out of cage

Chapter 899 Chapter 20.15 Create something that can be inherited

Chapter 899 Chapter 20.15 Create something that can be inherited
In the 43 years of the Jiulan Star Expedition, in the star area where the Wentie asteroid is located, the fleet led by Zheng Ting and Le Xiaotian passed by here.

Wentie Province (When Wei Keng first entered this world, this empty-nested asteroid resembled a large interstellar spaceship.)
The entire asteroid has entered the voyage phase.

With the dark energy technology imparting kinetic energy to matter four times its mass, the entire asteroid has been accelerated to a sub-light speed state, and it was not easy for Cheng Ting to accurately find this star.

At this time, the situation in this province is very different from that of 200 years ago when Taxi Qiduo was hidden in the pipeline (Wei Keng first came).

Now the entire astral body is completely different.All are forced to hibernate.

In the living area, the glass tubes are erected, and the plants growing on the grid one by one are illuminated by the light, making the place green.Just deserted.

Chang Hengxi, the seventh-level dark energy user who masters the natural ecology, is no longer the high-ranking official who managed tens of billions of people. She has already reached the neutron star first, and began to mine energy from the neutron star to guide the interstellar spacecraft. kinetic energy.

On this asteroid, all those responsible for interstellar management are dark energy users above level 4000. There are a total of [-] people. All of them are rotated for five years, and they return through the turning point in the spaceship every year to have a look.

The biggest problem in the interstellar spaceship is just that, the entropy increases in the sealing process.

Wei Keng made a responsible assessment of his birthplace on this plane: so as long as there is enough communication, a healthy social atmosphere can be maintained.The so-called: running water does not rot, and the door hinge does not moth.

…Wei Keng: Although I stole and hijacked planes here when I was a teenager, I have a sincere love for this place. …

Le Xiaotian is now determined to build a transfer station here and go to the next star field under the suggestion of his team.

Le Xiaotian boarded the spaceship. The new head of the Black Iron Province is only a fifth-level dark energy user, and the dark energy level is a low-level magnetic enhancement system.Facing Le Xiaotian is like small rural cadres being inspected by a big leader in the province.

Cheng Ting also came. He looked at the surrounding starry sky where the stars were stretched into long lines (the location was in a state of sub-light speed), and silently observed here, the place where Taxi Qiduo grew up in the past.

On Wentie Star, the information detection beam launched by the stationed personnel has already reached the large nebula in the distance, and Chang Hengxi gave back the information permission.And dispatched special personnel, and the guy Le Xiaotian met was an acquaintance.

Qirui (During the Battle of Jiulanxing, she was the one who was arranged by the Jiulanxing Council to monitor Wei Keng, and was promoted by Wei Keng to the advanced dark energy possibility, and was subsequently selected as the successor by Chang Hengxi)
In the middle water tank, Qirui introduced the deployment here: "Hello everyone, this asteroid is in a dormant state, and the situation is simple. We maintain a complete ecosystem here, with a stability of 234."

Narrator: The planetary stability value refers to the degree to which the negative entropy of the planet is not easy to be destroyed.

The stability of the natural ecological world like the earth is between 32244 and 33455 (the lowest value is in the Permian mass extinction state)

Now Wentie has maintained such a balance value on an asteroid, which is quite remarkable.

Similar to the glass cover of the second biosphere created by earth civilization at the end of the 0.003th century, it cannot survive for two hundred days, and its stability is almost [-].

In the dark universe: to maintain a hundred years, to sail for a thousand years, you must have a stability of 100,

The Mars-style star that has been injected with hydrogen from the star has a stability of 1000 degrees, and the ecology can naturally maintain stability for millions of years

If a planet can survive the time course of the main sequence planet, there will only be one fluctuating mass extinction in tens of millions of years, and the stability will be tens of thousands of levels.The reason why the earth reaches [-] is because there is still a moon with a very large mass.

What will happen to a spaceship with extremely insufficient stability during the voyage?

First, take a spaceship with 600 people as an example. After 80 years, close relatives will appear.In a narrow environment with insufficient negative entropy, everyone’s growth perspective is limited, so don’t expect the morality on the planet to last for more than two generations.

Take the spaceship with 30 people as an example. After 150 years, there will be more and more people moving in the small space cabin, and no one is willing to go to the hibernation cabin, leaving their own weaknesses to others. At this time, they will develop into raising Gu environment, most people will adapt to the spaceship mutation utilitarianly,

In a low-gravity environment, upright walking is unnecessary, and the second and third generations of human beings will crawl, and the human beings in the spaceship will deteriorate rapidly like a breed of dog, and appear aliens. (Narrator: Bully dogs, pugs, relatively natural wolf dogs are obviously very alien)

...Wei Keng: Even if the stability has reached the general standard of Xinghai, it is good to be able to open the communication channel...

After about two autobiographical cycles of Tiexing,

Qirui stared at the direction of the nebula after hearing Le Xiaotian's intention. She got a piece of space information before coming here, and this information was sent by Taxi Qiduo.

Taxi Qiduo explained the pros and cons of the choice she faces now: as a transit communication node, it is beneficial to Wen Tiexing at this stage, and it will bring a lot of vitality and possibilities to the personnel, but everything has a price.

Because this place is necessary as a transit point for outsiders, and it is the "cause" of the war on the Chengting side. When everything is over, it is also possible to receive the "fruit".

Wei Keng is comparing the history of modern times: After the Anti-French War, as an isolated island, it can rise again because of the strategy of the United States trying to gain a foothold in the world island. For this strategy, it does not hesitate to be humble on the 38th parallel A war was fought on that peninsula. For the great war, a large amount of materials and information first flowed into the Japanese Islands, allowing them to resume production and become the maritime financial exchange center of the Eastern Hemisphere.Prosperity was achieved.But once the bald eagle is unable to meet the strategy of the East, the intersection of the Pacific Ocean is transferred from Tokyo to Puhai, and the prosperity that was originally given by the outside world will be lost. In the collapse, the mentality will become unbalanced and worry about gains and losses.

At this time, Wentie planet is the island, and when it becomes a springboard to seize prosperity, it will also produce historical aftermath because of this prosperity.

...Wei Keng affirmed Chang Hengxi's path.However, we are vigilant against the short-sightedness of cultivating human beings in Xinghai warehouse...

The iron star migrated there in order to farm on the neutron star.

But from the current point of view, the slow accumulation and prosperity of farming after thousands of years, how can the prosperity that becomes a "springboard for power" come so quickly.

So, is it 100 years of rapid prosperity, or 1000 years of long-term stability.This is a multiple choice question.

Of course, there is a third option for the residents of Wentie Star: that is, instead of going to the federation to "farm in the Likan Nebula", they will directly follow the expedition route of Chengting and join the ethnic group fusion in the star sea there.

Fifteen hours later, Qirui and Cheng Tingle Xiaotian signed the "Midpoint Station" agreement.

"Having everything" is often the choice of everyone. Half of the entire Iron Planet maintains a stable future course, while the other half will provide some people to embrace openness.

As for such a choice, what will happen in the future depends on good luck.

…Wei Keng: Leave the wisdom to future generations, I hope you don’t want to die…

For Le Xiaotian and Cheng Ting, they set up stargates on Wentie star and other star gate asteroids in order to colonize the frontier area [-] light-years away from Liling star
Le Xiaotian's mechanical army successfully crossed 40 light-years and arrived at a star sea area where the blue star has been lost for [-] years. This area is occupied by the jet area of ​​the creation black hole Antarctic area, and cultivates a new generation of dark energy users .

On the administrative planet, there is a culture of flying against the wind between tall buildings!This is the creation area culture.

Oriental buildings like to use cornices, even sedan chairs and building boats are also decorated with these hanging corners. In the era of aircraft, although this culture cannot violate aerodynamics, it can still show a three-dimensional effect through light and dark tones in the painting. .

This is the current culture of the creation area, and all the aircraft seem to be painted on the face.

As mentioned earlier, in terms of low-level dark energy, Jiulanxing's low-end dark energy is determined to focus on body training and energy systems.

On the side of the black hole area of ​​creation, on the side of the low-level dark energy is the instrument repairer, or the flying sharp cube device (flying sword) for the life-saving repair, or a mirror that projects everything.

[The more details, the more patterns in different regions.It’s really about the superior abilities “time and space”, “creation”, “energy control” and “life”, but there are not so many differences]

When the Inorganic Fire was straddling Zhanlu, the people here looked up at the outsider's spaceship.

The Promise Fire is like a furnace hanging upside down in the sky, pouring out a large amount of material flow and exchanging light beams.

These nano-beams irradiate the land surface, the ocean, and the plateau. Various automated weapons in the sea, land and air flood into the earth like a tide of insects.

...There is no outer space defense here, so the expression of courtesy first and soldiers later means that the black ship directly enters the port, but does not fire...

The civilization on this planet obviously didn't have the will to resist on a large scale, before the arrival of the Cheng family.More than 90.00% of Zhanluxing's population is concentrated in big cities.

This concentration certainly shows that the production efficiency is extremely high, and the most effective material distribution is used to feed the most people.

But this kind of urban environment, still managed, actually damages the "subjective initiative of human groups".

Zhanluxing has always been a pioneer in maintaining urbanization, so after the fall of each big city, the small and medium cities also gave up resistance.

...Middled with Le Xiaotian's expedition team, Wei Keng stroked his space helmet and muttered: Peaceful France. …

One hundred days after arriving on this planet, Le Xiaotian was sure that the result of the battle had been obtained.

Cheng Ting: "No.60 and the third area have been taken down."

Le Xiaotian: "Oh, hehe, let's see now, there is no reason for the higher authorities to deny us."

Cheng Ting: "If, if there is a conflict with the Liling Star forces, then there will be a lot of changes!"

Le Xiaotian: "During the last war, the Liling Star has declined, and the huge star area it occupies has been encroached by the creation area. The upper echelons of the Star Sea Council are almost dissatisfied with this situation."

He opened the star map, forty light-years to the north of his expedition, there is a "super variable star" (a red giant star whose brightness changes continuously ejecting the outer shell), there have been some space nodes activated, but this space node is not Not in the public profile, apparently something he got from his own sources.

While Cheng Ting was looking at the map, Le Xiaotian broke out a piece of news that left Cheng Ting silent.

Le Xiaotian pointed to the nearby Jupiter-level gaseous planet 15 light-years away and said, "I'm going to be in a fusion state of all dark energy life soon." (Level [-])

Cheng Ting was slightly taken aback, during the past 20 years when he was in a daze and bewilderment, Le Xiaotian had unknowingly completed all the groundwork.Cheng Ting: "You turned the inorganic into organic."

Le Xiaotian sent a set of chemical formulas. This is the "genetic information" record of silicon-sulfur molecules in the flow of reducing metal hydrogen, which is in line with the negative entropy of the planetary environment.

Narrator: The life system is not just a theoretical "information genetic record". If it does not conform to the law of negentropy in the environment, inheritance will not continue.For example, why is the human double helix on the earth right-handed instead of left-handed?Obviously left-handed can also record genetic information?This depends on the environment. The particle spin of the early cosmic ray particles makes the left-handed unstable.

In higher life sciences, if it is simply "replication", it is still an inorganic substance.

When humans first created robots on planets, many of the "silicon-based life" they imagined were actually very superficial.

The innate quantum phenomenon of life in nature is often "naturally evolved for hundreds of millions of years" before it will appear in the world.

The last step of Le Xiaotian's dark energy is to condense his "consciousness" in it. From then on, he will embark on a new singularity in the "inorganic fire", and he is no longer the name of "inorganic" dark energy. There will be changes.

Le Xiaotian's dark energy originally belongs to the superior dark energy system, and its specific properties are similar to Chang Hengxi's. They both have strong vitality, and of course they also have the destructive power to stimulate "quark matter". (Comparatively speaking, Le Xiaotian's dark energy is more aggressive)
Cheng Ting saw that Le Xiaotian's emotions were very complicated when he got to this point.

It is true that Le Xiaotian is a genius, but in Jiulanxing's inner circle, who has advanced to level 6 and has a "capital ship", who is not a genius?
Genius still needs to be passed on.Although Le Xiaotian's family in Xinghai also has a planetary suzerain, it only belongs to a wealthy family, not a powerful family.Its existing sources of inheritance can hardly support it to reach the seventh level of medium dark energy.It's so smooth now.There are clearly others behind the scenes helping.

Cheng Ting is sure that Le Xiaotian is still because of that person's help.

...In the new star field, there will be new goals...

Master Wei carved a large number of negative entropy planets in the Great Black Hole of Creation separately, and had to find someone to take over the fruits of his labor.

Wei Keng's expectations for Le Xiaotian and Lu Leimu: These planets will be handed over to multiple human branches here for careful control in the future, and this will be handed over to different people as family heirlooms, and sometimes it will be carefully preserved, and all will be handed over to one People, it is very likely that the cub sells Ye Tian and doesn't feel bad.

In Le Xiaotian's generation, Wei Keng gave him as much freedom of choice as possible—so that's how his silicon-sulfur life genetic carrier came about.

 Tomorrow is eight o'clock in the morning, don't stay up late on Sunday night

(End of this chapter)

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