.In the Imperial Parliament, the cigar-drinking elders are now seriously discussing the current situation.

At this time, the "Holy Order Alliance" (Val's Anglo colonial conservatives call themselves) neither the southern nor the northern fronts are dominant. In the battle of the Eastern Front and Osima, the Ver and Anglo heavy armored coalition forces, in the battle of Medog After that, continuous consumption is already the end of the battle.

Now Iron Star has extended its bombardment to the west bank of the Lion River after the Battle of Tuomu Plain.The [-]mm caliber super-barreled artillery dragged by Osima's fortified armored regiment has already knocked the shells on the permanent fortifications of the Hamburg Fortress.

In the latest active attack ordered by Poma, the two flanks of Vail's main force were simultaneously pierced and surrounded by Iron Star's air and space armor forces.

As for the air and space battle group sent by the Anglo side, oh, it was expected at first, but in the air battle, it was hit with a 20:1 phobia.

The number one star of Osima Iron Star is only 20 years old, and he is really overwhelming the crowd in the sky.

The Anglo side sent the Air Corps.Fen led the team, and was defeated three times in less than ten days.Of the three aviation regiments, only two or three escaped.After the front-line airfield was built, it took off on its front foot, and was discovered within half an hour, and was swept away by missiles.

If Fenzheng hadn't covered his tracks in time when he was defeated from the front line, and Saint Great Wall had no interest in chasing him in order to cover the ground, Fenzheng would have crashed several times a long time ago.

On the other hand, it also shows that Saint Great Wall doesn't pay attention to Fen Zheng, who is only one year younger.

The melting of countless steels and the war situation in the north have worried the families that have been prominent for hundreds or even thousands of years.

…Under the rule of the gods, mortals only have near-term concerns, not long-term concerns. …

Therefore, the small situation in the Southern Old Continent was not discussed at the meeting at all, and even Yun Li's life and death were unknown at this time, and Kuantu's determination to use the "dead spirit power" would cause tens of thousands of people to die of evil.Just a number.

At this time, Nutt's report requesting additional troops in the south was also piled up at the bottom.From Anglo's point of view, as long as the problems in the north are resolved and they return to the old southern continent, everything will be at their fingertips.

Now all the questions are whether it can overwhelm the Iron Star camp, Osima and Sky Alliance, and their Vaer allies are "reliable" in this war?
Now the ambassador of Vail has reached the latest wartime industrial alliance agreement with the Anglo Army.This agreement involves an alliance of various industries such as coal and iron.

The Marshal of the Imperial Navy Group slapped the pipe on the table, reprimanded the document sent by the provisional government, and reprimanded: "This is a traitor."

Now Vaner is asking Anglo to open up a second battlefield in the Bohai region with the entire fleet.

This is a plan to save the car, but as the Anglo navy that maintains the world's colonies, why take this risk?

Now no one knows how powerful Iron Star's aviation and ballistic missile strike force is now.Moreover, the Anglo intelligence determined that Iron Star's aviation capital ship 'The Expanse', which can take off and land the Dragon Guard Squadron, is conducting a large-scale mobile tactical voyage in the North Ocean.

Once the maritime adventure plan approved by the interim government is implemented, the heavy armored forces of Valer will be able to withdraw, but the essence of Anglo will be completely destroyed. What will be used to maintain order in the colony?
In the Anglo Parliament, these coastal factions have expressed their dissatisfaction with Vail unabashedly: sooner or later, he will pay the price for his inflated ambitions.

However, the chairman of the parliament reminded that the naval faction had better take a look at the situation now.

At this time, after the catastrophe of the Demon Rebellion, the Anglo industrial power was more or less embedded in the capital of Val.

Vail also sent troops to "protect" these vital military assets against evil from enemy protection.

Most of the members of the Anglo land parliament have advanced and retreated with Ver, but on the side of the colonial sea power, they are far away from Ver.

If it weren't for the fact that the colonies are also in chaos now, the attitude of the Anglo sea power faction towards this land war would be to sit on the sidelines.Quietly transferred the industry overseas, and then began to rely on the colony's supply capacity to start selling strategic materials to the "neutral" side. (Just like the operation of the US imperialists in World War II.)
Of course, the reason why the old Anglo politicians deny the strategy of "glorious independence" of the rightists is because the time is not suitable for them to go on like this.

At this time, the most precious resource after the disaster is not only the army, industry, but also people's hearts.Anglo disintegration is the worst moment in centuries.

At this time, Iron Star's hope of victory in the hearts of the people is pinned on the current broad ideology of fairness.The idea of ​​"freedom" on the part of Vail is actually an ideology for the benefit of the big bourgeoisie.

As for the feudal military group in the Anglo sea power, in fact the legal system is the theocracy.After the catastrophe came, the hopeless thought of "God abandons us" generally appeared in Anglo-Anglo.

After losing the "people's hearts" and "confidence", the Anglo-conservatives urgently lack the driving force for their factions to act collectively.

…"Religion" is a technique to gather "people's hearts" and maintain "the driving force of collective action".This kind of technique is like a stimulant. The effect of the medicine is so good that most superficial civilizations take it regardless of the sequelae. …

On May 5st, when the "divine order" has begun to envelope the Anglo, even the ordinary canteen breakfast must strictly abide by the sense of the Holy Communion.

The bigwigs of the Anglo Navy came to the secret underground base of the new capital together.

There are a large number of "crystal materials" with high information density in this base. These are high-magic crystal stones in the age of magic, and now they have become special materials in the age of science.

There are a large number of nuclear power plants in the base for energy supply, and the current is passed into the supercomputer made of these precious materials to accumulate "computing power", which is like a water pump, drawing pure "sacred power" from outside the sky.Oh, that is, the "information enthalpy" used by the traversers in this world.

During the temple ceremony, Xuelisi, as one of the persons in charge, was using a golden brush to draw a magic circle for the holy object.

Small details: This is obviously a magic circle that summons the Holy Spirit. Everyone is devoting their spiritual power during the drawing process, but a thin thread in the magic circle flows into her body like a trickle.Shirley discovered this, but she didn't dare to say it, because now Anglo wanted to summon the saint, but it wasn't her.

…In the words of the 21st century, if you are approved as a reincarnation, you are, and if you are not approved, you should not say 'I am'...

On the underground altar, like the mouth of a golden cup, the huge conceptual power is being compressed.In the huge accumulation, a space distortion comparable to the ignition of a star is formed, and a body structure in the void is being printed, which is the body of God.

For a long time, the Anglian voyages have been driven by religious beliefs.As early as the sailing battleship period, when looking at the empty sea around the sea and the land is far away, when the food is still abundant, you may raise a cat to make adjustments, and when the food and fresh water start to be scarce and start rationing If you want not to fall into cannibalism, you must think that you still need a saint to lead everyone forward.

It will be the same now. When the Anglo-Sea factions are getting more and more embarrassed, their faith will become more and more pure, and they hope to have a leader.

And this kind of belief just echoes the interference of the gods in this world at this time.

At this time, this world is full of iron star troublemakers, which makes the gods even more dissatisfied.

…God needs a plane that he is not used to, makes a big mistake, and then destroys it, and now Anglo is doing it, giving the gods a reason to "abandon" the world...

Beside the altar, after the thinking of the Admiral of the Anglo Navy was linked with the Holy Spirit of the summoning array, he suddenly felt as if he was soaked in the sea, and then he saw the extremely bright, but The distance is very far away.

God: "You came to me this time because the outcome of the battle in the City of Wind Whispers is about to be decided, right?"

The marshal, who was bathed in the "sacred" radiance from top to bottom, nodded, as acquiescing to this answer, and then said: "Carus (saint), you say, God's trial for us~" His tone hesitated, because the current In the war, he was also embarrassed to think that his side performed well.

Saint: "God thinks this is in line with your usual level."

Anglo's generals didn't know how to answer. Anglo had a good hand, but after a few years, it suddenly became so bad.

God should be dissatisfied.But these Anglo-spirits don't ask openly.

...Carus is not a saint, but an angel who destroys the world. …

In the four calamities of the apocalypse, disputes, wars, and plagues have all come to this world.Narrator: Fenzheng, Lance, and Nutt didn't feel it themselves, but they had been placed in their positions as pawns.

And the last one is Carus.Unlike Fenzheng, Lance, and Nutt, who don't know their own position, "Apocalypse Agent" Carus has a clear consciousness and knows what he wants to do.

This underground altar that summons Carus is 660 meters below the ground, and directly above is the slum of the Anglo-grey city.Due to the food supply problems brought about by the war, many poor people have started to catch mice in the garbage holes in the slums.

However, in the Anglo newspapers, there is only sensational propaganda: Iron Starism has committed crimes throughout the Wanlun Continent, persecuting those who yearn for free values.

However, it is very ironic that Anglo has a holy look and accepts the rich people in the Southern Continent who were "persecuted" after Saturn's transformation.Then, after escaping from the clutches of the Saturn-controlled area, these nobles of the upper cultural class in the southern continent, inspired by the charm of the Anglo "religion", "voluntarily" enshrined their property to the free Anglo.

These "proprietors" from the southern and old lands are doing a "happy life" of "maintaining water pipes" and "cleaning up garbage" in the Anglo-roots area.

But now, with this super war spreading across the northern and southern continents, food supply problems have arisen, and the immigrants in the southern old land who yearn for "civilization" have become "public security issues" in the eyes of the Anglo rulers.

The rulers of Anglo "civilization" are holding up silver table knives while carefully cutting steaks, while discussing how to properly deal with these "problem immigrants".

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