out of cage

Chapter 870 Chapter 19.35 Poma's Fear

On June 6th, the great uprising in the Lyon region south of Vernes, where the industrial organization has made systematic progress.

The so-called systematic progress means that the rebel army began to have a clear ideological and military command, a clear action goal, and a clear economic governance plan after the successful uprising.

A Vanish soldier who "returned" from the southern battlefield began to create a hero. Under the slogan of "for mankind", he transformed this movement of indiscriminately destroying the superstructure of Vanille into a bourgeoisie that focused on attacking "evil groups" Although the self-rescue movement did not clean up all the capitalist factions in southern Vernon at one time, it also preserved the order of industrial management.

Yu Chen, who is a faction of the southern ethnic group of Faner, began to lead the restless southern army to launch an attack on the inorganic and corrupt evil company group in the desert sand dunes on the southern line.

After Yu Cheng beautified his qualifications in fighting bloody battles in the south, he began to liquidate those old feudal capital groups under the slogan of uniting workers internally.

At the beginning of July, Yu Cheng, as a small "major" bureaucrat, completed the military buildup and defeated the army of the "King of the Feast", and the ancient desert monsters finally disappeared.

The three corrupted Valian capital family forces were also annihilated and besieged in the center of the pyramid for elimination. However, at this time, many areas in the south were exposed to the strike range of Iron Star heavy missiles.And this self-governing regiment in the south of Verland does not have any weapons of war including land cruisers and dragon guards.

For this reason, this self-governing force in the south of Verland began to lie dormant in the area of ​​control.Build a railway!
Afterwards, Yucheng began to unite some capitalists and large farmers in the city, followed by forming rural and rural organizations, and began to learn the basic model of Iron Star to counter the "Osima's aggression."

...Yu Cheng is slick. At this time, most of the mortals still don't want to bow their heads to the outside world. Whoever proposes to "think" about Iron Star is out of luck. …

Yu Cheng still made the right decision in the interests of the mortals.Just like the United States in ancient times wanted to be great again, and wanted to restore the industrial prosperity after World War II, but it does not mean that it wants to admit defeat to Asia.So it should be excluded.

Right now it's not Yu Cheng's problem, but Faner's self-esteem problem, but the problem is that Osima doesn't need to cooperate.

The Iron Star coalition forces also avoided the southern uprising area of ​​Vern during the battle in July, and began to shrink back to the original front line.Industrial facilities and railways in the Vail region were demolished.

Because the Iron Star Strategy was not originally launched to occupy the southern part of Val.According to a certain skin that has passed away, it is: "After hitting you, I will jump back, are you angry?"

At the central headquarters of Osima, Su Ni confirmed that the workers in the southern part of Verland were unwilling to "comrade" with their own side, so they nodded and began to announce the end of the next war with other Iron Star military members at the meeting Work.

Su Ni: "Our strategy is to defeat Val's military intervention on our side. It has now been completed. We are not war madmen. We must minimize military destructiveness. At this stage, we might as well put away our guns and open the economic and diplomatic toolbars. gone."

...For a while, the reason why the Southern Rebel Army opposed the Iron Star suddenly became embarrassing. …

However, it was such a "tacit understanding" that made the center of Valor consciously grasp something, so on July 7th it sent a military police team into the south to seek unity.

A [-]-ton fan-blade powered airship landed, and the Aegis logo, designed by Poma himself to represent the spirit of Valiant chivalry, was very eye-catching at the front of the airship.

A few minutes later, in the rudimentary underground desert fortress, Yu Cheng looked at the recall order, and smiled sarcastically because of the lack of water.
And the gendarme who came to announce the callback appointment to Yu Cheng had a bit of embarrassment on his face.

At this time, Yu Cheng was transferred from the southern war situation and replaced with the situation in the mirror palace, obviously for the purpose of grabbing power.For Poma to ensure that his direct descendants control Val, this method is really too low-level.And, will Yu Cheng accept this order?

While the captain of the gendarmerie was hesitating whether to take it or not, he was carrying out the "special plan" after Yu Cheng's disobedience.

Yu Cheng accepted the order and left the headquarters here. The team on the southern front had already been set up, and he would not admit defeat without him.Just after Yu Cheng left, two gendarmes followed up, one from the left and the other from the right, making Yu Cheng pause.

The gendarmes also paused, and couldn't help but put their hands on Yu Cheng's back. These two lieutenants don't know the political situation, and their brains are not that shrewd.I only know that this mission is to escort!
So much so that Yu Cheng reminded them in a low voice: "You guys at least do some scene work, otherwise,~" At this time, one of the two fools pushed Yu Cheng.

At this time, in the military base, someone took out a gun and pointed it at the outsider, and the military police department who rushed over asked, "What are you doing? General Yu Cheng has made great contributions during the war. Are you inviting me?" Debriefing, or killing the general!"

This is already a very clear warning. The southern front is semi-independent. Don't ignore the situation because of the orders given by the master in the rear.

The captain of the gendarmerie also realized something, and immediately slapped a person flying, and then took out a pistol and shot the guy who pushed Yu Cheng, which hit the shoulder.

Because: when Yucheng has already shown cooperation, if the military police's misconduct leads to a mutiny, no one can afford it.

...After the disappearance of the arcane technique, the "comprehension technique" no longer exists. For some classes who used to be able to look down on others, they are blind all of a sudden. They only know how to deal with it when they feel pain...

Five minutes later, Yu Cheng boarded the plane, accompanied by the Chief Gendarmerie, and explained embarrassingly: "It was a misunderstanding just now, and we did it for the sake of appearance in the imperial capital, but you should be careful when you go back, General."

Yu Cheng interrupted: "Okay, I should understand everything. It's polite not to wear a metal bracelet for me. Let's follow!" After finishing speaking, Wei Keng snapped his fingers, and the sound was comparable to The sound of the bullet exploding, shooting at the fingertips, and the high-speed air flow cut a fly in the cabin in half, and then left shiny scratches on the aluminum alloy cabin.

The faces of these gendarmes changed suddenly. They were about to take out the forbidden law system they were carrying, but they snapped off.

Facing the tense gaze of the military police, Yu Cheng explained "apologetically": Well, I am born with supernatural power.

The restraint and locking equipment brought by the gendarmes on this trip did not work at all.At this time, they realized that the general who can win in the south is extraordinary: so the smile on his face became a little more polite again.

...The airship flew and flew, passed through the clouds, and seemed to be far away from the disturbance on the ground...

Six hours later, Yu Cheng came to Vail and saw an acquaintance, Orr!After being transferred back from the Bohan Colonial War, he has not been reused, but has been sent to the submarine warfare in the southern waters of Ver, that is, in the seaport of the left side of the "T" continent. At this time, the Iron Star In the east, there can only be no war in this southwest sea area.

No matter how extraordinary Ouer's combat power is now, all the local officers including Vall, including Poma, dare not use him in this battle with Osima.Just like Cao Cao never dared to use Zhang Liao to deal with Han Shoutinghou's Northern Expedition.

Yu Cheng paused after seeing Ouer, his ability comes from blood!The biggest problem with bloodlines is that it involves essence.

Similar to the problems faced by "warlocks" in the era of sword and sorcery.

On the road of chasing power, the consciousness is gradually synchronized with the quantum information of the blood, and it is difficult to distinguish whether it is the consciousness born in this life or the individual with the extension of the blood.

Although it is not the ancient mysterious era, at this age, Orr is gradually beginning to think about the world with the quantum information transmitted by the blood left by Enma.

And once thinking, the ghost will linger in the heart.

Before the aisle, Orr also saw Yu Cheng's gaze, paused, and then smiled. Both of them were generals of Vernay, and neither of them were direct descendants of Poma.

For a while, Orr also felt a little empathetic, and felt sympathy for the transferred southern general.

After watching Yu Cheng walk from the deep hall to the reception office of the Fifth Empire of Vernes, Ouer sighed.At this time, he didn't know that he and Yu Cheng would become the promoters of the Second Republic of Vernes.

...Of course, now we have to wait for the office, that spoiled and expired "bright leader" go away. …

In the office, Poma, with bloodshot eyes, is looking at the interface. On the interface is an industrial relic of Vail 600 years ago. This is a focusing altar with a base of 500 meters. There are a large number of optical prisms on the base of this altar. Let the beam of light undergo complex refraction in it, this is an extremely large preaching altar.It was once a miracle that Vail summoned the gods.

A super altar, which can consume a lot of energy to perform quantum calculations, can connect the thoughts of all believers in the world, so that their thoughts can swim freely in this structured world,

In the super ancient times, the so-called forbidden soul spell was a super spell that changed the beliefs of tens of millions of people in several countries. It was a super spell that required several god descendants to sacrifice themselves to complete it.After performing the divine descent technique, the amount of self-information released is too large, and the energy will disintegrate if it cannot bear it.

But now, dropping millions of tons of steel and letting thermal power plants burn millions of tons of coal can complete the energy supply, and plugging in a leader's concept field can start supercomputing.

But now the god is gone!Poma didn't want to believe this reality, so he dug out the altar, thinking for a while that he wanted to verify that it was false.

This is similar to playing on your mobile phone by yourself, and a friend on the side says that the network is disconnected, and you try to open the network immediately and try to verify! "Internet disconnection" is a terrible thing for some people!But for some, it's nothing.

…Poma only saw that his system was down now, and he has not received the bad news of "can't go back"...

When Yu Cheng came in, Poma raised his head and stared at Wei Keng's split body. After staring like this for a full minute, Poma said dryly, "I thought I'd never see you again! Hehe .”

Boma said this because four months ago, the nuclear-powered floating battleship he was driving as a stand-in crashed in the Battle of Medog, when Wei Keng's other split, Biao Ke, parachuted away.

Yu Cheng let out a sigh of relief. A few years ago, he was a small soldier who was captured from the Southern Old Land. Then he used a set of major military uniform to become a warlord in Valer. The storms he experienced allowed him to calmly face Poma.

Since he is no longer a soldier, he is actually a big official in the frontier, even if Poma kills himself, he cannot use simple reasons.

The bachelor Yu Cheng then found a sofa and sat down, looked at the tea table full of ashtrays in front of him, shook his head and said, "You've been quite nervous recently. It's not good to smoke too much."

After taking a deep breath, Poma opened the window, raised his hand at the same time, and closed the door of his office tightly. Then he said to the traveler in front of him in a solemn tone: "I can't go back here, what about yours?" ( Poma has no system, which is the source of his greatest anxiety at the moment)
Poma sat on the main chair in front of the desk, seemingly still full of concentration, but at this time his bloodshot eyes did not leave Wei Keng. Of course, if he could, Poma wanted to strangle the Wei Keng split in front of him now.Yu Cheng was very unqualified and clasped the leather sofa with his fingers.

Yu Cheng looked out of the window, wondering if there would be a "sword and axe" downstairs, and said slowly: "At this moment, I am Yu Cheng, and the split group that is fighting against you has been scattered, um, I don't Maybe I went back as a time traveler, and I want to live here."

Boma cursed: "What are you kidding! You want to drag us to death together in this world in the face-to-face confrontation of this plane, what good does it do you?!" He stared at Wei Keng, deep in his eyes was Trembling and fear.

Yu Cheng looked at Poma in surprise, and then asked in confusion: "Isn't it good to live in this world? At least there will be no snoopers or destiny planners to interfere with us."

Boma: "I don't want to stay here, you want to stay, you stay, you let me go! Now this plane is stagnant."

Yu Cheng stared at Poma, and suddenly felt that he was a little pitiful: "Have you ever died?"

Poma was stunned. In some dangerous missions, his consciousness was also traumatized, which was defined as "death" but he still had a chance to start again. But this one in front of him?Split body—he suddenly recalled something. The system explained that this traverser named Wei Keng has independent consciousness in every split body. up.And this death is?Never come back.

Yu Cheng said word by word: "I have died many times in the cluster, not just in this plane. Face life and death with a little openness, know the past, grasp the present, and strive to expand the future." The tone is flat, but Evacuated the strength of Poma's whole body.

Yu Cheng looked at him, as if saying: Young man, work hard and take root here.

In this war in the mortal world, Poma's "soul" was already smashed into pieces by the Great Wall, and it couldn't stand the rough "grit" of Wei Keng.

The morning update will start tomorrow, don't wait

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