out of cage

C852C19.26 Facing God!

C852C19.26 Facing God!
Wen San quickly left the scene of the outbreak of the evil disaster.

The huge crack in the ground was getting bigger and bigger, and a giant claw the size of a car protruded from the ground. At this moment, a three-ton gasoline-powered tilt-rotor attack aircraft from the Anglo City Security Force rushed to the scene and hovered over the ground. A rotary machine gun appeared in the air, and fired at the great demon emerging from the crack in the ground.And the surrounding six-legged city security mechas also rushed over.

The attack plane in the air tilted slightly, and the head of the demon that had just climbed out of the ground was instantly knocked out, but the body in the ground was still tenaciously revived, trying to regenerate. The pilot of the Anglo City Guard looked at the tenacious creature on the screen with a cigarette in his mouth. Guy: "Good guy, such a big guy is hiding here." Then he pulled the trigger again.

As a demon hunter, Wen San retreated one kilometer away, turned his head to look at the two rockets engraved with sacred patterns falling rapidly in the sky, and immediately covered his ears, nose and mouth to prevent the "sacred" ammunition from exploding. Interferes with itself aurally (chants chanted in explosions).

Wen San rolled into a depression in the street, and crawled down disregarding his image. After the fluctuation, he stood up and patted the contaminated garbage on his body. In that depression, some homeless man left vomit. very.

Wen San climbed up the high wall and looked at this "type A abnormal event" in the capital circle from a distance. The huge blood pit, the charred pieces of meat in the tunnel were still wriggling, like maggots in a cesspit,
As one of the Weikeng clusters, Wen San estimated the "quantum information volume" inside through the "crossing the crystal wall" rule chip, and readjusted the detected data model.

Ten minutes later, Anglo's follow-up chemical defense troops wearing silver visors had arrived here.

Within the blockade, these special teams established by the Anglo to deal with the evil disaster seem to be very experienced in this kind of disaster, and they blocked it in an orderly manner, then searched for survivors around, screened them, stuffed the polluters into cages, and waited for the news from above .

These soldiers in the silver-white mechs and chemical-resistant suits started the "purification" procedure.

The chemical defense commander here ordered the burning.When all the traces were cleaned up, the anti-media came in for an interview. In front of the media, he gave the following speech to the anti-chemical soldiers: "The empire thanks you for your contribution. On behalf of the imperial security department..."

The bright and great words fulfilled the intended role over and over again in the occasion, so the reality that the Anglo could not accommodate so many civilians was ignored.

...Anglo has always made problems that it cannot solve itself bigger, and then dragged everyone to "face"...

24 hours later, in Iron Star, Limin City, there is an "Ether Realm" information base station.This is used to monitor the inflow and outflow of the etheric field from the outside world.

Now the human members in this base station are recording the total amount of "ether" on the entire Wanlun planet.

From April to May, there was an abnormal growth in the entire ether world of Wanlun Continent.

The base station in Limin City is a very information-based operating platform. On the semi-arc-shaped desktop, there are multiple monitoring teams. The information equipment above the arc projects 67 interfaces, and each interface is Wanlun. The information of the ether world of the plane is linked to the situation of other "worlds".

The other "worlds" here can be adjacent timelines (deterioration, parallel history with accelerated time flow), or they can be the doomsday information wreckage of other civilizations in the universe.

Under the rule that everything leaves traces, quantum tunneling, and the same information attracts each other, the "abnormal docking" event in space and time is very possible.

Wei Keng confirmed that in some industrial planes there were traces of nightmare disasters in ancient times. In the strange destruction of a country, even a pale hand will appear in a cabinet, and a mirror will help people commit suicide.Human beings will split their personalities into dozens of monsters, and even a farmer will turn into a monster assembled with pig's feet and bull's head after a night of sleep.Not to mention the king's knights, the castle is already covered with saws, axes, benches, chairs, torture tools, guarding soldiers, and wearing poisonous snakes as crowns.This is the world after "Ether Collapse".

In the Wanlun Continent, the necessity of such a monitoring station is the same as the significance of establishing an earth defense system and monitoring asteroids in the ancient times of the main world.

In the current war, when Iron Star is gradually starting to stabilize its position, it is impossible for Iron Star's enemies to be so polite and give up their hegemony indifferently after losing the conventional battle.

The historical revelation at the end of the modern era: After the decline of Amerika’s hegemony, it did not end after the failure of the conventional weapons war, but to tear open the skin and take full advantage of the chaos of the main continent of Eurasia and Africa as its own opportunity. Advantages include genetic weapons, nuclear weapons, destroying Eurasia as another world.

Face to face with God, Wei Keng has been preparing for this all along.

The Iron Star camp, an aerospace project jointly launched by Osima and Sky, landed on the planet where the Siyang Abyss is located two years ago.

The spaceflight condition of the main world is to reach the first cosmic velocity, while the spaceflight condition of Wanlun Continent is that the "information condensation point" breaks through the first critical point threshold.

The main world has the first cosmic speed, and there are second and third cosmic speeds. Similarly, on the Wanlun Continent, the "information condensation point" has the first critical threshold, and there are second and third.

Ancient arcane masters have long used this knowledge system to complete various "traveling in other worlds". The phenomenon is still the same, but the cognition is no longer the cognition in the past.

Iron Star develops such interstellar information projection.To develop to the final stage is to face the gods!And the information enrichment of God's location belongs to the third information threshold.

The gods always have the super information to destroy the "Wanlun World", so Wanlun humans are not free.

Of course, it is unrealistic to try to beat the information enthalpy of a high-energy planet with the current total information of Wanlun Continent.But in this cosmic quantum field, the "ip address" of Wanlun Planet can be hidden.

Wei Keng: "I need to hinder the coming of the gods in this kind of direct confrontation! As long as the gods are hindered from marking this world, this world will get rid of the influence of the gods in the timeline of hundreds of years, and the creatures on the mainland will no longer exist. In the god's checking formula, it can develop freely."

According to Wei Keng's calculations, looking at the conceptual information currently hoarded by the entire Iron Star, it is equivalent to a million tons of nuclear weapons.

Releasing these messages outside the Wanlun planet can interfere with the landing of the gods.Of course, this kind of interference requires the existence of a "representative of the Wanlun Continent" as the basis for condensing information.

A spaceship similar to bombing a comet needs an astronaut as a pilot.And for this, Wei Keng was ready.

...Wei Keng: Since ancient times, no one has died in life, and keep his loyalty to reflect the history...

On May 5, on the southern coastline at this time, the Austrian Railways had just completed a new round of battles in the elastic defense war, annihilating the 3th and [-]th armies of Vail, the [-]st Dragon Guard Group team, with pride at sea Landing on the deck of the aircraft carrier (Long Kuo).

Six 320 one-ton, air-transformed mechas landed under the spray of reverse thrust flames.

18 people got off the platform.Zheng Nian is very eye-catching in the team.Of course, Liu Yina was also there. She saw Zheng Nian and wanted to say hello, but in the end, she didn't say anything when Zheng Nian hurried to the command room from behind.

It is also a supporting role, a certain split who does odd jobs at the airport, looks at the back of this guy leaving happily from this perspective, and sighs, it is really a sunrise.

In the headquarters, Su Ni was looking at the map, looked up to see Zheng Nian, frowned and said, "Didn't I let you take a break?"

Zheng Nian patted his chest and said, "Others need three days of rest, but my body coordination technique only takes half an hour." (Sleep is a process of adjusting the biological clock of the body. Just reply to the status.")
Su Ni: "Then I'm not being polite. The department and I have studied your tactical system at sea in the past few days. May I ask, if you are given enough ammunition, can you launch an operation that penetrates the depths of Anglo? "

Zheng Nian looked at the roundabout route drawn by Su Ni's finger, and began to study this plan.

Zheng Nian read it very solemnly in his heart: This requires five Dragon Guard combat groups to escort the air force, insert the Anglo escort, and then airborne, and at the same time release three groups of information pods carrying the "Iron Star Information Concept" to ensure that one group can complete the task .

It is worth mentioning that all the contents of this "information warehouse" are top secret. Only hundreds of people in Iron Star know the existence of the "information warehouse", and no more than seven people have a complete understanding of the complete plan behind the information warehouse.

The "Information Warehouse" will spend three hours developing the concept of information after landing!

During this process, the Dragon Guard air formation provided fire support cover within two hours.To ensure that airborne troops can accurately complete the mission.

Zheng Nian raised his head and looked at Su Ni with wide eyes. He obviously wanted to know what Su Ni was going to do!
Wei Keng hesitated for a moment, thinking that it was impossible to hide it from him, so he handed over the latest global ether observation data to him.

Now in the global ether, the ether world on the side of Iron Star is growing, forming a wave, and on the side of Vail, it is also corresponding to the collapsed information vortex.

Of course, if the subsidence and growth are equal, then this is an internal matter of the Wanlun Continent.

On the Anglo side, the scale of information in the ether world is obviously abnormal.This anomaly seems to have opened a hole in Wanlun's ether world.

…Among the forbidden techniques that are sealed in the Anglo-mysterious area, any large-scale sacrificial ceremony will destroy the information balance of the world where it is located...

Su Ni clicked on the interface, and began to introduce a unique mysterious phenomenon in the ultra-ancient period!

Su Ni: When a legendary mage, or some transcendent high priest, as an orthodox believer in the gods, accumulates a large amount of orthodox faith, there will be a phenomenon that the realm of the gods will spread in the mortal world.

It is said that this is the passage opened by the gods to welcome orthodox believers.

Wei Keng took out the information drawing board, stroked his hand slightly, and an ink style animation appeared on the drawing board.

In an altar in the wilderness, when a mortal sorcerer completed something in line with the beliefs of a certain god, a huge energy interface appeared in the sky.

This interface is God's Domain, and in this God's Domain, all rules belong to this god.

All mortal knights or kings will be melted into ashes after entering this god's domain by mistake!Even if these are believers of higher gods, because the realm of the gods is the realm of a god.

Zheng Nian was very interested in this cartoon, and pressed the screen, looking for the information input port, wanting to add a few words.

Su Ni slapped Zheng Nian's fidgeting hands, and continued to explain: "From a scientific perspective, this is an information singularity. When the information density reaches a certain level, it will cause huge distortions similar to the material singularity. This kind of distortion will directly connect the ethers on other planets to form information wormholes, for example, the Siyang star we have confirmed is an information wormhole, and of course higher-level information wormholes should directly connect high-energy planets."

Zheng Nian nodded thoughtfully: "In the super-ancient period, when a certain legend accumulated a huge amount of information in the mortal world, so~" (Mystery and science are the attitudes of two kinds of wisdom to face phenomena, and phenomena are still that phenomenon.)
Su Ni suddenly asked Zheng Nian seriously: "Zheng Nian, do you believe in God?"

Zheng Nian also became serious, and said in a sworn tone: "No, I believe in the materialist development theory of civilization. I firmly believe that my greatness does not come from gods, but from me as a life, which is a variable of this objective physical world, and so do gods. It's just that the gods take the path of "suppressing other variables", while I take the path of "liberating variables."

Su Ni looked at him with satisfaction, but Zheng Nian stared at Su Ni, obviously asking Su Ni to give an answer~.

Su Ni paused, then suddenly looked at the sky and said, "I have a lot to say, and I have to face the gods. If I say it, there is a confrontation between me and the gods, and this meeting is necessary."

Zheng Nian nodded, patted Su Ni, and encouraged: "Yes, I want these gods who suppress variables to oppose each other, and I will help you!"

...Before June [-]th, Wei Keng tried to leave a message to Zheng Nian: The world is mine and yours, but it is yours after all...

On May 5, the northern land battlefield began to expand.Iron Star began island-hopping operations north of Anglo and Vail.

Zhengnian applied the strike tactics centered on the aerial information platform to a series of island wars, which made the overall strategy of Anglo and Iron Star suddenly begin to shift from defense to offense.

In peacetime, the seizure of a series of island chains is a low-intensity confrontation.But when a frontal land battle starts, this kind of battle for thousands of kilometers of coastline and dozens of islands will be a big problem.

[This is similar to when the Soviet Union and Germany were bombarded, and England still existed, Germany had to deploy reserve military forces in a huge area on the west coast of Europe to prevent a large number of troops from suddenly landing on the west front. 】

And Zheng Nian is really preparing to land and strike, not just talking.Iron Star also suddenly turned the battle line to the Anglo rear, launching a campaign to "remove religion" against Anglo.

On May 5th, Zheng Nian violated the common sense taught by the military academy, directly covering the pure light tank landing force, protecting the longbow artillery vehicles to march 9 kilometers without protection, and attacked an industrial city on the northern line of Vernes.

This kind of air-to-ground integrated attack, before the firepower of the fortress was completed, all the observation posts were precisely attacked by the hacking beam missiles, and then the longbow artillery vehicle dropped tens of thousands of terminal sensitive bombs, and the guidance of the hacking light was in the air , penetrate all defense bases of the city.Its siege effect is no less than that of a land cruiser.

Zheng Nian still feels that there is room for improvement in this almost artistic tactic. At the level of Iron Star, the coordination of such strikes is still a little weaker, and the counterattack speed and evacuation speed of the artillery should be faster.

On May 5th, Zhengnian attacked Anglo again. This time, he directly attacked a factory 11 kilometers inland from Anglo, a factory specializing in the production of heavy artillery shells for the navy. Ah, this air-ground coordination is "quickly", an hour Within the city, they rushed to a key position and poured 87 tons of guided warheads without damage. These warheads hit 4323 important targets in the city, causing 93 deaths and damage.Well, that includes just [-] Terminator-shaped heavy robotic units weighing forty tons upwards.These are the "Titans" guarding the city, but they were guided by a group of terminal bombs by the dragon guards who don't speak martial arts, and they were knocked down to the ground with "random fists", leaving only two legs.

Zheng Nian: "Kungfu in the world, the only thing that can't be broken is fast! Who told you martial arts, and fight according to the air?"

Since the fight was fast enough, Saint Great Wall started a continuous raid.

On May 5th, in Dixin City, the Anglo side got the news in advance, and deployed 20 land defense Titan units here. At the same time, they used tactics to hide [-] warships, disguised as small islands by the river, Waiting for St. Great Wall.

Little did he know that all of this had already been discovered in the comparison of Zhengnian's map information.

And in this battle, Zheng Nian is ready to use his tricks.

After Su Ni got the report and signed it, he said to Zheng Nian: "It's the same sentence, don't waste!"

Zheng Nian nodded, and after hanging up the phone, he casually added a flame thruster to his fighter.

On the 21st, when the waves were beating against the statue of the giant ship of the Anglo-Downtown as usual, this statue is to celebrate how the brave Anglo ancestors took risks in the world to seize wealth, but today, this statue wears the pointed head of the seven seas Guan's head fell from a height of 136 meters, because the light blade drawn by the wing knife cut off the head.

Iron Star "raided" Dixin City today.

As the Anglo side sent a message on the shore, the entire Anglo Army (here is the key point) declared that it was ready, but half an hour later, Iron Star did not come to Dixin City this time.

In the north of Dixin City, the Anglo First, Third, and Fourth Aviation Groups originally rushed to Dixin City to provide support.

This air force led by Fen Zheng, the well-known Anglo "Swan Knight" general, was flying flat at a low altitude of 300 meters, but was just blocked by the high-altitude Saint Great Wall!

This is the last time Fenzheng led the team to confront St. Great Wall.

Of course, it was also the most desperate time. In less than 40 seconds, all his air forces were shot down, and the target he wanted to fight all along launched 87 large and small field beams in the sky at the same time, locking all of Fenzheng's forces. team!The other Dragon Guard group individuals have at most three hacking rays.

The Holy Great Wall was in the sky for a moment, and it suddenly bloomed into the light, shining like a phoenix, and then, it was the precision-guided ammunition, which shot down all the fighters within three breaths.

In the end, Fenzheng survived. The tail of his plane was directly cut off by the laser, and the whole body was forced to land in the lake, but he was not lucky. After 5 minutes, Fenzheng understood that it was St. Great Wall who deliberately let him survive.

The reason is that, as the commander, Fen is still maintaining the contact with the electromagnetic signal from the rear after the shooting down! (His body is constantly sending distress alarm messages, and after receiving a response from the rear, he reveals his position)
Twenty minutes after being shot down, Fen raised his hammer and took out all the shrapnel that had penetrated into the fuselage, and found a palm-sized cube with densely packed integrated circuits!Only then did I realize that I had been hacked all the time when I was in contact with the rear!

...Fenzheng discovered this "cube", and cursed incompetently: "You play really dirty"...

That's it, 120 kilometers away, the Holy Great Wall led the formation of Dragon Guards and flew directly to the Finnish information frequency band. In the aviation battle group, they cast their sincere greetings to the Anglo-land aircraft carriers.

As for why Zhengnian was able to obtain Fenzheng's information frequency band, then we have to ask Zhengnian to release Fenzheng and give him the "cube" inserted into his body.

Zhengnian almost directly introduced the hacking optical fiber into Anglo's expensive "air battle group" vehicles. There are a total of ten land vehicles with a tonnage of 300 tons, and more than [-] radar vehicles of various sizes. All were bombed.

By the way, Zheng Nian didn't even know that this opponent named Fenzheng was his younger brother, but he seemed to be very skilled in beating his younger brother violently.

 It will be updated in the morning tomorrow, don't wait at night
(End of this chapter)

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