out of cage

Chapter 881: Bottom-Up Change, Top-Down Transcendence

Chapter 881: Bottom-Up Change, Top-Down Transcendence

In the 23rd year of the expedition, the forces of the traceability system launched a counterattack against the traditional dark energy system pursuit fleet.

The brown dwarf disturbed the material area of ​​the Red Spot Nebula, and the new generation of origin-tracing fighters began to lurk the fleet in it, and dispatched a feint attack force to lure the dark energy force above to take the bait.

Unsuspecting, this legion from the Arctic jet region of the region of creation suffered heavy losses on the surface of five Jupiter-mass brown dwarfs.

Qian Yue, a Level [-] dark energy user, was driving a [-]-kilometer-long main battleship with many other warships, originally planning to collect materials on the surface of the ammonia-gathering star.

But at this time, the frigate of the traceability faction on the back of the ammonia star rushed out. (This is not a coincidence, because the fleet loss of dry inspections is included in the calculations of the Traceability School.)
The Tracing School activated the star surface gravitational fluctuation facility, and a ring with a diameter of 6376 kilometers suddenly appeared on the surface of the planet (the radius of the earth is about [-] kilometers).

The force field in this ring is generally used to dissociate the asteroid matter, making it into energy and material.

But today, when the large ring was activated on the ammonia poly star, a sunken "dimple" appeared on the brown dwarf.

The planet collapsed suddenly, emitting a huge light. For the chasers, it was like "cannonballs without gunpowder removed" from the scrap yard.

When the bombing was over, a temporary star gate with only a billionth of a second appeared, and at this moment, the traceability group burst out!
…Wei Keng: In any strategy, more and less is king, and the strategy is to let the opponent not know that he has prepared "more"...

In contrast, the traditional dark energy system is used to forming a super large and complex dark energy structure at one time.

Traceability Group tends to cooperate in the application of dark energy, delicately combining thousands of tens of thousands of dark energy structures, and then achieving results similar to high-order dark energy in a very short period of time.

This is Wei Keng's "dark energy" production chain, which means that humans sharpen spears to fight against saber-toothed tigers.

The "rocks" and "wooden poles" that make up the spears are available everywhere, and they only need to be polished and assembled, while the bones of the minions of elephants and saber-toothed tigers need a long time to grow.

The development of high-order dark energy is essentially the evolution of human beings towards a high-energy state. It is a mode of evolution from the carbon base to the energy form of the universe. It can be regarded as a route of "biological evolution" to create a higher-level individual route.

But the model chosen by Wei Keng is a blatant "cooperative development of civilizations".Get rid of material limitations, but go further in thought and consciousness.

...Ten million people in the Tracing Legion collaborated on various machines, operated hundreds of billions of energy parts to alternately combine, and completed the big teleportation...

Three thousand-kilometer planetary fortresses appeared around the Annihilation Legion.

The fleet of Ganyue was facing the solid planetary fortress, like a small sampan, the people on board felt the fortress approaching, and even felt the gravitational capture head-on.

Amid the hasty alarm of the people on board, the battleship hastily activated its particle engine in an attempt to escape gravity.

Wei Keng: Everything is like a duck on the water trying to spread its wings to escape the suction of the underwater catfish.

The gravitational tidal action of the planetary fortress on the brown dwarf adjusts the magnetic structure inside the fortress, and completes the shrinking and unfolding process of the "deformation" of the watermelon worm.

Walking star fortress, turning its back on the brown dwarf, spread out under the gravitational pull, like a watermelon worm unfolding, its abdomen is densely packed with firepower like a face-hugging worm, shooting at the fleet, and just turned its back to the fleet after the end of a wave , began to shrink into a sphere.

In a circle of killing, wherever it went, it was either sunk by a cannonball, or it was directly accelerated, and it was smashed to pieces with the shield.

Of course, rampaging in the fortress, one after another relying on the space mezzanine to conceal the jumping gang shuttle boats, is raiding the large ships of the dry inspection fleet.

The guns of the ship are strong, and the distance is enough to produce beauty.Once the distance can be shortened, "a big ship breaks a small ship" will turn into "dexterity beats cumbersome".In naval battles, the aircraft carrier has an advantage in Deep Blue. If it suddenly hits a group of missile boats in the strait, it will suffer.

The same is true for space warfare now. The gravitational zone of brown dwarfs is equivalent to the offshore sea. All large warships in outer space are in an awkward position under this powerful gravitational tide.And the planet is now blasting, and gravity suddenly becomes complicated.

The disadvantage of small boats in range no longer exists, and small boats can more flexibly avoid shooting blind spots in large fleets and look for armor disadvantages to launch attacks.

Gan Yue operated the main gun in the energy center of his "Tiandi" battleship, and was aiming at the fortress where the rebel army jumped out, when he suddenly found a "itchy" feeling on his hull. (The perception of the powerful dark energy is not limited to the carbon-based body, but has entered its own exclusive hull. And a certain villain just likes to grab this hull.)
She looked at it, good guy, like countless ants, lying on an elephant, drilling into the armor layer of the hull.

Using Wei Keng's words to describe it, our own assault energy group with a size of more than [-] is stuck to these battleships like countless tiny foam particles sticking to cats.

...Wei Keng: The tactics of the world are only fast, but the core of combat power lies in "group flexibility"...

Although there are 300 energy assault groups on the outer layer of each fleet, the total number of "source tracers" participating in the attack on the hull is only a few thousand. On average, one person controls more than [-] energy groups, which can greatly reduce damage to one's own side.

The commando communicated with the language of the soul, and accurately suppressed the rapid-fire artillery on the surface of the thousand-kilometer fleet, and then the space corps launched the infiltration facility, and a dark interface was launched on the surface of the hull, and then the commando personnel passed through the expanded energy interface into the hull.

The second battleship on the left side of "Tiandi", the guardian (level [-] dark energy user) on the battleship "Mother of Gaia", is called Sun Yi.His dark energy "shaping breakthrough" means that it can preserve matter in any special environment, for example, it can temporarily preserve the degenerate state of some matter.

The shell of his capital ship is comparable to the mantle zone, and it is extremely difficult to break through.

But now, as the assault energy groups lie on the hull one by one like "phages" (a virus with a strong sense of science fiction), and drilled through the antimatter beam, his shell was pierced.

...When the Traceability School comes up with such a technical system, it can no longer be said to be a "weak" party in space technology...In the
From the perspective of the outside of the ship, in Qian Yue's perception, the shell structure of the battleship where Sun Yi is located is like being peeled, and is penetrated by strands of energy along the gaps.

In the end, this "smart" energy came to the center of his hull, which is the 3000-meter energy warehouse where he is so far.

At this time, the traceability attack ship energies began to clenched around Sun Yi's periphery like a slap.

Gan Yue could feel that just five kilometers away from him, spatial fluctuations began to envelop his cockpit.

After the other compartments of the battleship were breached, all the members and equipment inside were solidified by the intrusion energy.Just like insects condense in amber.So Qiankun sent Sun Yi an order to let him understand his situation
Seeing this scene, the guardian of Sunyi showed a bad smile, and started the self-destruct system without doing anything.

Of course, for Traceability, if you dare to infiltrate directly to snatch the battleship, you have considered the self-destruct system.

Inside the "Mother of Gaia" battleship, the invading energy that originally flowed like a spirit snake immediately turned into a high-speed energy release channel that evacuated to the outside, leading directly to the outer layer of the battleship.

When the self-explosion energy of the mother of Gaia starts to gather inward and is ready to detonate the “core energy substance furnace”.

The shell of this battleship was opened directly, and the breath of self-explosion was released directly.

The entire Mother of Gaia suddenly turned into the Doomsday Volcano, and the crimson energy in the fracture was ejected out of the fracture.
During the fiery burning, the surface of this battleship was coated with a layer of gold.

Sun Yi on the Mother of Gaia saw this scene with his mouth wide open. He originally wanted to "smile evilly", but he was choked by such an anticlimactic ending.

Sun Yi murmured silently in his heart: This exquisite spatial ability appeared in this place, and the answer can only be one——"Taxi Qirudder", according to the legend, he approached the seventh floor of time and space, and then went back to the sixth floor exists here.

Of course, when he was thinking about the next step, he suddenly felt that the surroundings were too quiet, and he felt a tingling pain in his heart when he moved slightly, because he didn't know when, the layers of protection in his central control room were penetrated, and a Zhekong sword rushed towards him. Hold his vest.

This kind of sword is not just in front of his carbon-based body, but locked on his body as the center, the [-] important "nodes where dark energy and organic matter meet" in the entire battleship.

...As long as the time and space are just right, one needle can pierce the heart without a sledgehammer...

And now, the ones who are very close to Sun Yi's side are dark energy users of the fifth-level physique system, and they are all splits of Wei Keng who have just grown after returning from the multi-dimensional plane.

Adopted the theory of fixed body technique and tempered body technique.

Please note that this is not a superficial constitution strengthening system of dark energy, but a more sophisticated system.

In this interstellar era, the third-order thinking of the body fixing technique is that the atoms of the body have been corrected.

Then, taking such a self-body as a high-precision frame of reference, as a foundation, to load 750 seven kinds of smelting dark energy.

…The body is the closest material existence to consciousness. Instead of going around in circles and using external tools as a ruler to measure yourself, it is better to make the body precise enough. The closer the ruler is, the faster the measurement will be.And the fight is to be fast...

Sun Yi felt humiliated just like that, and was captured by a "physique strengthening" person.

He didn't know that not only his control room, but also his entire battleship, the space correction points were multiplying exponentially, and the sword array facing the ship in the air twisting plane was also used on this battleship.

Under the threat of Zhekong Sword, Sun Yi turned around slowly, indicating that he was not a threat.Then I looked at this guy. When I saw it for the first time, it was amazing. The person in front of me was as accurate as a "photon projection".Oh, in the words of the 21st century, it is like a person in a picture scroll.

The word "beautiful" no longer exists for sixth-level dark energy users, because most of the sixth-level dark energy users can precisely coordinate their bodies to the extent that they seem to meet the best digital proportions.

But in a more detailed observation perspective, if each cell is symmetrical from left to right, then in the eyes of people with high perception, this is "beautiful".

Narrator: When the body fixing technique reaches the atomic level, even the temperature difference between the left and right sides, and the subtle static current are exactly the same, which belongs to "astonishing as heaven and man".

Sun Yi: "How did you get here!"

This Wei Keng split put down the sword in his hand, and of course the sword array in the big ship supplemented the room for shooting in the space pointed at him.

Wei Keng: "When you issued the order to self-destruct the outer layer, I found you through the order flow."

Sun Yi nodded, and commented on Wei Keng's style of play: "My battleship is too bulky compared to yours."

According to Wei Keng's narration, he had already figured out how his warship was destroyed.

Sun Yi looked out the window again, and at this moment he felt a coordinate system outside the ship.

This coordinate system is an imperceptible space energy structure, which has been distributed near every warship in the theater, and the hull has been measured.It has been determined that the "Tiandi" seems to be divided by a matrix in mathematics
This positioning system, in the process of entering its own hull, may have to pass through various pipes, just like a ding jie ox, find the gap where the armor module is connected, and penetrate directly.

It can be said that this kind of fast and precise strike, a large warship that stacks armor and energy has fallen into a disadvantage, and no level [-] dark energy user can resist through the battleship mode.

Because compared with the body, the distance between the battleship and the consciousness is still a little bit less.

Narrator: The reaction speed of a normal Level [-] individual is tens of thousands of times that of a normal human being, but!But it is not enough to face the fixed body technique under the traceability system.

In the battle just now, Wei Keng and other tracers planned the battle within tens of seconds.

From the surface of the star to the space, a total of 10,000+ individuals, hundreds of millions of operation steps, all executed accurately.

The dark energy evolution system encounters the traceability system, which is really like the effect of the traditional behemoth overlord on the earth encountering the terrifying erectus.

But Sun Yi didn't expect this: A seventh-level dark energy user should be able to withstand such a crowd tactics. Damn it, what did this Taxi Qiduo do?
…Homo sapiens live on the land, intelligent people travel to the stars, and spiritual people travel to the universe. In the interstellar age, human beings should think about how to develop their fundamental advantages. …

Under the attack of Baihong Guanri from the Tracing Origin Legion, Gan Yue on the other side couldn't stand it anymore. He announced that all his formations surrendered.

And within [-] hours after this battle, within [-] light-years around, the interstellar forces that originally wanted to make trouble, all stopped.

All parties have to confirm one thing, maybe Taxi Kairudder should be "recovered".

Then, including Jiulanxing, they immediately recalled the pursuit fleet of the "tracing faction", and quietly "expired" the arrest warrant.

On each star, whether it is a religious atmosphere or a commercial atmosphere, in the interstellar merchant group, these merchants wearing space uniforms saw the "unknown" black mark on the latest star map regarding the direction of the expeditionary force. .

…Newborn traceability power and Wei Keng cluster are two different concepts. The newborn traceability force is still a child who is learning to hunt. Weikeng has already mass-produced the third order here...

However, a variable that is too strong will be lost if there is no target.

In the Behemoth Nebula, Wei Keng fragments are quickly connecting to other fragments in other star sea regions!

At this time, Wei Keng has been divided too far in this area, so that there is a phenomenon of regionalized thinking in each area.

This is a problem that also occurs in many biological evolutions. Once it becomes larger, it will become dull.

Wei Keng, who returned from the main world, had to spend a period of time coordinating the state of each of the star clusters and nebulae within thousands of light-years.

Right now, the liberation of Xinghai is the task of the Traceability Sect. As the part that is too high and not in the soil, Wei Keng (the seventh stage of dark energy) will not intervene.

And Wei Keng, who has reached a sufficient height, now also has a goal, that is, to enter the "dimension" field, answer the question "where am I going" here, and complete the goal of "upgrading the dimension".

All dark energy users who have evolved to the eighth level will face this goal when facing the information channel in the black hole.

Wei Keng could feel that the state of the particle where his consciousness was located was moving across dimensions, and earlier and more clearly felt that the "universe" was a thin film earlier than those of the eighth order.

In the dimensional space, Wei Keng said to Jing Guyu, "Ah Yu, I want to build a dimensional facility in this plane."

(End of this chapter)

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